The Physics and Ecology of Carbon Offsets Dennis Baldocchi Professor of Biometeorology Ecosystem Sciences Division/ESPM University of California, Berkeley COAS Frontiers Seminar Series Oregon State, June, 2010 Contemporary CO2 Record Mauna Loa Keeling data 380 370 360 CO2 (ppm) 350 340 330 320 310 300 1950 1960 1970 1980 year 1990 2000 2010 What We are Told • Global Mean Temperature will Increase by about 2 C (3.6 F) if CO2 Increases to 550 ppm by 2100 • Current [CO2] is over 380 ppm, a 100 ppm increase over pre-industrial levels • We are releasing more than 8 PgC/y (1Pg = 1015g) by Fossil Fuel Combustion and Cement Production Much Confusion about: •How Much CO2 We can Emit to Prevent Certain Temperature Increase? •How Fast Must We Reduce C Emissions and to What Extent? •How Do We Convert Information on Emissions from PgC/y to Atmospheric Pool Size in terms of ppm CO2? Information is Needed to Guide What We should Do? Raupach, IBPG Newsletter How much is C in the Air?: Resolving Differences between ppm and PgC? • Mass of Atmosphere – – – – F=Pressure x Area=Mass x Acceleration=Mass x g Surface Area of the Globe = 4p R2 Matmos = 101325 Pa 4p (6378 103 m)2/9.8 m2 s-1= M atmos 5.3 1021 g air P4pR2 g • Compute C in Atmosphere @ 380 ppm (380 10-6) M c M atmos pc mc 833 1015 gC P ma P: atmospheric pressure pc: partial pressure CO2 mc: molecular wt of C, 12 g/mole ma: molecular wt of air, 28.96 g/mole pc M c / ( ) 2.19 P ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology PgC/ppm CO2 in 50 years, at Steady-State • 8 GtC/yr, Anthropogenic Emissions – 45% retention; air-borne fraction • 8 * 50 * 0.45 = 180 GtC, Net C Fossil Fuel Burden • Each 2.19 GtC emitted causes a 1 ppm increase in Atmospheric CO2 • 833 (@380 ppm) + 180 = 1013 GtC, atmospheric burden • 450 ppm is thought to be Threshold to Keep Global Warming Below +2.0 C (3.6 F). • 462 ppm with BAU in 50 years – 1.65 times pre-industrial level of 280 ppm • BAU C emissions will be ~ 16 to 20 GtC/yr in 2050 • To stay under 462 ppm the world can only emit < 400 GtC of carbon, gross, into the atmosphere! • We’ll Reach this Threshold in << 50 years as Current Rates of C emissions Continue to Grow via growth in population and economy • What Can We Do?? If Papal Indulgences Saved Them from burning in Hell: Can Carbon Indulgences save Us from Global Warming? Alexander VI Sixtus IV Innocent VIII Julius II Leo X Does Planting a Tree Really Offset Your Carbon Footprint? Ecological Engineering 101 • The Answer Depends on the Specifics of the Question… • Be Wary of Unintended Consequences – A Ubiquitous Feature of Complex, Non-Linear Systems with many Feedbacks…like Ecosystems! • We often need to manage an Ecosystem for more than one service, some which may have counter-acting effects on the original goal Working Hypotheses • H1: Forests Can Mitigate Global Warming – Forests are effective and long-term Carbon Sinks – Land-use change (via afforestation/reforestation) can help offset greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate global warming – Forests transpire water effectively, producing clouds, rainfall and a lower planetary albedo • H2: Forests Contribute to Global Warming – Forests are optically dark and absorb more energy than short vegetation – Forests convect more sensible heat into the atmosphere than grasslands, warming the atmosphere • Landuse change (more forests) can help promote global warming – Forests use more water than other vegetation • water vapor is a greenhouse gas • It is a scarce resource in semi-arid regions, eg California Issues of Concern and Take-Home Message • Trees May Be Inefficient Solar Collectors – – – • Ecological Scaling Laws Must be Obeyed when Planting Trees and Cultivating Plantations – – – • You need more than 500 mm of rain per year to grow Trees Best and Moistest Land is Already Vegetated New Forested Lands needs to take up More Carbon than current land use It’s a matter of scale, A lot of ‘trees’ (more than the US land area) is needed to be planted to offset our profligate carbon emissions There are Energetic and Environmental Costs to soil, water, air by land use change – – – – – • There is only So Much Solar Energy Available to a unit Area of Land! Self-Thinning Occurs with Time Mass scales with the -4/3 power of tree density There Must be Available Land and Water – – – – • Much vegetation operates less than ½ of the year and is a solar collector with less than 2% efficiency The Ability of Forests to sequester Carbon declines with stand age Solar panels work 365 days per year and have an efficiency of 20%+ Forests are Darker than Grasslands, so they Absorb More Energy Changes in Surface Roughness and Conductance and PBL Feedbacks on Energy Exchange and Evaporative cooling may Dampen Albedo Effects Forest Albedo changes with stand age Forests Emit volatile organic carbon compounds, ozone precursors Forests reduce Watershed Runoff and Soil Erosion Societal/Ethical Costs and Issues – – – Land for Food vs for Carbon and Energy Energy is needed to produce, transport and transform biomass into energy Better to Reduce C Emissions than Increase C Sinks Can we offset Carbon Growth by Planting Trees? All Seedlings Do Not Grow to Maturity Pine Seedlings in Finland Old Growth Forest in Finland ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology Yoda’s Self Thinning Law • Energetics of Solar Capture by the Landscape Drives the Metabolism of the System • Only So-Much Sunlight Available to a unit area of Land • Planting trees may be a ‘feel-good’ solution, but it is not enough – self thinning will occur so only a fraction of trees will grow to maturity You can sustain a lot of little trees or a few Big Trees, but not a lot of Big Trees! #N ~ Mass -3/4 Mass ~ #N -4/3 Enquist et al. 1998, Nature Kleiber’s Law Metabolic rate (B) of an organism scales to the 3/4 power of its mass (M) The Metabolic Energy needed to Sustain an organism INCREASES with Mass, to the ¾ power B M 3/ 4 ESPM 111 Ecosystem Ecology Energetics at Landscape scale is Scale Invariant • Energetics/Metabolism of the System <B> is weighted by the sum of the product of the Energetics of class, i, times the number of individuals in this class, N • Energy/Metabolism, B, scales with Mass, M, to the ¾ power, Kleiber’s Law • Number of Individuals scales with Mass to the -3/4 power, modified Yoda’s Law • Energy/Metabolism of the System is scale invariant with Mass, exponent equals zero B Bi Ni B M 3/ 4 Mass Number a BT N i Bi M 3/4 i M 3/4 i 3/4 ~M 0 Energy Drives Metabolism: How Much Energy is Available and Where FLUXNET database 6000 -2 -1 Rg (MJ m y ) 8000 4000 2000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Latitude 60 70 80 90 Light vs Canopy CO2 Uptake by Closed Forests and Crops Peak Light Use Efficiency, Forests: ~0.01 (A); Crops: ~0.015 (B) Potential and Real Rates of Gross Carbon Uptake by Vegetation: Most Locations Never Reach Upper Potential GPP at 2% efficiency and 365 day Growing Season tropics GPP at 2% efficiency and 182.5 day Growing Season FLUXNET 2007 Database Annually-Integrated Measured GPP ~ 1000 gC m-2 y-1; Peak GPP < 3500 gC m-2 y-1 FLUXNET Database 0.05 0.04 mean= 1033+/- 631 gC m-2 y-1 n=253 pdf 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 1000 2000 3000 GPP (gC m-2 y-1) Global GPP = 1033 * 110 1012 m2 = 113.6 PgC/y 4000 Ecosystem Respiration (FR) Scales Tightly with Ecosystem Photosynthesis (FA), But Is with Offset by Disturbance 4000 Undisturbed Disturbed by Logging, Fire, Drainage, Mowing 3500 FR (gC m-2 y-1) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 FA (gC m-2 y-1) Baldocchi, Austral J Botany, 2008 3000 3500 4000 Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange << GPP FLUXNET Database 0.10 0.08 mean= -225 +/- 227 gC m-2 y-1 n=254 pdf 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 -1600 -1400 -1200 -1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 NEE (gC m-2 y-1) Probability Distribution of Published NEE Measurements, Integrated Annually Baldocchi, Austral J Botany, 2008 Net Carbon Exchange is a Function of Time Since Disturbance Conifer Forests, Canada and Pacific Northwest 1000 800 FN (gC m-2 y-1) 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 1 10 100 Stand Age After Disturbance Baldocchi, Austral J Botany, 2008 1000 It’s a matter of scale A lot of ‘trees’ need to be planted to offset our profligate carbon use • US accounts for about 25% of Global C emissions – 0.25*8.0 1015 gC = 2.0 1015 gC • Per Capita Emissions, US – 2.0 1015 gC/300 106 = 6.66 106 gC/person • Ecosystem Service, net C uptake, above current rates – ~200 gC m-2 • Land Area Needed to uptake C emissions, per Person – 3.33 104 m2/person = 3.33 ha/person • US Land Area – 9.8 108 ha – 10.0 108 ha needed by US population to offset its C emissions Naturally! All Land is Not Available or Arable: You need Water to Grow Trees! Scheffer al 2005 Carbon sequestration by plantations can dry out streams [Jackson, et al., 2005, Science]. Its not Only Carbon Exchange: Albedo, Surface Roughness and Energy Partitioning Changes with planting Forests, too Forests are Darker and Possess Lower Albedos than Crops/Grasslands Crop Deciduous Forest Conifer Forest Evergreen Broadleaved Forest O’Halloran et al. NCEAS Workshop Forest Albedo Changes with Stand Age Summertime Albedo 0.20 AK MB SK SOA 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Time since disturbance (years) Amiro et al 2006 AgForMet 175 Should we cut down Dark Forests to Mitigate Global Warming?: UpScaling Albedo Differences Globally: Devil’s Advocate • • • • • Average Solar Radiation: ~95 to 190 W m-2 Land area: ~30% of Earth’s Surface Tropical, Temperate and Boreal Forests: 40% of land Forest albedo (10 to 15%) to Grassland albedo (20%) Area-weighted change in Net Solar Radiation: 0.8 W m-2 – Smaller than the 4 W m-2 forcing by 2x CO2 – Ignores role of forests on planetary albedo, as conduits of water vapor that form clouds and reflect light – Discounts Ecological Services provided by Forests I Argue that the Environmental Costs Far Outweigh the Climate Benefits: Don’t Cut the Forests! Other Complications associated with Reliance on Forest/Carbon Sequestration • • • • Fire Nutrient Requirements Ecosystem Sustainability Deleterious effects of Ozone, Droughts and Heat Stress • Length of Growing Season • Ecosystem Services – Habitat, Soil Erosion Prevention, Biodiversity Case Study on Energetics of Land Use Change: Comparative study of an Annual Grassland and Oak Savanna Case Study: Savanna Woodland adjacent to Grassland Solar Radiation Net Radiation, Grassland Net Radiation, Savanna 2006 30 -2 -1 Energy Flux Density (MJ m d ) 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Day 1. Savanna absorbs much more Radiation (3.18 GJ m-2 y-1) than the Grassland (2.28 GJ m-2 y-1) ; DRn: 28.4 W m-2 0.30 Grassland Savanna 2006 0.25 PAR Albedo 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 Day 2. Grassland has much great albedo than savanna; 300 350 Landscape Differences On Short Time Scales, Grass ET > Forest ET Monthly Averages 1.0 LE/LEeq 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Savanna Woodland Annual Grassland 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 Gs (mm s-1) Ryu, Baldocchi, Ma and Hehn, JGR-Atmos, 2008 10 12 14 16 Role of Land Use on ET: On Annual Time Scale, Forest ET > Grass ET California Savanna 440 420 -1 Evaporation (mm y ) 400 380 360 340 320 300 Oak Woodland Annual Grassland 280 260 240 02_03 03_04 04_05 05_06 Hydrological Year Ryu, Baldocchi, Ma and Hehn, JGR-Atmos, 2008 06_07 4a. U* of tall, rough Savanna >> short, smooth Grassland 2002 4b. Savanna injects more Sensible Heat into the atmosphere because it has more Available Energy and it is Aerodynamically Rougher 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 14 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 -1 0.2 u*, oak woodland, daily average Grassland Savanna 2006 12 -2 0.0 Sensible Heat Flux Density (MJ m d ) u*, grassland, daily average 0.5 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 Day 250 300 350 2006, Ione, CA 40 Potential Temperature, Oak Savanna 30 Air Temperature (C) 315 Grassland Savanna 2006 20 10 0 310 305 300 295 290 285 b[0] -2.67 b[1] 1.012 r ² 0.953 280 275 0 50 100 150 200 Day 250 300 350 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 Potential Temperature, Grassland 5. Mean Potential Temperature differences are relatively small (0.84 C; grass: 290.72 vs savanna: 291.56 K); despite large differences in Energy Fluxes--albeit the Darker vegetation is Warmer Compare to Greenhouse Sensitivity ~2-4 K/(4 W m-2) 310 315 Landscape Modification of Energy Exchange in Semi-Arid Regions: Theoretical Analysis with a couple Surface Energy Balance-PBL Model Conceptual Diagram of PBL Interactions 3000 Shortwave Energy 2500 Longwave Energy pbl ht (m) 2000 1500 1000 PBL Height 500 Time 3 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (hrs) Time 2 3000 Vapor Pressure Temperature Time 1 2500 ea (Pa) 2000 Latent Heat Sensible Heat 1500 1000 500 0 6 8 10 12 14 Time (hrs) H and LE: Analytical/Quadratic version of Penman-Monteith Equation 16 18 ET-PBL Oak-Grass Savanna Land Use •The Energetics of afforestation/deforestation is complicated T surface 310 300 290 albedo = 0.3; Rc=2560 s/m albedo = 0.15; Rc = 320 s/m •Forests have a low albedo, are darker and absorb more energy 280 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time 800 •But, Ironically the darker forest maybe cooler (Tsfc) than a bright grassland due to evaporative cooling Rnet (W m-2) 600 400 200 albedo = 0.3; Rc=2560 s/m albedo = 0.15; Rc = 320 s/m 0 6 8 10 12 Time 14 16 18 20 ET-PBL Oak-Grass Savanna Land Use 250 200 LE (W m-2) •Forests Transpire effectively, causing evaporative cooling, which in humid regions may form clouds and increase planetary albedo •Due to differences in Available energy, differences in H are smaller than LE 150 100 albedo = 0.3; Rc=2560 s/m albedo = 0.15; Rc = 320 s/m 50 0 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 16 18 20 Time 500 H (W m-2) 400 300 200 albedo = 0.3; Rc=2560 s/m albedo = 0.15; Rc = 320 s/m 100 0 Axel Kleidon 6 8 10 12 Time 14 Temperature Difference Only Considering Albedo ET-PBL Model 296 Air Temperature, K 294 albedo = 0.25; Rc = 160 s/m albedo = 0.15; Rc = 160 s/m 292 290 288 286 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Spring Conditions, Both Systems Green, Low Rc Theoretical Difference in Air Temperature: Considering differences in Albedo and Surface Resistances ‘Savanna’ is Warmer than ‘Grassland’ ET-PBL Model 304 albedo = 0.15; Rc=320 s/m albedo = 0.30; Rc = 2560 s/m Air Temperature, K 302 300 298 296 294 292 290 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time Summer Conditions, Grass Dead, Trees Transpiring Different Albedo and Rc And Smaller Temperature Difference considering PBL, Surface Roughness (Ra ) and albedo….!! u* savanna = 2 u* grassland 298 grass, albedo = 0.30; Rc = 2560 s/m; Ra = 40 s/m savanna, albedo=0.15; Rc = 320 s/m; Ra= 10 s/m 296 Tair (K) 294 292 290 288 286 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Time (hours) Summer Conditions Grass Dead, Trees Transpiring, Different Rc and Ra Tsfc can vary by 10 C by changing albedo and Rs 304 303 315 302 301 305 300 300 299 298 295 Tair can vary by 3 C by changing albedo and Rs 297 290 0.5 296 0.4 800 600 0.3 400 0.2 Albedo 295 294 200 0.1 0 Rs 292.5 293 292 292 291.5 291 Tair Tsfc 310 291 290 289 290.5 288 0.5 290 0.4 800 600 0.3 400 0.2 Albedo 200 0.1 0 Rs 289.5 Tair can vary by 3 C by changing Ra and Rs 292 293 291.5 292 291 290 290.5 289 288 80 Tsfc can vary by 10 C by changing Ra and Rs 290 60 800 600 40 Ra 289.5 400 20 200 0 0 Rs 306 315 304 310 302 305 Tsfc Tair 291 300 300 295 298 290 80 296 60 800 600 40 400 20 Ra 200 0 0 Rs 294 Closing Comments •Are Ecological Solutions to Mitigating Global Warming a Band-Aid? •Do they Buy us Time? •Or, do they give us a False Sense of Security to Continue doing Nothing, or Little? •Will They be Permanent? •Will They Engender Unexpected Consequences? Knobs We Can Turn Future Carbon Emissions: Kaya Identity C Emissions = Population * (GDP/Population) * (Energy/GDP) * (C Emissions/Energy) •Population •Population expected to grow to ~9-10 billion by 2050 •Per capita GDP, a measure of the standard of living •Rapid economic growth in India and China •Energy intensity, the amount of energy consumed per unit of GDP. •Can decrease with efficient technology •Carbon intensity, the mass of carbon emitted per unit of energy consumed. •Can decrease with alternative energy Quo Vadis? •“Sure we'll live, we'll survive, it just might not be a very nice world.,” DDB, KTVU Interview, April 18, 2010 •We must Reduce Carbon Emissions Immediately and Dramatically, rather than looking for Ecological Band Aids •To Remove our Dependence on Fossil Fuel, We Will Need to ReDesign Society which Depends on Energy for All its Work •This will involve Redesigning Energy Production, Housing, Transportation Soon! •At the most radical stage, it may even require major Economic (e.g. Internalizing Externalities) and Government Changes and Major Reductions in Population Growth •Unintended Consequences include Poverty, Famine, and Conflict whether we make Changes, or Not… •Vested Interests are Reluctant to Change •Energy/Cost Savings and Efficiencies Could be Positive Concluding Issues to Consider • Vegetation operates less than ½ of the year and is a solar collector with less than 2% efficiency – Solar panels work 365 days per year and have an efficiency of 20%+ • Ecological Scaling Laws are associated with Planting Trees – Mass scales with the -4/3 power of tree density • Available Land and Water – Best Land is Vegetated and New Land needs to take up More Carbon than current land – You need more than 500 mm of rain per year to grow Trees • The ability of Forests to sequester Carbon declines with stand age • There are Energetics and Environmental Costs to soil, water, air and land use change – Changes in Albedo and surface energy fluxes – Emission of volatile organic carbon compounds, ozone precursors – Changes in Watershed Runoff and Soil Erosion • Societal/Ethical Costs and Issues – Food for Carbon and Energy – Energy is needed to produce, transport and transform biomass into energy – Forests play positive roles for habitat, biodiversity, carbon storehouses and resources How Does Energy Availability Compare with Energy Use? • US Energy Use: 105 EJ/year – 1018J per EJ – US Population: 300 106 – 3.5 1011 J/capita/year • US Land Area: 9.8 106 km2=9.8 1012 m2 = 9.8 108 ha • Energy Use per unit area: 1.07 107 J m-2 • Potential, Incident Solar Energy: 6.47 109 J m-2 – Ione, CA • A solar system (solar panels, biomass) must be at least 0.1% efficient, working year round, over the entire surface area of the US to capture the energy we use to offset fossil fuel consumption • Assuming 20% efficient solar system – 8.11 1010 m2 of Land Area Needed (8.11 105 km2, the size of South Carolina) CO2, ppm + 2C Case NASA GISS Working Hypotheses • H1: Forests have a Negative Feedback on Global Warming – Forests are effective and long-term Carbon Sinks – Landuse change (more forests) can help offset greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate global warming • H2: Forests have a Positive Feedback on Global Warming – Forests are optically dark and Absorb more Energy – Forests have a relatively large Bowen ratio (H/LE) and convect more sensible heat into the atmosphere – Landuse change (more forests) can help promote global warming Should we cut down dark forests to Mitigate Global Warming?: UpScaling Albedo Differences Globally, part 2 km2 MJ m-2 y-1 albedo albedo area rad change wt value tropical 1.75E+07 6.00E+09 0.05 0.15 5.25E+15 temperate 1.00E+07 5.00E+09 0.05 0.15 2.50E+15 boreal 1.30E+07 4.00E+09 0.1 0.1 5.20E+15 Earth 5.10E+08 ave sum 1.30E+16 time/land 0.805 W m-2