ENG 101 Fall Final Portfolio


ENG 101 Portfolio Final Exam


Fall 2015

Portfolio Expectations

This is a long-term assignment due December 11 th , 2015, which constitutes 2/3 of your final exam grade for the semester!

The following are required items in your portfolio:

 HOME PAGE: Artist’s statement (separate handout; look for this in the weeks to come)

 Links sidebar, which will serve as your table of contents. Make sure everything is clearly labeled.

 Course competencies

 Reflection questions

 Writing mentor piece (separate handout; look for this in the weeks to come)

REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Choose 2-3 of these questions to answer in a few paragraphs. Keep in mind that you’ll need to answer all parts to the question, and your paragraphs should be fully developed and organized.

Did you do more or less than was expected by the instructor? By you? Why or why not?

What do you now understand best about this subject? Least well?

What was the most satisfying about the class? Most frustrating? Your responsibility for each?

Has the course irritated you? Motivated you? Touched you personally? Has it made you uncomfortable about yourself, about society, about the future, about learning? Are you the same person who began the class 18 weeks ago? What’s different?

What did you expect to learn? What did you actually learn? More or less, and why?

How do you feel now at the end?

Compare your accomplishments with what you had hoped for and expected at the start.

Did you work hard or not? Get a lot done or not? What kinds of things were difficult or frustrating? Which were easy? Why?

Think of some important moments from the learning period: your best moments, worst moments, typical moments, crises or turning points. Tell me a few of these moments and what you can or did learn from each of them.

What did you really learn in class, beyond just skills and ideas? What was the most important concept for you? What idea or skill was hardest to really “get”? What critical idea or skill just came naturally? Why do you think it happened that way?

COURSE COMPETENCIES: You will need between 3-5 examples to prove each competency, and you will want sufficient annotations to demonstrate that you have understood and mastered the concept.

MCCCD’s English 101 exit competencies


Generate essay topics from reading, discussion, and observation.

What do you need? Your essay topics and your titles.

ENG 101 Portfolio Final Exam


Fall 2015


Select a general topic suitable for development in an essay of a specified length and for a specific audience and purpose.

What do you need? General > Less General > Limited Subjects for your paper


Compose a thesis statement suitable for development in an essay.


Use a thesis statement and support to create a well-organized plan for an essay.

What do you need? TTAAPPs for your papers.


Write an essay introduction which creates interest and states the thesis.

What do you need? 3-5 introductions from your papers. Be sure to annotate their strengths and show growth throughout your papers—identify what makes them good. Look at items we have talked specifically about, like strong motivate and captures from your speeches, for example, and convincing thesis statements.


Write support paragraphs which develop the thesis statement of an essay; contain topic sentences; display unity, coherence, and completeness; and contain specific information and concrete detail.

What do you need? 3-5 body paragraphs, annotated to show growth and proficiency.


Write a conclusion which follows logically from the body of the essay.

What do you need? 3-5 conclusions from your papers. Be sure to annotate their strengths and show growth throughout your papers—identify what makes them good.


Use diction which sustains a consistent level of formality; demonstrates originality; has appropriate connotations/ denotations; and reflects effective, appropriate, and original imagery.

What do you need? Look within your writing and identify where you have used various types of diction (formal or research-based, informal, connotative, etc.) as well as imagery. Be sure to give analysis which proves your competency!


In a minimum of five essays select and effectively use appropriate rhetorical patterns for a specific purpose and audience employing any combination of the following: exemplification, comparison/contrast, classification, causal analysis, narration, description, process analysis, definition, and essay response.

What do you need? Full copies of all of your 5 major papers (description/narration, process analysis, your speech, classification/division, and argumentation/persuasion). Please make sure these are paragraphed and formatted the same (MLA is not necessary). PLEASE EDIT THESE AND

MAKE NECESSARY CORRECTIONS FROM THE ORIGINALS. You do not need to mark vocab, summaries, etc.


Revise the draft of an essay to demonstrate attention to audience, purpose, organization, style, mechanics, and sentence structure.

ENG 101 Portfolio Final Exam


Fall 2015

What do you need? Proof of editing, self-editing and annotations discussing what you’ve changed and why.

How will I compile this portfolio? That’s up to you. Everything we’ve done in class is fair game to prove a competency. The expectation is that you will have an electronic portfolio using Google sites or some other electronic platform (*be sure it’s something we can access from campus). As always, the stipulation of the blogger’s contract apply. Communicate professionally and appropriately.

How will I turn in the portfolio? You will submit your portfolio URL link to me by December 11 th at midnight. No late work will be accepted. You may wish to print a hard copy of your entire site in the event of a technological disaster; that is up to you. You are welcome to submit your portfolio early.

How will I be scored? You will be scored on the COEU/M rurbric:

Content 50 points - Pertains to your ability to fulfill the requirements for the assignment, as well as your ability to elaborate, apply terms correctly, provide supporting evidence, and document resources when necessary.

Organization 50 points - Pertains to the effective use of such structural components as paragraphing, transitions, and emphasis that convey the relationship between ideas.

Expression 50 points - Pertains to the effective use of language – primarily at the sentence level

– and the maintenance of a consistent and appropriate tone.

Usage and Mechanics 50 points - Pertains to knowing and correctly applying the basic rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
