Piece of writing 11.What my family do at home. Page 47

Piece of writing 11.What my family do at home. Page 47
How many people live in your house? Which domestic tasks they do? Which domestic
tasks don’t they do?
What about you? What do you do to help at home? Do you think you could help more?
Useful phrases
_________people live in my house.
I live in a small/big house/flat in ______(neighbourhood) with my _________ (family members)
My __________does nothing because she/he
is ________years old, she’s/he’s too little.
doesn’t want to.
she’s/he’s too lazy.
she’s/ he’s useless- she doesn’t know to do anything.
I do nothing at home. However, if my mother feels ill , I will_____________________________ to help. I don’t know how to
____________________________________, so I would ask my ________ or another relative to do it for us.
I think I could help more if I learnt how to ____________________, it seems easy. I’m not sure about ______________, it looks
too difficult.
during the week/on weekdays
at the weekend
We don’t __________ because we have it done by a ____________
make breakfast
do the cooking
do the most housework
make phone calls
do the hovering
make the beds
do the washing-up
do the ironing
make sandwiches
make a mess
do nothing
fold clothes
hang clothes on a clothesline
buy groceries
tidy my/his/her/their room/rooms
sweep the floor
fix everything around our home
cut the grass
Piece of writing 12. A postcard and a letter
Hi everyone!
Having a great time- I love San Francisco.
I went to the Golden Bridge and I saw sea lions
in Pier 39. I had a lovely meal in the afternoon it was__excellent!
I am going sighseeing to Muir Woods tomorrow.
Hope all is well with you!
Hi everyone!
Having a ___(1)_______ time- I love_(2)___.
I went__(3)_____ and I saw__(4)___. I had a
(5)____ meal in the__(6)____- it was__(7)___!
I am __(8)____ __(9)____.
Hope all is well with you!
touristic attraction
touristic attraction
delicious, lovely, tasty, superb
excellent, amazing, wonderful
going shopping, going clubbing, going to
have dinner, going sightseeing
9. tonight, tomorrow, next week
10. your name
Dear Natalia,
How are you? I hope you are OK and that you’re feeling
better after your accident.
Sorry I didn’t write before but I travelled to the USA.
I am going to move to a new house and I’m sure it will be
There are many things to do before that, but I really like
the neighbourhood.
Last week I saw my old classmate Leticia. It was
She studied French and is now working at Alliance
Well, I think that’s everything. Write soon and tell me
your news!
All the best,
How are you? I hope you are___(2)____ and
Sorry I didn’t write before but____(4)_____.
I am_(5)___ and I’m sure it will be___(6)__.
Last__(8)_____ I had/saw/went_______(9)____. It
Well, I think that’s everything. Write soon and tell me your
All the best,
1. the person you’re writing to
2. well, fine, OK
3. you’re doing well at school/ you’re having fun
in your trip to…/ you’re feeling better after…
4. I was studying for…/ I was very busy with…./ I
travelled to….
5. Going to travel to…./ going to play… in…/going
to a …. Concert/going to move to a new house
6. Awesome, fascinating, incredible, unbelievable
7. Some other comments about the experience
8. Week,weekend, month
9. Another experience you had
10. Lovely, splendid, brilliant
delightful, lots of fun, great
11.other comments
12.Your name
For more information about letters see: workbook page 62
Piece of writing 13. Description of a sport. SB Page 62.
What’s the name of the sport?
When was it created?
Is it part of the Olympic games?
How would you describe the sport? (using an adjective)
Is it a popular sport?
Do you need special equipment or clothes?
Where can you practice it? Indoors or outdoors?
Is it an individual or team sport? If it’s a team sport, how many players are
there on a team?
What do you need to have or have to be good at this sport?
Words to describe sports
Challenging, dangerous, enjoyable, exciting, frightening
Healthy, relaxing, risky, thrilling, tiring, unsafe
Racket, ball, net, helmet, goal, bat, glove, skis,
googles, suit, saddle, weights, shoes
Places to practice a sport
Field, court, rink, course, table, pool, track, ring
How to improve your
Have a healthy diet
Practice every day
This sport is called_______skating_________________. It was created
in______1742________. It is part of the Winter Olympic games. I think it’s a
thrilling sport, and very popular.
To practice____skating_________ you need________figure skates_____________. In
order to practice it, you have to go to an ice rink.
It can be an individual
sport and a team sport. If you want to be a good at this sport, you
must______have a healthy diet and practice every day__________.
This sport is called________________________. It was created in______________. It is/isn’t part of the
Olympic games. I think it’s a/an ______sport, and not very/very popular.
To play/practice_____________ you need_____________________. In order to practice it, you have to go to
a/an____________/outdoors. It’s an individual sport/ a team sport. (There are___players in
each team). If you want to be a good at this sport, you must________________.
Piece of writing 14. My sporting hero
Full name and sport he/she plays/played
When and where he/she was born.
How he/she started his/her career
Why you admire him/her
Steffi Graf is a former tennis player. She won a gold medal in 1988.
She was born on June 14, 1969 in Germany. When he/she was five years old,
she started playing tennis tournaments. That’s how her career began.
I think Steffi is fascinating because she’s the only tennis player that won the
Australian Open, the French Open, the Wimbledon Championships, the US Open
and an Olympic medal in the same year, in 1988.
_____________(name)____ is a _____(nationality)___________
______(job)__________________. He/She won ____(award)__________in
He/She was born
on________(date)______________in_______(country)_________________. When
he/she was________________years old, he/she
started____________________________. That’s how his/her career began.
I think ________(name)_____________ is
Piece of writing 15. A letter of complaint.
Your address
City and Postcode
Sales Manager
Name of the store
Address of the store
City and Post code
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to make a complaint about a ___________(product) that I bought from __________
(store) on _________(date).
There is/are_________ (number) problem/problems with the __________(product).
Firstly,_______________. (Secondly,_____. Thirdly, ___________. Finally, _________. ) I took the
____(product) back to the store, but the manager/shop assistant told me I had to contact you
I am enclosing a copy of the receipt. Could you please send me a new____________(product) or give
me a refund as soon as possible?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
(your name)
2355 Roxlo Street
Montevideo 11800
Sales Manager
The Electronic World,
1543 Yi Street,
Montevideo 11693
10 June 2015
Dear Sir or Madam,
I´m writing to make a complaint about a Samsung laptop that I bought from your store on June 7.
There are three problems with the laptop. Firstly, sometimes the volume doesn´t work. Secondly, a
few letters in the keyboard are missing. Finally, the screen is broken in the left corner and it is
difficult to read some things. I took the laptop to the store but the shop assistant told me I had to
contact you directly.
Could you please send me a new laptop or give me a refund as soon as possible?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Fernanda Marón
Piece of writing 16. Describing a place.
What the place looked like
Why and when you went there
What you did there
How you felt when you were there.
We always used to go to________________ when I was________________ and
every_____________ we used to go to the same______________. It
was____________. Every day we used to____________. It was a
________________place, with______________,______ and____________.
_________________ we used to spend hours______________. It’s one of my
favourite places in the world. I loved it!
My family and I used to go to Santa Teresa when I was a child and every summer we used
to go to the same beach . It was perfect. Everyday we used to walk lots of kilometers in the
sand. It was a peaceful place, with small hotels and restaurants. In the evening, we used to
spend hours talking, playing cards, listening to music and eating. It’s one of my favourite
places in the world. I loved it!
Beautiful Peaceful
Lively Picturesque
Places to stay
house Flat
Bed and breakfast
summer holidays
Easter holidays
spring break
mountain hill
river lake beach
playing football
playing basketball
taking photos drawing
watching TV
playing videogames
listening to music
riding my bike going shopping
playing the guitar
going to the beach sunbathing
Piece of writing 17. Writing a review
Parents need to know that Paddington is based on the classic children's book by Michael Bond, A Bear
Called Paddington. After an earthquake destroys Paddington's home and kills his uncle, the orphan bear (voiced
by Ben Whishaw) stows away alone on a ship with only his red hat, beat-up suitcase, and jars of marmalade with
him in the hopes that someone will help him once he gets to London. The idea of him taking the journey on his own
might worry some children, but he's quickly taken in by the Brown family. Paddington gets into some dangerous
mischief -- which might delight some kids and scare/upset others -- including flooding a bathroom, chasing a
pickpocket, fleeing a fire, and eventually being kidnapped by a cruel, cold taxidermist (Nicole Kidman), who wields
a dart gun and sharp implements. The Browns' aunt helps rescue Paddington by doing shots of whisky with a
security guard until they're both drunk, and there's a gross-out scene in which Paddington cleans out his ears.
Expect some flirting, a passionate kiss between the Browns, and language along the lines of "good lord" and "shut
your pie hole." But Paddington is very sweet, polite, and good intentioned, and the Brown family is adorably
imperfect. Paddington is charming in many ways and touching in others.
We are nowadays surrounded by violence and sex on the media. Fortunately, there are some films and TV shows
that convey a positive message and allow us to look on the bright side of life.
One such film is the highly acclaimed Forrest Gump, starring Academy Award winner Tom Hanks. It is about a
mentally disabled boy called Forrest, played by Hanks, who has to face many difficulties in life, from bullying and
being a soldier in the Vietnam War to the death of his wife. His mother makes sure he grows up to be an optimistic
and determined man, no matter what others think of him. He also has a girlfriend, childhood sweetheart Jenny, with
whom he has a child, also named Forest. When Jenny dies, he is forced to raise his son alone, but you can tell that
after all he went through, he will definitely live up to the challenge.
I was about 10 years old when I first saw this movie, and it strikes me how clearly I remember the characters and
the dialogues, some of which are forever memorable. For instance, Forrest’s mum’s phrase, ‘Life is like a box of
chocolates. You never know what you are going to get’ often comes to my mind. I am aware that life can take an
unexpected turn and one needs to be open to new challenges, and those words remind me of that. Every time I
have to start teaching a new group of students, I think of this phrase and see them as chocolates in a box, for me
to unwrap, discover and bring out the best of. As a result, my attitude towards the class is very energetic and
allows me to work in a very confident way.
All In all, Forrest Gump is a wonderful film, which makes you wonder whether you are complaining too much about
your difficulties. It also depicts the unpredictability of life, and shows that being open minded and strong-willed will
in fact open a lot of doors for you.
Paragraph 1: title, what it’s about, who it was written or directed by, where it’s set
 The film/book tells the story of ...
 The film/story is set in...
 The book/novel was written by ...
 The film is directed by ...
 It is a comedy/horror film/love story.
Paragraph 2: your opinion of the book, film, characters, story and your favourite characters
The story concerns/is about/begins ..
The plot is (rather) thrilling, amusing,entertaining,exciting
The plot has an unexpected twist.
The cast is excellent,remarkable,memorable,appealing,fascinating,funny
The script is well-written/ exciting.
It is beautifully/poorly/badly written.
It has a tragic/dramatic end.
Paragraph 3: other information, if you recommend it
 Don't miss it. It is well worth seeing.
 I would recommend it because ..
 I highly/thoroughly recommend it.
 It's bound to be a box-office hit.
 It is a highly entertaining read.