Beowulf Project Ideas: Creative Assignments for Students

Beowulf Project
Choose one project from the list to complete as part of our unit on Beowulf. Projects are due on
Thursday, April 3rd for 1A and 2A and on Friday, April 4th for 3B. Students will be presenting their projects
to the class, explaining why they completed that project and what elements of the poem influenced their
1. Construct a Model of Herot
Create a floor plan and/or 3-D model of Herot. I will look to see that details from the text have been
included, so read carefully. When presenting to the class, be able to tell us what elements in the poem
(provide lines) can be seen in your reconstruction.
2. Beowulf’s Ship
Research Viking ships and carefully read the section of the poem that discusses Beowulf’s voyage to
Herot. After gathering information, create a representation (drawing, painting, or model) of the Geats’
ship. Be prepared to discuss the knowledge used to create your masterpiece when presenting to the class.
3. Beowulf Timeline
As you read, create an illustrated timeline of events in the poem. At least ten events should be included.
Also, you will need to have a list of character names and descriptions included as a “key” for the timeline.
4. Beowulf Comic Book
Create a comic book that depicts the story of Beowulf. Include all major plot elements. You may use an
online comic strip generator but be sure that you are creating an original product. You may also illustrate
a comic by hand! Your comic book must include at least a cover, two pages of comic strips and a back
5. Write an original episode for Beowulf. Create some new foe for him to fight. Try to follow the AngloSaxon style.
6. Retell the events in Beowulf as a children's story, including colored illustrations and binding the finished
project in booklet form. Be especially careful about word choice to make it appropriate to your target age
7. Compile a scrapbook based on Beowulf. Write captions explaining each item included, which should be
items that the characters might have saved or which somehow identify the characters. Suggested items
include pictures, personal articles, and other physical objects. A twist on this idea is to create a Beowulf
time capsule.
8. Create a collage of images and/or quotations from Beowulf that somehow demonstrate the book's
theme or message. Include an explanation for each image and/or quotation that appears on the collage.
Write why it was included and its significance to the book.
9. Boast—Just as Beowulf gave his boast (his resume) to King Hrothgar so he would be allowed to grapple
with Grendel, you will design your own boast about victories in your life. If you need help, look at
Beowulf’s Boast.
1. Things you may include:
a. Your genealogy;
b. Acts of past courage;
c. Victories over your enemies
d. Achievements and awards; and
e. Your next great act.
2. Be sure to use:
a. Elevated language
b. Hyperbole
c. Specific details
d. Poetic devices
i. Alliteration
ii. Allusions
iii. Kennings
iv. Personification
v. Imagery
vi. Similes and metaphors
10. Art—Create an artistic expression of a character, scene, or symbol in Beowulf. Artistic expressions may
include paintings, drawings, papier-mâché, 3D models, and costume sketches. Include the textual
references which were used as the basis for your planning.
Beowulf Projects – Rubric
_____ Evidence of creativity (written or artistic)
_____ Directly and appropriately relates to the text
_____ Evidence of effort
_____ Follows requirements and guidelines
_____ Grammatically correct
_____ Total