Updated 8-25-14 Library Curriculum Connections At-A-Glance Check the Planner for Unit Plans and Critical Lists for Vocabulary Grade 4 Unit 1 ELA Theme: Growing Up Essential Question: What experiences can cause a person to change Literature Selection Start Smart Genre Introduction to Genre Informational Text/Expository Technology / Media McGraw Hill TX Treasures TE p. 131 I-J MEDIA LITERACY Video techniques Analyze an ad What techniques are used to persuade? Accessing Web pages WK THEME Welcome to 4th Grade TERMS Images, graphics, pacing, URL, link, search engine, tab Cornell Note-Taking Comprehension Strategies and Skills Genres Introduction Strategy Reading Informational Text Skill Levels of Thinking Making Connections Vocabulary Strategies Using a Dictionary Using a Thesaurus Main Selection Literary Text/ Fiction Paired Selection Informational Text/ Expository WK THEME Making a Move The Adventures of Ali Baba Bernstein by Johanna Hurwitz Illustrated by Brian Biggs WK THEME Changing Main Selection Literary Text/ Fiction Paired Selection Informational Text/ Expository ELA Classrm Wk I: NF Scavenger Hunt-Classroom Literacy Station- this activity is about identifying Text Features & structure found in different types of NF text.. could be continued in the library: BIO, NF, REF text examples …NOT a Dewey search. OI LESSON Great State of TX Wordle and using Blendspace presentation tool SEE Planner Brain Pop login school name_1 brainpop IC Lesson Let’s Get Physical Google Earth – TX Landforms and Water Bodies (SEE Planner)"Scribblemaps" NF Text Structure Note Taking Reading- I can analyze story structure… distinguish between fictional, informational text ELA Classroom Writing *Future Story: You are all grown up. Write a story about your life. How will education help you? (SEE PPt on ELA Planner) My Diary from Here to There by Amada Irma Perez Illustrated by Maya C. Gonzalez Text Features/ Literary Elements, Study Skills, LTs Genre Historical Fiction, Fiction, Expository Strategy Analyze Story Structure Skill Make Inferences Self-Selected Strategy Use Dictionary: Word Origins Genre Fiction, Expository Strategy Analyze Story Structure Skill Character, Setting, Plot Make Inferences Thesaurus: Synonyms Time Lines Reading – I can – use details to make inferences, use text evidence to support decisions Maps Reading- I Can.. Identify characters, setting, plot and put the main events of a story in order…identify a map as a text feature IC OI: Social Studies Unit 1: Theme Related Library Resources Writing Write Source IC Understandings Essential Questions Write Source Writing/GrammarMechanics: *The Writing Process *Descriptive Writing (Using the Writing Process, Model- One Writer's Process) Skills: transitions, compd sentences, prepositions /phrases Review: end punctuation, capitalize proper nouns Understandings: *A democratic society is based on individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities. *Culture shapes communities. Write Source Writing/GrammarMechanics: *The Writing Process *Descriptive Writing: (Understanding the Texas Traits, Evaluating Your Writing, Peer Responding) Skills: Time-order transitions, Capitals /Historical Docs, Nouns, Prepositions Review: Adj., Capitals, Complete sentences, Writing/GrammarMechanics: *The Writing Process *Descriptive Writing: Essay (Model, Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing) Skills: prepositions /phrases, transition words, compound sentence Review: commas Essential Questions *How do people get along with each other? *What happens when people disagree? *How does culture shape Texas? *How do customs, celebrations, and symbols reflect the culture of Texas? SEE Planner Units 1st OI: Social Studies MIND MISSIONS *Teambuilding, brainstorming *Comanche Carrier Changes / nomadic life *LaSalle’s Losses the explorer’s attempt to reach the Mississippi *Mission PossibleSpanish Missions *Location Location.. Austin Advertising patterns of settlement, empresarios, Martin de Leon, Stephen F. Austin *Fight for Freedom causes of TX Revolution, Constitution *Republic of Texas Success, problems, organization of Republic of TX SOCIAL STUDIES TX State symbols, state song, pledge primary, secondary sources TX landforms, climate patterns of settlement Regions of TX Blackland Prairie American Indians in TX and N. America before 1500 (listed under Videos in Planner) European Explorers (1500s) TX and N. America Pineda, Moscoso, Coronado, Cabeza de Vaca, de Soto, Oñate. Rene R. Cavelier Sieur de la Salle Literature Selection Genre Kid Reporters at Work Time For Kids Informational Main Selection Informational Text/ Expository Technology / Media IC LESSON Regions of Texas Spotlight on TX CUR books for this topic and historical events—(new this summer) go to classrm IC Lesson The Tejas Museum Tejas tribes research- SEE Planner for sites. Related book : The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush (dePaolo) also in Discovery Education WK THEME Kids at Work The Astronaut and the Onion by Ann Cameron Illustrated by Anna Rich WK THEME Mentors Consejeros Main Selection Literary Text/ Fiction Paired Selection Informational Text/ Expository IC Lesson Explorers of TX Websites, related books, Nystrom Jr. Geographer Atlas, Handbook of Texas Online MIND MISSIONS *Mission PossibleGoogle Earth Mission Tour IC LESSON Comprehension Strategies and Skills Genre Fiction, Expository Strategy Analyze Text Structure Skill Compare/Contr ast Self-selected strategy Genre Autobiography, Fiction, Biography Strategy Character Skill Character Compare and Contrast Vocabulary Strategies Thesaurus: Antonyms Using a Dictionary pronunciation, syllabication, and meaning Everything’s Bigger in TX Transfer TaskBecause of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo WK THEME Friends of All Ages / Amigos de Todos las Edades-Review Main Selection Literary Text/ Fiction Paired Selection Literary Text/ Poetry research: students will create, present a new region of TX SEE websites in Planner Google Earth IC LESSON Famous Texans TX Perspectives (series) BIO books in library IC LESSON Texas Our Texas Transfer Task Students will write an expository essay SEE Planner for specifics Genre Historical Fiction, Fiction, Poetry Strategy Summarize Skill Sequence Character, Setting, Plot Dictionary: Connotation and Denotation McGraw–Hill Texas Treasures, TE Grade 4; Plano ISD Elementary ELA Planner, IC Planner, WriteSource Text Features/ Literary Elements, Study Skills, LTs Using the Library Reading - I Can identify text structure and features in NF text..read independently w/purpose....(oral Lang) use text evidence Recipes Oral LanguageI Can..identify characteristics of an autobio..summarize a text using text evidence…identify 1st , 3rd person narr Reading..I Can describe character’s personality traits..determine sequence Stanza, Line Break, Simile Writing Write Source Write Source Writing/Grammar: *The Writing Process *Descriptive Essay: (Model, Prewriting, Drafting) Skills: prepositional phrases, transitions, compound sentences, commas Review: commas Write Source Writing/GrammarMechanics: *The Writing Process *Descriptive Writing: Descriptive Essay (Revising) Skills: Nouns, prepositional 1st OI: Social Studies Mexican War of Independence empresario: Stephen F. Austin, six flags over TX TX War of Independence Battle of Alamo Santa Anna Battle of San Jacinto (monument) Republic of Texas Annexation to US Civil War Confederacy, Union Emancipation Proclamation Reconstruction in TX Quanah Parker buffalo Frontier forts famous Texans—SEE Planner for list Geography,Map Skills: Latitude/ Write Source Writing/GrammarMechanics: *The Writing Process, Descriptive Writing: Descriptive Essay (Editing); Descriptive Writing Across the Curriculum. Skills: Apply capitalization, prepositional phrases, transitions, compnd sentences , commas Review: Using the right word Longitude, grid systems, symbols, scales, legends, compass rose