Narrative Itinerary

Points of Narrative Emphasis in COMS 103
Daily Schedule
The activities mentioned below are merely suggestions. If you have an alternative way you
would like to proceed, by all means go for it. However, I would like to make sure each narrative
task is accomplished each day in order to deliver on the narrative promise of the course.
Day One:
Introduction to the Course
Narrative Task:
Introduce narrative and its relation to public speaking.
Share / Conduct the Opening Comments verbiage / discussion
Extranet Documents: Opening Comments
Day Two:
Communication Process & Aristotle
Note: The Narrative focus is not as present this day. I recommend using an activity that
illustrates how narratives can be used in actual speaking situations. An example
of this activity is on the Extranet.
Extranet Documents: Aristotle Activity
Day Three:
Topic / This I Believe / Outlining
Main Tasks:
Introduce the parts of a story in the context of outline speeches and the
“This I Believe” speech.
Highlight / Address the “Why Stories Question”
The “What are Stories?” handout will be helpful to link the narrative story
structure into the different types of organization
Extranet Documents: Why Stories? & What is a Stories?
Day Four:
Note: The narrative focus is not as present on these days as far as formal lecture is
Extranet: Delivery Exercise
Day Five:
This I Believe Speech
Visual Narrative
Day Six:
Introduce Informative Speaking / Visual Narrative
Main Task:
Introduce the Visual Narrative Speech
Introduce Relationship between Images and Narrative
With the addition of the Reismann reading you are going to have to be
judicious with regard to what to cover and what not to cover with regard to
the Informative Speaking chapter.
Extranet Documents:
Picture Worth a Thousand Words Activity
Visual Narrative Assignment / Sample Outline
Helpful Websites/Docs:
Reissman—Visual Resources Supplement.doc
(The Reissman document has links to images of the
Japanese Internment that have better resolution).
Day Seven:
Finding Information / Library Research
Main Task:
Be sure to spend time talking about interviewing.
It will be helpful to use the sample outline in the How to Use Narratives to
illustrate how to attach outside research to the testimony of an individual.
Extranet Documents:
How to Use Narratives
Consent to be a Research Subject
Interviewing Protocol
It might be helpful for the students to post these documents to Blackboard
Day Eight:
Main Task:
Be sure to demonstrate proper use of Power Point (it’s required for the
Visual Narrative)
--Blank Slides Between Photos
--Practice Delivery with the Slides
There is no strong Narrative emphasis on this day
Day Nine:
Outline Workshop
I would encourage students to bring in their computers for this workshop so they can
work together to provide feedback on their images / outlines.