New Deal

The New Deal
Chapter 15
• Republicans – Hoover
• balanced budget, protective tariff, gold standard,
immigration restrictions, not repeal of Prohibition…
• Democrats – Franklin D. Roosevelt
• repeal of 18th Am., balanced budget, competitive tariff,
unemployment and old age insurance…
Election of 1932:
The Election of 1932
• FDR won and promised the people a “New Deal”
• Hoover was now a lame duck.
• This led to the passage of the 20th Amendment which
moved up the presidential inauguration to Jan.
• 21st amendment repealed prohibition
• CQ: What was the New Deal? How did F.D.R. react to
the challenges facing the country?
Day 4 Ch. 15 The New Deal
• Appealed to the common man, especially
southerners, powerful speaker.
• Surrounded himself with the “Braintrust”- expert
• He used radio “fireside chats” to talk to the
American people.
• He said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear
Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd President)
Economy was in total collapse
Banks Closed
People are reluctant to invest or deposit money
Wages are low
Decline in value of agricultural commodities
Unemployment reigns
What Challenges
Faced FDR?
• FDR called an emergency session of
Congress for 100 Days…
• Implemented the NEW DEAL:
• Extended government’s role in
regulating the economy
• Restored consumer confidence
How did FDR respond?
• Relief- from hunger, foreclosure,
and suffering
• Recovery- employment, increase
consumer spending
• Reform- banking practices, stock
exchange, labor and business
Goals Of New Deal- “3
FDR Created Alphabet
• Emergency Banking Act- kept banks closed until
safe to open
• Federal Depositor’s Insurance Corporation (FDIC)insured all deposits up to $5,000
Banking & Investment
• Encouraged crop diversification
• Paid farmers to leave land fallow
• Destroyed livestock and crop surpluses
(infuriated many)
• It hurt more than it helped and was later
declared unconstitutional.
Agricultural Adjustment
Administration (AAA)
Employed over 2 million single men
Earned $ and sent home
Lived in camps(free room and board)
Built roads, bridges, parks, etc.
Civilian Conservation Corps
Built bridges and dams(9)
Provided flood control
Produced fertilizer
Gave hydroelectric power to a very poor region
Tennessee Valley Authority
• Less than 10% of rural
households had electricity
• REA installed power lines to
more than 225,000 homes
Rural Electrification
Administration (REA)
• Largest New Deal agency- $10 billion
• Employed 8 million workers
• Constructed roads, buildings, bridges
• Employed actors, musicians, artists, writers
Works Progress Administration
• Retirement pension for elderly
• Helped disabled and accident victims
• Unemployment assistance
• Deducted from paycheck
• What are the current concerns about SS?
Social Security
Administration (SSA)
• Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
• United States Housing Authority (USHA)
Housing Assistance
• Wagner Act- strengthened union’s rights
• Fair Labor Standards Act- banned child labor,
set minimum wage, overtime pay
• CQ: What was the effects of the New DEAL? List some
cultural things that came out of the 30’s.
Day 5
• John Maynard Keynes-British economist
• Gov’t gives direct intervention and deficit
spending during times of economic hardship in
order to stimulate economic recovery/growth
• Government spending exceeded tax base
• Deficit reached $5 billion under FDR
Indian Reorganization Act
Gov’t stopped selling tribal lands
Tribes could elect tribal councils
Did not address discrimination
against African Americans
Minorities and the New
Vocal opponents of the FDR & New Deal
• Al Smith
• Father Charles Coughlin
• Dr. Townsend
• Huey Long- Gov. of Louisiana, advocated income
redistribution, “Share Our Wealth” societies
American Liberty
• New Deal programs were challenged in the
Supreme Court and some agencies were found
Supreme Court v. New
• FDR wanted to appoint 6 new Supreme Court
• Congress was furious and stopped him, felt he
was overstepping his power
• Finally, a S.C. Justice resigned and FDR
appointed Hugo Black (D-AL)
• This shifted balance in FDR’s favor
• Over the next few years, 7 other Justices
FDR’s Response
FDR & the Supreme Court
• Union membership grew, strikes resulted
• American Federation of Labor (AFL) and
Congress of Industrial Organizations- (CIO)
Labor v. Capital
• General Strike of textile workers (’34)400,000 workers strike
• Flint Sit-Down Strike- workers protest GM,
workers sit-down at work and refuse to
leave, draws a crowd of over 5,000 and in
turn violence erupts with police
• Memorial Day Massacre(‘37)- Steel workers
in Chicago strike, 10 killed and 90 injured by
Major Strikes
Flint Sit-Down Strike
• Helped banking
• Helped regulate
security exchange
• Stimulated Industry
• Employed Millions
• Empowered Unions
• Set minimum wage
• Prohibited child labor
• Encouraged crop
• Unemployment
remained high- >15%
• Many people still
• Some programs were
Praise & Criticism of the New Deal
• Influenced by Depression, provided entertainment
and escapism
• Culture captured the emotions of era
Popular Culture of the
• Over 60% of Americans attended theaters weekly
• Marx Brothers (video)
• “Gone With the Wind”
• Gangster films- “Little Caesar”
Same writers of the 1920’s
• John Steinbeck- Grapes of Wrath
• Margaret Mitchell- Gone With the Wind
• Richard Wright- Native Son
• Nora Zeale Hurston- Their Eyes Were Watching
• Dale Carnegie- How To Win Friends and Influence
• Over 80% of Americans owned radios
• Listened to FDR’s “Fireside Chats”, news, and
• The Lone Ranger
• The Green Lantern
• Orson Welles- “War of the Worlds”
Dick Tracy
Little Orphan Annie
Dr. Seuss
• People wanted music that made them feel GOOD
• Duke Ellington- “It Don’t Mean a Thing if it Ain’t Got
That Swing”
• Louis Armstrong
• Glenn Miller Orchestra
• Shirley Temple (“Good Ship Lollipop” clip)
• But music reflected their hard times… (ex. Blues)
• Folk/protest music became popular – Woody Guthrie
Grant WoodEdward HopperAmerican Gothic Nighthawks
Horace Pippin
Alexander Hogue-Avalanche By
Photography “Migrant Mother” Dorothea Lange