EXEMPLAR WRITING TASK GRADE 10 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE 2012 MARKS: 50 TIME: PROCESS WRITING ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE GRADE TEN ESSAY WRITING: NARRATIVE/DESCRIPTIVE TASK 2 MARKS: 50 GUIDELINES FOR WRITING A NARRATIVE ESSAY: Write a story/a past event/fiction Use a story line that is convincing Use the past tense, but many authors use the present to create a sense of immediacy Use a captivation introductory paragraph Ensure that the ending is either satisfying, ambiguous, even confusing, but never predictable Use direct speech if you want immediacy or to empower a character, indirect speech if you want you reader to be distanced from the speaker Use descriptive elements where necessary, but good stories are very compact. GUIDELINES FOR THE DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY: Description is both practical and ornamental Description is used to create atmosphere and mood Descriptive writing creates a picture in words Use images of sight, sound hearing, taste and touch Use figures of speech INSTRUCTIONS * Write an essay of between 150 – 200 words on ONE of the following topics: * Supply your own title if one has not been given. * Remember to show all planning * use the rubric to guide you * Remember to complete the checklist TOPICS: 1. Write a story ending with the following words . . . “I will never forget the lesson I learnt that day” 2. Family gatherings such as Christmas and New Year are special occasions that young and old can enjoy. Describe ONE such festive day, paying attention to details such as the traditional meal, dress and guests. Entitle your essay: An unforgettable family gathering! 3. Sometimes dreams become a reality. Describe how ONE of your dreams came true. Entitle your essay: My dream came true. 4. Write an essay entitled: “My favourite season of the year” In your essay describe what makes this season your favourite, paying particular attention to the sights and sounds and smells you enjoy most. 5. Write a story starting with the following words … “I woke up suddenly; I could hear something moving around” Use your own title. 6. Write a story of revenge which goes wrong. “An eye for an eye” 7. Tell a story about a young girl/boy, who succeeds in spite of very difficult circumstances, be it social or a disability. “Against all odds” CHECKLIST FOR SELF ASSESSMENT 1. Does each of my paragraphs contain a topic sentence? 2. Do the supporting sentences give details about the topic sentence? 3. Is planning evident? 4. Have I looked at the guidelines for the genre? 5. Have I checked my spelling? 6. Have I checked my punctuation use? 7. Do all my sentences make complete sense? 8. Is my tense correct? 9. Have I checked my use of concord? 10. Have I implemented elements of process writing? YES NO SECTION A: RUBRIC FOR ASSESSING AN ESSAY – HOME LANGUAGE (50 marks) Code 7: Code 6: Code 5: Outstanding Meritorious Substantial 80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 24-30 21-23½ 18-20½ CONTENT & PLANNING 30 MARKS LANGUAGE, STYLE & EDITING 15 MARKS STRUCTURE 5 MARKS Code 4: Adequate 50-59% 15-17½ Code 3: Moderate 40-49% 12-14½ Code 2: Elementary 30-39% 9-11½ Code 1: Not achieved 0-29% 0-8½ -Content mediocre, ordinary. Gaps in coherence. -Ideas mostly relevant. Limited originality. - Planning &/or drafting has produced a moderately presentable & coherent essay. 6-7 -Content not always clear, lacks coherence. -Few ideas, often repetitive. -Inadequate for Home language level despite planning/drafting. Essay not well presented. 4½-5½ 0-4 -Content outstanding, highly original. -Ideas thoughtprovoking, mature. -Planning &/or drafting has produced a flawlessly presentable essay. -Content meritorious, original. -Ideas imaginative, interesting. - Planning &/or drafting has produced a wellcrafted & presentable essay. -Content sound, reasonably coherent. -Ideas interesting, convincing. - Planning &/or drafting has produced a presentable & good essay. -Content appropriate, adequately coherent. -Ideas interesting, adequately original. - Planning &/or drafting has produced a satisfactory, presentable essay. 12-15 10½-11½ 9-10 7½-8½ -Critical awareness of impact of language. -Language, punctuation effectively used. -Uses highly appropriate figurative language. -Choice of words exceptional, mature. -Style, tone, register highly suited to topic. -Virtually error-free following proofreading & editing. -Critical awareness of impact of language. -Language, punctuation correct; able to use figurative language. -Choice of words varied & creative. -Style, tone, register appropriately suited to topic. -Largely error-free following proofreading, editing. -Critical awareness of language evident. -Language & punctuation mostly correct. -Choice of words suited to text. -Style, tone, register suited to topic. -Mostly error-free following proofreading, editing. -Some awareness of impact of language. -Language simplistic, punctuation adequate. -Choice of words adequate. -Style, tone, register generally consistent with topic requirements. -Still contains a few errors following proof-reading, editing. -Limited critical language awareness. -Language mediocre, punctuation often inaccurately used. -Choice of words basic. -Style, tone register lacking in coherence. -Contains several errors following proof-reading, editing. -Language & punctuation flawed. -Choice of words limited. -Style, tone, register inappropriate. -Error-ridden despite proof-reading, editing. -Language & punctuation seriously flawed. -Choice of words inappropriate. -Style, tone, register flawed in all aspects. -Error-ridden & confused following proof-reading, editing. 4-5 3½ 3 2½ 2 1½ 0-1 -Coherent development of topic. Vivid, exceptional detail. -Sentences, paragraphs brilliantly constructed. -Length in accordance with requirements of topic. -Logical development of details. Coherent. -Sentences, paragraphs logical, varied. -Length correct. -Several relevant details developed. -Sentences, paragraphs wellconstructed. -Length correct. -Some points, necessary details developed. -Sentences, paragraphing might be faulty in places but essay still makes sense. -Length almost correct. -Most necessary points evident. -Sentences, paragraphs faulty but essay still makes sense. -Length - too long/short. -Sometimes off topic but general line of thought can be followed. -Sentences, paragraphs constructed at an elementary level. -Length - too long/short. -Content largely irrelevant. No coherence. -Ideas tedious, repetitive. -Inadequate planning/drafting. Poorly presented essay. -Off topic. -Sentences, paragraphs muddled, inconsistent. Length - far too long/short.