Chapter 2





© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Lecture outline

• Early management ideas

• Classical theorists

• Behavioural theorists

• Quantitative approach

• Contemporary ideas

• Innovation & management theory

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Early management ideas

• Robert Owen


Identified the importance of working and social conditions for employees.

• Charles Babbage


Ideas on work specialisation, production efficiency, incentive and profit-sharing plans.

• Henry R. Towne


Called for a ‘management science’ that would establish ‘principles’ of management.

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Early management ideas

Assessing the early contributions:

• Uncoordinated efforts.

• Contributions tended to relate to specific problems.

• Did not see ‘management’ as a separate field or skill

(until Towne).

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Classical theorists

‘This viewpoint emphasises managing work and organisations more efficiently.

It comprises three different management approaches: scientific, administrative and bureaucratic.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Classical theorists

• Scientific management

F. W. Taylor, F. & L. Gilbreth, H. Gantt

• Bureaucratic management

M. Weber

• Administrative management

H. Fayol

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Scientific management

‘Scientific management is an approach within classical management theory emphasising the scientific study of work methods to improve worker efficiency.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Scientific management

Frederick W. Taylor

Four principles of ‘scientific management’:

• Select & train the best.

• Determine the most efficient work methods.

• Co-operate with workers to ensure best method is used.

• Divide work/responsibility between workers & managers.

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Scientific management

• Frank & Lillian Gilbreth

– Time & motion studies

– Human implications of Scientific Management

• Henry Gantt

– Pay incentives

– Gantt chart

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Bureaucratic management

‘Approach emphasising the need for organisations to operate in a rational manner rather than relying on owner’s and manager’s arbitrary whims.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Bureaucratic management

Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy

• Specialisation of labour

• Formal rules & procedures

• Impersonality

• Well-defined hierarchy

• Advancement on merit

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Bureaucratic management

Hierarchy of positions

Advancement on merit

Specialisation of labour

Max Weber

Formal rules & procedures

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Administrative management

‘Approach focusing on principles used by managers to co-ordinate the organisation’s internal activities.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Administrative management

Henri Fayol’s

• Division of work

• Authority

• Discipline

• Unity of command/direction

• Primacy of general interest

• Remuneration

• Esprit de corps

Principles of management

• Centralisation

• Scalar chain

• Order

• Equity

• Low turnover

• Initiative

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Administrative management




Henri Fayol



© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Behavioural theorists

‘Perspective on management emphasising the importance of attempting to understand various factors affecting human behaviour in organisations.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Behavioural theorists

Early theorists:

• Hugo Munsterberg

Creating optimal psychological conditions, behaviour shaping

• Mary Parker Follett

Importance of group functioning

• Hawthorne studies

Importance of supervisory style

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Behavioural theorists

Human relations movement

• Abraham Maslow

Hierarchy of Needs

• Douglas McGregor

Theory X & Y

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs






© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


McGregor’s Theory X & Y

Theory X Theory Y

Work avoiding

Need to control

Work is natural

Capable of self-direction

Avoid responsibility Seek responsibility

Can make good decisions Workers seek security

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Quantitative management viewpoint

‘Focuses on mathematics, statistics and information aids to support managerial decision making and organisational effectiveness.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Quantitative management viewpoint

• Management science

‘Approach aimed at increasing decision effectiveness through use of sophisticated mathematical models & statistical methods.’

• Operations management

‘Function or field of expertise primarily responsible for managing production & delivery of an organisation’s products and services.’

• Management information systems

‘Field of management focused on designing & implementing computer-based information systems for use by management.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Contemporary viewpoints

• Systems theory

‘Approach based on the idea that organisations can be viewed as systems.’

• Contingency theory

‘Viewpoint arguing that appropriate managerial action depends on the particular parameters of the situation.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Contemporary viewpoints

• Theory Z

‘Concept combining positive aspects of American and Japanese management into a modified approach aimed at increasing managerial effectiveness while remaining compatible with the norms and values of American society and culture.’

• Total Quality approach

‘Approach highlighting collective responsibility for product and service quality, and encouraging individuals to work together to improve quality.’

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Promoting innovation

Each management viewpoint provides a contribution to managing innovation:

• Classical

• Behavioural

• Quantitative

• Contemporary

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Lecture summary

• Early management ideas

Generation of ideas leading to identification of management as a significant field of inquiry.

• Classical theorists

Emphasised finding ways to more efficiently manage work and organisations.

• Behavioural theorists

Emphasised the importance of trying to understand factors affecting human behaviour in organisations.

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.


Lecture summary

• Quantitative approach

Focuses on mathematics, statistics and information aids supporting managerial decision making and effectiveness.

• Contemporary ideas

Views of organisations as systems, importance of contingency factors & amalgamating Japanese & American management practices.

• Innovation & management theory

Each approach provides insights, knowledge & practice regarding the management of innovation in organisations .

© 2003 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd. PowerPoint Slides t/a Management: A Pacific Rim Focus

Enhanced Edition. Slides prepared by David Meacheam & George Sansbury.

