1 Building a faculty community to support curriculum development through Information Technology & Asynchronous Learning Kris Stewart San Diego State University NPACI Ed Center on CSE stewart@sdsu.edu www.edcenter.sdsu.edu NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 2 The mission of EOT-PACI is to develop human resources through the innovative use of emerging information technologies in order to understand and solve problems in education, science, business, government, and society. NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 3 Education Goal: Support a national level systemic impact on CS&E education www.edcenter.sdsu.edu (k-12, undergrad, grad/training, informal science) mvhs1.mbhs.edu www.shodor.org biology.ncsa.uiuc.edu whyfiles.news.wisc.edu www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/edu/chemviz www.krellinst.org NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 4 Learning Technologies Goal: Develop, apply, and assess computational tools that enhance learning trurl.npac.syr.edu/tango Java-based Web collaboratory for distributed learning Environmental hydrology workbench, watershed mapping and modeling tools http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/RiverWeb Course broadcast over the Web http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/edu/courses/spring98/ NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 5 Access & Inclusion Goal: Increase participation and success of women, minorities and people with disabilities in CS&E and in PACI trace.wisc.edu Universal design and disability access CDC GirlTECH www.crpc.rice.edu/CRPC Spend a Summer with a Scientist Coalition to Diversify Computing www.npaci.edu/Outreach/CDC www.cra.org/Activities/craw NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 www.aihec.org 6 Education Center on Computational Science & Engineering Mission: Foster the incorporation of high performance research tools for scientific investigation into the undergraduate curriculum to better prepare learners for post-Baccalaureate activities where: • Collaborative, interdisciplinary teams, • Sophisticated computer tools and • Effective communication among the team members and with others are used in research and problem solving. NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 7 NPACI AHM Feb00 Undergrad Panel Friday 8:30-10am Excellent Opportunity for the NPACI Thrust Areas to Interact with EOT - Join the discussion Funding Opportunities from PT3 - Let’s work together to show the impact that NPACI can have on education through modeling and visualization, SITE2000 this week US Dept Education Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to use Technology http://www.ed.gov/teachtech Contribute demonstrations that have been incorporated into a class lesson, module, even full curriculum NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 8 Ed Center as Campus Change Agent • Hosting Biology Workbench workshop at SDSU July 28-30 to support Computational Biology • Met with Thrust Area groups Wednesday lunch share modules that you develop from your research that can be used as examples of “What NPACI does?” in the undergraduate curriculum • Your own teaching - or your RA - or your University peers • Presentations to general audiences on your research activities • Assessment - client then self-practitioner NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 9 EC/CSE Faculty Fellows Challenges and strategies • building community of HPC users • undergraduate faculty and students • HSI hispanic-serving institution, exploration of faculty attitudes to computing in the classroom Powerpoint slides vs. Realtime Simulation • NPACI naturally supports visualization and modeling - entry point for the curriculum NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 10 Faculty Fellows during 1998-2000 • Faculty Fellows representing four departments from four colleges: Geological Sciences, Geography, Computer Engineering, Business Information Systems • Bi-weekly meetings at the Ed Center • Faculty Fellows as “ambassadors” of computational science • Partnership with LEAD for evaluation during 1998-99 • Follow-on Activities (Susan Millar, LEAD) • CATS (Classroom Assessment Techniques) • FLAG (Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide) • SALG (Student Assessment of Learning Gains) NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 11 Computational Science Curricula Evaluation and Assessment •User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation: Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology Education, NSF 93-152 www.ehr.nsf.gov/EHR/RED/EVAL/handbook/handbook.htm •Learning through Evaluation, Adaptation and Dissemination, U. Wisconsin NPACI partner Talk with Julie Foertsch and Baine Alexander they are attending the AHM 2000 NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 12 Moving Computational Science into the Undergraduate Curriculum - panel discussion Friday 8:30am - 1 Professor Rubin Landau Developing a Research-rich Undergraduate Computational X Curriculum NPACI Undergraduate Team Oregon State University Professor J.P. Bayard The Institute on Learning Technology, a Resource for Reform-ready Instructors Teaching in the Areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Bridging the Chasm between Educational Research and STEM Instruction NPACI Fellow to the U Wisconsin ILT/NISE, CSU Sacramento ASK ABOUT ABET2000 Accreditation NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 13 Moving Computational Science into the Undergraduate Curriculum - panel discussion Friday 8:30am - 2 Professor Kris Stewart Steering Undergraduate Curriculum Development: Before & After Assessment Director, NPACI Education Center on Computational Science & Engineering San Diego State University Professor Roscoe Giles The Scales of Interaction of Undergraduate Faculty with Alliance EOT Activities EOT-PACI Co-leader University of Boston Professor Greg Moses Pathways from On-campus to Distance Learning of Computational Science NPACI-EOT Team Leader University of Wisconsin, Madison NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 14 Evaluation and Assessment of Classroom Practice Student Surveys - Need a compatible tool for instructor to examine results with Sociology WorkBench (SWB) developed by team of undergraduate computer science majors employed by the EC/CSE NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 15 SWB Convenient Tool to Learn from Student Survey Data Online tool for “standard public data sets” or your own data set http://edcenter.sdsu.edu Small Sample, therefore only useful as feedback for the instructor Can be used with “forms” interface directly into SWB format, as in June ‘99 CSU Faculty Workshop NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 16 Channels for Influencing Pre-Service Teacher Preparation • Use of advanced computing modules in general ed courses (e.g. Geol 303 “Natural Hazards”) • Cooperation with College of Education faculty and students, esp. in Education Technology: focus on experimentation with new technologies in classroom setting • Computational Science Olympics: supporting the “bottom-up” development of computational science curricula • Providing on-line assessment technologies: • Sociology Workbench: http://edcenter.sdsu.edu NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 17 SWB Convenient Tool to Learn from Student Survey Data Online tool for “standard public data sets” or your own data set http://edcenter.sdsu.edu Small Sample, therefore only useful as feedback for the instructor Can be used with “forms” interface directly into SWB format, as in June ‘99 CSU Faculty Workshop NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 18 SWB as Analysis Tool View Student Comments (text) NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 19 SWB as Analysis Tool Isolate on Specific Survey Response NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 20 SWB as Analysis Tool Explain the Response on Learning with “doing more” NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 21 SWB as Analysis Tool Explain learning with “active participation” NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 22 NPACI Sources of Information NPACI Partnership Report enVision quarterly science magazine, especially June99 “The Importance of Science Literacy in a Computing World”, Sid Karin www.npaci.edu/envision/v15.2/director.html “Online” biweekly electronic publication, www.npaci.edu/online/ www.npaci.edu NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000 23 Advancing the Computational Infrastructure Resources -- Today’s Digital Laboratory • High-performance computing available today to the academic community Develop and Deploy • Technology and application collaborations to push the capabilities of tomorrow’s digital laboratory Use and Apply • Computational scientists applying enhanced capabilities to achieve new scientific results Disseminate and Incorporate • Incorporating technologies into the digital laboratory and disseminating them for use in new communities NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE NPACI All Hands Meeting – Feb 10 2000