
National Association of Left Handed-Golfers - Australia
Victorian Division Inc.
Chris Morris
8 Tooronga Court
PHONE: 5623 5997
Mobile:0418 527 995
Email: c.c.morris@bigpond.com
Barry Gust
6 Franklin Court
PHONE: 9802 1478
Mobile: 0417 717 650
Email: bgust@bigpond.com
Trevor Golding
14 Ingleside Crescent.
PHONE/FAX: (03) 9802 1580
Email: trevorgee1@bigpond.com
Dear Lefty,
The start of a new golfing year is with us and we have an excellent program of events as you will see in the
following weeks.
Firstly our 2014 State Championships were held at Woodlands Golf Club on 25 November 2014 and results
are as follows-:
A Grade
Winner Gross
Runner Up Gross
Winner Nett
Runner Up Nett (1)
Runner Up Nett (2)
Dave Berg 89
Peter Heggart 83
Keith Marshall 72
Martin Evans 74
Leigh Greening 76
B Grade
Winner Gross
Runner Up Gross
Winner Nett
Runner Up Nett (1)
Runner Up Nett (2)
Noel Alldis 92 on 1st c/b
Peter Gower 92
Rod Moffatt 74
Julian Callil 75
Colin Cooney 76
Right Handers/Visitors
Andrew Beane Nett 79
George Kotaridis
Colin Jones
Dave Berg
Glenn Jacobs
Golf Balls
Trevor Golding, Barry Gust, Rod Boucher, Glenn Jacobs, Bert Adams and Peter Nolan.
A very big well done to Dave Berg and Noel Alldis for being our respective A Grade and B Grade Champions
for 2014.
Our new National Executive Chairman, Bob Murphy has spent considerable time setting up a new National
Website at www.lefthandedgolfaustralia.com and from which the various Divisions are now linked. There will
be some good information to view including the link to the NSW Website at www.nalg_nsw.org.au for details of
the National Championships in Port Macquarie NSW in October 2015.
Cumulative Event
Trevor Golding
Peter Gower
Barry Gust
Barry Murphy
71 winner of the $100.00 – your Captain checked the scores!
Leigh Greening
Noel Bond
Gary Mackay
Zdenka Better
Mark Kennedy
George Kotaridis
Peter Heggart
Ed Kennedy
Michael Gargan
Peter Henshell
(plus plenty of other scores in the fifties)
The event is on again for 2015.
This event is to be held on weekend of 13 and 14 June 2015 (still good weather before the wind gets up!) and
visitors are most welcome to attend for what promises to be a super weekend. Please refer to Vortex Air
details below and we propose to leave from Moorabbin on Friday afternoon 12 June 2015 and return on
Sunday afternoon with golf on Saturday afternoon at Barnbougle and Sunday morning at Lost Farm.
We will be joined by the Tasmanian Division and excellent trophies will be played for – Stableford on both
days. We have also made a booking for the dining room at Lost Farm on the Saturday evening. The total cost
of the weekend travelling form Moorabbin will beAir Fares
Accommodation (twin share) $180
Green Fees
Plus meals, etc.
At this early stage we already have six starters on the trip plus several going via Tullamarine-if you would like
to go via Moorabbin please advise me by email and at same time send me a deposit of $400.00 by direct
credit to WESTPAC BSB 083417 Account No 51-530-8856 Name of Account NALGA VICTORIAN DIVSN
INC. If travelling via Tullamarine please send me $150.00 to same Account. Remember that we must pre book
the Flight, Accommodation and Green fees.
Here is some information from Vortex Air-:
“As it is a charter flight the departure times are completely up to you and the group with our only restriction
being that we require daylight to land and take off at Barnbougle.
Airfare includes:
- Free car parking at Moorabbin Airport
- Complimentary use of Vortex Air’s fully equipped lounge and bar
- Travel to your own schedule, departing at a time of your choice
- Express Check-in
- Vortex will provide a scenic trip over showing you Melbourne on take-off, then trekking over Wilsons
Prom and Flinders Island, with a circuit or 2 of the course and views of the North coast of Tasmania on
landing (weather permitting)
- We land directly on Barnbougle’s own on course runway from which the Barnbougle bus will collect you
and take you to the clubhouses
- Flight time = 1 hour 15 minutes
- In-flight entertainment options (dependant on air craft)
- Experienced Vortex Air Pilot as your host
- Un-paralleled customer service
Please Note: Due to the size of average golf bags and restrictions on luggage compartments on our planes,
golf clubs will need to be re-packed into one of our provided pencil bags for the flight across. Upon arrival at
Barnbougle full golf bags will be provided for use during your stay on course. All gear left behind will be safely
locked away in our charter lounge.
The trips are fantastic, we have had a terrific response from all flying down.
Your subs are due as at 1st January 2015 and is still $30.00.
First Event For 2015
Rosebud Country Club is our venue for Friday, 27 February 2015 with hit off at 9.00am. Cost of the day is
$40.00 and Stableford is the Event. If possible please pay direct to
NAB BSB 083417 Account No 51-5308856 and show who is the Payer
Please try to let me know that you are playing by 24 February and ring the Pro Shop direct on 5950 0888 if
you want to book a Cart.
Good golfing.
Trevor Golding