Asian Development Bank Business Opportunities Seminar (BOS) Consulting Services Business Opportunities Seminar (BOS) What kind of consultants and services at ADB? When does ADB need consultants ? Where do you find information on consulting opportunities ? How to win consulting contracts? What not to do ! Business Opportunities Seminar (BOS) What kind of consultants and services at ADB? Types of Consultants and Eligibility TA Consultants PPTA (Project Preparation) ADTA (Advisory TA) RETA (Regional TA) ADB member countries Consultants for Loan Projects Staff Consultants Administrative Services at ADB Eligibility Types of Consultants International Consultants National Consultants Consulting Firms Individual/Independent Consultants Other: NGOs, universities, UN organizations, and research institutions Services Required Broad range of activities over the entire project cycle Broad range of expertise Changes with time Development Trends influence Consulting Requirements 1970s Engineering and Agricultural Projects Development Trends influence Consulting Requirements 1970s Engineering and Agricultural Projects 1980s Integrated Rural Development Projects Development Trends influence Consulting Requirements ? 1990s – Early 2000s Social Sector Environment Health (HIV/AIDS) Education Disaster Relief 1970s Engineering and Agricultural Projects 1980s Integrated Rural Development Projects Development Trends influence Consulting Requirements 2005+ Infrastructure Urban Finance Energy Climate Change 1990s – Early 2000s Social Sector Environment AIDS/HIV Disaster Relief 1970s Engineering and Agricultural Projects 1980s Integrated Rural Development Projects Toward a New Asian Development Bank – Draft Long-Term Strategic Framework Infrastructure Financial Development Energy and environment Regional integration Technological development and knowledge management When does ADB need Consultants ? Staff Consultant Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) Consulting Firm 1 Evaluation Consulting Firm Implementation Individual Consultants 6 2 Preparation 5 3 Appraisal 4 Staff Consultant Loan Negotiation & Board Approval Business Opportunities Seminar (BOS) How to win consulting contracts? Some Pointers 1. Firms and individual/independent consultants should register in ADB’s Consultant Management System (CMS) 2. Know the ‘rules-of-the-game’ A. Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by the Asian Development B. Bank and Its Borrowers (February 2007) Project Administration Instructions (PAIs) 3. Get short-listed 4. Prepare quality proposals 5. Perform Some Pointers Consultant Management System (CMS) Register in the Consultant Management System (CMS) CMS – Eligibility Criteria CMS – Comparative Table (based on the latest figures in the database) CMS-Firms CMS-Individuals Country France Italy Germany Registered 52 50 120 % to Total 2.10 2.02 4.85 Registered 123 40 193 % to Total 4.97 1.62 7.80 Sweden Denmark The Netherlands 26 42 54 1.05 1.70 2.18 61 78 178 2.47 3.15 7.19 Spain Portugal Belgium 35 7 19 1.41 0.28 0.77 27 9 56 1.09 0.36 2.26 Some Pointers ‘Rules-of-the-Game’ Policies and Procedures A. Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by ADB and Its Borrowers Guidelines Policies and procedures for selecting, contracting and monitoring consultants required for loan and technical assistance (TA) projects ADB Guidelines on The Use of Consultants By Asian Development Bank and Its Borrowers Feb 2007 Asian Development Bank Guidelines Policies Need for high-quality services Need for economy and efficiency Need to give all qualified consultants an opportunity to compete Need to encourage the development and use of national consultants from developing member countries (DMCs) Need for transparency in the selection process Need for increasing focus on anticorruption Other Selection Methods Contracting Methods Time-based Contract Lump Sum Contract Indefinite Delivery Contract Performance-based Contract Policies and Procedures B. Project Administration Instructions (PAIs) Project Administration Instructions (PAIs) Some Pointers Getting Short-listed Typical Recruitment Cycle - QCBS Consultancy Services Recruitment Notice CSRN Min. Qualifying mark 750 Short-listing/RFP Submission of Tech. & Fin. Proposals Technical Evaluation Opening of Financial Proposals Financial evaluation Ranking of combined scores Contract negotiations Consulting Services Recruitment Notice (CSRN) Consulting Services Recruitment Notice (CSRN) Consulting Services Recruitment Notice (CSRN) - EOI Getting Short-listed Expression of Interest (EOI) Expression of Interest (EOI) – some new developments Standard EOI for TAs and Loan projects Nominate associates Consortium partners must be retained through proposal submission, negotiation and implementation stages ADB/EAs have right to request a JV for larger or complex contracts Management, technical and geographical experience of the lead firm and associates (in case of consortium) will be evaluated for short-listing purposes BUT Preparation of Shortlist Shortlisting Criteria Eligibility – pass/fail Management Competence – (%) Technical Experience – (%) Geographical Experience – (%) A short-list comprises 6 firms with a wide geographic balance Some Pointers Prepare quality proposals Request for Proposal (RFP) Section 1: Letter of Invitation (LOI) Section 2: Instructions to Consultants (ITC) Section 3: Technical Proposal - Standard Forms Section 4: Financial Proposal - Standard Forms Section 5: Terms of Reference (TOR) Section 6: Standard Forms of Contract Section 7: List of ADB Member Countries Types of Proposal Full Technical Proposal (FTP) Large project Complex TOR Budget >$1M Methodology/work plan/schedule - max 50 pages 45 days to submit proposal Simplified Technical Proposal (STP) Medium sized project Less complicated TOR Budget </=$1M>$0.6M Methodology/work plan/schedule - max 10 pages CV page limitation – max 5 pages 35 days to submit proposal Bio-data Technical Proposal (BTP) Straightforward assignment Budget </=$0.6M Work plan and CVs only 21 days to submit proposal Technical Proposal Evaluation Full Weight Simplified Biodata Technical Proposal Technical Proposal Proposal Experience of the firm 100-200 -- -- Methodology Work program Personnel schedule, etc. 200-400 300 100 Personnel for personnel schedule only 500-700 700 900 Technical Proposal Evaluation Experience of the Firm * 100-200 Not applied to Simplified Technical Proposal Experience in similar projects Experience in the region Other factor Technical Proposal Evaluation Understanding of Objectives Approach & Methodology 200- 400 Those with asterisk mark are not applied to Simplified Technical Proposal Methodology Work Program Person month requirement Innovativeness* Counterpart Support* Presentation Technical Proposal Evaluation Personnel (700) Team Leader /Expert A 300 Expert B 200 Expert C 100 Expert D 100 General Qualification Project Experience Country Experience 10-25% 60-70% 10-15% Q%W + P%W + C%W = Score Financial Proposal Evaluation Technically qualified (>750 out of possible 1,000 points) consultants invited to public opening Read out technical scores and open financial envelope All technically qualified consultants informed of technical scores and (unchecked) cost Financial Proposal Evaluation Checks for: Commercial compliance Arithmetic Consistency with technical proposals QCBS NEW RULING: OPTION FOR “ESTIMATED” OR “MAXIMUM” BUDGET (IF “MAXIMUM”, FINANCIAL PROPOSAL EXCEEDING BUDGET GIVEN ZERO MARKS) Financial Proposal Scoring Lowest priced proposal given maximum financial score of 1,000 points Other financial proposals' scores using the formula Score = (lowest price/price of P) x 1000 [where P is the price of another proposal] Overall Ranking Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) Total score = 80% technical + 20% financial QCBS v QBS and Flexible QCBS Contract Negotiations Agenda of the Contract Negotiation: (Normally 3 - 5 Days) Scope of Work/TOR Work plan, Personnel Schedule Personnel Submission of Letter of Authorization by Consultant Counterpart staff and facilities Equipment Financial terms and conditions Review and sign Minutes by all and Contract by consultant Post-Assignment Questionnaire Contract Administration Evaluation of Consultant’s Performance Contract Management Issues Team leader/team chemistry Relationships with EA Relationships between international & national consultants Role and responsibilities of national consultants Replacements Performance evaluations Unsatisfactory performance Payment issues Business Opportunities Seminar (BOS) What not to do? Non Compliant Proposals Failure to make a statement on conflict of interest Firm or any of its associates not registered in a ADB member country Wrong type of technical proposal is submitted Technical Proposal includes costs [QCBS] Proposal was not delivered in time to meet deadline. Government employees included in consultant’s proposal Errors Pages omitted CV left out Discrepancy between TOR person months in the RFP and proposed person months Discrepancy between type of experts in the RFP and those proposed Proposal makes radical changes to the TORs (Note: Comments on the Terms of Reference) Errors (cont’d) International economist rated at zero - Bulgarian nationality Role and responsibility of associated companies not clear Too much home office input shown for team leader Limited input by the TL due to conflict with another ADB project Reporting deadlines were not indicated Role of HQ and quality control measures not clear Fraud and Corruption Consultants and representatives Payments in cash or kind to influence decisions Submission of false CVs Misrepresentation of academic qualifications Misrepresentation of firm’s qualifications Executing Agencies Misprocurement Sub-standard quality of civil works ADB staff Asian Development Bank Thank you for your attention ! Should you require further information, please feel free to contact me, Omar Tiwana at: