April 16, 2014 - Student Government

Name of Org: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.
Members in Org: 15
Contact: Rashad Bigham
Email: Rlpe222@uky.edu
Phone: 5022956252
Purpose of Org: Alpha Phi Alpha develops leaders promotes brotherhood and academic excellence,
while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Type of Grant: Club Sport Grant ($1,500)
Event/Project: Midwest Regional
Location: Omaha Newbraska
Date: April 11-13
Time: 8am
Purpose of Event/Project: Our 82nd Midwestern Regional Convention will provide workshops geared
towards strengthening our skills as Alpha Men, on strengthening our skills as professionals and men
accountable to our communities, but mostly, we will continue to live our Mission to develop leaders,
promote Brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our
communities. Additionally, the 82nd Midwestern Regional Convention will host a variety of our
corporate partners who will be seeking to partner with us in improving our communities while
simultaneously addressing individual Brother career progression. Finally, we will engage in fellowship.
Total Cost: 1500
Org funds used: Registration for event, transportation, stay.
Detailed Description of Request: Hotel stay and traveling fees
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes
Open to all students: No
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: International Friends
Members in Org: 100
Contact: Jing Yuan
Email: yuan.jing@uky.edu
Phone: 859-940-1970
Purpose of Org: International Friends is a group of American and international students at the University
of Kentucky who desire to build relationships with one another and understand our cross-cultural world
in all of its beauty.
We offer opportunities to grow socially, linguistically, personally and spiritually.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Chapter Camp
Location: Clayton, GA
Date: May 5-9
Purpose of Event/Project: International Friends is a chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
InterVarsity's southeast region holds a camp for student leadership training every May. We would like to
bring some students to this camp and give scholarships for their camp registration.
Total Cost: $600
Org funds used: The students who want to go to camp do not have other financial means to attend. For
this reason, we are requesting funds for their scholarships.
Detailed Description of Request: Here is the website:
The only things we need funding for are 2 registration fees ($295/each).
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: No
Open to all students: Yes
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: UK Medical Missions
Members in Org: 50-75
Contact: Allyson Cottrell
Email: allyson.cottrell@uky.edu
Phone: 502-345-7808
Purpose of Org: Since 2008, the University of Kentucky's Medical Missions organization has been
traveling to Central and South America to volunteer and provide spiritual and physical help to those in
need. Our main purpose is to organize student led mission trip consisting of physicians, surgeons,
nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, dentists, translators and students studying these subjects that
serve as general helpers.
Type of Grant: Senate Special Project ($2,500)--Must Have a Sponsoring Senator
Event/Project: Medical Mission Trip
Location: Dominican Republic
Date: June 6-22 and July 7-26
Time: 2 weeks
Purpose of Event/Project: University of Kentucky Medical Missions organization is going on a 2 week
medical mission trip organized through Medical Ministry International. All UK students are invited to be
involved with UK Medical Missions even if they are not a medical professions major, so this trip is open
to anyone interested in going on a mission trip. We went on a similar trip last year and served hundreds
of impovrished patients in Peru through surgeries, clinic visits, prescribing medications, health
promotion, and spiritual guidance. 13 members will be going in June and 10 members will be going in
July. The "trip fee" is $1550 per person and the flight cost is estimated between $650- $800 per person.
Total Cost: 50000
Org funds used: Each year we collect $10 from each member that would like to be actively involved in
UK Medical Missions. We fundraise throughout the year for our group through t-shirt sales, restaurant
nights and bake sales. Members are also encouraged to personally fundraise through our candle sales
(each member that participated raises a different amount) and personal letter drives. We extend these
letters to local businesses as well.
Detailed Description of Request: We have 23 members of UK Medical Missions going to the Dominican
Republic in June and July. Each general helper is required to fundraise $1550 for the two week trip.
Flights in June are around $700 and flights in July are around $800. We would greatly appreciate if
Student Government could provide funding that would assist Medical Mission's effort to make this trip
successful. We plan to put the funding towards our overall group fundraising amount and divide equally
between each of the 23 volunteers to help them financially.
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes
Open to all students: Yes
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Salvation Army Clinic
Members in Org: 200+
Contact: Selam Admasu
Email: selam.admasu@uky.edu
Phone: (513)708-8518
Purpose of Org: The University of Kentucky’s Salvation Army Clinic currently serves the homeless underand un-insured populations of Fayette County and its surrounding areas. Despite the advent of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the female homeless population still faces
difficulties with gaining access to life-saving women’s health services. Our recent partnership with UK’s
Pathology Department has afforded the opportunity to not only provide these services to an underserved population, but also to expand medical student familiarity with basic primary care procedures
that are not extensively offered in the early medical school curriculum. Our mission is to offer pap
smears/cervical cancer screenings, rapid STI testing, and informational materials at our clinic to improve
both our patients’ and our students’ understanding.
Type of Grant: Service Grant ($1,500)
Event/Project: UK SAC Women's Clinic
Location: 736 W Main St, Lexington, KY 40508
Date: Ongoing
Time: Ongoing
Purpose of Event/Project: The requested funding would help fund our clinic’s pap smear readings, and
would be used to expand our sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing. Currently, there are no free
options available for the uninsured residents of Fayette County to access STI testing. We would like to
begin to incorporate these services into the clinic, as this would greatly benefit the public health needs
of the homeless population. Many rapid tests are available for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia that are easy
to use and still implement a high sensitivity and specificity. Our medical student volunteers could easily
be trained to use these tests, and it would further increase the role and number of first year volunteers
during clinic nights.
Additionally, the requested funding would allow us to greatly increase our educational resources for
the population. Knowledge and counseling are two of the most powerful tools we can use in medicine to
help decrease the spread of STIs and provide awareness of breast and cervical cancers. As a free clinic,
we have the unique opportunity to address high-risk populations, and would like to greatly renovate and
increase our educational materials to effectively reach as many people as possible. This will involve
ordering and creating pamphlets on matters such as breast self-exams, sexually transmitted diseases,
and information related to intimate partner violence and sexual abuse.
Total Cost: $2,750
Org funds used: UK Department of Pathology- discounted pap smear readings
Detailed Description of Request: 1.) Pap smears/cervical cancer screening supplies.
- projected costs= $150
- Student Govt. fund= $100
2.) STI testing materials. (Test Kits $25 each)
- projected costs= $2400
- Student Govt. fund= $1250
3.) Education materials (pamphlets, etc.)
- projected costs= $200
- Student Govt. fund= $150
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes
Open to all students: No
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Salvation Army Clinic
Members in Org: 200+
Contact: Katie Kraft
Email: k.kraft@uky.edu
Phone: (209) 402-5583
Purpose of Org: The UKSAC is a free clinic run by medical students from the University of Kentucky. Our
mission is to assume a leadership role in improving the health and well-being of the uninsured adult
population in Lexington by providing free medical services and increasing awareness of local health care
Type of Grant: Service Grant ($1,500)
Event/Project: Diabetes Prevention, Intervention, and Self Care
Location: Salvation Army Clinic
Date: Ongoing
Time: Ongoing
Purpose of Event/Project: Within the state of Kentucky, diabetes rates are rising considerably. Recent
studies have shown that over 10% of our population is living with diabetes. In Fayette county, 9.5% of
our fellow citizens have been diagnosed with this disease which calculates to over 21,000 people. The
Salvation Army Clinic is dedicated to the care of the most underserved of our neighbors.
The Student Run Salvation Army Clinic has seen 574 patients since August 2013, an average of 70 per
month. Over 12% of these patients are being seen for maintenance of their diabetes including blood
glucose testing and medication (clinic logs 8/6/13-4/9/14). According to Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention guidelines, best practices for diabetes management and complication prevention include
regular HbA1c testing, diabetes self-management classes and most importantly self-monitoring of blood
glucose. Blood glucose self-monitoring includes the purchase of expensive testing supplies the most
expensive being glucometers and test strips. In order to help manage diabetes in our patient population
we hope to use funds provided by the Student Government Association help lessen this burden. This will
be accomplished by distributing One Touch Ultra Mini glucose meters and test strips to patients with a
history of uncontrolled diabetes after receiving education from our student interviewers. By
standardizing how we manage our patients’ diabetes we will empower them with the ability to care for
their diabetes independently. In a recent study at the University of Maryland the impact of patient
intervention and education in an underserved primarily Hispanic population led to a greater
understanding of and self-management of their diabetes (Congdon et.al 2013). We hope to see this
same improvement in response to our efforts.
Total Cost: $1,379.56
Org funds used: Currently the clinic relies on the Department of Family Medicine for general operations
at the clinic. This fund is unable to cover the cost associated with distribution of glucose meters and test
strips. However, this fund is able to cover lancets, alcohol swabs and the medication needed to
distribute to these patients.
Detailed Description of Request: One Touch Ultra Blue Test Strips ($144.99/100): 400 needed for
startup program=$579.96
One Touch Ultra Mini glucose meters $19.99/meter- 40 needed for distribution=$799.60
Total Funding Requested: $1,379.56
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes
Open to all students: No
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: UK Ag Econ GSO
Members in Org: 30
Contact: Mahdi Asgari
Email: mahdi.asgari@uky.edu
Phone: 8595361465
Purpose of Org: Purpose – The purpose of this organization is to enhance the experience and
effectiveness of graduate students in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of
Kentucky. The Ag Econ GSO shall facilitate student discussion and concerns for graduate-related
department decisions and strategies. The Ag Econ GSO shall foster opportunity for student interaction
among themselves and with faculty at the University of Kentucky as well as opportunity to interact with
other students and faculty beyond Kentucky.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Ag Tour
Location: State of Kentucky
Date: June 6-7th, 2014
Time: two days
Purpose of Event/Project: Visiting farms, industries and Ag. related operations in the state to help
graduate students, specially international student, to have a better view of agriculture sector in the
state and also the United States
Total Cost: $900
Org funds used: Each student would contribute $10
GSO provides departmental T-shirts ($10 each), two picture of visitors and hosts, and thank you notes
for hosts
Meals are covered by students
Detailed Description of Request: Since the meals and gifts are covered by students and GSO, we are
requesting the fund for following items:
Transportation (two vans from university motor pool): $350 based on motor pool rates
Lodging (in state park lodges or college dorms): $400 based on rates for three cottages in state parks
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: No
Open to all students: No
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: UK Arabic Club
Members in Org: 156
Contact: Walker Yanarella
Email: weyanarella@gmail.com
Phone: 8594339956
Purpose of Org: The Arabic Club’s purpose is to raise awareness about Arabic culture and
society by facilitating interaction between Arab and non-Arab students in a less formal setting.
With our nations increased interest of the Middle East and the growth of Arab communities on
campus we provide an umbrella organization to bridge the gap between native Arab speakers
wishing to be engaged on campus and U.S. Arabic students seeking to extend their education
beyond the classroom. We believe interaction with native speakers is more vital to developing
and learning Arabic as another language opposed to classroom learning only.
Type of Grant: General Funding ($750)
Event/Project: Dearborn Trip
Location: Dearborn, Michigan
Date: April 19th-20th
Purpose of Event/Project: The purpose of this event is to enhance the Arabic language
education here at the University of Kentucky. This trip is also used to increase the students' enthusiasm
for the Arabic language through immersing them in Arab culture, increasing the likelihood of the student
continuing higher education in the Arabic language. By going on this trip we hope to engage students
and pique their interest in Arabic language and culture in a way
that no classroom can.
Total Cost: $1,600
Org funds used: $600- Arabic and Islamic Studies Department
$200-Office of Institutional Diversity
$300- Refundable student deposit
Detailed Description of Request: We are requesting assistance for our lodging and museum tour from
the Student Government Fund, both of we we have funded in part:
Hotel: Victory Inn West Dearborn (7 twin bed rooms)- $650
Arab American Museum Tour- $150
Other items not seeking assistance
Dinner at La Pita - $350
Lava Java Cafe - $150
Breakfast at Al-Amani- $300
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes
Open to all students: Yes
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: Student Dietetic & Nutrition Association
Members in Org: 250
Contact: Christa Childers
Email: cech224@g.uky.edu
Phone: 859-492-0244
Purpose of Org: The Student Dietetic & Nutrition Association (SDNA) at the University of Kentucky aims
to develop and encourage student interests in the study of nutrition and dietetics. SDNA accomplishes
this through social and professional contacts between students, faculty, and other nutrition/dietetics
professionals. In addition, the organization regularly participates in University and community outreach
Type of Grant: Service Grant ($1,500)
Event/Project: Meal Packaging Event
Location: Erikson Hall
Date: April 23rd (Wednesday)
Time: 5:00-7:00 pm
Purpose of Event/Project: We are planning a meal packaging event for April 23rd. Meals of Hope is the
company providing the supplies. They work with Feeding America and will help us get the meals to
God's Pantry Food Bank in Lexington to provide food for those in need in the Lexington community. We
will package 10,000 meals to be donated.
Total Cost: $3,500
Org funds used: Currently we are working on fundraising through our organization and allowing other
organizations that wish to participate to fundraise as well.
The School of Human Environmental Sciences plans to support this event as well, but the SDNA will have
to pay that money back after the event.
Detailed Description of Request: The meals cost about $0.20 per meal to package. Multiplied by 10,000
meals equals $2,000. The rest of the cost if for freight and having Meals of Hope travel to help with set
up and training ($1,500).
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes
Open to all students: Yes
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Name of Org: OUTsource
Members in Org: 427
Contact: Michael Frazier
Email: mcfrazier231@gmail.com
Phone: 859-576-9761
Purpose of Org: OUTsource is a volunteer based organization that seeks to make a more inclusive
campus by educating students of issues faced in the LGBTQIA community. The outsource exists to
provide an affirming, safe, and confidential space for GLBTQQIA students to learn more about gender
identity, human sexuality, and related issues by providing access to academic, cultural, and
interpersonal resources; and to change the campus climate and culture to become more inclusive of
GLBTQQIA students by embracing diversity. The outsource is UK's LGBTQQIA resource center. We are
driven by a wonderful team of volunteers and a fantastic executive board. We provide a safe space for
conversation and just plain chilling out. Our friends range from students to activists with space for
everyone in between! In addition to the human resources we provide in our volunteers and our
community of friends, we check-out books, dvds, and cds on two week loans on a wide range of topics
pertaining to gender identity, sexuality and more!
Type of Grant: Service Grant ($1,500)
Event/Project: OUTspoken: Leaving The Second Closet Behind
Location: Johnson Center Fields
Date: April 17th, 2014
Time: 18:30:00
Purpose of Event/Project: Futures Without Violence, the University of Kentucky LGBT Taskforce and
OUTsource, as well as UK’s Gay-Straight Alliance are coming together to host a Queer Speak Out on April
17th, 2014 called “OUTspoken: Leaving the Second Closet Behind”. The purpose of OUTspoken is to
bring forward voices of LGBTQ* survivors of interpersonal violence such as rape, sexual assault, partner
violence, stalking, harassment, and hate crimes. We hope that this event will help UK’s administration
and the Lexington community understand that this is an issue on campus and that queer survivors need
more support.
We will be hosting a 3 part event that includes a featured guest artist, Mary Lambert, and speakers, an
open forum where queer survivors can share their stories, and an ending discussion on how to take care
of yourself and others. At the beginning and end of the event, there will be tabling fair of supportive
organizations and resources offered in both the Lexington and University community.
Total Cost: $7,500
Org funds used: We do have a grant from the college of public health for $3,500. Moreover, we've been
fundraising with selling wristbands to make up costs. OUTsource will have to make up the remaining
costs through funding or donations.
Detailed Description of Request: Interactive Projects
Clothesline Project Item Number Cost
Jersey T-Shirts 200 $550.00
Fabric Paints 24 $50.00
Clothespins 400 $6.00
Paper Heart Campaign Item Number Cost
Construction Paper 300 $8.00
Markers 24 $10.00
Safety Pins 400 $10.00
Event Programming
Candlelight Vigil Item Number Cost
Candles 200 $210.00
Wax Stopper 200 $5.00
Survivor Speak Out Item Number Cost
Carnation Flowers 225 $150.00
Ribbon 40 yds $20.00
Event Set-Up
Technical/Audio Support Item Number Cost
Microphone 1 $200.00
Keyboard 1
Speakers 2
Personal support 1
Adverstising Item Number Cost
Programs 400 $500.00
Posters 200 $100.00
Flyers 400 $100.00
Promotional Items Item Number Cost
Wristbands 300 $175.00
Buttons 400 $50.00
Total: $2,144.00
Featured Guest Artist Mary Lambert $5,000.00
Total: $7,144.00
Received funding this year: No
Will use UK Managed Print Services: Yes
Open to all students: Yes
Agreed to Terms & Conditions: Yes