Systematic Theology IV - Birmingham Theological Seminary

Birmingham Theological Seminary
2200 Briarwood Way
Birmingham, Alabama 35243
Spring 2016
ST3529 Systematic Theology IV:
The Doctrine of Salvation
Professor: Rev. Lee Bloodworth
Tuesday 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Covenant Presbyterian Church
2 Credit Hours
The purpose of this course is to proclaim the doctrine of the application of the work of
redemption by the Holy Spirit. We will study the work of the Holy Spirit as He applies to us the
work of Christ for us. Our studies will encompass the common grace of God and focus on His
saving grace; the order of salvation; union with Christ; calling, regeneration, conversion, faith
and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
1. The student will be able to explain the order of salvation and its constituent parts.
2. The student will be able to articulate the Reformed doctrine of justification by faith alone.
3. The student will be able to distinguish justification and sanctification (of imputed and imparted righteousness) and explain the importance of recognizing the difference.
4. The student will be able to discuss the nature of sanctification in general, and indwelling sin
and its mortification through the Holy Spirit, in particular..
5. The student will be able to describe the divine basis for the perseverance of the saints as
well as the responsibility they have for their endurance unto the end.
Required Texts
Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology, Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1996.
ISBN 0802838200. (NOTE: Read only pages 415-549 = 134pp.).
Bridges, Jerry. The Discipline of Grace. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1994. ISBN: 0891098836
Chantry, Walter J. Today’s Gospel. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1981. ISBN:
Ferguson, Sinclair B. The Christian Life. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1989. ISBN:
08515105169 (201 pp.).
Murray, John. Redemption Accomplished and Applied. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1955. ISBN: 0802811434. (NOTE: Read pages 79-181 only = 102 pp).
Owen, John. Overcoming Sin and Temptation. Kelly M. Kapic and Justin Taylor, editors.
Wheaton: Crossway, 2006. ISBN: 1581346492 (Read pages 23-434 = 411 pp.).
Logos 6 Bible Software is required for Masters level students. Logos 6 is NOT required for
Certificate level students. BTS students qualify for a large discount; see Dr. James for details.
Recommended Texts
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Children of the Living God. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1989.
ISBN: 08515105193 (127 pp.).
Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1994. ISBN 031028670. (pp. 634-850). (216 pp.).
Piper, John. Counted Righteous in Christ. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2001. ISBN:
1581342659. (141 pp).
1. (All) Class attendance is mandatory.
2. (All) Complete the readings from the required texts on time.
3. MASTERS STUDENTS ONLY! Write a 10-15 page paper discussing and applying one of
the following topics: explore the relationship between regeneration and conversion; the
nature of saving faith; why must be justified by an imputed righteousness rather than an
imparted righteousness; what it means to live in light of our adoption as God’s children; or a
topic from Systematics IV that you would like to pursue and has the approval of the
professor. The body of this paper is to be no less than 10 pages and no more than 12 pages
typed (double spaced, using 12 pt. Times New Roman font). All papers must be formatted in
accordance with Turabian Chicago standards, including the title page. Any paper not
conforming to these standards will automatically be dropped one letter grade. This paper
should include the following:
a. Title Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Introduction
d. Research Question (what are you investigating?)
e. Body of the Paper (10-12 pp.)
Define the doctrine
Biblical support for the doctrine
Application of the Doctrine to your course of study
f. Conclusion, giving any personal benefits you have received from your research
g. Footnotes are required
This is not an essay but a research paper
At least 15 footnotes
At least 5 of these should be from your Logos Software
No more than 5% of the paper should be direct quotes which must be formatted
and credited according to Turabian’s Manual of Style.
h. A bibliography of at least 10 sources cited (not simply consulted)
Note: Papers without footnotes or bibliography will receive a zero.
This paper is due the next to the last class.
4. MASTERS STUDENTS ONLY! Complete a 5 page paper on John Owen’s Overcoming
Temptation and Sin. Summarize Owen’s understanding of the challenge the Christian faces from
temptation and indwelling sin. Then show how the believer must fight and triumph in this battle.
Write the paper with a particular age group, Sunday School class, or Bible Study group in
mind. Be as clear and precise as possible. This paper is due at the beginning of class March
15, 2016
5. CERTIFICATE STUDENTS ONLY! Complete a Mid-Term Exam.
6. CERTIFICATE STUDENTS ONLY! Complete two three to four page papers. These are
designed as short papers, so there is no need to “blow smoke”. Be concise and precise. I am
interested in both content, (i.e. what you say) as well as your demonstrating your ability to
communicate through the written form (a necessary skill in ministry today). I am not interested
in what the author said. I want to know what you think of what the author said. Tell me why
you agree or disagree, where he is right on, and why, and where he is off, and why. Please see
the section entitled BTS FORMAT AND STYLE STANDARDS in this syllabus for
detailed instruction on formatting your paper before you begin writing.
Paper 1: Walter Chantry, Today’s Gospel.
Paper 2: Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace.
* Begin the critique with the bibliographical information (Title, author, publisher, place and
date of publication)
* Write a brief summary (one paragraph) of the main theme and any major secondary
themes of the author. I am not looking for a book review. I already know the content. All
I want to see is that you have read and digested the material.
* Give me your analysis of the arguments the author sets forth. This should be focused
primarily upon how faithful you think the author has been to all of Scripture.
* Evaluate how the author has either succeeded or failed in taking into account all of
Scripture. That is, has he/she made a systematic argument or simply used some isolated
proof texts to make his/her point? Be sure to cite instances from the book to support your
* Tell me why you agree or disagree with the author’s conclusion(s), using the Scripture to
support any differing views you may hold. (This is to be the bulk of the paper)
* Conclude with a paragraph that states what you have gained personally and professionally
from reading the book.
7. ALL STUDENTS: Complete a final exam.
1. (All) Class attendance: more than 2 unexcused absences drops the final grade one letter grade.
2. (All) Completion of the reading and participation in class discussion: 25%
3. (Masters Students Only)The Owen paper makes up 20% of your grade.
4. (Certificate Students Only) Mid-Term Exam: 20%
5. (Certificate Students Only) 2 Book Critiques are 15% each for a total of 30%.
6. (Masters Students Only) The Term Paper counts 30% of your grade.
7. (All) The Final Exam counts 25% of your grade.
BTS uses the Turabian style of formatting as a standard for papers. However, students should
regard individual professor preferences if they communicate any variance in outlining their
requirements for papers, as in this class (see below). Professors retain discretion in determining
how “formal” a paper must be. In this technological age, information is readily available; make
sure that you understand about giving reference sources the proper recognition.
Systematic Theology IV
Spring 2016
The Work of the Holy Spirit
in the Application of Redemption
Readings to be completed before Class
1: January 19
Introduction: Texts, Class Requirements, etc.
Importance of the Doctrine of Salvation Today
The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Application of Redemption
Berkhof, pp. 415-431
Owen, pp. 23-68
2: January 26
Common Grace
Berkhof, pp. 432-446
Owen, pp.69-140
3: February 2
Union with Christ
Berkhof, pp. 447-453
Ferguson, pp. 104-114
Murray, pp. 161-173
(Owen, pp. 141-186)
4: February 9
General and Effectual Calling
Berkhof, pp. 454-464
Ferguson, pp. 27-37
Murray, pp. 88-94
(Owen, pp. 187-224)
5: February 16
Certificate Students: Chantry Paper due!!
The New Birth
Berkhof, pp. 465-479
Ferguson, pp. 47-60
Murray, pp. 95-105
(Owen, pp. 225-283)
6. February 23
Conversion: Saving Faith and Repentance
Berkhof, pp. 480-509
Ferguson, pp. 61-79
Murray, pp. 106-116
(Owen, pp. 284-341)
7: March 1
Berkhof, pp. 510-526
Ferguson, pp. 80-92
Murray, pp. 117-131
(Owen, pp. 342-425)
MARCH 7-11
8. March 15
Masters Students Paper Due: Overcoming Temptation & Sin!
Certificate Students Only: Mid-term Exam
Children of God
Ferguson, pp. 93-103
Murray, pp. 132-140
9: March 22
Berkhof, pp. 527-543
Ferguson, pp. 131-167
Murray, pp. 141-150
10. April 5
Discussion of John Owen on Sin and Temptation
11. April 12
Masters Students: Term Paper due!!!
Certificate Students: Bridges Paper due!!
Perseverance of the Saints
Berkhof, pp. 545-549
Ferguson, pp. 168-180
Murray, pp. 151-160
12: April 19
Ferguson, pp. 181-202
Murray, pp. 174-182
Review and Final Exam!!!
Birmingham Theological Seminary
ST3529 Systematic Theology IV
The Doctrine of Salvation
Rev. Lee Bloodworth, Professor
Spring Semester 2016
Select Bibliography
Systematic Theologies
Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.1941.
ISBN: 080283020X. (784 pp).
Boice, James Montgomery. Foundations of the Christian Faith. Downers Grove: InterVarsity
Press, 1986. ISBN: 0877849919. (740 pp).
Boston, Thomas. Commentary on the Shorter Catechism. Edmonton: Still Waters Revival
Books, 1993 reprint. ISBN: 0921148248. (2 vols: 1335 pp).
Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion. John T. McNeill, editor; Ford Lewis Battles,
Translator. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1960. ISBN 0664220207 (vol 1)ISBN:
0664220215 (vol 2). (1734 pp).
Dabney, Robert L. Systematic Theology. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1985 reprint.
ISBN: 0851514537. (903 pp).
Grudem, Wayne A. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan Publishing Co., 1995. ISBN 0310286700. (1296 pp).
Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1982 reprint. ISBN:
0802881351. (3 vols: 2260 pp).
Reymond, Robert L. A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith, 2nd Edition. Nashville:
Nelson Reference and Electronic Publishing, 1998. ISBN: 0849913179. (1252pp)
Ridgeley, Thomas. Commentary on the Larger Catechism. Edmonton: Still Waters Revival
Books, 1993 reprint. ISBN: 0921148305. (2 vols: 1313 pp)
Vincent, Thomas. The Shorter Catechism Explained from Scripture. Edinburgh: The Banner of
Truth Trust, 1980 rep. ISBN: 085151314X . (282pp).
The Work of the Holy Spirit
Bavinck, Herman. Sin and Salvation in Christ, Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 3. Grand Rapids:
Baker Academic, 2006. ISBN: 0801026563. (685 pp).
Kuyper, Abraham. The Work of the Holy Spirit. Chattanooga: AMG Publishers, 1995 reprint.
ISBN: 0899572111 (682 pp.).
Owen, John. A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit. Works, vol. 3: Edinburgh: The Banner of
Truth Trust, 1965. 0851511252. (651 pp).
Pink, Arthur W. The Holy Spirit, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. ISBN: 0801070414.
(185 pp).
Winslow, Octavius. The Work of the Holy Spirit. London: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1972 reprint. ISBN: n.a. (223 pp).
Ferguson, Sinclair B. The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction. Edinburgh: The Banner of
Truth Trust, 1989. ISBN: 0851515169 (201 pp).
Hoekema, Anthony A. Saved by Grace. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.,
1994. ISBN: 0802808573 (290 pp.).
Murray, John. Redemption Accomplished and Applied. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1955. ISBN: 0802811434. (192 pp).
Pink, Arthur W. The Doctrine of Salvation, Grand Rapids: Bake r Book House, 1979. ISBN:
0801070260. (164 pp).
Warfield, B. B. The Plan of Salvation. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2001 reprint. ISBN:
159104479 (132 pp).
Union With Christ
Pink, Arthur W. Spiritual Union and Communion, Grand Rapids: Sovereign Grace Publishers,
2002. ISBN: 1589603192. (164 pp).
See also Ferguson (Christian Life), Murray (Redemption Accomplished)
Effectual Calling / Regeneration
Charnock, Stephen. The Doctrine of Regeneration. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980 reprint. ISBN: 0801024625. (306 pp).
Ryle, J. C. A New Birth. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977 reprint. ISBN: 0801076587
(270 pp.).
Faith and Repentance
Colquhoun, John. Repentance. London: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1965 reprint. ISBN: n.a. (150
MacArthur, Jr. John F. The Gospel According to Jesus. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988. ISBN:
0310286506 (237 pp.).
MacArthur, Jr. John F. Faith Works: The Gospel According to the Apostles. Dallas: Word
Publishing, 1993. ISBN: 0849908418 (237 pp.).
Miller, C. John. Repentance and 21st Century Man. Fort Washington, PA: CLC Publications,
2003. (111 pp.).
Pink, Arthur W. Studies in Saving Faith, Peterburg, OH: Pilgrim Brethren Press, 1992. ISBN:
n.a. (203 pp).
Buchanan, James. The Doctrine of Justification. Vestavia Hills, AL: Solid Ground Christian
Books, 2006 reprint. ISBN: 159925073X (514 pp.).
Horn, Robert M. Go Free! The Meaning of Justification. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press,
1976. ISBN: 0877846648 (128 pp.).
Owen, John. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Works, vol. 5: Edinburgh: The Banner of
Truth Trust, 1965. ISBN: 0851510671. (457 pp).
Piper, John. Counted Righteous in Christ. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2006. ISBN:
1581344473 (141 pp.).
Piper, John. The Future of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright. Wheaton: Crossway Books,
2007. ISBN: 1581349641 (240 pp.).
Sproul, R.C. Faith Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine of Justification. 1995. ISBN: 080101090X
(192 pp.).
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Children of the Living God. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1989.
ISBN: 08515105193 (127 pp.).
Bridges, Jerry. The Pursuit of Holiness. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1978. ISBN: 089109430X
(158 pp.).
Bridges, Jerry. The Practice of Godliness. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1983. ISBN:
0891094970 (270 pp.).
Bridges, Jerry. The Discipline of Grace. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1994. ISBN: 0891098836
(231 pp.).
Chapell, Bryan. Holiness by Grace. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2001. ISBN: 1581342799 (243
Flavel, John. Keeping the Heart. Wilmington, DE: Sovereign Grace Publishers, 1972, ISBN:
n.a. (110 pp.)
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Grow In Grace. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1984. ISBN: 089109508X
(181 pp.).
Ferguson, Sinclair B. Taking the Christian Life Seriously. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981.
ISBN: 0310438918 (170 pp.).
Lundgaard, Kris. The Enemy Within. Phillipsburg: P & R Publishers, 1998. ISBN: 0875522017
(150 pp.).
Owen, John. Overcoming Temptation and Sin. Kelly M. Kapic and Justin Taylor, editors.
Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2006. ISBN: 1581346492 (462 pp.).
Packer, J.I. Rediscovering Holiness. Ann Arbor: Servant Publications, 1992.ISBN: 0892837349
(271 pp.).
Pink, Arthur W. The Doctrine of Sanctification, Swengel, PA: Reiner Publications, 1975. ISBN:
n.a.. (206 pp).
Pink, Arthur W. Spiritual Growth, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1972. ISBN:
0801068622. (193 pp).
Plumer, William. Vital Godliness: A Treatise on Experimental and Practical Piety. Harrison
burg: Sprinkle Publishing, 1993 reprint. ISBN: n.a..(604 pp).
Ryle, J. C. Holiness: its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots. Cambridge: James Clarke
and Company, Ltd, 1977 reprint. ISBN: 0227674820. (333 pp.).
Ryle, J.C. Practical Religion. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977 reprint. ISBN:
081076579 (495 pp.).
Winslow, Octavius. Personal Declension and Revival of Religion. Edinburgh: the Banner of
Truth Trust, 1993 reprint. ISBN: 0851512615. (203 pp).
Perseverance of the Saints
Owen, John. The Doctrine of the Saint’s Perseverance. Works, vol. 11: Edinburgh: The Banner
of Truth Trust, 1965. 0851511287. (666 pp).
Packer, J. I. Knowing God. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1993. ISBN: 0830816518 (316
Pink, Arthur W. Eternal Security, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1974. ISBN: 0801069858.
(126 pp).
See Ferguson (Christian Life) and Murray (Redemption Accomplished)