speak up

Lesson 2
Learning Objectives:
In this class, you will
• Learn some phrasal verbs and
vocabulary related to interview
• Learn something about interviews
• Practise listening for detailed
Lead in
Have you ever done any part-time
jobs in your holiday?
Usually, before you get a job, you are asked to
interview with the boss or the
have a/an_____________
What should an interviewee do for
his/her interview?
Check the meaning of the phrasal verbs
put on
go out
write down find out
turn up
take down sit down
get up
make up make out
go into
speak up
sit up
turn up:
to arrive or appear 出现,到达
He turned up late at the party.
take down:
to record in writing
Take down some notes while listening.
make up: to invent in order to deceive
He is making up an excuse.
make out: to pretend 假装
He made out that he could cook.
speak up: to speak more loudly or to
state one's mind bravely and firmly
Speak up! We can't hear you.
sit up:
to raise oneself to an upright or
straight sitting posture
When you are at an interview,
what should you do and what
shouldn’t you do?
Read the advice for job interviews
1. Put on causal clothes for the interview
2. Go out for a walk before the interview to relax.
3. Think about the job and write down your strengths
and weaknesses.
4. Find out information about the company.
5. Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early.
6. Take down notes during the interview.
7. Sit down or get up when they ask you to.
8. Make up information about yourself.
9. Make out you understand something when you don’t.
10. Go into a lot of detail about your personal life.
11. Speak up and express yourself clearly.
12. Sit up straight and look people in the eye.
Now make a list of things
to do and things not to do
Things you should do:
2. Go out for a walk before the interview to relax.
3. Think about your job and write down your
strengths and weaknesses.
4. Find out information about the company.
5. Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes
7. Sit down or get up when they ask you to .
11.Speak up and express yourself clearly.
12.Sit up straight and look people in the eye.
Things you shouldn’t do:
1. Put on casual clothes for the interview.
6. Take down notes during the interview.
8. Make up information about yourself.
9. Make out you understand something
when you don’t!
10. Go into a lot of detail about your personal
Exercise2: Complete Mandy’s account
(description) of an interview with
verbs from Exercise
1. find out
3. put up
5. sat down
7. speak up
9. made up
11. went out
2. write down
4. turned up
6. make out
8. went into
10. got up
You will hear these words in the listening:
battle moral reputation nursery
appointment basis
complete the sentences with the words above
1. You should phone his secretary if you want to
make an ____________.
2. Jacks' son, Sam, 2, is one of 30 children who
attend a _______school
in the church.
3. I like _______coffee,
because it is convenient and
fast, like Nescafe.
4. We must be well prepared for each ______.
5. China has gained an excellent reputation
________now in
basis of
the international community on the ______
holding the 29th Olympic successfully. What’s
more, volunteers showed their friendliness and
moral actions to the world.
good ___
EX3 listen and complete the chart
Reasons to join the company:
1. The company has a good reputation.
2. Everything was well-organized.
3. He enjoys working with children
and wants to get some more work
EX3 listen and complete the chart
Oliver’s experiences:
1. He helps with the youth club at
2. He has organized sports and trips
to various places.
EX3 listen and complete the chart
Qualities for the job:
patience, enthusiasm, careful, wellorganized, and must have good
EX4 listen again and complete the
1.So why do you want to work with us
at Camp Elizabeth?
2.What experience do you have?
3.What qualities do you think are
important for the job?
4. Are there any questions you would
like to ask me?
Work in pairs and discuss:
Do you think Oliver got the job?
Why or why not?
Possible opinion:
Yes, he probably got the job because he was
polite, expressed himself clearly and had the
right personal qualities and experience.
1. Remember the vocabulary
and phrasal verbs
2. Student Times (第四期 B4)
Reading: Suggestions about
a job interview