questions -

1-What are the peripheral devices ?
2-difference between storage and memory ?
3-advantages disadvantages of computer ?
5-reasons to use internet ?
6-what is web page ?
7-what is blog ?
8-what is an operating system ?
9-what are drivers ?
10-explain 2 types of computers ?
11-what are the elements of information system ?
12-difference between servers and embedded system ?
13-how can we setup a server ?
14-What is the benefit of cloud storage?
15-how publishers can make their work work publish online ?
16-what do you mean by social networking websites ?
17- difference between mobile app and web app ?
18-what do you mean by the domain name of a website ?
19-what is internet traffic ?
20-what is ICANN ?
21-what do you know by search engine optimization ?
22-what is search engine ?
23-describe google adwords and how it works ?
24-whats the business of google adwords and google absence ?
25-what is dynamic and static website ?
26-types of websites ?
27- whats ecommerce
28-difference between data and information ?
29-what is VOIP ?
30-what is a KEYWORK of a website ?
31-how we can check the revenue of a website ?
32-whats IM ?
33-what is DNA server ?
34-what are chat rooms ?
35-in how many ways we can connect to the internet ?
36-what are the differences between broadband and dial up connections ?
37-how can we setup a server ?
38-what is the purpose of IP address ?
39-what is green computing ?
40-what is the purpose of web browser ?
41-difference between mainframe and super computer ?
42-what are the types of websites ?
43- what are the types of ISP ?
44-what are the steps required for web publishing ?
45-what are the rules of netiquette ?
46-what do you know about DSL ?
47- What is URL ?
48- what is WIFI ?
49-differentiate between analogue and digital computer ?
50-whats ROM and RAM ?
51-why we use different types of memory ?
52-whats ADC and DAC ?
53-what is VIRTUAL RAM ?
54-difference between SRAM and DRAM ?
55- what is computer ?
56-difference between servers and normal computers ?
57-what is BOOTING ?
58- what is bootable window ?
59-what is GUI ?
60-is operating system a software ?
61-whats CLOUD ? and why we use it ?
62-what do you know about DROPBOX ?
63-how do web app works ?
64-what is SERVER ?
65-virtual reality ? why we use it ?
66-what is wiki ?
67-whats merchant account ?6868- how data and information travel the internet ?
69-what is a mobile website ? how its different from mob app ?
70- difference between linux and windows ?
71- whats virtualization ?
72-do google use subject directories ?
73-what do you know about RSS 2.0 ?
74-what google shows in its search results ?
75-with google adwords where we can showcase our website ?
76-difference between google ad sense and google ad words ?
77-what is the violation of privacy of a computer ?
78- what are the facts behind top result of a google?
79-difference between software and hardware ?
80-how are social networking websites and internet video affecting the internet traffic ?
81-explain communication devices ?
82- is it safe to shop online ?
83-how computers are working in the field of medical?
84-explain why computer literacy is vital to success in the todays world ?
85- what are the portable devices ?
86-why the change of shape of computer matters ?
87-what are the portable media players ?
88-what is CAM ?
89-what are the components of a computer ?
90- ATM stands for ?
91-what are the input and output devices in multimedia ?
92-what is a hard drive ?
93- what is system unit ?
94- can my computer get a virus through email ?
95-is multimedia a computing system ?
96-who is a power user ?
97-difference between website and webpages ?
98-define cellular internet ?
99-what are the social media pages ?
100-whats the main purpose of internet?