El-Shorouk Academy Acad. Year : 2011 / 2012 Higher Institute for Computer & Term : Second Year : Second Information Technology Department of Computer Science Systems Analysis System modeling 1- Data Flow diagram ( DFD ). 2- Data dictionary ( DD ). System modeling provides the following advantage: Provide further understanding to the system from business perspective Provide a comprehensive documentation to the system Provide away of uniquely define the system components and elements Can be used as a tool to interact with the system DFDs includes three levels , naming: 1. Context level diagram 2. Level -0 diagram 3. Level 1 , 2,3,………,n ( detailed levels or child diagrams) Context Level level ᴓ DFD Level 1 level 2 level ....N 1- Context level: Which shows the system very global as one process together with the external entities Consists of only one process and describe the overall system very global External entity symbol can be used more than one for simplification of the diagram Context level take the number ᴓ Context level does not contain any data store A data flow diagram ( DFD ) of the scope of an organizational system that shows that system boundaries , external entities that interact with the system and the major information flows between the entities and the system Such as that example : 2- Level ᴓ diagram: which represent the breakdown of the previous process but still in general A more detailed diagram than the context , and obtained by exploding the context – level process Inputs and outputs exist in the context-level should still appear in the levelᴓ It can contain from 3-9 processes It can contain , if needed , more inputs and outputs It contain data stores Each process in levelᴓ has a unique sequence number starting from 1 A data flow diagram ( DFD ) that represents a system’s major processes , data flows and data stores at a high level of detail. Such as example: 3- Detailed levels ( child DFD ): Which are the breakdown of the previous process but still in general They details the activities of the system by exploding each process in levelᴓ into its detailed processes Each detailed diagram is down in a separate sheet , and has the inputs and outputs linked with the above process Such as Example: Symbols used in drawing DFD: Process # Process name A process symbol , with a unique number and a process name Transforming incoming data into outgoing information Process naming Rules: - In the Context Level , the overall system process takes the system name ( it is the name of the system) Ex : Inventory control system - In the levelᴓ , the processes take the name of the subsystem in the overall system EX: Inventory reporting subsystem - In the detailed levels ( level 1 , level 2 ,…..) we follow the role: Verb – adjective – noun EX: compute Sales Tax Verify customer account Prepare shipping invoice A process transform incoming data into out coming information A process can have one or more than , one input and more than one output External Entity: Name Represent any entity that supply or receive information from the system , but they are not part from the system. A person , organization , or system that is external to the system but interacts with it Context level - contain external entities Level-ᴓ contain external entities Level 1 , 2 ,3,.. doesn’t contain external entities Data Flow: Name Data flowing in the system Data store: No name of data store Context level doesn’t contain data store Level-0 contain data store Detailed levels contain data store Example: An XYZ organization has 3 departments : - 1- Sales dept rolls: Receive orders from customers Verify order items Enquiry about the order items existence from store dept and receive the status Send the processed order to the Account dept Receive the invoice from the accounting department Send the invoice to the customers 2- Account dept roles: - Receive processed orders from sales dept - Generate the invoice - Send the invoice to : sales dept, store dept , and to customer 3- Store dept roles: - Receive an enquiry about item existence in the store and reply with the status - Receive the invoice from Accounting dept to ship the order to customer ANSWER 1- Context Level 0 Customer Order Invoice XYZ 2- Level -0 diagram 1 2 Order Invoice Processed Order Sales Accounting Invoice Invoice Status Enquiry 3 Store Invoice 2 Invoice + items 1 Archive Archive 3- detailed levels - level 1 1.1 Order Receive Customer Order 1.2 Order Verify Order Items Invoice Processed Order Invoice Invoice 1.3 1.4 Receive Invoice Enquiry Order items Enquiry Status Processed Order 1.5 Sending Processed Order Processed Order Invoice - Level 2 2.1 Processed Order 2.2 Receive processed Order Processed Order Generate Invoice Invoice 2.3 Sending Invoice - Invoice level 3 3.1 Enquiry Receiving enquiry item 3.2 Status Invoice Receive Invoice Invoice + items