Scientists write up reports describing their experiments. Use the flowing format to write up your Investigation Report. Type report on computer or write the final draft of your report on white lined paper in PEN. Label each section and underline it. Skip a line between each section. NAME: ________________________________________ Date:__________________ INVESTIGATION – What affects reaction time? Research Question: Does __________________________________ affect reaction time? Hypothesis: (Tell what you think the results of your investigation will be and why.) Materials used: Plastic ruler (or metal, wood - depending on what you chose) Distance/Reaction Time conversion chart Recording sheet / Data Table Graph Paper Procedure: List the steps to follow: (be very specific so other researchers could repeat your test exactly.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To make this a fair test we controlled specific variables. (List with bullets. Tell the variables you controlled and kept constant in your experiment. Example: we used the same ruler for each trial and rested our elbow on the desk as the ruler was dropped.) Controlled Variables: Other Variables: Independent Variables: Dependent Variables: Results: (what happened in your investigation.) See Data Tables and Graph This section should include your data tables, and graph All tables, graphs and charts should be labeled appropriately. Conclusion: Tell what question you were answering in your investigation. Refer back to your hypothesis, and tell why it was your hypothesis. Tell if your hypothesis was supported or not supported by the data. Be sure to include examples of the data that support or don’t support the hypothesis. If results are inconsistent, explain. Include a summary of the data: - Did all your subjects have the same reaction time for each of the different tests you ran? OR Were the subjects’ reaction times different for the two different tests you did? If so how? - What were the average reaction times? Were the results consistent between subjects? Reflection: Was your data reliable? Did you control all the variables in your investigation carefully? Think about possible errors that could have occurred in the collection of data (experimental errors) Think about why your investigation may have produced data that was incorrect. Tell how your investigation could be improved. Put ideas for improving your experiment to get more accurate data or to give you more confidence in your conclusion. Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Brain Explorers: Reaction Time - Student Worksheet Word Box Eye Muscle Visual Cortex Motor Cortex Spinal Cord The words in the word box name the parts of your body involved in creating a response (ex. catching a falling object). Put the words in order according to how they are used in the body. 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ Now use these words, in the proper sequence, to write a paragraph describing the process that allowed you to catch the ruler. Tell how the brain and senses worked together. ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Rubric for Embedded Task Work / Investigation LAB REPORT ITEMS Component 1 Work: Getting Ready Detailed brainstorming list of factors that might affect reaction time Fully completed Noticing/Wondering Activity Developed a scientific question to study Component 2: Planning the investigation and collecting the data Questions 1 – 5 and 7 completed in detail Tables: Titles given, all sections/headings labeled, correct measurement units given; (times, distances); averages calculated correctly and rounded to the nearest hundredth Graph: Title given, both axes labeled, bars drawn appropriately, spacing between bars consistent, correct use of capitalization for title and labels Final Lab Report: Research Question clearly stated (5 pts.) Hypothesis Given and full explanation of why you think as you do (5 pts.) Materials Used in an organized list (5 pts.) Procedure: All steps clearly listed in the exact order needed to conduct the lab; steps listed in complete sentences in detail (10 pts.) Statement of “fair test”; controlled, independent and dependent variables listed with accuracy (5 pts.) Results Section: Tables, Graphs included in report (5 pts.) Conclusion: Refers back to hypothesis, explains results in detail (5 pts.) Points Possible 5 10 10 10 45 Points Earned Reflection: explains reliability of results and how investigation could be improved (5 pts.) Neatness: Report typed or handwritten neatly in pen, all papers organized in correct order Mechanics: Paper has been proofread for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation Participation: Worked cooperatively, efficiently, and equally with group members Brain - Reaction Time Worksheet Worksheet completed; paragraph explanation detailed and uses all required terms clearly and accurately TOTAL Points Possible/ Earned: Comments: 5 5 5 5 100