Fibres Lesson 2 - Making It Personal: Consuming Plant Fibres Strand: Plants: Anatomy, Growth, and Function Step #2 (Making it personal: consuming plant fibres) Curriculum Expectations Learning Goals A1 demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, and communicating) A1.1 formulate relevant scientific questions about collecting observations and data observed relationships, ideas, problems, or issues, make informed predictions, and/or formulate educated hypotheses to focus inquiries or research At the end of this lesson, students will: connect their use of various papers to fibres that make up paper identify an area of further research plan their research based on previous research experiences in class share their plans for peer review submit the research plan for feedback Course: SBI3U F1 evaluate the importance of sustainable use of plants to Canadian society and other cultures; F1.1 evaluate, on the basis of research, the importance of plants to the growth and development of Canadian society [IP, PR, AI, C] F1.2 evaluate, on the basis of research, ways in which different societies or cultures have used plants to sustain human populations while supporting environmental sustainability [IP, PR, AI, C] Kruger Products and Making Paper from a Variety of Sources Kruger Products uses fibres from a variety of sources. Understanding how different fibres contribute to the products and the sources for these fibres, can help determine sustainable forestry practices. Instructional Components and Context Readiness The class follows established norms for this type of discussion. Students know how to plan a research inquiry. Students are familiar with key aspects of Climate Change from SNC2D (i.e., sources and sinks for CO2). Terminology Consumers, consumerism, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources, sustainability, sustainable choices Materials 1. Handout #1: Paper Use 2. Research Project Assignment (can be modified where appropriate) – Handout #2: Paper Trees and Me: How Choices Make a Difference Minds On Connections Whole Class + Groups Brainstorming: How do we use paper? Assessment for Learning Description - look for students to connect this session to real world experiences Start with this simple question: How do we use paper? After a few obvious uses (writing, reading, tests), split the class into smaller groups to continue the list. Prompt them by holding up a paper-based package (boxboard for cereal, cover of candy, food wrapper from a place like McDonald’s or Tim’s), and then remind them of the paper they previously observed: coffee filter and paper towel. You may need to include toilet paper as a kind of paper that we use. - look for students to question the materials used in a variety of items, particularly packaging As a whole class, collect and review the uses identified by students. Add any that they have missed. STAO 2013 1 Action! Groups of 2-4 Groups to Plan and Investigate Research Assessment for Learning Description - look for students to connect paper production as a source of CO2 emission and that tree harvesting removes sinks for CO2 Ask the groups: What natural resource is required for paper? Ask for specifics: if a group identifies trees, ask them for more. What kind of tree? or Where are these trees? Provide each group with one copy of Handout #1: Paper Use. Groups review their earlier discussion and complete section A. Ask the groups: How is paper production linked to climate change? - look for students to connect their everyday use of paper products to aspects of climate change Some review may be needed as groups discuss and complete section B. Distribute part C among different groups; these can be assigned or studentselected. Where appropriate (technology is available in the classroom), groups can connect to to find their topic. Consolidation Groups of 2-4 Sharing thinking, learning, and asking questions. Assessment for Learning Description - look for connections between personal consumption and resource use Instruct the student groups with similar topics to share their findings and prepare a brief summary of today’s thinking. Groups present how they Understand that paper use connects to Climate Change; how they can take action to Mitigate change; and how they will Adapt as change continues. Capture student thinking to share with students so they can complete organizers. - look for connections between ideas already discussed to the concepts of Understand, Mitigate and Adapt Ask groups to complete section D: How well do you follow this concept? Assessment as Learning Present a question to start research: - look for students to assess their comprehension of the concepts How can industry support forests and support Canadian paper production and use? Instruct groups to take this question and list points for this research guide: Review your key investigation points What do you need to know? How are you going to find this? How are you going to present your findings? Instruct students to submit their work for sharing later. Each student will revise this topic to complete as a research project. The collective work completed today will be available to students in preparation of their research. Give students a Due Date and a description of the project. See Handout #2: Paper, Trees, and Me More class time can be used for further research where appropriate. STAO 2013 2 Lesson 2 Making It Personal: Consuming Plant Fibres Handout #1 Paper Use PAPER A How We Use Paper B Resources Used Up Connecting to Climate Change C Understand We need to understand and track the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and natural resources in Ontario. D STAO 2013 Mitigate We can mitigate (slow down) climate change by cutting greenhouse gas emissions and removing carbon from the atmosphere. Adapt All across Ontario, we can prepare for the effects of climate change, such as more severe weather. How can industry support forests and support Canadian paper production and use? Lesson 2 - Making It Personal: Consuming Plant Fibres Handout #2 Paper, Trees, and Me: How Choices Make a Difference Topic: How can industry support both forests and the Canadian production and use of paper? Description: This topic has been introduced in class as an opportunity for sharing thinking. Notes from this discussion will be available as reference. As an individual, you will now take this Topic and modify it so that you can explore one factor in depth. Important aspects of this project include your own planning on how to find information, and creating a product that effectively presents your findings. Due Dates: Revised topic: ___________________ Outline of research: _______________ Product outline: __________________ Final Product Due: ________________ Assessment of Learning: Consider this rubric as a guide that can be modified or discarded if the class co-creates the criteria. Category K/U Understanding of content presented Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Minor paraphrasing of research shows limited grasp of concepts. Paraphrased information with stock phrases shows varied grasp of concepts. Effectively paraphrased research shows a strong grasp of concepts. Information presented in student voice shows thorough understanding. Given topic and ideas mentioned in class form the plan for simple research. A modified topic based on ideas raised in class starts a plan for research. Topic developed is connected to a strong sense of research direction. Original topic poses a question directing new research as planned. Thinks critically to evaluate research information Information connected to topic Information describes topic Information well related to the topic Information expresses topic C Format helps to organize and express ideas and information Format allows ideas and information to be presented. Format helps to organize the ideas and information. Format organization helps present information that works to ideas. Format organizes information to express the ideas. Proposes course of action with limited connection to the research information. Proposes course of action that is connected to the research information. Proposes course of action that uses ideas from research information. Proposed course of action is presented as the result of the information researched. T/I Develops a topic and plans for research A Practical action suggested as relates to topic developed STAO 2013