INSTITUTE OF BANKERS IN MALAWI DIPLOMA IN BANKING EXAMINATION SUBJECT: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (IOBM-D215) Date: ______/______/_2013 Time Allocated: 3 hours (______________) CORE PAPER INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 Read the instructions on the cover of the answer book. 2 This paper consists of TWO Sections, A and B. 3 Section A consists of 4 questions, each question carries 15 marks. Answer ALL questions. 4 Section B consists of 4 questions, each question carries 20 marks. Answer ANY TWO questions. 5 You will be allowed 10 minutes to go through the paper before the start of the examination, when you may write on this paper but not in the answer book. 6 Please write your examination number on each answer book used. Answer books without examination number will not be marked 7. DO NOT open this question paper until instructed to do so. A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 1 SECTION A (60 Marks) Answer ALL questions from this section. QUESTION 1 Discuss, with examples, three reasons how CRM is increasingly a critical asset in achieving success in a bank. (Total 15 marks) [Total 15 Marks] Answers Question 1 No 1 2 3 Critical Assets CRM helps marketers take an asset-based view of their customers and thus make better decisions compared to managers who view their customers as products, brands or mere transactions Today's CRM uses computer technology to make precise customer asset management possible. CR Managers are able to efficiently obtain and process customer information and thus make informed decisions Changes in marketing are increasingly driven by advances in information systems, communications and production helping CR Managers to understand and manage individual customers in a focused manner that mass marketing cannot do Scheme/ Script: Five [5] each asset treated Number of stages requested 05 x3 [Total Marks 15] A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 2 QUESTION 2 Discuss five aspects through which the internet technology has impacted upon the manner that customer relations management is conducted within the banking environment? [Total 15 Marks] Answers Question 2 No 1 Impact More information; more control 2 Customer expectations 3 Industrial Capacity 4 Impact on customer-intimacy equally strong 5 No direct human contact Discussion Customers are more informed about almost every thing including banking products. Customers are now more in control of their buying and/or experiences with banks CR Managers are no longer dealing with passive recipient or users of banking services Customer know and expect more from their banks in terms of quality, speed and convenience of transactions Internet technology has created a "level playing field' in the banking industry rendering many of the services ordinary and competitive banks have to put more before the customer in terms of minimum standards and levels of service excellence Internet technology means global operations across different cultures with different expectations that must all be met; making building global relationships a lot more harder Internet technology eliminates human contact between the manager and the customer making CRM more involving in terms of one's cultural empathy, language differences and thus expectations Scheme/ Script: Three [1] marks for each benefit treated Number of benefits requested [Total Marks A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 03 x5 15] 3 QUESTION 3 Transaction marketing, as part of traditional banking, is concerned with the exchange between a bank and its customers; with emphasis being on satisfying a customer’s needs. However, through loyalty and relationships, banks are moving into creating lifetime value for their customers. Compare and contrast ‘transaction marketing’ to ‘relationship marketing’, giving at least five aspects. [Total 15 Marks] Answers Bonus Question 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Transaction Marketing Focus on a single sell Orientation on product features Short-time scale Little emphasis on customer service Limited customer commitment Moderate customer contact Quality is the concern of the production department Relationship Marketing Focus on customer retention Orientation on product benefits Long-time scale High emphasis on customer service High customer commitment High customer contact Quality is the concern for all Scheme/ Script: Four [4] marks for each aspect properly done on both sides Number of comparisons/ contrasts requested 04 X5 [Total Marks 20] QUESTION 4 Briefly describe at least five of the following terms as they related to CRM: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Electronic customer relationship management [e-CRM] Business-to-Business transactions [B2B] Data mining [DM] Lifetime value [LTV] Quality circles [QCs] Just in time [JIT] Continuous improvement [CI] [Total 15 Marks] Answers Question 4 No 1 CRM Term Electronic customer relationship management [e-CRM] Description/ Explanation This emerges from the Internet and web technology to facilitate the implementation of CRM. It focuses on internet- or web-based interaction between customer and service provider. A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 4 2 Business-to-Business transactions [B2B] 3 Data mining [DM] 4 Lifetime value [LTV] 5 Quality circles [QCs] 6 Just in time [JIT] 7 Continuous improvement [CI] E-Commerce can simply be defined as conducting business transactions over the Electronic Networks by way of linked computer systems. It allows businesses to be conducted more speedily, efficiently and economically. B2B e-commerce is well established and is still a fast growing area. Examples include Companies linking to their suppliers to facilitate Just-in-Time (JIT) stock control. Data mining is a technique dependent on models for predicting personal or business behavior based on patterns and associations that a computer finds in a customer’s data in such areas as ‘recency of purchase’. Data mining looks for unexpected patterns based on a reasoned hypothesis about how we think a certain set of customers will behave. It compares information on a set of customers whose behavior is already known against that of groups with similar and different characteristics Patterns discovered are used to build models that can be tested against other set of customers to see if this can predict actual behavior accurately LTV is the expected net profit a customer will contribute to your business over the entire time the customer remains a customer; taking into account factors such as customer defection rates and discounted cash flow, which is the current worth of revenue received in the future (net present value calculation). LTV is used to determine the lifetime value for customers and segments and thus a basis for justifying investments in campaigns that have a high cost of acquiring new customers and wouldn’t normally be recouped by a single purchase. This is a continuous improvement strategy based on the belief that operational-level workers know best how processes are failing and thus more able to make improvements if given some form of authority to do so. QCs are groups of employees, perhaps eight in number, meeting regularly to discuss problems of quality and quality control in their area of work and suggesting ways of improving quality. Just-in-time is a system of working which aims to eliminate waste—i.e. the use of resources which fail to add value to a product—by means of managing workflow and is applied to four main areas of business i.e. purchasing, production, quality and modern manufacturing technology It is part of quality management recognizing the need and it is a way of taping employees’ for continual examination and improvement of existing A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 5 processes based on the understanding that customers need change in the normal course of events leading to cost savings or design improvements. CI encourages experimentation and a scientific approach to production knowledge Scheme/ Script: Five [5] marks for each method Number of aspects requested 05 x4 [Total Marks 20] QUESTION 5 CRM which creates and heightens 'the moments of truth' or 'customer lifetime value (CLV) with customers (Payne, Christopher, Clark & Peck, 2001), involves four rational steps critical to the implementation of a viable CRM strategy. [Total 20 Marks] Answers Question 5 No 1 2 Step The identification customers Description of The differentiation of service To enable organization to select those customers regarded as strategically significant and likely to contribute to the success of the organization. Customers must have unique needs and due to their value products are developed to meet these needs. Process involves collecting data to obtain a clear picture of customers and their profile. Process involves developing a database or its continued maintenance to ensure recent data is always available. Information enables organization to rank customers by age, type of services and products etc Ensures different customers receive different levels of service and different products; depending on the value of their needs to the A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 6 organization. 3 Interaction with customers Process involves organization identifying the top/ most significant customers and adapting service accordingly. Identification process uses sales figures calculations of CLV of each customer. Interacting with the customer is critical in relationship building using a variety of communication tools and technologies to continually determine and refine customer needs, perceptions and desires. Process involves development of proactive communication methods and initiating dialogue with customers. Greater use of technology encouraged but not essential (Brunjes & Roderick, 2002). Communication should be targeted at customers considered strategically significant. Interaction should be used as means to increase customer expectations regarding services received as well as the quality of the relationship. Organization carries out customization to ensure that customer needs are continually met and thus increase customer satisfaction and thus customer loyalty. Organization continually adapts its product, service or communication to create something unique for each customer. Communications are customized to address the specific needs and profile of customers including use of personalization approaches. Products are customized to fulfill specific desires of customers In the case of financial services, product packages must be offered to customers. 4 Customization of products, services and communication Scheme/ Script: Two [2] marks for listing each step correctly Three [3] marks of at least three bullet points in every step [Total Marks A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi or 08 12 20] 7 QUESTION 6 In a report format, contrast the five key functions between the traditional and the new Customer Relationship Management roles in banking. (Total 20 marks) Answers Question 3 Activity Marketing Traditional Role Communicating branding Sales Selling products Selling customer solutions Services Delivering services Delivering customer relations Support Supporting products Supporting customers IT. Department Enabling business activities Enabling customer activities and New CRM Role Customer advocate Scheme/ Script: Four [4] marks for each correct treatment No of answers required 04 x5 [Total Marks 20] QUESTION 7 Discuss in a correct order, five key interventions you as a Customer Relations Manager would undertake as part of service quality improvement aimed at enhancing "right first time" customer focus? [Total 20 Marks] No 1 Action Identify key aspects of service quality 2 Set standards service delivery 3 Set up systems for service delivery. for Discussion Identification may involve market research to determine existing levels of satisfaction and use research to identify service quality gaps between expected and actual levels of service quality. These should be based on the SMART principle— quantifiable and attainable e.g. maximum queuing time or queue length. Maximum number of rings before a telephone is answered Delivery targets are more effective if supported by an operating systems enabling service staff to meet those targets. A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 8 4 Analyse employee training needs 5 Develop programs 6 Set up systems to measure and monitor success Set up performance related pay and recognition systems Effect cultural change. 7 8 training Analyze current practice and identify weaknesses in terms of what employees know enough about the company products and whether they have sufficient interpersonal skills. Use such information to set up responsive training programs Using information identified during the analysis of training needs develop training programs in areas related to the nature of the business, employee knowledge of business product, customer awareness and interpersonal skills System to be used to measure achievements of set targets and market research may be used to examine customer perceptions of actual service quality. Pay and recognition system for employees is necessary to back organization’s commitment to service quality and thus motivate staff towards greater CRM. Where necessary look to restructure the organization towards a CRM employee ‘contractor’ role model Scheme/ Script: Five [5] marks for each ‘action area’ treated Number of ‘action areas’ requested 05 x4. [Total Marks 20] (Total 20 marks) QUESTION 8 As part of effective CRM the need for enfranchising service or frontline employees is increasingly important in modern banks. a) Briefly define the concept of "service workers enfranchisement" (5 marks) b) Briefly explain five possible reasons why the implementation of “service workers enfranchisement is a challenge in banking. (15 marks) Answers Question 8 a. b. No 1 "Service workers enfranchizement"--is a way of granting freedom and responsibility to an employee within a franchise without requiring a monetary investment or ownership on the part of the employee. Major Challenges to Enfrachizement implementation Shortage of human technical skills Explanation and Examples and Shortages make the process of enfranchizement difficult because of poor service delivery that may negatively impact on bank reputation A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 9 2 Middle management resistance to change 3 Senior management resistance to change 4 Perceived unfairness in the application of the enfranchizement 5 Inadequate information on the new roles involved in the 'contractor status' of enfranchized employees 6 Poorly designed and poorly implemented enfranchizement programs 7 Unionized labor may resist efforts to enfranchise their members Middle managers used to "supervising" and "micromanagement' may resist letting go of their turf and shift to a coaching and advisory role Senior management unwilling to shift upwards from operational to a strategic orientation involving planning, policy and contractual negotiations and obligations Interdepartmental rivalries may become blown out especially when the system of rewarding performance also changes and rewards people on different and difficult to understand performance indicators Where advance information is sparse employees may not see themselves as contractors and likely to be disappointed when they do not meet their "contractor obligations" and thus are not rewarded according; worse if this is interpreted as punishment for non performance Design of Enfranchizement may not fit current organizational culture or employees may not be given an option to or not to participate; resulting in negative perceptions of the programs Trade unions may be suspicious of programs that seek to "individualize" their members through "contractor statuses" that render the employees not part of group negotiated wage settlements Scheme/ Script: Three [3] marks for the definition of employee enfranchisement Three [3] marks for four [4] correctly attempted challenges on enfranchisement [Total Marks 3 12 15] A Draft qualification exam for the Institute of Bankers in Malawi 10