RAILWAY ZONES AND THEIR HEAD QUARTERS: CODE RAILWAY ZONES HEAD QUARTERS 1. CENTRAL RAILWAY MUMBAI 2. EASTERN RAILWAY KOLKATA 3. NORTHERN RAILWAY DELHI 4. NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY GHORAKPUR 5. NORTH EAST FRONTIER RAILWAY MALIGON (GUWAHATI) 6. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CHENNAI 7. SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY KOLKATA 8. WESTERN RAILWAY MUMBAI 9. SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY SECUNDRABAD 10. EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY HAJIPUR 11. NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY JAIPUR 12. EAST COAST RAILWAY BHUVANESHWAR 13. NORTH CENTRAL RAILWAY ALLAHABAD 14. SOUTH EAST CENTRAL RAILWAY BILASHPUR 15. SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY HUBLI 16. WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY JABALPUR 17. METRO RAILWAY KOLKATA UNITS OF MEASUREMENT OF LENGTH 8 gauges = 1 inch 12 inches = 1 foot 3 feet = 1 yard 220 yards = 1 furlong 8 Furlong or 1760 Yards = 1Mile Units of Weight Measurement 16 drams = 1 ounce 16 ounces = 1 pound 28 pounds = 1 quarter 4 quarters = 1 hundred weight 20 hundred weight = 1 ton Measurement of Capacity 4 gills = 1pint 2 pints = 1 quarter 4 quarters = 1 gallon Other Units 8 ratti = 1 masha 12 masha = 1 tola 5 tola = 1 chhatank 16 chhatanks = 1 seer 40 seer = 1 mound Measurement of Time 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 hour 24 hours = 1 day C.G.S. System This system is also known as French or Metric system. This is an international system for measurement and weighting physical things. The Indian Standards Institute has approved this system for adoption. Under this system, for measurement of length centimeter, for weight gram, and for time second have been taken as the basis. Under C.G.S. system the following units are used: Measurement of Length 10 millimeters = 1 centimeter 10 centimeters = 1 decimeter 10 decimeters = 1 meter (or 100 centimeters) 10 meters = 1 decameter 10 decameters = 1 hectometer (or 100 meters) 10 hectometers = 1 kilometer (or 1000 meters) Measurement to Weight 10 milligrams = 1 centigram 10 centigrams = 1 decigram 10 decigrams = 1 gram 10 grams = 1decagram 10 decagrams = 1 hectograms 10 hectograms = 1 kilogram 100 kilograms = 1 quintal 10 quintals = 1 metric tone Measurement of Capacity 10 milliliters = 1 centiliter 10 centiliter = 1 deciliter 10 deciliters = 1 liter 10 liters = 1 deciliters 10 deciliters = 1 hectoliter 10 hectoliters = 1 kiloliter Measurement of Time 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 hours 24 hours = 1 day 7 days = 1 week 30 days = 1 month 12 months = 1 year (or 365 days) Apart for F.P.S. system and C.G. S. system for measurement at large scale, MKS system is also prevalent in India. This system is almost similar to CGS system. For measuring length meter is used. For weighing things kilogram and for measuring time seconds unit is used. Area Measurement (British System) 144 sq. inch = 1 sq. foot 9 sq. foot = 1 sq. yard 4840 sq. yards = 1 acre 640 acres = 1 sq. mile Area measurement (Metric System) 100 sq. millimeters = 1 sq. foot 9 sq. centimeters = 1 sq. decimeter 100 sq. decimeters = 1 sq. meter 100 sq meters = 1 are 100 are = 1 hectare (or 10000 sq. m) 100 hectares = 1 sq. kilometer (or 100000 sq. Ares) Measurement of Volume (British System) 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard Measurement of Volume (Metric System) 1000 cubic feet = 1 cubic centimeter 1000 cubic cm = 1 cubic decimeter 1000 cubic decimeter = 1 cubic meter 1000 cubic meters = 1 decameter 1000 cubic decameters = 1 cubic hectometer 1000 cubic hectometer = 1 cubic kilometer Temperature and its Units Temperature indicates the level of heat of an article. Organs of our body cannot measure the heat of a thing. If we put our finger in hot water and then put it into cool water, we shall observe that our finger remains hot for some time even after putting the finger into cold water. Therefore, we cannot depend on our body organs for knowing the temperature of an article. For this purpose a thermometer containing mercury in used. These are used as a scales between two stages of temperature. Normally Celsius (Centigrade) and Fahrenheit thermometers are used. In centigrade thermometers the melting point at atmospheric pressure is 0◦ C and the boiling point is at 100◦ C. These degrees can be conveniently divided into equal parts. In the same way, at atmospheric pressure in Fahrenheit thermometer, the melting point of ice is 32◦ F and boiling point of water is 212◦ F. These degrees are divided into equal parts and indicated on the thermometer. For meeting the technical and other needs now these degrees are converted into one another. For this purpose the following formula is applied: Temperature Conversion Formula: From Centigrade to Fahrenheit, ◦C = 5/9(◦F-32) From Fahrenheit to Centigrade, ◦ F = 9/5(◦C +32) FIRST AID. We have discussed various precautions needed to avert accidents in open line and workshops. A slight negligence in these precautions can prove dangerous. Accident in workshops directly affect the workers. While loss of property can be made up later on, it is essential to take steps to treat the injured person immediately. One does not know when an accident will occur in a openline but all depots cannot have medical staff for quick treatment at the site. Only a few big industrial houses have made available medical facilities to deal with accidental cases. Therefore, it is very important to provided. First AID facilities in all depots. Training should be given to the employees of openline so that they can provided first aid relief to the injured, in case of an accident. If necessary, after giving first aid, treatment can be had from a doctor or a doctor can be called on the site, if situation demands. The following things should be available in the openline to provided First Aid facilities: Tincture Iodine, Tincture Benzene, Mercurochrome, Dettol, Burnol, Pain relieving tablets, Medicine to treat unconsciousness, Dressing material, meshed cloth, Cotton, Safety pin, Raw Plaster, Small wooden strips, Dropper, Glass for administering medicine, Glass for washing eyes, Stature, Truenet,wooden scales,ointment. With the help of above things, first aid can be provided to an injured person and he may get cured or get temporary relief. Important points regarding First Aid. (i) We should not get nervous at the sight of patient’s injury or pain. Nor we should try to escape from the site. (ii) Instead of going into the questions of how the accident occurred, when it happened and why it happened, we should immediately arrange to provided first aid to the patient. The above investigations can be done later on. First Aid should be our first concern in case of an accident. (iii) If the patient is unconscious and blood is coming out, immediately steps should be taken to stop it. (iv) Before stopping the blood, the direction of blood in the nerves should be ascertained. (v) Until a doctor declares an accident victim as dead, first aid relief should be continued. (vi) It should be ensured that crowd does not gather around a patient. (vii) An accident patient can be given hot milk or tea but not water or intoxicating things. (viii) If an accident victim has got burn injuries, he should not be allowed to remain in open air but a blanket should be scrapped round his body. (ix) We should arrange to call a doctor immediately or try to carry the accident victim to a doctor if the situation demands. NOTE: Every Railway employee in C&W department is a break down member, if accident taken place all on duty and off duty employee should rush to accident spot. so knowledge of first aid is most. A book from ST John’s Ambulance will be very useful to know about Fist Aid. AXLE BOX GUIDE WITH DASH POT ARRANGEMENT Axle box guides are of cylindrical type welded to the bottom flanges of the bogie side frame with close dimensional accuracy. These guides together with lower spring seats located over the axle box wings house the axle box springs and also serve as shock absorbers. These guides are fitted with guide caps having nine holes of diameter 5 mm equidistant through which oil in the lower spring seat passes under pressure during dynamic oscillation of coach and provide necessary damping to primary suspension to enhance better riding quality of coach. This type of rigid axle box guide arrangement eliminates any longitudinal or transverse relative movement between the axles and the bogie frame. AIR VENT SCREWS On the bogie side frames, directly above the dash-pots, tapped holes are provided for replenishing oil in the dash pots. Special screws with copper asbestos washers are screwed on the tapped hole to make it air tight. BOGIE BOLSTER SUSPENSION The bolster rests on the bolster coil springs - two at each end, located on the lower spring beam which is suspended from the bogie side frame by means of bolster-spring-suspension (BSS) hangers on either side. The two anchor links diagonally positioned are provided with silent block bushes. The links prevent any relative movement between the bogie frame and coach body. CENTRE PIVOT ARRANGEMENT FIXING ARRGT. OF PBOTTOM COVERPWITH BOLSTER SECTION A-A TO BE TACK WELDEDPAFTER ASSEMBLY CENTRE PIVOT PIN SEALING CAP A BOGIE BOLSTER SILENTBLOCK SLEEVE HEX. HEAD SCREWP& SPRING WASHER BOTTOM COVER PCOMPLETE COTTER SPLITPIN A The centre pivot pin joins theCENT body the bogie and transmits the tractive and braking RE PIVOTwith ARRANGEMENT forces on the bogies. It does not transmit any vertical load. It is equipped with rubber silent block bushes which tend to centralize the bogies with respect to the body and, to some extent, control and damp the angular oscillations of the bogies FIGURE 3.3 SIDE BEARERS 45 % % c 9.5 ° 10 0 3 R1 WEARING PIECE FOR SIDE BEARER 5 5 13 % REF. DRG. NO. T-O-5-649 % c 6 SURFACE SHOULD BE SMOOTH FELT OIL LEVEL CHECK FOR POROUS WELDING WEARING PIECE Note:-P1. Bronze Wearing Piece should be renewed when the wear on the mating surface reaches 3mm that is, height is less than 42 mm or damages occur to the oil grooves.P2. The hard ground plate should be renewed when the wear exceeds 1.5mm that is, thickness is less than 8.5 mm or ridges are observed on the plate. The side bearer arrangement consists of a machined steel wearing plate immersed in an oil bath and a floating bronze-wearing piece with a spherical top surface kept in it, on both sides IDE BEARER of the bogie bolster. The coach body Srests on ARRANGEMENT the top spherical surface of these bronze-wearing FIGURE 3.4 pieces through the corresponding attachments on the bottom of the body-bolster. The whole arrangement is provided with a cover to prevent entry of dust in the oil sump. Wear limit for wearing plate New Shop Condemning size renewal size size 10 mm 9 mm 8.5 mm New Shop Condemning size renewal size size 45 mm 43.5 mm 42 mm Wear limit for wearing piece ANCHOR LINK The floating bogie bolster which supports the coach body is held in position longitudinally by the anchor links which are pinned to the bolster sides and the bogie Transoms. One anchor link is provided on each side of the bolster diagonally across. The links can swivel universally to permit the bolster to rise and fall and sway side wards. They are designed to take the tractate and braking forces. The anchor links are fitted with silent block bushes SILENT BLOCK This is a synthetic rubber bush fitted in anchor link and center pivot of ICF bogies to transmit force without shock and reduce noise. SPRINGS In bogie, helical springs are used in both primary and secondary suspension. The springs are manufactured from peeled and centre less ground bar of chrome vanadium/chrome molybdenum steel. Drawing code of springs for ICF BG coaches Axle box Bolster Type of bogies Drg. Code No. All Non AC ICF type A01 All AC ICF type A03 Power car A04 Double Decker A06 High capacity Power Car A09 High capacity parcel van A10 All Non AC ICF type B01 All AC ICF type B03 Power car B04 Double Decker B06 High capacity Power car Bolster High capacity Parcel van B11 B13 B15 B16 Load deflection testing and grouping of Axle box spring Code Wire Free Test Acceptable dia height Load height under Groups as per loaded spring height test load A B C Yellow Oxford Green Blue A01 33.5 360 2000 279-295 279-284 285-289 290-295 A03 33.5 375 2800 264-282 264-269 270-275 276-282 A04 35 372 3000 265-282 265-270 271-276 277-282 A06 36 337 2400 269-284 269-273 274-279 280-284 A09 37 360 3000 277-293 277-282 283-288 289-293 A10 39 315 1800 276-289 276-279 280-284 285-289 Load deflection testing and grouping of Bolster spring Code Wire Free Test Acceptable dia height Load height under Groups as per loaded spring height test load A B C Yellow Oxford Blue Green B01 42 385 3300 301-317 301-305 306-311 312-317 B03 42 400 4800 291-308 291-296 297-303 304-308 B04 47 400 6100 286-304 286-291 292-297 298-304 B06 36 416 4200 280-299 280-286 287-292 293-299 B11 47 B13 34 386 6700 306-322 306-311 312-317 318-322 B15 40 393 B16 32.5 286 6000 256-272 256-261 262-267 268-272 EQUALISING STAYS This device has been provided on bogies between the lower spring plank and the bolster to prevent lateral thrust on the bolster springs which have not been designed to take the lateral forces. These links have pin connections at both ends and, therefore, can swivel freely. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION AND DIMENSION QUANTITY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TUBE BORE Ø50X640 TUBE BORE Ø50X462 BOSS BORE Ø60/40X32 BODY BORE Ø60X134 BUSH 42X32X32 RIB 200X225X5 RIB 120X30X5 1 1 2 1 8 2 2 BOLSTER SPRING SUSPENSION HANGERS (BSS HANGERS) COMPONENTS SIZE-NEW CONDEMNING 9.5 WEAR IN mm 8 1.5 SHOP ISSUE SIZE 8.50 HANGER BLOCKPTOP & BOTTOM PIN 37 35.5 38.4 36.5 1.5 36.00 HANGER 37.00 9.5 R1 26 1.5 0.25P- HANGER AND HANGER BLOCKS 45 0.5 FIGURE 3.14 In the secondary suspension, the bolster is supported on helical coil springs which are placed on the lower spring plank. The lower spring plank is suspended from the bogie side frame through BSS hangers on hanger blocks. SHOCK ABSORBERS Hydraulic shock absorbers with capacity of 600 kg at a speed of 10 cm/sec. are fitted to work in parallel with the bolster springs to provide damping for vertical oscillations. Attention to Bogie Frame Suggested BSS bracket and Axle guide alignment gauges Longitudinal gauge for BSS brackets Transverse gauge for BSS brackets Diagonal gauge for BSS brackets Longitudinal gauge for axle guide Transverse gauge for axle guide Diagonal gauge for axle guide Distance between BSS bracket and adjacent axle guide Longitudinal gauge for suspension strap 13t bogies 16.25t bogies 14001.0 mm (7000.5 mm from longitudinal center-line) 2159 1.0 mm 15001.0 mm (7500.5 mm from longitudinal center-line) 2159 1.0 mm 2573 1.0 mm 2629 1.0 mm 5701.0 mm (equidistant from center-line of axle) 21591.0 mm 570 1.0 mm (equidistant from center-line of axle) 21591.0 mm 36121.0 mm 4631.0 mm 36121.0 mm 4131.0 mm 8701.0 mm (equidistant from center-line of axle) 8701.0mm (equidistant from center-line of the axle) BOLSTER SPRING SUSPENSION HANGERS (BSS HANGERS) COMPONENTS SIZE-NEW CONDEMNING 9.5 WEAR IN mm 8 1.5 SHOP ISSUE SIZE 8.50 HANGER BLOCKPTOP & BOTTOM PIN 37 35.5 38.4 36.5 1.5 36.00 HANGER 37.00 9.5 R1 26 1.5 0.25P- HANGER AND HANGER BLOCKS 45 0.5 FIGURE 3.14 In the secondary suspension, the bolster is supported on helical coil springs which are placed on the lower spring plank. The lower spring plank is suspended from the bogie side frame through BSS hangers on hanger blocks. SHOCK ABSORBERS Hydraulic shock absorbers with capacity of 600 kg at a speed of 10 cm/sec. are fitted to work in parallel with the bolster springs to provide damping for vertical oscillations. Attention to Bogie Frame Suggested BSS bracket and Axle guide alignment gauges Longitudinal gauge for BSS brackets Transverse gauge for BSS brackets Diagonal gauge for BSS brackets Longitudinal gauge for axle guide Transverse gauge for axle guide Diagonal gauge for axle guide Distance between BSS bracket and adjacent axle guide Longitudinal gauge for 13t bogies 16.25t bogies 14001.0 mm (7000.5 mm from longitudinal center-line) 2159 1.0 mm 15001.0 mm (7500.5 mm from longitudinal center-line) 2159 1.0 mm 2573 1.0 mm 2629 1.0 mm 5701.0 mm (equidistant from center-line of axle) 21591.0 mm 570 1.0 mm (equidistant from center-line of axle) 21591.0 mm 36121.0 mm 4631.0 mm 36121.0 mm 4131.0 mm 8701.0 mm (equidistant 8701.0mm (equidistant a DIMENSIONAL CHECK REPORT AC suspensionFOR strap b from center-line of axle) from center-line of the axle) & POWER CAR BOGIE FRAME C 35 D z 413 + - 1 K 1752 + - 0.5 + - 1 1752 + - 1 c g 8 G H 1500 g 7 2896 + - 0.5 570 I 750 876 C.L. OF AXLE L O R C.L.OF AXLE + - 0.5 876 + 1 - J M P 35 g4 + - 0.5 2159 + 1 - + - 1 Q 29 26 S g 3 N 12 36 g 2 T g 1 876 F E d g 6 + - 0.5 + - 1 g 5 z + - 1 + - 1 570 + - 1 B A WORK INSTRUCTIONS FOR DE-WHEELING 1. BOGIE SIDE FRAME & HEAD STOCK CENTRES ON EITHER SIDE OF THE BOGIE FRAME AS SHOWN THUS WILL BE PERMANENTLY PUNCH MARKED IN 1. Remove the axle box safetyTHIS bracket bolts Xusing appropriate spanners. CONSPICUOUS MANNER.TO ENSURE 2mmTHICK 25mmWIDE STRIP SHOULD BE WELDED AT THE LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE CENTRES OF THE BOGIE 2. Provide packing underBEthe axle box and wheels. FRAME.PUNCH MARK SHOULD PUNCHED ON wings THIS STRIP ACCORDINGLY. 2. g g REPRESENT OF 1 Remove 8 3.TO the air LOCATIONS vent screws. BOGIE GUIDES. 3. E,F,G & H REPRESENT LOCATIONS OF SUSPENSION BRACKETS FOR BOLSTER 4. Remove the ‘V’ belt from the brake beam. SUSPENSION ARRGT. 5. Lift the bogie frame by using EOT crane. 4. BOLSTER SUSPENSION BRACKET PIN HOLES E,F,G,H SHALL BE LOCATED AT 750 + 0.5mm FROM THE TRANSVERSE CENTRE LINE PUNCH MARKS ON BOGIE - 6.FRAME Place& the bogie frame the trustle. SIDE CHECK IT AS PER on FIG.-3.15b. 5. WELDING JOINT SHALL NOT COME UNDER THE BOGIE GUIDE. 6. NO INACCURACY IN LOCATION OF HANGER BRACKET AND THE ALIGNMENT 7. Separate the protective tube, axle box springs and lower spring seat from the axle box wings. 8. Remove the ‘V’ belt from the wheels. OF HOLES IN THE BRACKETS WILL BE PERMITTED. 9. Lift the wheels by lifting hook in the crane and place the wheels on the wheel shop intake track. FIGURE-3.15a ICF DRG. WTAC - 0-3-301 3 SHEET 1 OF 2 AXLE GUIDE & DASH POT 1) Axle Guide Bush Outer Diameter 140 mm –300 Microns 2) Axle Guide Bush Inner Diameter 115 mm 3) Axle Guide Bush height 76 mm 4) Axle Guide height 245 mm 5) Axle Guide Diameter = 120 / 115 6) Dash Pot Height = 230 mm 7) Dash Pot Inner Dia = 140 mm + 600 Microns 8) Dash Pot Dip Reading 40 mm 9) Dash Pot Dip Reading 110 mm (Before Assembling) 10) Dash Pot Oil Quantity 1.6 ltrs. 11) Dash Pot Bottom Rubber washer: Thickness 31 mm, Outer dia 254 mm, Inner dia 114 mm. 12) Dash Pot Seating Projection 105mm. 13) Dash Pot Upper Rubber washer: Thickness 31mm, Outer dia 260 mm, Inner Dia 168 mm. 14) The distance between wheel hub and axel pulley is 139 mm INDO GERMAN MODIFICATION 1. Brake Gear pins and bushes: The brake gear pins are machined with N5 ground finish and chrome plated (chromium) to a thickness of 25 microns to increase the life of bushes. The brake gear bushes are made of N66 material to minimize creaking of bushes. 2. Safety Wire Rope: Safety wire ropes are used in place of safety straps to Prevent dropping of stress beams whenever the brake gear pins are Working out. 3. Brake Head and brake shoe key: Brake head is modified with increased area of contact the brake shoe key is also suitably modified to have snug fitting between block and break head. Brake Hanger: The lengths of the hangers are increased from 205 mm to 235 mm to prevent mounting of Brake blocks over the wheel, whenever the diameter of Wheels is reduced. 1. Pin No 3. : It is modified with a 5 mm color to prevent working out of bushes from the hangers of “Z” shape.( “Z” Lever ). 4. Equalising stays: All the newly built coaches are provided with 16 t equalising stays. 5. Head stock. The pitch distance between the two side buffer bolts in vertical is increased from 120 mm to 170 mm to minimize cracking of head stock. 6. Buffer pads: The buffer pads are modified with increased area of contact to prevent damages to the head stock. The capacity of the buffer pads is 1000 kg 7. SAB Articulation arrangements: SAB’s are provided with articulation arrangements at the control rod end to prevent brakeage and malfunctioning of SAB en-route. 8. Axle box crown bolt: A rubber pad is provided to crown bolt to maintain crown clearance and to prevent damage to the axle box and working out of bolts. 9. Axle guide: To prevent frequent working out of the axle guide cap and damage to the axle guide the bottom of the guide is welded with 5 mm thick plate having holes. To secure the guide bush in position a circlip is used in place of guide cap. 10. Air brake beam: modified tubular section brake beams should be used for air brake coaches. A testing procedure to be conducted with a load of 12 t. the deflection should not be more than 3 mm and the permanent setting should not be more than 0.5 mm. CODAL LIFE OF COACHES Steel bodied coaches (including dining/pantry cars) 25 years IRS coaches 30 years Light utilization categories of coaches 40 years LIFTING THE COACH BODY LIFTING PADS ON BODY AIR VENTSCREWS IN BOGIE SIDE FRAME LIFTING PADS SKETCH-68078 POSITION OF LIFTING PADS I.C.F. B.G. WORK INSTRUCTION FOR LIFTING OF COACH FIGURE 1.2 1. Disconnect alternator wire. 2. Remove centre pivot cover, cotter and SAB connecting pin. 3. Locate the lifting tackles at the lifting pads of the coach body duly holding the lifting tackles by EOT Crane. 4. Ensure that the trustles for placing coach body are properly placed and located on the floor. 5. Lift the coach body from the bogies. 6. Release the bogies. 7. Place the coach body on the trustles 8. Ensure proper seating & stability of the coach body on the trustles 9. Release & remove the lifting tackles from the coach body 10. Remove bronze wearing pieces from bogies side bearer well. 11. Despatch the bogies to BRS. 12. Hand over the Bronze wearing piece to the CL Stores/ CL shop. 13. Check the dimensions of Bronze wearing pieces and renew if reached condemned size. Safety Precautions: a. All the employees involved in the above activity should use the personnel protective equipments like safety shoes, helmets & hand gloves b. Always use only tested web slings, chains & lifting tackles while handling the material. c. Always keep work place clean and dry Buffer height i) Buffer height of a coach under its tare condition should be as under:Maximum height from Minimum height from rail level rail level Production units 1105 mm 1095 mm Workshops 1105 mm 1090 mm PART- I C BOGIE FRAME F B M L.S. BEAM E D A G BOGIE BOLSTER RAIL LEVEL Screw Coupling Maintenance PART- II Draw Gear: The components used for hauling the stock are called draw gear. H BODY BOLSTER SIDE BEARER K BOGIE FRAME J L N I BOGIE BOLSTER Component Wear location Wear Suggested no limit go gauge Straight link 61 mm dia hole 2 mm 63 mm flat Straight link 47 mm dia hole 2 mm 49 mm flat Bent link 42 mm dia stem 3mm 39 mm snap Component Wear location Wear limit Suggested no go gauge Bent link 47 mm dia hole 2 mm 49 mm flat Bent link 78 mm ‘U’ gap 3 mm on each arm 77 mm to go 85 mm no go gauge Pin on draw hook 60 mm dia 2mm 58 mm flat Screw 55 x 6.35 mm 1 mm K thread profile k/thread Trunnion LH/RH Thread Knuckle 55.635x6.35 gauge 1 mm K thread profile gauge K/thread -do- 76 mm thickness 4 mm 72 mm snap -do- 46 mm dia pin 2 mm 44 mm snap Buffer casing There are two types of side buffer they are 1. Long case: Projection from headstock 635 Max. 600 Min. 2. Short case: Projection from headstock 456 Max. 406 Min. Buffer Stoke – 127+0 - 5 mm, difference in buffer height permitted on same vehicle – 64 mm. Wear location Wear limit Suggested gauge Buffer casing body wall 5.5 mm in wall Inside thickness 11.5 mm thickness micrometer Fixing hole in the base 26 2 mm on dia 28mm flat mm dia Buffer plunger Wear location Wear Suggested gauge limit Buffer plunger tube wall 4mm Micrometer 11mm 1905 mm curvature thickness 9 mm Plunger face/face plate 19 mm gauge with depth measurement. Rubber buffer pads Wear location Wear Suggested no go gauge permitte dia Buffer spindle 5 mm 35 mm snap 0.5 mm thread profile gauge body 40 mm dia Threads M 39 VERTICAL LOAD TRANSMISSION IN ICF COACH TROUGH FLOOR UNDER FRAME MEMBERS BODY TRANSOM SIDE BEARER PILLOR BRONZE WEARING PIECE WEARING PLATE BOGIE BOLSTER BOLSTER COIL SPRINGS BOTTOM SPRING PLANK PINS, STONES, STIRRUP LINKS BOGIE FRAME AXLE GUIDE SPRING AXLE BOX WING AXLE BOX ROLLER BEARING JOURNAL WHEEL RAIL THICKNESS OF COMPOSITE RING I) Primary suspension not to exceed 20mm for non AC coaches. 2) Primary suspension not to exceed 30mm for AC coaches. 3) Secondary suspension not exceeds 30mm for non AC coaches. 4) Secondary suspension not exceed 30mm for AC coaches ICF COACH ‘A’ & ‘B’ DIMENSIONS 1) ‘A’ Dimension-AC Coach 25 + 3mm. 2) ‘A’ Dimension-Non-AC Coach 45 + 3mm. 3) ‘B’ Dimension-AC &Non AC Coach 40±5 mm. 4) Table height for ICF coach 70mm. 5) Table height for BEML coach 140 mm. A. Clearance between axle box wing and safety straps =40mm. B. Top bolster and safety strap clearance = 40±5mm. BRONZ WEARING PIECE 1) Standard 45 mm, Condemning 42 mm 2) Diameters -135mm. Thickness of Wearing plate: Standard 10 mm, Condemning 8.5 mm Side Bearer Pillar Height=272 mm, Dia 126 mm. BUFFER & DRAW GEAR DIMENSIONS: 1. Buffer Height Std. Max. 1105 mm, Min. 1090 mm 2. Buffer Length Std. Max. 635 mm, Min. 600 mm, Short case buffer std. 456 Con 406. 3. Buffer Stroke 127+0 / -5 mm, difference in buffer height permitted on same vehicle is 64 mm. 4. Draw Gear, Shank Max.39mm, and Min.36 mm. 5. Draft Key Width Max. 164 mm, Min. 159 mm,and thickness 38mm & 40 mm. 6. Draw Gear Pin size 31 mm. 7. Bent Link thickness 42 mm, gap 70 mm. 8. Buffer Packing Rubber Pad 28 mm, Outer dia 178 mm. 9. Draw Hook gap 54 mm 10. Straight link 17-15 mm thickness, Width 50 mm. 11. Buffer face 460 mm diameter, Plate thickness 19 mm. 12. Buffer plunger screw bolt thickness 9mm. 13. Buffer casing body valve thickness 11.5 mm, wear permitted 5.5 mm 14. Buffer spindle body 40 mm, wear permitted 5 mm 15. Buffer assembly consisting of 16 pads having free height of 484 ± 2mm, if not add parting pads. PINS, ANCHOR LINKS, BRAKE BEAM & EQUALIZING STAY 1. Pin No. 1 Ø31 mm. 2. Pin No. 2 Ø 40 mm. 3. Pin No. 3 Ø 32 mm 4. Anchor link length 451 mm, Anchor link housing hole dia 90.5 mm, Anchor 5. Link silent block Outer dia 90.5 mm, Anchor link silent block pin 25 mm 6. Thick. Pin length 171 mm 7. BSS pin Ø 37 mm, Length 262 mm 8. BSS stone thickness 9.5 mm; condemning 8.0 mm (Wear permitted 1.5 mm) 9. Stirrup length inner 384mm, condemning 387 mm, (Wear permitted 3 mm) 10. Equalizing Stay length 722 mm, width 526 mm. 11. Equalizing Stay long pin length 611 mm, dia 31 mm, Short pin length 220 mm 12. BSS hanger thickness. Vertical 25.5 mm, Horizontal 42 mm 13. Vertical Shock Observers length Max. 360+ -3. Under Gross Load 250+ -3 14. Combined wear in Pins& bushes 1.5 mm. 15. Connecting link length AC coach 412 mm, Non AC 445 mm, thickness 30 mm in BMBS Coach. 16. Conventional coach connecting link length 445mm, thickness 30 mm, width 50 mm. 17. Actuating Rod length 2570 cm 18. Brake Beam length 183.3 cm, width 42 cm. 19. Centre pivot silent block outside dia. 140mm, hole dia 90mm. Standard Sizes Of coach leveling (Bogie POH) ICF-RCF-BBEML Coaches Buffer Height 1090-1105mm Clearance (C) 70+/-3mm BEML 140+/-30mm Clearance (B) 40+/-5mm Trolley Height 686+/-5mm Buffer Stroke 120-125mm COACH NUMBERING SYSTEM IN INDIAN RAILWAYS The first two number of coach indicates the year of built and rest three numbers indicates the type of coach. NUMBER SL.NO. TYPE OF COACH (Last 3 Numbers) 1. FIRST CLASS A.C 001 to 025 2. A.C FIRST CLASS CUM A.C. TWO TIER 026 to 050 3. A.C. TWOTIER 051 to 100 4. A.C. THREE TIER 100 to 150 5. A.C. CHAIR CAR 150 to 200 6. SLEEPER 200 to400 7. SECOND CLASS 401 to 600 8. CHAIR CAR 601 to 700 9. LUGGAGE CUM GUARD CAR 701 to 800 10. PANTRY CAR 801 to 850 11. GENERATOR CAR 851 to 875 12. POSTAL CAR AND OTHERS 876 to 999 TRANSPORTATION CODES USED IN INDIAN RAILWAYS Prefixes W : Vestibuled Y : Suburban G : Self-generating E : 4-wheeled stock L : LHB coaches Class of accommodation F : First Class S : Second Class M : Military Type of coach AC : Air conditioned CN : 3-Tier sleeper coach CW: 2-Tier sleeper coach CZ : Chair car CD : Dinning car CB : Pantry car CT : Tourist car D : Double Decker C : Coupe Y : With Ladies compartment Parcel Vans, etc. L : Luggage van R : Brake van / Guard van RA : Inspection carriage(Administrative) RB : Inspection carriage(Divisional officers) RC : Inspection carriage EN : Power supplied by End-on-generator VP : Parcel Van VPH : High capacity parcel van VPU : Motor car carrier composite VR : Refrigerated parcel VV : Milk van VE : Fish van Postal facilities PP : Postal car PPS : Full postal van Miscellaneous A : Articulated coach D : Vendors compartment J : Ice compartment JJ : Refrigerator compartment Q : Attendants compartment RQ : Staff van RR : Train crew rest van RZ : Track recording car RU : OHE inspection car ZZ : Self-powered : EMU, DMU, OR Steam or Motor Rail car WHEEL AND AXLE INTRODUCTION:-The movement of rolling stock on the track is possible only with the help of wheels. The complete wheel set is shown in the figure, with the assembly components. These assembly components are described in detail in the following pages. COMPONENTS OF A WHEEL SET:A wheel set is an assembly mainly of two components: Wheel discs(solid) on both sides of the axle An axle to hold these wheel discs in position i) Wheel disc The solid wheel disc is manufactured as per IRS Specification No. R - 19/ 93 Pt. II and drawing No. W/WL/1660. Axles An axle is a component of a wheel set to hold the wheel discs in position. The axle box is also mounted on the journal of the axle See figure for Axle. TYPES OF DISC:1. FORGED DISC. Material composition:- C = 0.52, + 0.03, -0.02, Mn. 0.60 to 0.80 Si. 0.13 to 0.40 P & S = 0.03 Max. Cr. & Ni. 0.25 Max. Mo. 0.06 Max. Cu. 0.28 Max., V 0.05 Max BHN 230 to 265. 2. CAST DISC. Material composition:C = 0.47 to 0.57, + 0.03, -0.02, CLASS ‘A’ C = 0.57 to 0.67, + 0.03, -0.02, CLASS ‘B’ Mn. 0.60 to 0.80 Si. 0.13 to 0.40 P & S = 0.03 Max. Cr. & Ni. 0.25 Max. Mo. 0.06 Max. Cu. 0.28 Max. V 0.05 Max BHN 255 to 320 CLASS A; BHN 271 to 341 CLASS B. 3. AXLE Material composition:C = 0.37, + 0.03, Mn. 1.12 Si. 0.15 to 0.46 P & S = 0.04 Max. Cr. & Ni. 0.30 Max. Mo. 0.05 Max. Cu. 0.30 Max., V 0.05 Max AXLE BOX ASSEMBLY In passenger coaches of Indian Railway system, only single bearing type axle box arrangement is used. The inner ring of the bearing is provided with either a cylindrical bore (Direct Mounted type) or with a taper bore and withdrawal sleeve (Sleeve Mounted type). All new passenger coaches built by Indian Railways, use only direct mounted type spherical roller bearings. Therefore, practices related to the sleeve mounted bearings, have not been covered in this manual. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT AXLE BOX: WEIGHT OF AXLE BOX/HOUSING APPROXIMATLY - 60 KGS MATEREAL OF AXLE BOX/HOUSING - CAST STEEL LOAD CAPACITY - 16.25 T MANUFACTURING PROCESS - CASTING AXLE BOX HOUSING INNER BORE - min-279.984mm max-280.036mm HOLE CENTER - 324mm AT THE ENTRANCE BORE - 310±1 AXLE PULLEY ASSEMBLY COMPONETS:- AXLE PULLEYS-1/2 SECTIONS BOWELL PINS 2 NOs ( IS: 210-78 ) 2 NOs ( IS: 2393-80 ) RUBBER PACKING 4×160×240 mm 4 NOs STUDS Ø20×175 mm 4 NOs PLANE WASHER ( PUNCHED ) Ø22 mm 8 NOs ( IS: 1977-75 ) NUTS M20 8 NOs ( IS: 1364 ) LUCK NUTS 8 NOs ( IS: 1364 ) SPLIT PIN Ø4×40 mm 8 NOs ( IS: 549-74 ) AXLE PULLEY ASSEMBLY MATERIAL OF AXLE PULLEY CI PULLEY GROOVE ANGLE 38 ̊ ± 0.5 AC COACHES-6 NO OF GROOVES ARE NON AC COACHES-4 DIA 600 ±1mm PCD OF GROOVES 572.6 ± 0.4 mm STUDS AND NUTS FIRST HOLE PCD 420 mm STUDS AND NUTS SECOND HOLE PCD 420 mm MURGING PORSTION OF PULLEY 40/2 = 20 mm THICKNESS DOWELL PIN PCD 365 mm SPOKS THICKNES 15 mm HUB 150 mm DIA OF STUDS 22 mm HOLE DIA OF DOWELL PIN 16 mm AIR BRAKE INTRODUCTION In Air Brake system compressed air is used for operating the brake system. The locomotive compressor charges the feed pipe and the brake pipes throughout the length of the train. The feed pipe is connected to the auxiliary reservoir and the brake pipe is connected to the brake cylinder through the distributor valve. Brake application takes place by dropping the pressure in the brake pipe. Air Brake The brake system in which compressed air is used in the brake cylinder for the application of brake is called air brake. The necessity to introduce the Air Brake in rolling stock The existing vacuum brake has got its own limitations like brake fading, increased application and release timings etc., in practice it is not reliable to run trains in higher altitudes due to insufficient vacuum levels in brake van and train engine... The advantages of Air brake over Vacuum brake system The advantages of Air brake over Vacuum brake are: 1) Uniform brake power is possible throughout the train in air brake, but it is not possible in case of vacuum brake, since the pressure drop at the rear of the train is up to 20%. 2) The propagation rate of compressed air is 260 m/sec to 280 m/sec. when compared to 60 to 80 m/sec. in the case of vacuum brake. 3) The Air brakes have potentiality to run trains longer than 600 meters length. 4) The air brake trains have potentiality to run heavier trains than 4500 tons. 5) Shorter braking distance 6) Suitable for higher altitudes. 7) Compact and Easy to maintain. 8) Consumption of spare parts is very less 9) Simple brake rigging. b) Twin pipe air brake system c) The schematic layout shown in figure illustrates the under frame mounted twin pipe graduated release air brake system on main line coaches. The components and their relative location is indicated in the schematic layout. d) e) Working principles of Air Brake System: f) g) It works under the principle of compressed air pressure. h) Under normal conditions the Brake pipe is charged with 5 kg/cm2 from the Loco. The control reservoir and the Auxiliary reservoir are also charged with 5 kg/cm2 from BP through Distributor valve in case of single pipe system. In twin pipe system the auxiliary reservoir is charged to 6 kg/cm2 through feed pipe When the brake pipe is 5 kg/cm2, the brake cylinder is connected to exhaust through distributor valve in order to keep the brakes in released position fully. Whenever the brake pipe pressure is reduced below the CR pressure, the DV connects the auxiliary reservoir with the brake cylinder and the air from AR is sent into the brake cylinder to apply the brake. Whenever the brake pipe pressure is equal to CR pressure, the DV disconnects the BC from AR, and in turn connects the BC with Exhaust for the release of brakes fully. Charging the brake system Brake pipe throughout the length of train is charged with compressed air at 5 Kg/cm2. Feed pipe throughout the length of train is charged with compressed air at 6 Kg/cm2. Control reservoir is charged to 5 Kg/cm2. Auxiliary reservoir is charged to 6 Kg/cm2. Direct release system: In direct release system the brake cylinder pressure cannot be reduced in steps by increasing the brake pipe pressure in steps during release. The brakes are released immediately, as soon as releasing of brake is initiated. Graduated release system: In this system the brake cylinder pressure can be reduced gradually in steps in proportion to the increase in brake pipe pressure. AIR BRAKE HOSES Brake Pipe & Feed Pipe Hoses To maintain continuity throughout the length of train, the brake pipe (BP) and feed pipe (FP) are fitted with flexible hoses. Each hose is provided with palm end coupling. For easy identification, coupling heads are painted with green colour for B.P and white colour for F.P. Also raised letters 'BP' and 'FP' are embossed on coupling heads representing Brake Pipe and Feed Pipe respectively. Hose couplings must be checked for leakage of air as per the test procedure given below: Cut off angle cocks are provided both on brake pipe & feed pipe Cut off angle cocks are provided on either ends of the brake pipe and feed pipe. These cocks are used at the time of uncoupling of wagons/coaches. This has a vent feature. Once the cock is closed it allows the air trapped in the air hose to atmosphere. When MU washer or hose assembly itself has to be changed, the cut off angle cocks are closed which in turn isolates the brake/feed pipe from further charging and allows the entrapped air in the hose to flow out, to carry out the repairs easily. It also serves as dummy for the rear of the wagon/coach and the front of engine. When the handle is parallel to the pipe the cock, it is in open position and when at right angles to the pipe, it is in closed position. Brake cylinder The brake cylinder receives compressed air from auxiliary reservoir after being regulated by the distributor valve and develops mechanical brake power by outward movement of its piston assembly. The compression spring provided in the brake cylinder brings back the rigging to its original position when brake is released The function of control reservoir Control reservoir is mounted on the common pipe bracket. It always maintains a pressure of 5 Kg/Cm2. It works as a reference pressure to operate the different sub-assemblies/valves provided in the distributor valve to facilitate application Auxiliary reservoir In air brake system, the brake cylinder should get compressed air during brake application. But in case of accident such as train parting, it is not possible for the brake cylinder to get compressed air from the atmosphere. So it has become necessary to ensure sufficient quantity of compressed air with required pressure is always available in every rolling stock before the trains are dispatched.. That is why all the rolling stocks are provided with Auxiliary reservoirs to store the compressed air. Capacity of Auxiliary Coaching Stock - 200 Ltrs Goods Stock - 100 Ltrs Goods Stock BVZC - 75 Ltrs . function of a dirt collector The Dirt collectors are provided at the junction of the main pipe and branch pipe in both feed pipe and brake pipe. These are meant for removing dust, moisture and scale particles from air before it enters the distributor valve and auxiliary reservoir. This is achieved by centrifugal action. The function of check valve with choke This is a one way valve/ non-return valve which allows the compressed air from feed pipe to auxiliary reservoir and it prevents the back flow of air from auxiliary reservoir to the feed pipe to avoid fall in auxiliary reservoir pressure in the event of failure of air supply from feed pipe. The choke provided in the check valve controls flow of air so that auxiliary reservoirs on the entire train can be filled uniformly. This is provided between the feed pipe and auxiliary reservoir. CHECK VALVE Check valve with choke (NON RETURN VALVE) is fitted in the branch line of feed pipe before auxiliary reservoir. Check valve allows flow of air in one direction as indicated by the arrow on the body and reverse flow of air is prevented thus avoiding fall in auxiliary reservoir pressure. A choke of 3 mm is fitted at the outlet port of the valve to have a uniform filling of air in the auxiliary reservoir of all the coaches in a rake. The check valve with choke is completely dismantled and overhauled once in every POH or when there is some specific trouble. Distributor valve Distributor valve is the most important functional component of the air brake system and is also sometimes referred to as the heart of the air brake system. The distributor valve senses drop and rise in brake pipe pressure for brake application and release respectively. It is connected to the brake pipe through branch pipe. Various other components connected to the distributor valve are auxiliary reservoir, brake cylinders and control reservoir. Types of distributor valve i) C3W Type distributor valve ii) KE type distributor valve. The working principle of distributor valve For application and release of brakes the brake pipe pressure has to be reduced and increased respectively with the help of driver's brake valve. During these operations the distributor valve mainly performs the following functions. (i) Charges the air brake system to regime pressure during normal running condition. (ii) Helps in graduated brake application, when pressure in brake pipe is reduced in steps. (iii) Helps in graduated brake release, when pressure in brake pipe is increased in steps. (iv) Quickly propagates reduction of pressure in brake pipe throughout the length of the train by arranging additional air pressure reduction locally inside the distributor valve. (v) Limits maximum brake cylinder pressure for full service application/ emergency application. (vi) Controls the time for brake application and brake release depending on service conditions (vii) Facilitates complete discharge of air from the air brake system manually with the help of operating lever. (viii) Protects overcharging of control reservoir when the brake pipe pressure is quickly increased for releasing the brakes. The process of Charging During charging, a) Brake pipe is charged with 5 Kg/Cm2 by the drivers brake valve from the Loco. b) Feed pipe is charged with 6 Kg/Cm2. c) AR is charged with 6 Kg/Cm2.( Up to 5 Kg/ Cm2 it is charged by both brake pipe and feed pipe. Beyond 5 Kg/Cm2 & up to 6 Kg/Cm2 it is exclusively charged by feed pipe.) d) The CR is charged through the distributor valve to 5 Kg/sq cm from BP During charging Brake cylinder is connected to exhaust through distributor valve, to keep the brakes in released condition. The process of Application During brake application, the brake pipe is reduced in steps as given below. Stages BP pressure is reduced by Minimum Reduction 0.5 to 0.8 Kg/Cm2. Service application 0.8 to 1 Kg/Cm2. Full service application 1 to 1.5 Kg/Cm2. Emergency application Above 1.5 Kg/Cm2. When the brake pipe pressure is reduced in steps as shown above, the air from AR is sent into BC to a maximum pressure of 3.8 Kg/ cm2, during full service application as well as emergency application. Application time The application time is the time taken by the Distributor valve to admit a pressure of 3.6 Kg/Cm2 in to break cylinder from the Auxiliary reservoir during Full service application or Emergency application. Application time for the Coaching Stock The application time for the coaching stock is 3 to 5 Seconds. The process of Releasing/Recharging. During release, the BP pressure is increased in steps. When the BP pressure is increased in steps, the brake cylinder is disconnected from AR and in turn connected to exhaust. The air from Brake cylinder is released / vented progressively depending upon the increase in the brake pipe pressure. When the brake pipe pressure is brought to 5 Kg/Cm2 the air from brake cylinder is completely exhausted and the brakes are released fully. The manual release. Whenever the loco is detached, BP pressure is brought to zero and brake application takes place due to the existence of CR pressure at the bottom of the main diaphragm. To release the brakes manually, the hollow stem in the DV should be brought to the normal position by releasing the air from CR. To facilitate this, the release valve provided at the bottom of the DV is given a brief pull. During this operation, the air from CR is released which in turn brings the hollow stem to the normal position to connect BC with exhaust for releasing of brakes. Releasing time in the air brake System After the Full service or Emergency brake application the brake cylinder gets a maximum pressure of 3.8 Kg/Cm2 from Auxiliary reservoir. The releasing time means, the time taken by the Distributor valve to release the air from Brake cylinder from 3.8 Kg/Cm2 to 0.4 Kg/Cm2 . The Releasing time for the Coaching Stock The releasing time for the coaching stock is 15 to 20 Seconds. The Passenger emergency alarm system function in the Air brake system Passenger emergency alarm system is provided between the main brake pipe and the alarm chain. When the alarm chain is pulled, the air pressure from the Brake pipe is vented out through the 4 mm choke provided in the Passenger emergency alarm valve. Due to the sudden drop of air pressure from the brake pipe in the system, the airflow indicator in the Locomotive deflects from its normal position and also gives hooting signal. By this the driver comes to know about the drop in BP in the formation and he applies the brakes to stop the train. Working principle of Passenger emergency alarm system. The passenger emergency alarm valve consists of a spring loaded hollow piston fitted with a check valve at the bottom. It has also got a control chamber at the bottom of the piston and a brake pipe chamber at the top of the piston. A 4mm diameter exhaust port is provided at the bottom of the valve to release the air from main brake pipe. The brake pipe chamber available at the top of the piston is connected with the PEASD through branch pipes. Working During charging or normal running the control chamber as well as brake pipe chamber is charged with 5 Kg/Cm2 through the restricted passage from the main brake pipe. The air which is available at the brake pipe chamber at the top of the piston is also made available at the top of the pilot valve of PEASD. During charging the spring loaded check valve closes the passage between main brake pipe and the exhaust of PEAV. When the chain is pulled by the passenger, the pilot valve in PEASD is lifted first. The air from brake pipe chamber of PEAV is then released through the exhaust ports of PEASD and inturn brings the pressure at the top of the piston to zero immediately. Due to the existence of control pressure at the bottom of the piston, the hollow piston gets lifted, which in turn connects the main brake pipe with the exhaust to deplete the air from main brake pipe to initiate brake application. BOGIE MOUNTED BRAKE SYSYEM (BMBS) It is introduced to overcome the problems arising out of request breakage and Malfunctioning of SAB and to minimize frequent renewal of brake blocks. Special features of BMBS: 1. SAB is completely eliminated. 2. Horizontal floating levers are completely eliminated. 3. Anti-vibration Bracket is completely eliminated. 4. Brake cylinder is incorporated with single acting, self-adjusting inbuilt slack adjuster, which can take up the clearance up to 305mm. 5. High friction ‘K’ type composite brake blocks are used, which increases the life of brake blocks by 5times to that of Cast iron and 3 times to that of L-type brake blocks and minimize the frequent renewal of brake blocks. 6. Frequent Palm end hole adjustment is minimized. 7. Each Axle is provided with an 8” dia. brake cylinder. 8. Number of parts required for brake rigging is less, there by Maintenance becomes easy. 9. It is provided with self-venting feature Isolating cock between the cylinder and DV for both the trucks. Precautions to be observed during maintenance of BMBS 1. Ensure “K” type composite brake block are used. 2. Ensure floating levers and connecting links are not reversed 3. Ensure floating levers and connecting links of 13 t bogie and 16t bogie are not Interchanged. 4. Whenever “RED” mark appears on adjustment sleeve, all the brake blocks to be renewed with new brake block. The different tests that should be conducted for an Air brake Rolling are, 1. Leakage in Feed pipe. 2. Leakage in Brake pipe. 3. Brake cylinder filling time. 4. Brake cylinder releasing time. 5. Sensitivity test. 6. Insensitivity test. 7. Emergency application test. 8. Piston Stroke. 9. Leakage in the Brake cylinder. 10. Graduated Application test. 11. Graduated release test. 12. Working of PEAS. 13. Working of GEV. 14. Manual release Test. PROCEDURES 1. LEAKAGE IN FP AND BP. Charge the system fully. a. Close the Cock No. 1 and 3. b. Observe the pressure drop in FP and BP for three minutes. The leakage rate in the FP and BP should not be more than 0.2 Kg/cm2 in one minute in FP 0.2 Kg/cm2 in one minute in BP for coaching stock 0.1 Kg/cm2 in one minute in BP for goods stock 2. BC FILLING TIME. a. Charge the system fully b. Bring the A-9 valve to full service application position. c. Observe the BC pressure. d. The BC pressure should reach to 3.6 Kg/cm2 within 3 to 5 seconds for Coaching stock 18 to 30 seconds for Goods stock. Observe the maximum pressure. It should be 3.8 Kg/cm2. e. 3. BC RELEASING TIME. a. Bring the A-9 valve to release position. b. Observe the BC pressure. c. The BC should drop from 3.8 Kg/cm2 to 0.4 Kg/cm2 Within 15 to 20 seconds for Coaching stock 45 to 60 seconds for Goods stock. 4. SENSITIVITY TEST. a. Open the cock No.7 and Charge the system fully. b. Close the Cock No.2 and Open the cock No.4. c. Wait for 6 seconds and close the cock No.4. (This will reduce the BP pressure by 0.6 Kg/cm2 in 6 seconds automatically) d. Observe the Brake cylinder. The brake should be in applied condition. 5. INSENSITIVITY TEST. a. Open the cock No.7 and Charge the system fully. b. Close the cock No.2 and Open the cock No.5. c. Wait for 60 seconds and close the cock No.5. (This will reduce the BP pressure by 0.3 Kg/cm2 in 60 seconds automatically) d. Observe the Brake cylinder. The brake should not be in applied condition. e. Observe the BP and CR pressure. Both should be at 4.7 Kg/cm2. 6. EMERGENCY APPLICATION TEST. a. Close the cock No.7 and Charge the system fully. b. Close the cock No.2 and Open the cock No.6. c. Observe the Brake cylinder pressure. The maximum BC should be 3.8 Kg/cm2. 7. PISTON STROKE After the emergency or full service application measure the piston stroke. It should be within 90 ± 10 mm for coaching stock 85 ± 10 mm for goods stock –Empty 130 ± 10 mm for goods stock - load 25 to 32 mm for BMBC 8. LEAKAGE IN BC. a. After the emergency brake application observe the leakage in the Brake cylinder. b. The leakage in the BC should not be more than 0.1 KG/cm2 in 5 minutes. 9. GRADUATED APPLICATION TEST. a. Charge the system fully. b. Reduce the BP pressure in steps through A-9 valve. c. Observe the BC pressure. The pressure should increase in steps. Example BP BC 5 0 4.5 1.25 4.2 2.0 4 2.5 3.8 3 3.5 3.8 10. GRADUATED RELEASE TEST. a. Increase the BP pressure in steps through A -9 valve. b. Observe the BC pressure. The pressure should decrease in steps. Example BP BC 3.5 3.8 3.8 3 4 2.5 4.2 2.0 4.5 1.25 5 0 11. WORKING OF PEASD. a. Charge the system fully. b. Pull the alarm chain from inside the coach. c. Observe the BP pressure and BC. d. BP pressure should drop and brake should apply. e. Reset the PEASD. f. Observe the BP pressure and BC. g. BP pressure should reach to 5 KG/cm2 and brake also should release. 12. WORKING OF GEV (Guard Emergency Valve); a. Charge the system fully. b Operate the GEV handle. c. Observe the BP pressure and BC. d. BP pressure should drop and brake should apply. e Bring back the GEV to normal position. f. Observe the BP pressure and BC. g. BP pressure should reach to 5 KG/cm2 and brake also should release. 13. MANUAL RELEASE TEST. a. c. Disconnect the test rig from the rolling stock. b. Pull the release valve handle Observe the CR pressure and BC. d. The CR pressure should drop to 0 KG/cm2 and Brake should release without any jerks. ROOF MOUNTED AIR-CONDITIONING PACKAGE UNITS FOR RAILWAY COACHES BRIEF DESCRIPTION The roof-mounted AC equipment for AC coaches of Indian Railways would provide more comfortable journey and also help attach more coaches in the superfast trains like Rajdhani Expresses. These roof-mounted AC units of new design are more efficient and lightweight and are manufactured indigenously. Two high capacity packaged air-conditioning units of minimum of 7.0 TR of cooling in 45°C ambient i.e. 14.0 TR for one coach, will replace the present underframe open type AC system of capacity 5.2 TR each (Total 10.4 TR) for each coach. Two packaged units are used in one coach each mounted above the toilets on both ends supplying conditioned air into a tapered duct to serve the coach end to end. The units (two in each coach) are fitted with 4 compressors but operate under normal with 3 compressors and the 4th one acts as standby and works only during peak days of the summer. developed for rolling stock application under varying dynamic conditions after rigorous testing and trials before being used in the AC units. PRESENT SYSTEM The AC coaches running on Indian Railways can be broadly divided into two categories. • Self generating (S.G.) coaches. • End-On-Generation (EOG) coaches. Self-Generating Coaches Power supply demand for AC equipments is met from axle driven transom-mounted brushless alternator which is rated for 110 V DC supply. At low speeds and during halts the power requirement is met from 110 V lead acid battery housed in battery boxes mounted on the under frame of the coach. End-On-Generation Coaches AC coaches draw power from the diesel-generating sets carried in coaches put in the front and rear of the rake, functioning at 415/750 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC supply. The power is distributed to entire rake and thus to each coach through two sets of 3 phase 415/750 V feeders. Each coach is provided with control, distribution and feeder changeover arrangement on 415/750 V control panel. The AC equipments operate at 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC supply. The air conditioning system in both types (SG or EOG) of Indian Railways stipulates use of open type compressor, condenser, liquid receiver with dehydrator separately mounted on the under frame of the coach. The evaporator comprising cooling coils, heater elements and blower fans with motor is mounted between coach roof and false ceiling. The conditioned air is blown through the central duct and distributed inside the coach through adjustable grills diffusers. SALIENT FEATURES OF ROOF-MOUNTED AC PACKAGE UNITS: Compressors are started in sequence with time delay to reduce the peak demand of electricity during start ups. These units are thus more energy efficient and are more reliable than the existing open units and would be better in operation. The high capacity AC units of roof mounted type is a fore runner to futuristic super fast trains. This units can work on E.O.G. systems in addition to S.G. systems . The roof mounted unit needs approximately 11.5 KW, 20 ampere at normal condition. Modular type AC units for rail coaches is a major breakthrough in rail-coach technology. A modular type roof-mounted packaged AC unit for rail coaches, the first of its kind brings India abreast with the latest in the state of the art of air-conditioning technology prevalent the World over. The units are extremely energy efficient and reliable. They use two hermetically sealed compressors of half capacity in each packaged unit. These compressors are specially• Light in weight, saves fuel for hauling. Total weight of both units is 900 Kg as compared to 2700 Kg for conventional AC unit. Saves in fuel consumption. In the Rajdhani express e.g. the total weight reduction in 20 coaches (1.8 x 20 = 36 MT) equals the weight of one coach. Therefore, one additional coach can be hauled. • Keeping in view the low price and light weight, the unit pays for itself in one year operation. • Low cost of installation at the coach building factory since the system is factory made, assembled, gas charged and tested for performance prior to delivery. • The installation requires simply to lower the unit in the false ceiling above the toilets on both ends of the coach and connection of wiring, drain pipe and flexible duct. • In case of failure, replacement of the unit with new unit can be done in less than two hours by simply lifting the defective unit by a crane and lowering the new one in place. • The A.C unit remains outside the partition wall and therefore, no chance of water leakage on passengers • Fresh air is taken from the roof through condenser area which gives a relatively clean air free of the smells of toilets which are common in conventional A.C. coaches. Hermetically sealed system with no fittings or openings, thus it presents little potential of gas leakages and break-downs. • The unit is almost maintenance free since it uses 3ph AC motors which have no commentators or brushes to wear out. • Uses more environment friendly refrigerant R-22 and very small quantity less than 3 Kg. • Mounted on the roof, thus dirt or dust collection in condensers is negligible and therefore, requires practically no maintenance or water spraying on condenser coils. • No chance of damage due to flash floods during the monsoons. • No chance of damage due to cattle run. • Energy efficient - uses less electricity, saves fuel for generation. • Humidity control in monsoons possible through use of micro processor - based control system. It will also provide optimum use of all equipments and even wear to compressors through rotation of operation. ********************************************************************