Lecture 1 - Iowa State University

EE 475
Automatic Control
Fall 2015
MWF 11:00-11:50 am
1011 Coover Hall
Catalog Description
• E E 475. Automatic Control Systems. (3-0) Cr.
3. F.Prereq: 324. Stability and performance
analysis of automatic control systems. The
state space, root locus, and frequency
response methods for control systems design.
PID control and lead-lag compensation.
Computer tools for control system analysis
and design. Nonmajor graduate credit.
Prerequisite by topics
• Knowledge and proficiency in Matlab
• Concept and solution of linear ordinary
differential equations
• Laplace transform and its applications
• Poles, zeros, transfer functions, frequency
response, root locus, Bode plots, Nyquist plot
• Vectors and matrices
• Complex numbers
On completion of EE 475, the student will be able to do the following either by hand or with
the help of computation tools such as Matlab:
Define the basic terminologies used in controls systems
Explain advantages and drawbacks of open-loop and closed loop control systems
Obtain models of simple dynamic systems in ordinary differential equation, transfer function, state
space, or block diagram form
Obtain overall transfer function of a system using either block diagram algebra, or signal flow graphs,
or Matlab tools.
Compute and present in graphical form the output response of control systems to typical test input
Explain the relationship between system output response and transfer function characteristics or
pole/zero locations
Determine the stability of a closed-loop control systems using the Routh-Hurwitz criteria
Analyze the closed loop stability and performance of control systems based on open-loop transfer
functions using the Root Locus technique
Design PID or lead-lag compensator to improve the closed loop system stability and performance
using the Root Locus technique
Analyze the closed loop stability and performance of control systems based on open-loop transfer
functions using the frequency response techniques
Design PID or lead-lag compensator to improve the closed loop system stability and performance
using the frequency response techniques
Topics Covered
• Review of signal systems concepts and techniques as applied to control
• Block diagrams and signal flow graphs
• Modeling of control systems using ode, block diagrams, and transfer
• Modeling and analysis of control systems using state space methods
• Analysis of dynamic response of control systems, including transient
response, steady state response, and tracking performance.
• Closed-loop stability analysis using the Routh-Hurwitz criteria
• Stability and performance analysis using the Root Locus techniques
• Control system design using the Root Locus techniques
• Stability and performance analysis using the frequency response
• Control system design using the frequency response techniques
• If there is time, Control system design using the state space techniques
Class Webpage
• http://class.ece.iastate.edu/djchen/ee475/2015
• Please check the page for
– Any announcements
– Class notes
– HW assignments
– Select HW solutions
– Quizzes and quiz solutions
– Exam announcements
– Exam practice problems
– Class policy and other information
Basic Information
• Instructor Contact Information
Degang Chen, 2134 Coover Hall
djchen@iastate.edu; 294-6277
Office Hour: MWF 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Or any other time convenient to you
– Please include "EE475" in the subject line in all email communications
to avoid auto-deleting or junk-filtering
• TA: Shaho Alaviani
– Office: #### Coover Hall
– Phone: (515) ??????? (voice)
– E-mail: shaho@iastate.edu
Degang Chen
Jerry Junkins Chair of Electrical & Computer Eng.
Director of Analog and Mixed-signal Design Center
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011
djchen@iastate.edu, 515-294-6277
• BS in instrumentation and automation, 1984,
Tsinghua University
• PhD in control systems, 1992, Univ. California,
Santa Barbara
• John Pierce Instructor, Cal Tech
• ISU Professor: in control system till early 2000s
in analog and mixed signal VLSI last 15 years
Recent Research Focuses
• AMS Circuit Design Techniques
– Op amp performance enhancement techniques
– Matching improvement studies
– Data converters, temp sensors, biosensors, LDOs
• Analog Verification
– Verification against undesired stuck-able operating points
– Verification against undesired oscillation mode
– 0 dppm analog fault coverage
• Test Algorithms for Time/Cost Reduction
– Linearity testing
– Spectral performance testing
– Jitter separation and characterization
• BIST, BIST-based Calibration, and BIST for Design
Current graduate students/Interns
You Li:
Chongli Cai:
Luke Goetzke:
Jiaming Liu:
Xu Zhang:
Yuming Zhuang:
Huanhuan Zhang:
Yingying Chen:
Geyuan Liu:
Zhiqiang Liu: PhD,
Bin Huang:
Li Xu:
Tao Chen:
Yan Duan:
Leandro Fuentes:
Hao Meng:
Yifu Guo:
Shravan Chaganti:
Abdullah Kafi:
Nanqi Liu:
PhD, interned at Texas Instruments
PhD, interned at Texas Instruments
interned at Texas Instruments
offered full time at Texas Instruments
PhD, interned at Skyworks
PhD, interned at Skyworks
PhD, interned at Skyworks
PhD, interned at Broadcom
interned at Broadcom
interned at Broadcom
PhD, interned at Maxim
PhD, interned at Maxim
PhD, interned at Freescale
PhD, interned at Altera
interned at Allegro MicroSystems
Companies that hired my students
• Texas Instruments
• Skyworks
• Broadcom
• Qualcomm
• Maxim
• Freescale
• Analog Devices
• Linear Technology
• Avago
• Maxlinear
• …
Shaho Alaviani
• BS, 2004, University of Tabriz, East Azarbayjan
• MS, 2007, Amirkabir University of Techno,
• PhD, 2014-?, ISU, under Prof Elia
• Research topic:
Final Grade Weighting Schedule
Homework average: 15%
Midterm exam1: 20%
Midterm exam2: 20%
Final exam: 30%
Quizzes: 15%
Discretionary bonus: 0-5%
Fixed Grading Scale:
 A:
 B+:
 C+:
 F:
90 – 100%
80 – 84.9%
65 – 69.9%
< 50%
A–: 85 – 89.9%
B: 75 – 79.9% B–: 70 – 74.9%
C: 60 – 64.9% C–: 50 – 55.9%
• HW to be submitted by teams of two.
• No late HW. Your lowest 2 HW scores will be
• Quizzes are closed-book, closed-notes,
individual work.
• No make-up quizzes. Your lowest three quiz
scores will be dropped.
• No make-up exams, except for unforeseeable
emergency that is well documented.
• Your lower midterm 15%, higher midterm 25%
Student behavior expectations
• Full attendance expected, except with prior-notified
• On-time arrival
• Active participation
– Ask questions
– Answer questions from instructor or students
• Be cordial and considerate to students and TA
• Help each other in reviewing notes, HW, Matlab
• Promptly report/share problems/issues, including
typos on slides, or misspoken words from instructor
Prohibited behaviors
• Any foul language or gestures
• Comments to other students that are
discriminatory in any form
• Any harassments as defined by the university
• Academic dishonesty
• No alcohol, drugs, or any other illegal /
improper substances
– Snacks/drinks OK as long as you don’t spill and
clean up
• Please let me know if you
Have any special needs
Have disability in any form
Have any medical/mental/emergency conditions
Have field trip / interview
Have special requests
Want me to adjust lecture contents/pace
• Can also consult me if you
– Would like to seek advice on any professional or personal
– Would like to have certain confidential discussions
Collaboration And Helping Each
• For tasks intended for group work, you are expected to find a
partner and share the tasks among the group members. In a
group project, effective teamwork is critical to maximize the
productivity of the whole group. In the submitted work,
identify components and indicate percentage contribution by
each member to each component.
• For tasks not intended for group work, individual submission
is required. In this case, you are encouraged to discuss among
your friends on how to attack problems. However, you should
write your own solution. Copying other people’s work is
strictly prohibited.
Academic dishonesty
• Cheating is a very serious offense. It will be dealt with in the
most severe manner allowable under University regulations. If
caught cheating, you can expect a failing grade and initiation
of a cheating case in the University system.
• Basically, it’s an insult to the instructor, the department and
major program, and most importantly, to the person doing the
cheating. Just don't.
• If in doubt about what might constitute cheating, send e-mail
to your instructor describing the situation. If you notice
anyone cheating, please report it to the instructor or the TA.
Do not deal with it yourself.
• State and Federal laws as well as Iowa State University policies
prohibit any form of discrimination on the basis of race, color,
age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender
identity, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S.
veteran. Language or gestures of discriminatory nature will
not be tolerated. Severe cases will be reported to appropriate
offices. See ISU policies at
• Let us make every effort to work together and create a
positive, collegial, caring, and all-supportive learning
environment in our classroom, laboratory, TA office, and
instructor office.
Disability accommodation
• Iowa State University is committed to assuring that all educational
activities are free from discrimination and harassment based on disability
status. All students requesting accommodations are required to meet with
staff in Student Disability Resources (SDR) to establish eligibility. A
Student Academic Accommodation Request (SAAR) form will be provided
to eligible students. The provision of reasonable accommodations in this
course will be arranged after timely delivery of the SAAR form to the
instructor. Students are encouraged to deliver completed SAAR forms as
early in the semester as possible. SDR, a unit in the Dean of Students
Office, is located in room 1076, Student Services Building or online at
www.dso.iastate.edu/dr/. Contact SDR by e-mail at
disabilityresources@iastate.edu or by phone at 515-294-7220 for
additional information.
Accommodation for
religion based conflicts
• Iowa State University welcomes diversity of
religious beliefs and practices, recognizing the
contributions differing experiences and
viewpoints can bring to the community.
Students with religion based conflict should
talk to the instructor and appropriate
university offices to request accommodations
at the earliest possible time.
Control Systems History
Watt, steam engine speed control governor
Black, feedback amplifiers
Minorsky, ship steering stability
Nyquist, closed-loop stability from open-loop
Hazen, Servomechanisms
Bode, Bode plot, and BP based control design
Evans, root locus plot, RL based design
Kalman, state space, controllability, Kalman filter
Anderson…, linear optimal control
Figure 1-1 Speed control system.
Control Systems History
Bellman, dynamic programming
Pontryagin, maximum principle
Lyapunov, nonlinear systems
Sastry…, adaptive control
Arimoto, learning control
Doyle…, robust control
Byrnes/Isidori, nonlinear regulation
Devasia/Chen/Paden, stable inversion
Kokotovic, backstepping
Control System Terminology
• Input - Excitation applied to a control system
from an external source.
• Output - The response obtained from a system
• Feedback - The output of a system that is
returned to modify the input.
• Error - The difference between the reference
input and the output.
Negative Feedback Control System
Types of Control Systems
ø Open-Loop
– Simple control system which performs its function
with-out concerns for initial conditions or external
– Must be closely monitored.
ø Closed-Loop (feedback)
– Uses the output of the process to modify the
process to produce the desired result.
– Continually adjusts the process.
Advantages of a Closed-Loop
Feedback System
ø Increased Accuracy
– Increased ability to reproduce output with varied input.
ø Reduced Sensitivity to Disturbance
– By self correcting it minimizes effects of system changes.
ø Smoothing and Filtering
– System induced noise and distortion are reduced.
ø Increased Bandwidth
– Produces sat. response to increased range of input
Major Types of Feedback Used
ø Position Feedback
– Used when the output is a linear distance or
angular measurement.
ø Rate & Acceleration Feedback
– Feeds back rate of motion or rate of change of
motion (acceleration)
– Motion smoothing
– Uses a electrical/mechanical device call an
Fire Control Problem
Range Change
A German anti-aircraft 88
mm gun with its fire-control
computer from World War II.
Displayed in the Canadian
War Museum.
Fire Control Problem
• Input
– Target data
– Own ship data
• Computations
– Relative motion procedure
– Exterior ballistics procedure
Fire Control Problem
• Solutions
– Weapons time of flight
– Bearing rate
– Line of Sight(LOS): The line between the target and the firing
– Speed across LOS
– Future target position
– Launch angles
• Launch azimuth
• Launch elevation
– Weapon positioning orders
• The above determines weapon trajectory: The line the weapon must
travel on to intercept the target.
The Iterative Process to the
Fire Control Solution
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Last Step
A 3-Dimensional Problem
Line of Sight
Horizontal Reference Plane
Solving the Fire Control Problem
Continuously Measure
Present Target Position
Stabilize Measured
Compute Relative
Target Velocity
Environmental Inputs
Weapons Positioning orders
Launch Angles
Time of
Prediction Procedure
Temperature control system.
Block diagram of an engineering organizational system.
Idle-speed control system.
Conceptual method of efficient water extraction
using solar power.
Important components of the sun-tracking
control system.
Antenna azimuth position control system:
a. system concept;
b. detailed layout;
c. schematic;
d. functional block diagram
a. Video laser disc
b. objective lens
reading pits on a
laser disc;
c. optical path for
playback showing
tracking mirror rotated by a
control system to keep the
laser beam positioned on
the pits.
© Pioneer Electronics, Inc.
High gain; fast but oscillating
Response of a
position control
system showing
effect of high and
low controller
gain on the
output response
Control goal; fast reaction, lower
overshoot, less settling time