We Eat Responsibly ~ Nieklu b’Responsabbiltà Pilot Project 2015-2016 Who’s participating in this project? 9 Project Partners – TEREZA (Czech Republic) – ŽIVICA (Slovakia) – DRUŠTVO DOVES – FEE (Slovenia) – CENTRUL CARPATO-DANUBIAN DE GEOECOLOGIE (Romania) – Bulgarian Blue Flag Movement (Bulgaria) – UDRUGA LIJEPA NAŠA (Croatia) – Environmental Partnership Foundation (Poland) – NATURE TRUST MALTA (Malta) – Vides izglitibas fonds (Latvia) Stop and Think! In this day and age, we are blessed that in the dead of winter we can still buy fruit and vegetables for our meals. Meat is abundant and varied. If you want to have a cheese from France while sipping a California white wine with grapes from Spain, that is possible. We have it all right there at the grocery store to buy and consume and oh boy, yes we do consume. Main Aim of the Project: We Eat Responsibly aims to be a guide on journey through global food system towards own responsible choices and feasible positive solutions. Topics that are related to the project – Carbon Footprint – Pesticides – Organic Farming – Buying Local Produce – Food Waste – Water Waste – Modified Produce: seedless, perfect produce, GMO’s – Palm Oil What do you understand by the term ‘REAL FOOD’? Our EkoSkola committee defined real food as: ‘Real Food is food which feeds producers, consumers, communities and the earth. It is a food system that respects human dignity and health, animal welfare and environmental sustainability. In simple terms, real food is food that does not do any harm to the environment around us.’ How can we Eat Responsibly? Rather than telling the students what we are doing wrong, here are some methods one can follow when we fill our fridge. – Eat Local – Buy Seasonal – Organic – More fruit and Vegetable – Eat Grass Fed Beef – Eat less Fish – Eat unprocessed foods – Control your waste – Grow your own – Purchase meat that is organic, humane certified, locally raised, and from farms where the animals lives are held precious and not just a commodity to be bought and sold. The next Step: – First week of March: Presentation by Ms. Cynthia Caruana about Food sustainability. – Lessons should be held between Monday 7th till Friday 18th March 2016 – Evidence to be collected first week of April Lesson Ideas: – Discussions – Story Telling – Comprehensions – Picture Story – Show a documentary followed by a discussion/chart/power point presentations/bookmark/write a story – Food Facts: Statistics – Plan a healthy meal – Students can do a small presentation during assembly or during exhibition week in April Discussion: Which one will you choose? Why? What’s wrong with the second one? Facts about Food: Facts about Food: This is how much water you waste when you throw away food need another reason to avoid waste food? When you waste food, you waste all the water it took to produce that food from farm to table. The problem is particularly high in the United States where up to 40 percent of all food is wasted, which is like throwing out billions of gallons of virtual water every year. Our School’s Action Plan Theme Tasks grouped under the theme they are addressing. Kitchen Garden Growing our own Crops! Aim Clear reason why the task is being proposed. Students learn to harvest their own vegetables and then use them to prepare lunches for students. Task Specific task. Participants Person/s and/or groups responsible for the task implementation. Time Indicators Clear deadline for task completion. How to determine success during monitoring and evaluation. Ms. Ann Marie Formosa Students plant seeds and grow the crops to prepare healthy lunches. Ms. Jessica Camilleri Mr. Chris Azzopardi Form 1 CCP students End of May 2016 Students monitor the growing process of the crops. Curriculum Link Link with curricular area to promote a crosscurricular approach. Science PSD PE Home Economics Our School’s Action Plan Theme Aim Tasks grouped Clear reason under the why the task is theme they are being proposed. addressing. Healthy Lunches Booklet/Leafle ts Students learn how to prepare a healthy lunch Task Specific task. Students can have a variety of options to prepare their own healthy lunches/meals Participants Person/s and/or groups responsible for the task implementation. Ms. Christine Meli Ms. Marlene Caruana EkoSkola Students Students Council Time Indicators Curriculum Link Clear deadline for task completion. How to determine success during monitoring and evaluation. Link with curricular area to promote a cross-curricular approach. 3rd Week of April 2016 Small Questionnaire (1 – 4 questions only) given to the students Home Economics English Our School’s Action Plan Theme Aim Tasks grouped under the theme they are addressing. Clear reason why the task is being proposed. Task Participants Specific task. Person/s and/or groups responsible for the task implementation. Time Indicators Curriculum Link Clear deadline for task completion. How to determine success during monitoring and evaluation. Link with curricular area to promote a crosscurricular approach. Students research for healthy lunches to prepare. Students learn to do research. Healthy Day Students learn to choose the healthiest items when shopping. Students learn what is and how to prepare a healthy lunch. Make a list of ingredients and then determine the shopping list. Students prepare healthy lunches/ smoothies found in the Healthy Lunches leaflet. Go shopping for the ingredients and choose the ingredients wisely. Students go shopping for the ingredients to learn how to choose ingredients responsibly. Ms. Antionette Demanuele Ms. Christine Meli CCP Students 3rd Week of April 2016 Obtain verbal feedback from the students who prepared the lunches during this activity. Small Questionnaire given to the students about the lunches. Students learn how: To choose fruit and vegetable responsibly. To make a shopping list so that they do not buy extra ingredients which they do not need for that particular recipe. Our School’s Action Plan Theme Aim Tasks grouped Clear reason under the why the task is theme they are being proposed. addressing. Notice Boards with Charts and Screen with power points in foyer area. Students learn how to do a research. Task Participants Specific task. Person/s and/or groups responsible for the task implementation. Students research information about various topics given to them related to eating responsibly and display the information in forms of charts and power points. Time Indicators Curriculum Link Clear deadline for task completion. How to determine success during monitoring and evaluation. Link with curricular area to promote a cross-curricular approach. Ms. Marlene Caruana Ms. Vanessa Xuereb Science Teachers Student Council 3rd Week of April 2016 Exhibition Nieklu b'Responsabbiltà - We Eat Responsibly