Journey of water through a plant! - 15yh

Journey of water
through a plant!
Yousef Hallawa
Science 8B
- This slideshow is focused on
 The movement of water through a plant
 What is needed for the water to move through the plant
 What are different parts of a plant doing through this process
and how they help this process to be successful.
The entering of water
Firstly, the absorption of water mainly takes place in the
based area of the root hair, where the root hair absorbs
the water. Secondly the water is entered into the plant
from the roots, which is under ground. Finally this is
how the the water enters the root.
The roots and stems
Basically the root has a lot of jobs a main job of the root is to
provide anchorage for the plant. Most importantly the roots
are the place where water enters first. The plant root’s cells
grow into hair that absorbs the water and other minerals
from the soil, although the plant doesn't take any food from
the soil. After the roots hair absorbs the water to the inside of
the plant The water moves up into the stem. The second step
is, after the water is absorbed into the hairs it is travels into
the stem of a plant.
Phloem and Xylem
There are two types of tubes in the stem known as Phloem
and Xylem.
 The Phloem tubes transport food around the plant.
 The Xylem tube transports water around the plant.
The Transpiration Stream
The transpiration stream is when the water begins to flow up
from the water to the leaf. Xylem tubes have long
unbreakable columns of water that help this process to be
Wax Cuticle
What is a wax cuticle?
Wax cuticle is a waxy layer that is on top of a leaf that is water
What is its job?
it’s job is to lessen the amount of water that leaves the plant.
So the plant can have just enough water.
What is a chloroplast?
Chloroplast is where the photosynthesis belongs in a plant
cell. Chloroplast have the the green pigment which makes
the whole plant look green.
What is its job?
first of all it gives the plant and leaves the green color and its
job is to absorb the sunlight and take advantage of its energy
in splitting the hydrogen atom from the oxygen atoms.
In conclusion the plant has a very important job with all it’s
variables. The plant produces food and oxygen which helps us
humans. They give us air to breath from. So we should
appreciate the plant and not remove it!
"How Does Adhesion and Cohesion Explain How Water Works in Plants? Yahoo! Answers."Yahoo! Answers - Home. Web. 13 Feb. 2011.
"Transpiration Stream." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.
"Plant." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.
"Chloroplast." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 15 Feb.
Bibliography II
"Plant Cuticle." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 15 Feb.
2011. <>.
"Transpiration Stream." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web.
15 Feb. 2011.
" - What Is the Difference between Xylem and
Phloem." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 15 Feb. 2011.