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FLEG in Belarus: taking stock and
looking forward
Elena Klochan and Alexei Grigoriev
January 17, 2011
Taking stock (1)
Low level of illegal logging in Belarus: illegal timber appears
as a result of deviations in timber measurement and
assessment of logs quality
Forestry sector management recognizes a need for
improving forest sector management
NPAC established and CWP finalized in 2009 and
implementation started in early 2010 (MoF and FP play a
leading role)
Staffing changes in MoF in summer 2010, new FP
Disbursement as of June 2010: $80,000
New commitment as of Jan 2011:$49,000
Taking stock (2)
Trade in standing wood through Commodity Exchange
Forestry policy unit set up in MoF
Strengthened field supervision over implementation forest management
projects; the special expert team is being established in RUE Belgosles
New Rules of Fire Safety in Forests came into force in November 2010
Effective 1 January 2011 timber logging and processing is not subject to
Forest Staff Development Program (2011-2015): improving professional
and educational level of forest guard. Inter-Agency Public Advisory
Council on Forest Education to be established
Basics of FLEG training course integrated in curricular
Workshops covering the FLEG issues held for forest guard staff
o Strategic Forestry Action Plan Development
Looking forward: FLEG in Forestry Sector
Development Program (2011-2015):
Splitting off commercial activities (logging and timber processing) from
forest management functions in six forestry enterprises
Continue forest certification through:
 certification of forest management under (i) Forest Certification System
of the National System of Conformity Attestation and (ii) FSC covering
at least 80% of MoF’s forests (July 2010: compliance with PEFC
Council requirements confirmed)
 audit of the certified systems of forest management/forest products
based on the principle of origin
 alignment of forest product standards with EU requirements (terms and
definitions, size and volume estimation methods, quality-based
Improve the quality of forest inventory
Enhance environmental sustainability of forests
FLEG - it is not only about illegal logging
Sometime FLEG is presented as fight against illegal logging or
corruption. These problems are important, but are not only parts
of ENA-FLEG process
Quality of forest legislation and regulations - rights of local people
and small business on legal usage of forests
Forest management system transparency
Poverty alleviation - resolve one of the main root reasons for
illegal logging
Support positive initiatives of local people and small business for
improvement of forest management in practice
Transparency via Internet
First round of inventory Internet sites run by Ministry of forestry
republic of Belarus organizations and enterprises show needs for
serious improvements. In May 2010 most State forest enterprises
don't had Internet sites or pages.
Second round (December 2010) show very serious changes at
least, as concern quantity. 85 from 95 existing State forest
enterprises already have Internet sites or pages. More than 100
from approximately 1000 Forest Ranger Districts also have
Internet pages.
On next stage of work ENPI-FLEG in close collaboration with
Ministry of forestry will implement serious measures (monitoring,
trainings, advisory) for improvement of information content.
Transparency and accountability Annual review - Forest condition and usage of Belarus forest - 2009
Annual review "Forest condition and usage of Belarus forest - 2009"
was prepared, partly printed, distributed and available via Internet
It was a first case, when such type document was prepared by experts
from independent body - the largest Belarus business NGO Republic
Forest Industry Association (more than 70 companies and business
Annual Review was developed in consultation with all important
stakeholders and went through peer reviewing process.
December 2010 Annual Review was presented to Minister of forestry
Mr. Amelyanovich, which show interest to this document and express
readiness for more close collaboration in preparation, printing and
distribution of Annual review 2010.
Positive initiatives - wetlands management (1)
Wetlands cover
big part of
Belarus and
occupy more
than 2 mln
In the past big
part of wetlands
was drained.
It created
problems with
fires, negatively
usage of
Positive initiatives - wetlands management (2)
Cranberry is very
important source of
local food and source
of income for local
Annual cranberry
gathering on large
wetlands give local
people total income in
some millions of euro
(for example - on
Yelnya which cover 20.000 hectares)
It is reason, why local
people support
activities for rewetting
of wetlands
Positive initiatives - wetlands management (3)
In 2002 Yelnya was very
heavy (70%) affected
by forest fires
Local people and
activists from enviro
NGO APB took active
part in rewetting
Yelnya, using most
simple, but very
efficient technologies.
In extremely hot
summer 2010 Yelnya
don't have any major
forest fire.
In last years in Belarus
more than 30.000
hectares of formerly
drained bogs were
Positive initiatives - agroecotourism development (1)
Belarus have excellent
conditions for agro and
State supported
agroecotourism and
created very friendly
conditions for private
activity in this sector.
As result more than
1300 private
agrotourism manors
were established.
Positive initiatives - agroecotourism development (2)
There is need for
better integration of
private agrotourism,
capacities of State
forest enterprises,
environmental NGOs,
all stakeholders.
Obvious is need for
develop "green
routes" propose
friendly transport,
Belarus actively work
in this direction
NEEDS for future FLEG:
Strategic Forestry Action Plan Development
Collaboration for implementation of EU Regulation
Regulation (EU) № 995/2010 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 20 October 2010
Support market oriented reforms in Belarus forest sector
Move information transparency of Belarus forest sector,
especially in Internet, to the best World practice
Support positive local initiatives for legal usage of forests
by local people and small business as tool for poverty
alleviation and alternative to the illegal logging
Thank you!