Fertilization AP Biology 2005-2006 Fertilization Joining of sperm & egg AP Biology sperm head enters egg 2005-2006 Cleavage Repeated mitotic divisions of zygote 1st step to becoming multicellular unequal divisions establishes body plan different cells receive different portions of egg cytoplasm & therefore different regulatory signals AP Biology 2005-2006 Cleavage zygote morula blastula AP Biology establishes future development 2005-2006 Organogenesis Mammalian embryo Umbilical blood vessels Chorion Bird embryo Amnion Yolk sac Allantois Fetal blood vessels Placenta AP Biology Maternal blood vessels 2005-2006 Placenta Materials exchange across membranes AP Biology 2005-2006 Human fetal development 4 weeks AP Biology 7 weeks 2005-2006 Sex determination Sperm Ovum Y Zygote XY X SRY Indifferent gonads No SRY X Ovum AP Biology X Sperm Develop in early embryo Testes XX Zygote Seminiferous tubules Leydig cells Ovaries (Follicles do not develop until third trimester) 2005-2006 Human fetal development 10 weeks AP Biology 2005-2006 Human fetal development 12 weeks AP Biology 20 weeks 2005-2006 Human fetal development The fetus just spends much of the 2nd & 3rd trimesters just growing …and doing various flip-turns & kicks inside amniotic fluid Week 20 AP Biology 2005-2006 Human fetal development 24 weeks (6 months; 2nd trimester) fetus is covered with fine, downy hair called lanugo. Its skin is protected by a waxy material called vernix AP Biology 2005-2006 Human fetal development 30 weeks (7.5 months) umbilical cord AP Biology 2005-2006 Getting crowded in there!! 32 weeks (8 months) The fetus sleeps 90-95% of the day & sometimes experiences REM sleep, an indication of dreaming AP Biology 2005-2006 Hormone induction positive feedback AP Biology Birth 2005-2006 Birth (after 36 weeks) Intestine Placenta Umbilical cord Wall of uterus Bladder AP Cervix Vagina Biology 2005-2006 The end of the journey! AP Biology 2005-2006