Publishing Microsoft Word file to the Web

Publishing Microsoft
PowerPoint files to
the Web
Christy Blew, M.S.
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
What you will need
Illinois Accessible Web Publishing Wizard
Download the demo version of the Wizard from
Follow the directions for installing that are on
the website. You will need to close PPT to
install the program.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 - 2003
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Web History 101
Why was the Web Invented?
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Web History 101 Answer
Share information between scientists
Interoperation with computer systems
Public standards
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Compatible Communications Paths
 Information can be retrieved without having to
have certain programs, browsers, or system
Is the Web Interoperable today?
 Why or why not?
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Do You Remember?
 Do we still see this today?
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Best Viewed With - An Opinion
"Anyone who slaps a 'this page is best viewed with
Browser X' label on a Web page appears to be
yearning for the bad old days, before the Web,
when you had very little chance of reading a
document written on another computer, another
word processor, or another network."
-- Tim Berners-Lee in Technology Review, July
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Publishing to the Web
What are some common formats:
 we publish information to the web?
 we publish documents to the web?
Which of these formats meet the
Interoperability test?
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Publishing Microsoft PPT
 What saving formats does PowerPoint (PPT)
 Look under the FILE menu in PPT.
 What might be limitations to using each of these
formats to publish a PPT presentation to the
 Which format would be the most effective?
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Best Practices for MS PowerPoint
 What are Best Practices?
 Collection of application functions including what to
avoid when preparing Microsoft Office files.
 Best Practices for PPT includes:
 Slide Layout
 Slide Titles
 Grouping Objects
 Charts
 Animations
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Why Worry About Best Practices?
Limited “formal” training in PPT
Benefits of Best Practices
 Creates a more structured presentation.
 Improves conversion of presentation.
 Save time while preparing a more quality
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Slide Layout Templates
 Use:
 Allows for consistency with spacing, font sizes, etc.
 Avoids the chance of random objects “hiding” on the
 Help you to avoid the “cut and paste” temptation.
 Best Practice:
 Select Slide Layout templates from sidebar
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Slide Layout Template - Location
 The Slide Layout is a
sidebar generally
located on the right
side of the PPT
 Access from the
Format menu item on
the main menu.
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Slide Layout Location Activity
Locate the Slide Layout template in PPT
Close the template (select the X in the top
right corner)
Open the template from the FORMAT
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Applying Slide Layout Templates
 Select a template from the
Slide Layout library to apply to
your slide.
 Change the template by
selecting a different Slide
 Submenu options.
 You can change the layout of a
slide at any time in your
presentation creation.
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Slide Layout Template: Am I Using?
 Select your slide. If you are using a layout
template, it will highlight in the Slide Layout
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Slide Layout: Results
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Slide Layout Activity - Creation
Start a new PPT presentation
Use the Title Slide template and create a
starting page
Using different layouts, create 3 new
slides and add content
Save your PPT
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Slide Layout Activity - Changing
Switch between your slides, notice how
the template is highlighted in the Slide
Layout sidebar.
Change the layout of your slide using the
Slide Layout sidebar.
 What happened when you selected a different
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Slide Layout Template - Review
Why would you use the Slide Layout
templates instead of just inserting text
How can using the Slide Layouts benefit
your presentation?
How can you update an old PPT that
maybe is not using Slide Layout
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Thinking Cap
PowerPoint can
automatically create
an outline of your
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Thinking Cap - Slide Titles
Use Slide Titles to define the information on the
slide as well as create a navigational outline for
the presentation
Enter your Slide Titles directly into the
Outline pane
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Slide Titles
 Use:
 Define the information on
the slide
 Create a navigational
outline for the
 Best Practice:
 Use Slide Titles instead of
Text Boxes for Slide
Headers in order to create
an outline or index of your
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Slide Titles vs. Text Box
 Slide Title or Text Box?
 Check the Outline View. Empty spaces generally mean text box.
 Green Dot Test
 If a standard bounding box (dotted line box with markers on the adjustable points) appears,
then you are using a Slide Title.
If a bounding box with an extension at the top with a green dot appears, then you are using a
text box.
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Q and A
Why would you want to use Slide Titles
instead of text boxes for your slides?
What if you have a slide that is a text box
instead of a Slide Title? How can you fix
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
 Use:
 Reference, emphasis, explanation, or aesthetics
 Imported data objects
 Best Practice:
 Use the “Insert” feature, not cut/paste from other source.
 Use images that are representative of the content of the
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Inserting Images
 Insert, Picture, From File.
 From the template icon
 Four Types of Images:
 Decorative
 Decorative – No
 Informative
 Chart
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Decorative Images
 A Decorative Image would be one that is
placed in a document such as a logo or
snapshot. The image does not convey
any information about a process or
 A Decorative Image that would not use a
description would be an image object
with no value to the document. This may
be a transparent image used as a
spacer or an image that is used in
conjunction with another aspect of the
page, but does not convey any
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Informative Images
 An Informative Image is
one that supports the
context of the document
and/or conveys information
to the user. This may be an
image that has been
grouped together to form
on single image or an
Organizational Chart.
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Charts (Images)
 Used to represent a set of data, charts are a type of image.
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Images Activity
 Create a new slide using a template with
at least a 2 images holder
 Insert one image from the icon on the
slide template
 Insert one image from the INSERT
 Save your PPT
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Grouping Images/Objects
 Use:
 Select several images (or
objects) and convert into
a single image.
 Best Practice:
 Group images or objects
that have the same
meaning or make up a
larger item (ex: flowchart)
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Grouping Images/Objects - How To
 Select all images to be grouped (each will have a
bounding box).
 Select GROUP from the DRAWING Toolbar (you can
also right click to get the GROUP option).
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Grouping Activity
Create a new slide with the blank template
Locate the DRAWING toolbar
Insert various drawing items onto a slide
Group/ungroup different objects
Resize a grouped and an ungrouped
Save your PPT
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Grouping Images/Objects - Q and A
What kinds of images might you group
What would be some advantages of
grouping objects?
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 Charts: Visual way of representing a group of
Best Practice:
 Create charts within the program – datatable info
is automatic.
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Charts - Inserting
 Open the DATASHEET window.
 (INSERT then PICTURE then
 Enter your chart data into the table
 (Change the value by highlighting
the value and typing in a new
value or use the up and down
arrows to select a value.)
 Close the datasheet window to
return to chart.
 Select the chart to activate the
datasheet window again.
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Charts - Other Ways to Insert
 Slide Template Icon
 Slide Layout Template
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Charts - Format chart
 Select chart to activate.
 (Active chart has
diagonal-lined box around
 Select option from
CHART menu item.
 (This is only visible when
chart is active)
 Make format changes to
chart type, colors, font,
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Chart Activity - Inserting
 Insert 2 new slides
 Insert a chart using the INSERT CHART menu
 Insert a chart using the Slide Layout template
 Change the type of chart for one of the charts
 Change the formatting (color, text, etc) of one of
the charts
 On a new slide, insert an image (to represent a
chart imported as a graphic)
 Save your document
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Custom Animations
 Why Use Animations?
 Animate individual pieces
of text
 Animate multiple lines of
 Animate objects
 Effects
 Entrance
 Emphasis
 Exit
 Motion path
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Custom Animations Process
 Make sure text is in text
 Mouse Shortcut – Right
click to access Custom
Animation Menu.
 There are 4 animation
categories, but 1 method
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Accessible Web Publishing Wizard for
Microsoft® Office
 Provides a simple way to create highly
accessible and standards compliant
web versions of Office documents
 More accessible and usable by
everyone, including people with
 Supports everyone from legacy
browsers and slow Internet
connections to the needs of blind
users with screen readers.
 Documents created with the Wizard
can be put on the web, e-mailed to
colleagues, shared on intranets and
read with a wide variety of web
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Starting the Wizard
 Review document and Best Practices
 Start Wizard by selecting “Save as Accessible
Web page” from FILE menu
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Splash Screen
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Document Info
If you have entered information into the properties box, the Wizard will
extract the information automatically.
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The Wizard will promt you for the type of image an object represents
and ask for the appropriate descriptions based on your choice.
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
When a chart is created in the document, the Wizard automatically
exports the datatable information. You only need to enter description
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Charts that are images
When a chart is an imported object, the Wizard will prompt you
for datatable variables.
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Select a background color based on your
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Output Options
Output Format:
Text Only
Text Mostly
 Size of the graphic output for the
presentation. If more than one
graphical size output is selected,
the user will have the option to
"zoom in" and "zoom out".
 Initial size of graphics in the
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Select Save Output:
Save to disk
Save to ZIP file
Save to WebDAV
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Using the Demo Version of the Wizard
 The demo version of the Wizard will only convert
the first 5 slides of your PPT. To experience the
Wizard to its full extent, include the following
among your first 5 slides:
 All slides should have slide title
 At least one decorative image
 At least one informative image
 At least one chart created by using the Insert Chart
 At least one “chart” that is an imported image
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
PPT to HTML With the Wizard
Using the Accessible Web Publishing Wizard, convert your
PPT to HTML format.
 Designate at least one image as:
decorative image
informative image
chart (created from using the Insert Chart feature)
chart (an imported image/graphic)
 Select a all 5 output options an at least two graphical
formats to save
 Save to the desktop
 Open the new HTML document
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
PPT to HTML - Views
Compare the different output views of your
HTML PowerPoint
Who might benefit from each of the
different views?
How could converting PPT to HTML help
 with disabilities?
 without disabilities?
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Why the Wizard?
There are several PPT to HTML programs
out there, why use the Wizard?
 Generating as much as possible – multiple
output views
 Build in accessibility without having to have a
knowledge of accessibility or HTML
 Creates an output usable by everyone
including those with disabilities
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
Accessible Web Publishing Wizard for
Microsoft® Office
Free demo version available at
License Options:
Standard Licenses
starting at $39.95 and discounts with the more you buy
(bundled purchase)
Site Licenses
(annually renewed) starting at $10.00 per computer for 100 computers and discounts
with the more you buy.
Special Offers for Illinois Institutions
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)
More information
Thank you for your interest. Comment or
questions can be sent to Christy Blew,
Other Office to Web Training Information:
Illinois Center for Instructional Technology Accessibility (iCITA)