Project Types

The RSO post award team is responsible providing support to all staff on all administrative aspects of
post award research grants & contracts allowing staff to manage their resources in an effective
manner including project accounting, invoicing, salary recoups, progress reporting. We also ensure
that Full Economic Costing is implemented and administered across the University in line with
external guidelines & timings and that all staff understand the impact on their area of control.
The key roles of the team are:
Supporting the PI for financial management throughout the research project
Submission of any interim or financial reports
Liaising with the EC / Project Coordinators with any financial related queries
Ensuring a full audit file is maintained
The Principal Investigator is responsible for ensuring the management of their EC-funded projects in
accordance with the EC management, financial and ethical rules and University regulations and
The key roles of the PI are:
Submission of all technical reports required by the project
Ensuring that only eligible expenditure is posted research project
Assist the RSO with the completion of any interim or financial reports
Notify the RSO of any changes of budget / deliverables as advised by project coordinator
PI Responsibilities and Guidance Notes - <insert PI responsibility guide>
Guide to Financial Issues FP7 -
<insert financial guidelines pdf>
Timesheets 2013 - <insert 2013 timesheet template>
Participant Portal -
Project Types
FP7 - European Research Council
European Research Council grants support individual researchers of any nationality and age who
wish to pursue their frontier research. The ERC encourages in particular proposals that cross
disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields and applications that
introduce unconventional, innovative approaches.
ERC - <insert Brief Guide to ERC>
Starting Grants -
Advance Grants -
FP7 - Marie Curie Actions
Marie Curie Fellowships are European research grants available to researchers regardless of their
nationality or field of research. In addition to generous research funding scientists have the
possibility to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with
competences or disciplines useful for their careers.
Simplified ITN Handbook - <insert MC ITN handbook>
Official Programme Page -
FP7 – Cooperation
(Collaborative Projects / Integrating Projects / STREP /Networks of Excellence / Coordination &
Support Actions)
Collaborative projects
Collaborative projects are focused research projects with clearly defined scientific and technological
objectives and specific expected results (such as developing new knowledge or technology to
improve European competitiveness). They are carried out by consortia made up of participants from
different countries, and from industry and academia.
Networks of excellence
The Networks of Excellence are designed for research institutions willing to combine and
functionally integrate a substantial part of their activities and capacities in a given field, in order to
create a European "virtual research centre" in this field.
This is achieved through a "Joint Programme of Activities" based on the integrated and
complementary use of resources from entire research units, departments, laboratories or large
teams. The implementation of this Joint Programme of Activities will require a formal commitment
from the organisations integrating part of their resources and their activities.
Coordination and support actions
These are actions that cover not the research itself, but the coordination and networking of projects,
programmes and policies. This includes, for example:
coordination and networking activities, dissemination and use of knowledge
studies or expert groups assisting the implementation of the FP
support for transnational access to major research infrastructures
actions to stimulate the participation of SMEs, civil society and their networks
support for cooperation with other European research schemes (e.g. "frontier research").
Research for the benefit of specific groups - in particular SMEs
Research and technological development projects where the bulk of the research is carried out by
actors such as universities, research centres or other legal entities, for the benefit of specific groups,
in particular SMEs, or for civil society organisations and their networks.
Project Handbook – (to be created) for time being add ‘FP7 project reporting’
FP7 – Capacity
Project Handbook – (to be created) for time being add ‘FP7 project reporting’
Lifelong Learning Programme
The programme funds a range of actions including exchanges, study visits and networking activities.
Projects are intended not only for individual students and learners, but also for teachers, trainers
and all others involved in education and training.
Simplified 2012 Handbook - <to be created>
Official Programme Handbook <insert llp handbook 2012>
Official Programme Page
European Structural Funds
The programme is used to tackle regional disparities across Europe. ERDF supports regional
development through actions such as business innovation and support and regeneration.
National Rules on Eligible Funding – <insert European Structural Funds – National Rules>
FAQ’s - <insert European Structural Funds – FAQs>
If you require any additional information or have queries that are not fully covered by the
information included on this site then please do not hesitate to contact the RSO team (hyperlink to
the contact page??):
Please also remember to try our FAQ’s (hyperlink??)