WELCOME CLASS OF 2017 TO RIDGEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL TAKE P.R.I.D.E. ersonal esponsibility n elivering xcellence RAM UNIVERSITY – 9th GRADE ACADEMY High Performing Schools have “an extraordinary commitment of resources and attention on 9th grade” 9th Graders have unique developmental characteristics Building a strong foundation in 9th Grade is key to success in high school Students who do not graduate from the 9th grade are 5 times more likely to drop out 90% of students with failure in 9th grade end up dropping out of school Students who feel a sense of belonging and community are less likely to drop out th 9 MISSION OF A GRADE ACADEMY All 9th graders will earn 6 credits – zero tolerance for failure Make connections through relationships Schedule students based on academic competence Focus on character-centered teaching Utilize a multi-tiered system of support for academic and behavioral interventions Increase meaningful parent involvement Increase rigor & relevance in the 9th grade PROGRAM DESIGN Every 9th grader is a member of the Ram U Learning Community Students select a team based on an instructional theme (Arts/Business or Science & Technology/ Health & Human Services Students will be grouped in teams 2 teams of teachers Teachers share common students in core courses Teacher teams have common planning periods Teams meet weekly to discuss cross-curricular objectives and individual student progress All teachers on team will attend parent conferences Core courses will have a peer mentor assigned Ridgewood High School 2013-2014 Course Selection Process OWN YOUR CHOICES COURSE SELECTION PROCESS Registration Timeline & Checklist/Parent University Flyer (Pink) Planning Sheet (Gold) RHS Programs & Academies/SUS Matrix (Green) AP Brochure (White), AVID Brochure, Robotics Brochure FAQ (Purple) Setting Your Course: Planning Sheet for Students & Parents Ridgewood High School Student Educational Goal Pathways Explanation Traditional – After high school, this student will enter the work force, join the military, or attend a technical or community college. College Prep – After high school, this student will attend a community college or four-year university (with foreign language requirement completed). Advanced College Prep – After high school, this student will attend a more competitive four-year university (with the foreign language requirement completed). Part 1: Course Planning Sheet Part 2: Course Planning Sheet Advanced Placement Expectations Advanced Placement Policy and Expectations A separate Expectations Agreement is required for all Advanced Placement courses. Schedule changes out of Advanced Placement classes will not be allowed until after the first quarter at minimum. Students will also need to meet all expectations of the Advanced Placement classes, including completing summer work, completing all assignments, participating in classes, and seeking extra help if there are issues. Freshmen may take AP Human Geography. SCHEDULE CHANGE POLICY Only the following schedule change issues will be addressed after the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year: 1. Student already passed course listed on his/her schedule. 2. Student is in a class and has not met the course prerequisite. 3. Student is a 12th grader and is missing a course to meet state graduation requirements. 4. Student has a “hole” in his/her schedule. OWN YOUR CHOICES! Every student must have at least 1 Performing Art credit. VIRTUAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT Students in the Class of 2015 and beyond must take one virtual course within their four years of high school. Students who take the course during their 6 period day will work in a lab setting for one period. RHS PROGRAMS & ACADEMIES Academy of Health and Human Services (located @ MTEC) - CNA Medical Skills (1.0) > Health Science I > Health Science II > Allied Health Biomedical Science (located @ MTEC) – “PRE-MED” Principles of Biomedical Science (1.0) > Human Body Systems (1.0) RHS PROGRAMS & ACADEMIES Academy of Robotics Foundations of Robotics (1.0) AVID Program ONLINE REGISTRATION: March PREPARATION FOR 9th GRADE Feb. 14: High School Success Night @ RHS 6PM May 15: Parent University – How to Successfully Make the 9th Grade Transition @ RHS August: 9th Grade Orientation @ RHS CONTACT INFORMATION Alicia Leary, Assistant Principal aleary@pasco.k12.fl.us Kristi Garcia, Guidance Counselor kgarcia@pasco.k12.fl.us Website: rhs.pasco.k12.fl.us RHS Hotline: 2/19-2/20 727-774-3916 or 727-774-3926 PROUD TO BE A