An A-Z guide to planning, managing, and executing a Global SAP NetWeaver BI project - Part 2 Dr. Bjarne Berg Director SAP BI © 2007 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved. What We’ve Covered So Far (in Part 1)… • • • • • • • • • • Writing your Global SAP BI business case Defining the scope of your implementation Writing a milestone plan Developing your global staffing plan Budgeting Comprehensive On-boarding and training Writing your workplan Monitoring the progress and risks of your global project Monitoring quality / instituting a formal approval process Why you need an SAP BI “user acceptance group” 2 What We’ll Cover Now (In Part 2)… • Final Preparatory steps • • • • Methodology details SAP BI Global Lessons learned Requirements and approvals The Blueprinting Phase The Realization Phase The Implementation Phase Wrap-up 3 What We’ll Cover… • Final Preparatory steps • • • • Methodology SAP BI Global Lessons learned Requirements and approvals The Blueprinting Phase The Realization Phase The Implementation Phase Wrap-up 4 Project Preparation: Some Key Observations Project charter: Represents an agreement on, and commitment to, the deliverables of the project, as well as the time constraints, resources, standards, and budget of the project. Project plan: This is the first cut. It focuses on milestones and work packages. Core Activities 1.1 Initial Project Planning 1.2 Project Procedures 1.3 Training Preparation 1.4 Project Kickoff 1.5 Technical Requirements Planning 1.6 Quality Check Project Preparation Scope: Sets the initial definition of the project. Project team organization: Sets the ‘who’ of the project. It decides who will be involved, and what their goal is. Standards and procedures: Sets the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the project. Standardizes how meetings are run, how documents are handled, etc. so everyone understands what is going on. This is what we covered in Part 1… Note Source: Pauline Woods-Wilson 5 What is ASAP? Examples for Accelerators: • Project Plan, Estimating • Design Strategies, Scope Definition • Documentation, Issues Db Fill Fillin inthe theBlank Blank Versus Versus Start Startfrom fromScratch Scratch • Workshop Agenda • Questionnaires • End-User Procedures • Test Plans • Technical Procedures • Made Easy guidebooks (printout, data transfer, system administration…) 6 The ASAP Approach (from Part-1) Integration Testing Create Technical specs No Create Functional specs System Testing Complete? No Yes Unit Testing Complete? Yes Configuration Yes Peer Review No Approved? Peer Review Yes No Complete? Yes Approved? Structured walkthrough No No Complete? Yes Structured walkthrough 7 Alternative Approach For Smaller Projects (I.E. 1st Go-live) Keep the scope focused and use a simple approach: Activate standard content Request for modifications Inscope? Yes Make enhancements No Load infocube User acceptance session Test In-future scope? No Review data quality issues Create 2-3 sample queries Deploy Rejection No functional or technical specs are used in this approach. The user acceptance session is used to refine requirements 8 Critical Success Factors for Global SAP BI Projects Individual Organizational Technological Methodology The best people End users on the team Platform sizing Proper scope Backfilling Communication with users Testing tools Leadership and commitment Few locations (keep it focused and have many rollouts) Documentation and training internal Integration testing before releasing changes Budget for consulting and training Good SAP consultants Breadth and depth of training Do not modify code Overseas contacts Source: Lee Schlenker These are lessons learned the hard way… Don’t re-invent the wheel--learn from others. Note 9 SAP Solution Manager Upgrade Projects New in 2004 e-Learning Landscape Reporting Test Organizer Support Desk Customizing Synchronization Tool Implementation Content Content Services Best Practice Documents Roadmaps Service Delivery Platform Solution Monitoring Service Level Reporting Implementation Platform Source: SAP AG Change Request Management Gateway to SAP SAP Support Was added in 2004 10 SAP BI Best Practices – some hints This tool is still being enhanced, but has several BI-specific project accelerators that you won’t find in SAP Solution Manager. It has been available for 4 years. The current release is version 1.7 (as of August 2007) You can access SAP BI Best Practices for BI at: 11 Option – Workplans Based on Deliverables The best practice documents are organized around scenarios, which simplify the collection of tools Source: SAP – Aug, 2007 12 SAP BI Best Practices – What Versions Does It Support? SAP BI 7.0 The SAP Best Practices tool was developed for SAP BI 3.5, and later updated for SAP BI 7.0. SAP App. Compon ent Software Component Release Level Highest Support Package SAP BW SAP_BASIS 700 0007 SAPKA70007 SAP_ABA 700 0007 SAPKA70007 SAP_BW 700 0007 SAPKW70007 PI_BASIS 2005_1_700 0007 SAPKIPYJ77 BI_CONT 702 0004 SAPKIBIHP4 SCM 500 0002 SAPKY50002 SAP_BW 700 0005 SAPKW70005 SAP_BASIS 700 0005 SAPKB70005 SAP_ABA 700 0009 SAPKA70005 SAP_BASIS 700 0007 SAPKA70007 SAP_ABA 700 0007 SAPKA70007 SAP_APPL 600 0004 SAPKH60004 PI_BASIS 2005_1_700 0007 SAPKIPYJ77 SAP_BASIS 700 0007 SAPKA70007 SAP_ABA 700 0007 SAPKA70007 BBPCRM 500 0004 SAPKU50004 PI_BASIS 2005_1_700 0007 SAPKIPYJ77 SAP SCM SAP BI 3.5 mySAP Application Component SAP BW Software Component Release Level Highest Support Package SAP_BASIS 640 0004 SAPKB64004 SAP_ABA 640 0004 SAPKA64004 SAP_BW 350 0004 SAPKW35004 PI_BASIS 2004_1_640 0004 SAPKIPYI64 BI_CONT 352 0002 SAPKIBIEP2 Source: SAP – Jan, 2007 SAP ERP 2005 SAP CRM While install recommendations are based on SAP BI 3.5/ or BI 7.0, most management tools, accelerators, and the sample work plan are not version-specific 13 Rapid Application Development (RAD) • Be flexible and consider using a RAD (Rapid Application development) approach for the initial information requirements gathering task. Typical ways to conduct this include: Ask for 1-2 days of uninterrupted time at each location, and provide lunch on-site (global requirements gathering take 2-3 times more time -- plan for it) Invite power users, casual users, today's report writers, and managers Remove cell phones, PDA, pagers, and email access Keep a rapid pace, and a manageable number of attendees (no more than 20) Focus on shared information needs, and conduct multiple sessions if needed Don't get trapped in details; give people a chance to provide feedback in writing and follow-up later with individuals You can use the session as an information sharing event, and give a brief overview of what you are attempting to do 14 What We’ll Cover… • • Final Preparatory steps The Blueprinting Phase • • • Some Global Case Studies Leveraging the standard content Modeling your solution Deliverables The Realization Phase The Implementation Phase Wrap-up 15 Let’s Look at a Global BI Project Example A case study • • • • Fortune 100 company with operations around the world 230 systems identified as “mission critical” 23 installations of SAP R/3 on 6 continents Other ERP systems: JD Edwards Custom-developed Oracle systems 16 Global Data Warehouse Initiatives A case study These were the DW initiatives that corporate HQ knew about 17 Rationale for a “Bottom-Up” Global SAP BI Approach Improved Project Management Enables future migration of standardized data architecture to a Global DSS architecture through standard local solutions. Ensures higher quality of local deliveries and projects through increasing focus on providing local solutions. Improved Cost Efficiency Minimizes local investments through a consolidated hardware environment. Leverages buying power in front of vendors through provision of guidelines and corporate agreements. Enables lower development costs through centralized user documentation and training. Establishes a better working environment between local units and central project Substantially reduces management through ABAP report the positioning as a programming costs “Competency Center for through providing Local Needs”. support for an efficient SAP BW roll-out. A case study Secured Commonality across Company Leveraged SAP Decision Support Ensures use of common definitions. Provides users with a fast way to integrate ERP reporting to advanced standardized decision support systems through simplifying the roll-out of SAP BW Enables the inclusion of future SAP-based standard decision support modules (SEM, EC and others). Ensures uniformity through eliminating options to develop regional, functional or non-standard solutions. Provides centralized testing of vendor software (combined with ESOE etc). Using ONE methodology - one way of working. Reduces delivery time of decision support for SAP R/3 through usage of a standardized application. Ensure reusability. Reusability will ensure commonality ! Creates a Competence Center for SAP BW. 18 Global SAP BI Activities, Priorities and Architecture 4. Migrate existing solutions into Company architecture 3. After local solutions are implemented and standardized, consolidation to a Global Data Warehouse is simplified and faster 2. Coordinate development efforts and activities: -Tool selection -Methodology -Organization -Deliverables -Data standards -Training -Documentation A case study Global DW SAP BW DW Local DW Local DW Oracle Sybase MVS Others Oracle Sybase MVS Others 5. Install SAP BW based solutions (SEM, EC and consolidated BW) for business and financial management together with Shared Financial Services Local DW Oracle Sybase MVS Others SAP BW SAP BW SAP BW SAP BW SAP R/3 SAP R/3 SAP R/3 1. Test, productify SAP BW and install standard solution(s) locally: -Software -Hardware -Testing -Training -Documentation 19 An Approach to BI Global Architecture Development BISC (Business Information Supply Chain) Responsibilities SAP Business Warehouse BISC would take the responsibility for productfying and installing SAP BW standard solutions locally, including software, hardware, testing, training and documentation. BISC could support for SAP BW based solutions for business and financial management (SEM, EC and consolidated BW together with SFSC etc). Global DW SAP BW DW Local DW Oracle Sybase MVS Others Local DW Oracle Sybase MVS Others Local DW Oracle Sybase MVS Others SAP BW Local Data Warehouses SAP BW SAP BW SAP BW SAP R/3 SAP R/3 SAP R/3 BISC coordinates development efforts and activities within the Data Warehousing field at Company. This includes guidelines on tool selection, methodology, organization, deliverables, data standards, training and documentation. Global Data Warehouse BISC has the overall responsibility to establish the Global DW within Company, which is achieved through prioritizing development of consistent local DW solutions enabling our long 20 term goals. SAP BI Global Rollout Approach • The CHANGE “Bottom-Up Fixed Departure” Departure I - 3 months •A Departure II - 3 months Departure III - 3 months Departure IV - 3 months A case study project delivered local SAP BI solutions and packaged solutions for decision support as a first priority, and the Global Data Warehouse as a second priority. “fixed departure approach” was applied with focus on delivering solutions rather than projects and software; specific BI solutions were developed according to a pre-defined schedule where local business units were invited or encouraged to participate. 21 A Global Rollout – a Different European Example UK North West (Den Haag) Ireland Local Local AMC/Dev AMC/Dev Spiridon Spiridon /CRM /CRM BW Spiridon others CRM CRM (one client) Global Development Spiridon/CRM Netherland s Mid South (Wien) BW Local AMC/Dev BW others BW Local AMC/Dev Spiridon /CRM Spiridon e.p@ss /CRM e.p@ss Austria South West (Madrid) Portugal others Switzerland CRM Turkey Belgium CRM Spain Source: Siemens Corp information 2004 In this case, the company created both a local and global BI system for CRM data 22 Some Lessons Learned From Other Global Implementations Very large global telecom Co. BW version Largest Volume Lessons learned 3.1c 3.1c 5-20 million Largest cubes have 18.8 transactional records million, 18.4 million, and in FI cubes 11.2 million records each. Keep scope and Should not have gone development effort “live” on 1.2a, should focused, use more have used more than than one one presentation tool. presentation tool, The extract and load don’t underestimate process is the most the extract and load complex, strong BW effort experience is essential Standardized global reporting Creation of corporate enterprise-wide data warehouse Very happy with implementation added 3 more countries last year Overall happy. Have accomplished in 6 months what would have taken 5 years. Business drivers Success Note Global oil co. Fortune-500 Retailer Global oil co. 3.0b 35 million rows 3.2 120 million records in sales, and 230GB in Sales and finance Data movement is Custom coding cannot the most complex overcome the BW part of BW. The extractors. Integration project would not with non-R/3 data was have accepted as technically easy, but many enhancements conceptually hard. if done again. The team members must You need a really . have solid BI skills strong BI architect SAP R/3 was being Custom global reporting installed, and SAP has a too-high cost BW is the reporting of ownership and is too strategy for all key hard to manage. Want performance content and features. indicators Is being rolled out to Very happy with the more subsidiaries speed of delivery and and management is user satisfaction pleased with results The major findings highlight the need for specialized BI skills and very strong scope control… 23 Global Examples Summary • A conceptual architecture is the first step and the physical architecture is a product of this. It should be driven by the user needs and the types of interfaces needed, and not by an internal IT exercise. • SAP BI can now be used as an enterprise Data Warehouse and a Global rollout can be accomplished. • There are two core ways to succeed, but both require strong central control and support. 24 A Process Look at Getting Functional Specifications Create a contact group and contact list for business input and requirements Name JoeJones JosephJones JoeJones JoeJones JoeJones JosephJones JoeJones JoeJones JoeJones JosephJones JoeJones JosephJones JoeJones Organization MYORG Ltd YourORG Ltd MYORG Ltd MYORG Ltd MYORG Ltd YourORG Ltd MYORG Ltd MYORG Ltd MYORG Ltd YourORG Ltd MYORG Ltd YourORG Ltd MYORG Ltd Phone Number 918-123-1234 918-123-1234 123-123-1234 918-123-1234 918-123-1238 918-123-1239 918-123-1234 918-123-1234 918-123-1234 918-123-1234 918-123-1234 918-123-1234 123-123-1234 Don't Forget Create a tool to collect info requests and business input Gather Disposition information the info. requests to using the tool. Plan BW or R/3 traveling Consolidate Build storage requirements objects and load programs and write functional specs Construct reports and navigation features starts by documentation tool for TeamTeam starts byreviewing reviewing documentation tool for documentation completeness Review requirements identify corresponding Data Modeland (InfoCube/ODS) D1 D1aa true No Communicate to Is report Is this bus. leader documentation complete? Yes reporting need Yes D4report No D2 D2.5 exist No Significant D3 Is system the this No Does anIs Intraday in -"indatamodels scope" report? Infocube/ODS ofnumber users? No resource Request additional intensive? No input frommember Business Team Yes Yes R/3 is selected as Yes Reporting Tool R/3 is selected selected as as and is A2 Reporting Tool indocumented doc. tool Total Cost of and documented Ownership Responsible Analysis Team member acquires/documents additional information R/3 is selected as Communicate Reporting Tool D8cost Noand dispositionfinal Iseffective? BW indocumented doc. tool Yes BW is selected as D5 Communicate Reporting Tool Does Yes disposition final documented Yes Standard R/3 Noin and the documentation tool content exist? BW is selected R/3D9Tool D6 reporting andasChangeSelection Does Request istool submitted Communicate Is itD7 less to the scope changed if Process Standard BW No expensive disposition final content create No exist? R/3? in Standard Report Yes as Yes ABAP/R/3QueryWriter BW is selected BW is selected R/3 is selected as Reporting Other Reporting Tool and Reporting Tool Tool as andCommunicate dispositionfinalCustom documented documented tool in doc. andindocumented tool in doc. doc. tool A3 Consolidation & Process Sub - ifReport eliminate appropriate (winnowing) Communicate disposition final Communicate disposition final Communicate disposition final R/3 team make final disposition BW Team to forward completed detailed based on selected BW - Reporting or R/3 Toolreport specifications A4reports Baseline There is more than one way to collect this information. However, a formal process should exist to capture requirements & communicate what is being developed. We will now examine the most common form of RAD (Rapid Application Development). 25 Getting the Global Functional Specifications Note • Avoid taking a total inventory of all reports in the global organization. The "top-5" (most used) sales, distribution, inventory etc. reports from each geographical location will cover the vast majority of the reporting needs. • A single SAP BI "report" may satisfy dozens of today's static reports. It is therefore impossible to map each individual legacy report to a single BI report. Avoid attempting to replicate each local report based on what you might have in place today. Accept new ways of accessing data. 26 Getting the Global Functional Specifications (cont.) • Create a form that captures the business’ core requirements in a structured format Create a simple Information Request Form, and use it to gather the core relevant information about each report being requested by the business community. This should include at least the following fields: - Contact info about the requestor - Department - Name of report - Purpose of report - Description of report - Type of users (mgr./analyst/casual) - Number of users expected - Frequency of report (daily/monthly) - Data currency (yesterday/today) - Security requirements - How is this reporting done today - Comments 27 Sample Info Request Form: • Document requirements in a standardized format and allow for a large comment section • Prioritize requirements • Consolidate requirements • Support follow-up discussions and reviews. P1 28 of 2 Sample Info Request Form: • Other uses: Post the form on the Intranet, thereby giving stakeholders an easy way to communicate with the project team Use the Comment section for language and security requirements, or add a separate section for this. Note the section for dispositioning the requirement P2 29 of 2 An Example 30 An Example 31 Consider Multiple Country Views of Displaying the Same Data!! • Deliver reports in a consistent manner to users (one version of the "truth"), but use different mechanisms to do so Managers and executives tends to prefer simple and directed interfaces Casual users tends to prefer predictable structured access to data Analysts and power users tend to prefer high flexibility and unstructured access to data KPI & Scorecard Formatted • Simple • Easy to view • Limited nav • Aggregates Flat Reporting • Formatted • Print • Form based • Static • Predictable access OLAP Reporting • Drill Down OR OR • Slice and Dice • Analyse • Data Mining • Search and discover Don't underestimate different users in various countries and their need to access the information in various ways -- one size does not fit all! 32 Blueprinting Phase: Some Key Observations Getting the right requirements: Finding out the detailed functional specs of what users really need and not just what they want. Deciding what will be developed in SAP BI and what will be maintained as R/3 reports. Core Activities 2.1 Project Management Business Blueprint 2.2 Organizational Change Management 2.3 Project Team Training Business Blueprint 2.4 Develop System Environment 2.5 Organizational Structure Definition 2.6 Business Process Definition 2.7 Quality Check Business Blueprint Map the functional requirements to the standard content, and see what can be leveraged and what needs to be extended. Create detailed technical specifications and designs of infocubes, masterdata, ODSs, and high-level architectural designs. Create user acceptance group(s), and have them review and give feedback on the system as it is developed. 33 Report Dispositioning: What Goes in BW, and What Stays in R/3? • There are many tools that can report on R/3 data, and you might have static reports that truly belong in R/3, which would not be cost effective to move to SAP BW • Make cost-effective decisions; just because the report is not in SAP BI does not mean it cannot be added to a Portal or viewed on the Web Warning • • Not all reports belong in SAP BW; avoid using SAP BI as a "dumping group" You need to make conscious decisions on what reporting needs you are going to meet, and how you will accomplish this We will now take a look at an approach to formal report dispositioning that has been used by a few companies. 34 Key Questions for Report Dispositioning • Is this really a reporting need, or a "want"? • Is the data going to be in SAP BI at a frequency that solves the user's request (e.g., intraday reporting)? • Is the data needed for this report already in our SAP BI scope? • Is there already a report available in R/3? • Does standard BI content exist? • Is it less expensive to create the report in R/3? • Are there a significant number of users? • Is the reporting need resource-intensive? • Is SAP BI cost effective in the long run (ownership)? 35 Team starts by reviewing documentation tool for documentation completeness An example of how to decide which reports should be in R/3 or the legacy system cu Review requirements and identify corresponding Data Model (InfoCube/ODS) D1 Is report documentation complete? Yes D1a Is this a true reporting need No (refer to printed version) Communicate to bus. leader Yes No D2 Is this an Intraday report? Request additional input from Business Team member No D2.5 Does data exist in "in-scope" models Infocube/ODS Yes Yes Yes D6 Does Standard BW content exist? Yes BW is selected as Reporting Tool and documented in doc. tool Communicate final disposition No No D7 Is it less expensive to create in R/3? BW is selected as Reporting Tool and documented in the documentation tool Communicate final disposition D8 Is BI cost effective? Communicate final disposition R/3 is selected as Reporting Tool and documented in doc. tool Communicate final disposition Yes D9 R/3 Tool Selection Process BW is selected as reporting tool and Change Request is submitted if the scope changed No Standard R/3 Yes R/3 is selected as Reporting Tool and documented in doc. tool No No R/3 is selected as Reporting Tool and documented in doc. tool Yes A2 Total Cost of Ownership Analysis Communicate final disposition D5 Does Standard R/3 content exist? D4 Is the report system resource intensive? No Yes R/3 is selected as Reporting Tool and documented Responsible Team member acquires/documents additional information No D3 Significant number of users? BW is selected as Reporting Tool and documented in doc. tool Communicate final disposition Communicate final disposition ABAP/ Custom Report Writer Query Other A3 Sub-Process Report Consolidation & eliminate if appropriate (winnowing) R/3 team make final disposition BW Team to forward completed detailed report specifications based on selected Reporting Tool - BI or R/3 A4 Baseline reports 36 Now That You Have Identified the In-Scope Reports, What’s Next? • Obtain a copy of each of the current reports that are “inscope” (not all report across your organization) Legacy reports are often a great way to document the data needs They can be used to illustrate how data is currently being summarized and viewed Consolidate the requirements, and look for "low-hanging fruit" Create a physical folder with paper copies of these legacy reports Make sure that the development team has access to them -- this will reduce the time spent in meetings with the business community + + = Many requirements can be met by a single SAP BI report 37 Where do I start? All functional areas are not equally supported by strong standard SAP BI business content. Some areas have much you can leverage, others will require significant enhancement to meet your requirements The differences are often due to customization on the R/3-side by companies and/or industry solutions. Focus on an area that solves a problem instead of becoming a "replacement" project. Approximate Usage of Standard Content BW 3.5 (percentage of overall development effort) 100 80 Gradually, using a prioritized phased approach, solve other business problems. 60 40 20 to ry In ve n M * SC E m gm t lit y Qu a rib ut io n es Di st Sa l * CR M AP O g ur in CO an uf ac t M FI 0 * Rapidly improving content A good way to think of a BI rollout is in terms of business problems. 38 The Blueprinting Phase: Leveraging Standard Content • • • As a guiding principle, map requirements to standard content before customizing Mostly standard storage objects Some customization Highly customized storage objects 31% 36% However, you’ll probably also have external data sources that require custom ODSs and InfoCubes Customizing lower level objects will cause higher level standard objects to not work, unless you are willing to customize these also…. 33% An example from a large manufacturing company BW Content available (3.5.1): • • • • • Cockpits Workbooks Queries Roles MultiCubes ??? 1,979 3,299 861 121 • InfoCube 605 • ODS objects 349 • InfoObjects 11,772 39 The Blueprinting Phase: Model Your Solution 1. Create a model based on pre-delivered SAP BI content 2. Map your data requirements to the delivered content, and identify gaps 3. Identify where the data gaps are going to be sourced from Unit Material Logistics Material number Material entered Material group Item category Product hierarchy EAN/UPC Storage Requirements Plant Shipping/receiving point Billing Customer + Currency Key Unit of Measure Base unit of measure Sales unit of measure Volume unit of measure Weight unit of measure Sold-to Ship-to Bill-to Payer Customer class Customer group ~ Customer country ~ Customer region ~ Customer postal code ~ Customer industry code 1 End user Number of billing documents Number biling line items Billed item quantity Net weight Subtotal 1 Subtotal 2 Subtotal 3 Subtotal 4 Subtotal 5 Subtotal 6 Subtotal A Net value Cost Tax amount Volume Organization Standard content Company code Division Distribution channel Sales organization Sales group Map functional requirements to the standard content before you make enhancements Personnel Sales rep number Accounting Cost center Profit center Controlling area Account assignment group Billing information Billing document Billing item Billing type Billing category Billing date Creation date Cancel indicator Output medium ~ Batch billing indicator Debit/credit reason code Biling category Reference document Payment terms Cancelled billing document Divison for the order header Pricing procedure Document details Sales order document type Sales deal Sales docuement Time Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar year month week day Storage Objects LEGEND Delivered in standard extractors Delivered in LO extractor Not in delivered Content -but in R-3 40 What We’ll Cover… • • • Final Preparatory steps The Blueprinting Phase The Realization Phase • • Building ODSs and InfoCubes Planning, Managing and executing system test Planning, Managing and executing integration and performance test Issue resolution, logs, sign-off and approvals The Implementation Phase Wrap-up 41 Realization Phase: Some Key Observations Core Activities 3.1 Project Management Realization 3.2 Organizational Change Management 3.3 Training Realization 3.4 Baseline Configuration and reviews 3.5 System Management 3.6 Final Configuration and Confirmation 3.7 Prepare & Coordinate interface development 3.8 Develop Data Conversion Programs (if any) 3.9 Develop Queries Development Programs: Provide details of added programming structures 3.10 Develop User interface enhancements End User Training Material 3.11 Determine additional reporting requirements Configuration and Testing Plans: Define how the configuration will be implemented and how it will be tested 3.12 Create structured reports 3.13 Establish Authorization Concept 3.14 Establish Data Archiving plan (if applicable) Source: Pauline Woods-Wilson 3.15 Final Integration Test 3.16 Quality Check Realization 42 Building ODSs and InfoCubes TIPS 1 Review the functional requirements and 6 Do not allow exceptions to your naming conventions technical design 2 Make sure you have established Data 7 Make sure that “putting out fires” does not Stewards for master data, and assign take precedence, becoming the master data to specific developers “default” architecture and standard. 3 Have your ETL developers work 8 Try new ideas in a sandbox environment , for the individual who is responsible and don’t contaminate the development environment. for creating process chains (organizationally) 4 Avoid nested ODS layers, and keep the 9 Keep details for multi-use in the ODS and architecture as pristine as possible do not design the ODS based on the needs of a single infoCube. 5 Make your transformations part of 10 Developers must unit test all of their update rules into infocubes if you need work and personally sign-off on their to be able to reconcile to the source storage object. system. Keep the details in the ODS. 43 Consider Upgrading to SAP BI in SAP NetWeaver 2004s On a typical SAP BI project, 40-60% of project effort will be spent on data integration, transformation, and loads BI in SAP NetWeaver 2004 has a new GUI to help you write transformations, potentially saving you a lot of time! Source SAP AG 44 The SAP BI Test Methodology Methodology used for System and Integration tests… Test Strategy Test Plan Test Execution Problem Resolution SAP R/3 and BI testing is not different from a methodology standpoint, but the global execution is…. 45 SAP BI Test: Planning Tasks\Dates December 2003 January 2004 February 2004 1-Mar 8-Mar 15-Mar 22-Mar 29-Mar 5-Apr Identify People for Testing Schedule Facilities Prioritize Test Areas (Queries) Send out Meeting Notice Execute System Test Document Results Problem Resolution Activities Tasks 1 2 3 4 5 Create test script Identify roles to be used Documentation on using test tools Procedure for documenting test results Training sessions for using test scripts 6 7 8 9 Identify key contacts Communicate about transports Arrange time for progress control Schedule facilities Business analysts are responsible for planning, coordinating, and executing the system testing of queries. 11 1 2 3 9 4 8 7 Plan for more than one test location and early announcements (i.e. France, US and Japan). 12 10 6 5 Timing 46 Deliver Cost and Profitability Order Manufacturing Plan and scheduling Demand planning Source Environment preparation Resolving outstanding issues and retesting = Morning session 8:30 - noon = Evening session 12:30 - 5:00 • Each team should have dedicated time in the test room in each country. If needed, rent your own training/test room • Provide food and snacks • At least 2 testers (preferably 3) should be assigned to test each query • All test results must be logged 4/2 4/1 3/31 3/30 3/29 3/28 3/27 3/26 3/25 3/24 3/23 3/22 3/21 3/20 3/19 3/18 3/17 3/16 3/15 3/14 3/13 3/12 3/11 3/10 3/9 3/8 3/7 3/6 3/5 3/4 3/3 3/2 3/1 SAP BI Test Scheduling: Example 47 SAP BI Test: Checklist • Preparations • People • Data source/cubes/ODS/queries prioritized for testing Queries developed and available in the SAP BI test environment Track specific test plans created using test template Test cases written Individuals (testers) perform the identified tests Testers invited to complete SAP BI on-line training Availability of testers confirmed Security roles tested and user ID’s for testers have been created Logistics Testers familiarized with test results recording tools Identify test location and verify resources Rooms, computers, sapgui, network connections, phone, etc. Plan for problem resolution 48 Performance Testing • Performance test execution Identify queries to be performance tuned, and determine cutoff load for load test – e.g. 40% of actual users (not named) Schedule queries to run in background, and execute each query while load scripts are running to simulate “real” users Monitor your system continuously, and attempt tuning at the query level Perform analysis based on benchmarks, and build aggregates and/or indexes Record findings in a formal tracking tool available to everyone Meet with developers daily to discuss issues Problem resolution: Look at the new BI Accelerator in SAP BI 7.0 for improved performance !!! 49 Source: Alexander Peter, SAP AG Test Signoffs • Signoff procedure Document test feedback and update logs Review open issues Prioritize outstanding issues Agree on scope decisions and resolutions Obtain approvals from business representatives in each country and the overall steering committee 50 What We’ll Cover… • • • • Final Preparatory steps The Blueprinting Phase The Realization Phase The Implementation Phase • Executing cut-over to production Conducting end-user and power user training Establishing end-user support organization Post-implementation review and next steps Wrap-up 51 Final Preparation Phase: Some Key Observations The Cutover Plan and the Technical Operations Manual describe the details on how to move to the production environment and go live Stress & Volume Tests confirm the production hardware’s capabilities The End User Training document describes the delivery of the necessary levels of SAP training prior to going live Core Activities Source: Pauline Woods-Wilson 4.1 Project Management Final Preparation 4.2 Training Final Preparation 4.3 Acceptance Testing 4.4 System Management 4.5 Detailed Project Planning 4.6 Cutover 4.7 Quality Check Final Preparation 52 Conducting End-User and Power User Training Web-based All users Training Tutorials Instructor-led On-site Power users Executives Vendor-based Developers Support staff 1) Create, or buy, an on-line help and training system. Make sure you use many images and links. 2) Consider using animations to demonstrate complicated tasks as well. 3) Consider multi language versions of the help and 53 training system Establishing Local and Global End-User Support Organization Getting Power Users involved early is important to the overall success of a Data Warehousing project p u o r g y onl e h t s? t e r o w p e e r r A ild u b n a c that n? i o j s r e oth n a c w Ho ved l o v n i be d l u o ? h Who s e businesses an from th r e d i s on c e w t?” p d e l c u n o o h S or c d a s s a “Amb To help support countries and regional businesses that have already gone live, a strong local community of “ambassadors” is needed. Without them, ongoing projects can get “bogged down” with basic report support and enhancement requests. 54 Go-Live: Some Key Observations The last deliverable for the implementation ensures high system performance through monitoring and feedback Source: Pauline Woods-Wilson We need to execute issue resolution plans and contingency plans Core Activities 5.1 Production Support 5.2 Project End A “lessons learned” session should be held at the end of the project to assure organizational awareness and education The support organization will take over the system after a pre-determined time period. Some team members may transition into their new roles as support staff This is a critical time when a “SWAT” team that quickly addresses user concerns can make all the difference in how the system is received among the users 55 Tracking Load Performance • During the first 6 weeks after each go-live, you should formally track the load performance by process chain to see if you have any systematic issues Load performance rate 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% It is also a great way to document your success!! 56 Tracking Load Performance (cont.) •A stabilization period after each go-live is normal, until the new process chains has been tuned in the production box • This is a time when active monitoring of process chains should occur Production Performance Areas of BI Data Load Issues Nov. 1st through Dec. 15th Demand Planning 7 Transaction global 6 Source Purchase Orders Roughcut 4 Material Movements MD - Bev. Packaging 3 Master data 2 Hierarchies 1 12/15/04 12/14/04 12/13/04 12/12/04 12/11/04 12/9/04 12/10/04 12/8/04 12/7/04 12/6/04 12/5/04 12/4/04 12/3/04 12/2/04 12/1/04 11/30/04 11/29/04 11/28/04 11/27/04 11/26/04 11/25/04 11/24/04 11/23/04 11/22/04 11/21/04 11/20/04 11/19/04 11/18/04 11/17/04 11/16/04 11/15/04 11/14/04 11/13/04 11/12/04 11/11/04 11/10/04 11/9/04 11/8/04 11/7/04 11/6/04 11/5/04 11/4/04 11/3/04 0 11/2/04 Greycon 11/1/04 Number of Issues 5 CO -line items 57 Go-live: Post-Implementation Review Alignment Are we doing the right things? Are we doing them the right way? Benefits Are we getting the benefits? Are we getting them done well? The Information Paradox: John Thorp Integration Capability/Efficiency Conduct a formal 'post-mortem' after go-live before starting the next phase of the project. Not everyone will tell you if they dislike the system, but you need to give them a chance and learn from your mistakes (continuous improvements). 58 What We’ll Cover… • • • • • Final Preparatory steps The Blueprinting Phase The Realization Phase The Implementation Phase Wrap-up 59 Resources a) Rapid Development by Steve McConnell Paperback: 680 pages ; Publisher: Microsoft Press; ISBN: 1556159005 b) Start to Finish Guide to IT Project Management by Jeremy Kadlec Digital: 109 pages. Publisher: NetImpress; ISBN: B0000W86H2 Download it at: Dr. Bjarne Berg Home page c) c) ( 60 7 Key Points to Take Home • Keep the team relatively small & focused • Size your project based on your team’s experience and skills, in addition to scope • Make the implementations interactive instead of “Big-Bang” • Follow a proven methodology • Don’t cram all of your reports into BI (some belong in R/3) • Track quality, and create a formal approval process • Involve power users and ambassadors in the development project 61 Your Turn!!! How to contact me: 62