Revised 3/03/2011 MLD-830 B Entrepreneurship in the Private and Social Sectors John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Spring Term (1 credit) Mondays 4:10pm- 6pm T301 Shopping day: 1/20/2011 L230 Introductory day: 1/24/2011 L130 Richard E. Cavanagh Phone: 617-495-0544 Course Assistant: Ellen Abbot Phone: 202-725-4886 Faculty Assistant: Heather McKinnon Phone: 617-495-8269 Course Description and Requirements MLD-830 B (and its twin fall offering MLD 830 A) introduces the theory and practice of entrepreneurial management in the private and social sectors. The course seeks to prepare students for future work and leadership in and with entrepreneurial ventures and to provide an informed perspective to those who may someday promote or regulate such ventures. For the first two-thirds of the course, with the help of readings and cases, we will discuss and explore entrepreneurial strategies, management and leadership in each sector. In the final third of the course, small groups of students will prepare and conduct presentations of a group research project about a successful or unsuccessful entrepreneurial venture or leader. These projects will require substantial primary and secondary research; a short briefing memorandum to prepare for the presentation; and a 30 minute presentation. (The instructor will meet with each group, at mutually convenient times outside the class schedule, to help structure the project and provide coaching on the presentation.). In addition, each student will prepare and submit an individual 10-15 page term paper on a past, present or prospective entrepreneurial venture - - applying the course insights to either a case study or a proposal/business plan for a new venture. Grades will be based 1/3rd on the quality of class participation, 1/3rd on the group research presentation, and 1/3rd on the individual term paper. Recommended Texts: Four books will figure prominently in the course, which you should own: Peter F. Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Harper & Row Publishers, 1985) Available for purchase at the Harvard Coop Not in course packet David Bornstein, How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas (Oxford University Press, 2004) Available for purchase at the Harvard Coop or on reserve at the KSG library Not in course packet Donald Clifford and Richard E. Cavanagh The Winning Performance: How America’s Midsize Companies Succeed (New York: Bantam Books,4th edition, 1985) To be provided gratis by the instructor Not in course packet Ashoka—Innovators for the Public, Leading Social Entrepreneurs (Arlington, VA, 2008) Provided by instructor 2 Not in course packet All other assigned reading (HBS cases, HBS management notes, other book chapters and articles) are in the course reader. 3 MLD-830 B Schedule Session1: Monday, January 24 Introductory pre-bidding lecture in Littauer 130 Session 2: Monday, January 31 What is Entrepreneurship? Global Heroes: A Special Report on Entrepreneurship (March 14, 2009) The Economist. Pp.1-20 Starbucks: Howard Schultz vs. Howard Schultz (August 6, 2009) Business Week, Pp. 28-33. Miller, Claire Cain, “Now at Starbucks: A Rebound” (January 20, 2010) The New York Times. Schumpeter, Joseph A., The Theory of Economic Development, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1961. Pp.74-94 Drucker, Peter F., Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practices and Principles, Harper & Row Publishers: New York, 1985.Introduction and Chapter 1. Stevenson, Howard H., “A Perspective on Entrepreneurship,” Apr. 13, 2006. HBS Case no. 9-384-131. CASE: Koehn, Nancy F., “Howard Schultz and Starbucks Coffee Company,” Sept. 30, 2005. HBS Case no. 9-801-361. Session 3: Monday, February 7 Private Sector Origins Clifford & Cavanagh, The Winning Performance, Chapters 1, 2 and 8. Zipcar—The best new idea in business (September 24, 2009) Fortune, cover and Pp 42-52. Hammermesh, Richard G., Paul W. Marshall and Taz Pirmohamed, “Note on Business Model Analysis for the Entrepreneur,” Jan. 22, 2002, HBS Case no. 9-802-048. CASE: Hart, Myra, Michael J. Roberts and Julia D. Stevens, “Zipcar: Refining the Business Model,” Oct. 1, 2001. HBS Case no. 9-803-906. Visit by Peter Aldrich, ZipCar. 4 Session 4: Monday, February 14 Business Plans and Venture Capital Sahlman, William, “How to Write a Great Business Plan,” July 1, 1997. Harvard Business Review, #97409. Walton, Ennis J. and Michael J. Roberts, “The Business Plan,” Oct. 21, 1998. HBS Case no. 9-389-020. Stevenson, Howard H. and Michael J. Roberts, “New Venture Financing,” Aug. 1, 2006. HBS Note no. 9-802-131. CASE: Hart, Myra and Sylvia Sensiper, “Extended Fertility,” July 21, 2005. HBS Case no. N9-805-065. Monday, February 21 President’s Day, Harvard Holiday Session 5: Monday, February 28 Entrepreneurial Strategy Drucker, Peter F., Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Chapters 2-11, 16-19. Clifford & Cavanagh, The Winning Performance, Chapter 3. Anand, Geeta, The Henry Ford of Heart Surgery, The Wall Street Journal, November 21-22, 2009 Pp. 1, 12. CASES: Rangan, Kasturi, “The Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai, India: In Service for Sight,” Jan. 10, 2007, HBS Case no. 9-593-098. Khanna, T. and Rangan, Kasturi, “Narayana Hrudayalaya Heart Hospital: Cardiac Care for the Poor,” April 25, 2006, HBS Case no. 9-505-078. Session 6: Monday, March 7 Entrepreneurial Management Drucker, Peter F., Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Chapters 12-15. Clifford & Cavanagh, The Winning Performance, Chapter 4. Reich, Robert B., “Entrepreneurship Reconsidered: The Team as Hero,” HBS Case no. 87309, Harvard Business Review, May/June 1987. 5 Hamermesh, Richard G., Heskett, James L., Roberts, Michael J., “A Note on Managing the Growing Venture,” April 23, 2005, HBS Case No. 9-805-092. CASE: Kuemmerle, Walter, “Infosys: Financing and Indian Software Start-Up,” April 8, 2004, HBS Case No. 9-800-103. March 12-20 Spring Break Session 7: Monday, March 21 Social Sector Entrepreneurship Bornstein, David, How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas, Chapters 1, 2, 8, 18, 21. Wei-Skillern, Jane, James E. Austin, Herman Leonard and Howard Stevenson, Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector, Sage Publications, 2007. Chapters 1 and 2. Dees, J. Gregory, “The Meaning of “Social Entrepreneurship,” Pp. 1-5 World Microfinance Forum Geneva, (October 2008), “Is it fair to do business with the poor?” Pp. 1-12. CASE: Kennedy School of Government Case Program, “Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank,” KSG Case no. 1830.0 Session 8: Monday, March 28 Social Sector Entrepreneurship Drayton, Bill, “Everyone A Changemaker: Social Entrepreneurship’s Ultimate Goal,” MIT Press with Harvard University and George Mason University, Pp.127. Bellows, Keith, “Agent of Change,” National Geographic Traveler, July 1, 2008, Pp. 32-33. Caplan, Jeremy and Dell, Kristina, “The Case For National Service,” Time, August 30, 2007.,28804,1657256_1655085_1654 851,00.html Goff, Clare, “The Steady Rise of the ‘Citizen Sector’,” Financial Times, March 1, 2006. 6 Bornstein, David, How to Change the World, Chapters 5, 6, 10, 12, 14 and 20. Ashoka Innovators for the Public, Leading Social Entrepreneurs, Ashoka 2009. (To be distributed) Session 9: Monday, April 4 Cross Sector Joint Ventures Werth, Barry, Billion Dollar Molecule, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994). Chapters 1 & 2, pp. 11-36 Groopman, Jerome, “Open Channels: Do new Cystic-Fibrosis therapies hold the key to treating other genetic disorders?” The New Yorker, May 4, 2009, Pp. 3034. CASE: Higgins, Robert F., Sophie Lamontagne and Brent Kazan, “Vertex Pharmaceuticals and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,” HBS Case no.9-808-005. Visit by Joshua Boger, founder/CEO of Vertex Pharmacueticals. Session 10: Monday, April 11 Social Sector Entrepreneurship Dorsey, Cheryl, Toward a Theory of SEQ (Social Entrepreneurship Quotient), Echoing Green, October 2009. Echoing Green Annual Report (2007-2008) (To be distributed) CASE: Battilana, Julie, Delong, Thomas, and Weber, James, “Echoing Green,” HBS Case no. 9-410-013, December 7, 2009. Visit by Cheryl Dorsey, President, Echoing Green Session 11: Monday, April 18 Course Wrap-up and presentation preparation Session 12: Monday, April 25 Presentations (3) of student research group findings Friday, May 6 Papers/Business Plans due by 5pm 7