Basic mathematics for geometric modeling Coordinate Reference Frames • Cartesian Coordinate (2D) y (x, y) x • Polar coordinate r Relationship : polar & cartesian Y P P y r x x Use trigonometric, polar cartesian x = r cos , y = r sin Cartesian polar r = x2 + y2, = tan-1 (y/x) r y x 3D cartesian coordinates y y x z x z Right-handed 3D coordinate system POINT • • • • The simplest of geometric object. No length, width or thickness. Location in space Defined by a set of numbers (coordinates) e.g P = (x, y) or P = (x, y, z) • Vertex of 2D/ 3D figure VECTOR • distance and direction • Does not have a fixed location in space • Sometime called “displacement”. VECTOR • Can define a vector as the difference between two point positions. y y2 V y1 Q P x1 V=Q–P = (x2 – x1, y2 – y1) = (Vx, Vy) Also can be expressed as V = Vxi + Vyj x2 x Component form VECTOR : magnitude & direction • Calculate magnitude using the Pythagoras theorem distance – |V| = Vx2 + Vy2 • Direction – = tan-1 (Vy/Vx) VECTOR : magnitude & direction V Q • Example 1 • If P(3, 6) and Q(6, 10). Write vector V in component form. • Answer • V = [6 - 3, 10 – 6] = [3, 4] VECTOR : magnitude & direction • Example 1 (cont) • Compute the magnitude and direction of vector V • Answer • Magnitud |V| = 32 + 42 • = 25 = 5 • Direction = tan-1 (4/3) = 53.13 Unit Vector • As any vector whose magnitude is equal to one • V= V |V| • The unit vector of V in example 1 is = [Vx/|V| , Vy/|V|] = [3/5, 4/5] VECTOR : 3D y • Vector Component – (Vx, Vy, Vz) • Magnitude Vy V x Vz – |V| = Vx2 + Vy2 + Vz2 • Direction Vx z – = cos-1(Vx/|V|), = cos-1(Vy/|V|), =cos-1(Vz/|V|) • Unit vector • V = V = [Vx/|V|, Vy/|V|, Vz/|V|] |V| Scalar Multiplication • kV = [kVx, kVy, kVz] • If k = +ve V and kV are in the same direction • If k = -ve V and kV are in the opposite direction • Magnitude |kV| = k|V| Scalar Multiplication • Base on Example 1 • If k = 2, find kV and the magnitudes • Answer • kV = 2[3, 4] = [6, 8] • Magnitude |kV|= 62 + 82 = 100 = 10 • = k|V| = 2(5) = 10 Vector Addition y y V U+V U x U V x • Sum of two vectors is obtained by adding corresponding components • U = [Ux, Uy, Uz], V = [Vx, Vy, Vz] • U + V = [Ux + Vx, Uy + Vy, Uz + Vz] Vector Addition Q P P Q • Example • If vector P=[1, 5, 0], vector Q=[4, 2, 0]. Compute P+Q • answer • P + Q = [1+4, 5+2, 0+0] = [5, 7, 0] Vector Addition & scalar multiplication properties • • • • • U+V=V+U T + (U + V) = (T + U) + V k(lV) = klV (k + l)V = kV + lV k(U + V) = kU + kV Scalar Product • Also referred as dot product or inner product • Produce a number. • Multiply corresponding components of the two vectors and add the result. • If vector U = [Ux, Uy, Uz], vector V = [Vx, Vy, Vz] • U . V = UxVx + UyVy + UzVz Scalar Product. • Example • If vector P=[1, 5, 0], vector Q=[4, 2, 0]. Compute P . Q • answer • P . Q = 1(4) + 5(2) + 0(0) • = 14 Scalar Product properties • U.V = |U||V|cos • angle between two vectors – = cos – –1 (U.V) |U||V| • Example • Find the angle between vector b=(3, 2) and vector c = (-2, 3) U V Scalar Product properties Solution • b.c = (3, 2). (-2, 3) • 3(-2) + 2(3) = 0 • |b| = 32 + 22 = 13 = 3.61 • |c| = (-2)2 + 32 = 13 = 3.61 • = cos –1 ( 0/(3.61((3.61)) • = cos –1 ( 0 ) = 90 Scalar Product properties • • • • • If U is perpendicular to V, U.V = 0 U.U = |U|2 U.V = V.U U.(V+W) = U.V + U.W (kU).V = U.(kV) Vector Product • Also called the cross product • Defined only for 3 D vectors • Produce a vector which is perpendicular to both of the given vectors. y c=axb c b z a x Vector Product • To find the direction of vector C, use righhand rules C B B z A x z C A x Vector Product • To find the direction of vector C, use righhand rules BxA AxB C x x z z A B A B C exercise • Find the direction of vector C, (keluar skrin atau kedalam skrin) AxB B Q P PxQ A O M MxN N LxO L Vector Product • If vektor A = [Ax, Ay, Az], vektor B = [Bx, By, Bz] • AxB= i j k i j • Ax Ay Az Ax Ay • Bx By Bz Bx By = [ (AyBz-AzBy), (AzBx-AxBz), (AxBy-AyBx)] Vector Product P • • • • • • • • Example Q If P=[1, 5, 0], Q=[4, 2, 0]. Compute P x Q Solution PxQ= i j k i j 1 5 0 1 5 4 2 0 4 2 = [ (5.(0)-0.(5)), (0.(4)-1.(0)), (1.(2)-5.(4))] = [ 0, 0, -18] Vector Product • Properties • U x V = |U||V|n sin where n = unit vector perpendicular to both U and V • U x V = -V x U • U x (V + W) = U x V+ U x W • If U is parallel to V, U x V = 0 • UxU=0 • kU x V = U x kV