'Best' Practices in Community Engagement Strategies


What works… ?

What doesn’t ?






High Impact Behavioral Change at scale

USAID funded ‘Linkages project’ 1996-2006:

Promotion of Exclusive Breastfeeding, Optimal Feeding Practices.

Exclusive breastfeeding rates (EBF) increased at significant levels in the five country programs; Madagascar 28 percent - in 5 yrs, Zambia

17 percent- in 4 yrs,Ghana and Bolivia 10 percent in 3 yrs, Ethiopia a 20 percent increase in 2 years.

Spin-off programme BASICS in Benin showed a 26% increase in 4 years time.

Project population; Ghana 3.5 million, Madagascar 6.3 million

Limitation: sustainability , ownership

Key strategies

 multiple partners -coordinated strategies, collaborative plans, consensus building, scaling up

 multiple entry points:

- national: decision makers, academic staff,journalist

- district; hospital staff and administrators, health facility supervisors

- community; pregnant women, mothers of infants, fathers of infants, grandmothers, entire communities

 community based strategies

 behaviour change communication

- targeted precise messages to promote do-able actions, peer group support , women’s groups other community groups, saturation of primary audience with messages (modern, traditional media)

 capacity building

-government workers, NGO staff, community health workers

 monitoring and evaluation

Community based approach

• through intermediary of community based volunteers

• A ‘jungle’ of volunteers…

Bottle Necks

“The problem is at the community level”

- Quality of work /motivation

- Sustainability

- Ownership

Quality of work at the community level

motivation presence supervision

Volunteer motivation

• A ‘problem’ in every country, in every programme..but just a ‘challenge’ for some

• True volunteers or selected

• Should volunteers be paid or not ?

• Spirit of volunteerism ?

Alternatives ;

Mother’s clubs Red Cross Ghana, Nigeria

- Maman Visa – MCDI Benin

What doesn’t work ?

• Supervision by government staff

- no time

no interest…?

Going to scale without ensuring quality at community level


“Projects directed at women are lasting”

• Income-generating activities

• Saving schemes

• Literacy programmes

“Women's groups provide an especially powerful opportunity to share life-saving information and to increase demand for health care”.

“If you want to reach mothers and children, you have to use mothers..”

Successful programmes including saving schemes, IGA for women

- MMD programme CARE Niger

- UNICEF Benin Community based Education

Programme; adopted as a National Policy for the

Promotion of Girls Education

- Association Munyu BF

- Groupement Naam BF

CARE NIGER Mata Masu Dubara

MMD programme of saving’s and credit

• CARE Niger developed in 1991 the MMD methodology of saving’s and credit which has been highly successful.

• Today 7000 association’s in six of Niger’s seven departments

• Benefiting more than 240.000 rural women

• MMD methodology is unique; does not provide external credit.

Methodology is derived from traditional savings method called

“tontine”- very different from micro-finance

• Sustainable because each group is autonomous. 95 % percent of groups formed continue their activities

• Impact: social and economic but most importantly enhancing women’s self-esteem

• They are often viewed as “having been educated”


Passive recepients........?

• ‘On chante le chanson que vous aime ecouter...’

• So..now we are breastfeeding what are you going to give us ?

• ‘they told me I was appointed...’volunteer malaria, water..etc.’

• You have given us bicycles...but we need income generating activities to sustain our activities ?

• We need to become better listeners, to the true needs of the community...

Community-led development ?



(truly) participatory at all levels of the process;

- participatory diagnose

- community management of resources

- participatory analysis of results

Time flexibility…..

Good examples :

- Groupement NAAM BF

- WASH programmes

- Faith based organizations

Congo RDC, - Republic

- Plan Mali

An example of sustainability and ownership…




Funded by USAID led by CARE Mali - consortium of partners ; JHCCP,

Intrahealth, Action Against hunger and Groupe Pivot/ Sante

Programme works with 4000 community health volunteers in 7 of

Mali’s 8 regions reaches 30 % of the population.

Integral part of the Malian Government Health Program.

Decentralization process has given more of power of decision to the communities - project works directly in-line with this process

A five year project (2003-208):

Objective; to stimulate communities to demand for better quality health-services and to make them more responsible in solving their own health needs

Some results;

In 2006 97% children under age 1 vaccinated for DTP3

Children under 5 sleeping under ITN 9.7% in 2005 - 23.5% in 2006

76 % of women registered for antenatal care

50% of births attended by skilled personnel



Presence and intensity of interaction between village volunteers and the supervising body (NGO, Government)

CBO endogenous to the region

 Ownership; using truly participatory methods at all levels of the process


 Scale of the programme

 The type of volunteers used and effectiveness in reaching the target population of mothers and children 0-5 years.

 Using existing structures for communication (women’s groups, agricultural groups..)

 Saving schemes or other IGA included in the programme

 Sustainability after the programme has ended.

Communication channels used

• Interpersonal Education, Peer education

• Exchange visits

• Community radio to re-enforce messages

• Traditional song, poems, theatre forum; more complicated issues: FGM, HIV/Aids

• Depending on the cultural context

M & E Opportunities

Behavior change impact information is available at community level and can be used…

Observational data can be collected through community health workers

The Challenge Ahead

• Going to scale

• Ensuring quality on the ground

…a consortium of quality NGOs….
