
My Resume
Summary Slide
Anthony Giquinto
Why this
 Career
Major 
Why I Chose This Career?
Personality Profile From Pathfinders Survey:
– Mechanical and Protective
Personality Profile From Drive of Your Life:
– P.C.I. ( Practical, Creative, and Influential)
Personal Interests:
• Video-games.
• Football.
• Repairing roofs with my dad.
Education & Training
to Obtain this Career
• 2 years out of high school
• You need no license to be a roofer
• You need 1 year of internship
• Penn State University
– Roofing
– Carpentry, construction site management
What is your salary?
During my career my salary changes. At first I start out with $30,000 a
year. When I show to work and complete tasks during the year, my salary
could jump up. If I show the company that I want to be there, they will pay
more than if I don’t wont to be there. As the years go on my salary could
increase as high as $50,000. So to have good work ethic and listening
pays off in the long run.
Advantages & Disadvantages
List Advantages Here
• Create bonds with
others that work with
• Learn more about
• Gain more physical
List Disadvantages Here
• Work for most of the
• Can get hurt from
working on the site.
• Spend money for
Always make sure that
you write an accurate
resume with all the
features you have. Some
common mistakes are
when you crumble up the
paper, get it wet with a
drink, or getting food on
it. While you are creating
your resume, add all you
can to describe yourself.
When you write a good
resume, your making
yourself look better. To
write a good resume,
have someone proof read
it and have a good
breakfast to jumpstart
your brain .
The Interview Process
The four phases of an interview are the introduction,
background, probe stage, matching stage, and final
questions and close. You should make sure that you
look over your resume before you go into an interview.
Prepare for questions about your resume while your in
the interview. If you think you will be asked certain
questions, you should prepare yourself to make sure
you are ready for them. For roofing you will need to
know about mathematics and carpentry. So while your
in there prepare to be asked questions like, how good
are you with numbers or, how long you have worked
with wood. Also you should where a suit or something
nice to an interview to show that you can to be
Major Responsibilities
• Make sure there are at least three people on the job.
• Buy supplies for repairs on houses.
• Make estimates and jobs for the company.
• Advertise for the company.
• Hire workers who have the requirements for the job.
Waking Up:
Ending Your Work Day:
Get up at 6;00 AM and
exercise before a big day of
Start of Work Day:
Clean-up at work and come
home to cook a meal for
Call all workers and make
sure we have at least 3
people on the job.
Morning Responsibilities:
Order and purchase supplies
and calculate work hours for
the day and also make
Finish roofing and or siding
job/estimate and go through
lists of jobs/estimates for
Lunch Responsibilities:
Have lunch with workers and
exchange stories of what we
did over the weekend and
2028 Newsletter Article
Other Possible Careers
List 3 and Explain Why
• Chef- because I love to cook and work
with others.
• Carpenter- because I love to build
structures and items out of wood.
• Video-game designer- because I like to
play video games in my free time and like
to design games I know everyone would
Summary Slide
•This career lets you express yourself in the roof you make, like you can
make a slate roof that shines like the sun and engrave your name on it.
The next few years I could study my numbers and calculations to get
better at mental roofing and go to the gym to get better at physical
roofing. I learned that I am more of a hands-on type rather than a mental
person who reads and writes.