科目名 Course Title
Strength and Fracture of Materials(材料強度学 E) [Strength and Fracture of Materials]
講義題目 Subtitle
責任教員 Instructor
中村 孝 [Takashi NAKAMURA] (大学院工学研究院)
担当教員 Other Instructors
小熊 博幸(大学院工学研究院)
開講年度 Year
時間割番号 Course Number
開講学期 Semester
単位数 Number of Credits
補足事項 Other Information
キーワード Key Words
Law of failure, Defect, Crack, Stress intensity factor, Fracture toughness, Fatigue, Creep, Stress corrosion cracking
授業の目標 Course Objectives
For proper design and safe use of machines and structures, a deep knowledge regarding material strength is needed. This course presents basic
concepts and theories of strength and fracture of materials, and explains the criteria of failures as well as several strength properties required for
important practical conditions such as fatigue loadings, elevated temperatures, and corrosive environments. This lecture finally describes the
counter measures against failure accidents induced by the above conditions.
到達目標 Course Goals
1. To understand the typical behaviors of failures and fractures of materials.
2. To understand the law of failures under multiaxial stress condition.
3. To understand the mechanism of fractures induced by the crack propagation from an initial defect.
4. To understand the general outline and evaluation methods of fatigue strength, high-temperature strength, and environmental strength.
5. To train the procesures to apply the above understanding from 1 to 4 into a practical strength design.
授業計画 Course Schedule
1.Failure and fracture behaviors of materials (1)
Stress-strain diagram, Definition of failure and fracture, Ductile fracture, Brittle fracture
2.Law of failure (2)
Maximum principal stress criterion, Maximum shear stress criterion, Distortion energy criterion
3.Material strength and defect (1)
Microstructure of materials, Crystal defect, Ideal shear strength and defect, Ideal fracture strength and defect
4.Stregth properties of materials with a defect (4)
Stress concentration, Stress distribution ahead of crack tip and stress intensity factor, Energy release rate, Crack tip opening displacement,
Fracture toughness and fracture resistance
5.Strength evaluation and its application into design (7)
Fatigue strength, Strength at elevated temperatures, Environmental strength, Strength evaluation, Case studies
準備学習(予習・復習)等の内容と分量 Homework
Read the part of the handout and/or reference book, and grasp the rough meaning by the next lesson. It will need about half an hour.
Answer the assignments given and understand the contents of the lesson. It will need about an hour.
成績評価の基準と方法 Grading System
A comprehensive assessment is made based on the final exam, assignments, and attendance records. The grading is roughly based on the
exam:70%, the assignments: 20%, the attendence: 10%. Students with attendance rate smaller than 60% cannot take the final exam.
テキスト・教科書 Textbooks
講義指定図書 Reading List
Fracture mechanics, Fundamentals and Applications/T.L. Anderson:Taylor & Francis,2005
It is preferable for students to read and study the book1 as a reference.
参照ホームページ Websites
研究室のホームページ Website of Laboratory
備考 Additional Information