Weekly Assignment Sheets 2014-15 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday 8/11:Welcome! Thursday 8/14: Tuesday 8/12: collect HW: Syllabus Friday 8/15:Stamp HW Introduction notecards/ Powerpoint IQ #2: book p. 7 #1-6 Lecture: Syllabus Lecture Ch. 1: hypothesis and scientific method HW: Sign Syllabus and visit these siteswww.troyghigh.com & http://www.phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseac tion=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=cbk&wcsuffix=9999 / & register for Online textbook @ Pearsonsuccessnet.com Cover Book, if not done so already Activity:(#1)Tools of the textbook/ Lecture: Tips for Success and class norms HW: read Sect 1-1, take notes (including bold terms defined) Wednesday 8/13: Stamp HW IQ #1: class rules (#2) Science Is/ Is Not Lecture: Finish study skills and Ch. 1- 1(observation activity in lecture) HW: Read Chapter Section 1-2 take notes QUIZ: VOCAB AND LECTURE Lecture 1-2: Scientific method HW: begin Chapter review Notes: Go To MORP dance! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday 8/18: Stamp HW/IQ #3 Thursday 8/21: Section Assessment 1-2 Lab: Black Box (#5) HW: Finish write up of activity Cover Book, if not done so already Lecture 1-4 HW: Book notes section1-4 Tuesday 8/19: Collect Lab Friday 8/22:IQ #5 section assessment 1-3 Wednesday 8/20:IQ#4 Graphing Notes: Test next week (Tuesday?) Go over lab Go over Cornell notes/active reading/register for online textbook Reader’s guide 1-3 (instead of book notes) Metric Lab Finish as HW HW: Chapter review pages 31-32 # 1-25 guidelines Lab: Hot water lab(do review questions) Lecture: review 1-3 (time permitting) Finish lab as HW Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday 8/25: Stamp HW Thursday 8/28: Finish lecture section 1-3 and 1-4 Go over exam Review note taking skills HW: Study for test…finish HW: re-read 2-1 and review sheet correct notes/summary Tuesday 8/26: Friday 8/29:Stamp HW Review for test Lecture 2-1 HW: 2-2 book notesStudy for test! Cornell style Notes: Wednesday 8/27: Test chapter 1 HW: Read Ch. 2-1 take book notes Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday9/1: NO SCHOOL Thursday 9/4:Stamp HW Tuesday 9/2: IQ #1 Friday 9/5:Stamp HW Lecture 2-1continued HW: Finish Atom sheet Wednesday 9/3: Lecture 2-1 continued HW: 2-2 book notes (Cornell style) IQ #2: Sect. Assess. p.39 # 1-6 Finish 2-1/begin 2-2 HW: review 2-2 and write 2-3 Cornell style book notes Finish 2-2/ begin 2-3 HW: Review 2-3 and write 2-4 book notes Notes: MONDAY-Late Start/ Back to School Night! Friday 9/5 and Monday 9/8 we will be in room 917 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday9/8: IQ#3: section 2-2 assessment HW: Prep for Organic foods lab/review notes Tuesday 9/2: LAB: organic compounds (day 1) HW: review lab results-preview tomorrows lab Wednesday 9/3: LAB: organic compounds (day 2) HW: finish lab/ review notes 2-3 & 2-4 Book review page 57 #1-21 Thursday 9/4:Stamp HW IQ #4: Lab review Collect lab HW: STUDY FOR QUIZ Friday 9/5: QUIZ Video Cycles of Life: Chemical foundations of life HW: Review sheet Notes: Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday9/15: Stamp HW/video notes Thursday 9/18: stamp IQ’s Lecture: Finish 2-3/ begin 2-4 Turn in stamp sheet/lecture HW: Study for test/review notes/review notes sheet TEST Ch. 2 HW: Read Ch. 7-1/ Cornell notes Tuesday 9/16: IQ#5: Section Friday 9/19: stamp HW Assessment 2-4 Go over test Lecture:2-4 Lecture: Begin Ch. 7 HW: 1. Study for test/ Review Cornell notes HW: Begin Cell Organelle from book and lecture notes from class. chart 2. Total points and get parent to sign stamp sheet Wednesday 9/17: IQ#6: pg. # 59 #1-10 Finish Lecture and Review for test Notes: Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday9/22: Label Microscope P. 1070 Lecture: Introduction to Microscope Letter “e” Lab HW: Finish Cell Parts Chart Tuesday 9/23: Stamp HW IQ#1section assessment7-1 Lecture 7-1 HW: review notes- add to your book notes and ask questions. We are finishing 7-1 Wednesday 9/24: Lecture 7-2 HW: none Thursday 9/25: Lecture finish 7-2 HW: City Analogy worksheet Friday 9/26: Rally schedule Stamp HW Lab: Plant and Animal Cells HW: finish lab questions IQ#2 Section 7-2 Notes: Homecoming Dance Saturday! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday9/29: stamp lab Go over lab/Cell drawing worksheet Lecture 7-3 HW: Study for quiz Tuesday 9/30: stamp HW QUIZ: Cell parts and microscope use/parts Lecture 7-3 HW: Cornell notes 7-3/ Wednesday 10/1: Stamp HW LAB: Diffusion and Osmosis HW: begin chapter review sheet Thursday 10/2: IQ#3 7-3 section assessment Go over lab and collect lecture7-3 HW: Diffusion/osmosis w.s. & chapter review Friday 10/3:IQ #4 p199 #1-9 Go over diffusion/osmosis w.s. Lecture 7-3 and 7-4 HW: book pg.197-198 #1-25/26,28study for test Notes: TEST Tuesday! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday10/6:Late Start Stamp HW Finish lecture Tuesday 10/7: Lecture: Review for test! HW:Get parent signature Study for test! Wednesday 10/8: Thursday 10/9: SUB Do Leaf reading/coloring worksheet HW: Pre-lab for leaf-lab Friday 10/10:stamp HW Leaf Lab Lecture if time permits HW: 8-2 Book notes (Cornell style) Notes: End of quarter. Turn in stamp sheet Grades turned in by TEST Ch. 7 HW: 8-1 reading notes: Cornell style midnight Monday. If there are errors check with me ASAP! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday10/13: Stamp hw IQ#2:Sect. Assess.8-2 Lecture 8-1 &8-2 HW: study for a vocab and 8-1&8-2 quiz Thursday 10/16: Lab: Leaf pigment Chromatography Finish for homework Tuesday 10/14: Quiz Lecture 8-2 HW: read 8-3and do Cornell notes Friday 10/17: Chloroplast draft due! Lecture 8-3 HW: Work on Final Drawing! Wednesday 10/15:Stamp HW Finish 8-2 lecture Introduce Chloroplast drawing Notes: Late Start Monday! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday10/20: Lecture 8-3 HW: Finalize chloroplast drawing Tuesday 10/21: Lecture 8-3 HW: review sheet Wednesday 10/22: Quiz Finish Lecture 8-3 HW: Review for test/stamp sheet signed. Thursday 10/23: Test Ch. 8 Cornell notes 9-1 Friday 10/24: Stamp HW Hypothesis review and Seed Germination Lab HW: Vocabulary all of chapter 9 Notes: Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday10/27: Stamp HW Continue with Lab. No HW Tuesday 10/28: Lecture 9-1 Continue with lab HW: 9-2 book notes Wednesday 10/29: Stamp HW Lab continue Lecture 9-1 HW: log in to pearsonsuccessnet.com print out active art for 9-1 and answer Thursday 10/30: SUB Do Ch. 9 worksheets finish as HW Friday 10/31:Stamp work Lecture 9-1/9-2 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Notes: Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday11/3: Ch. 9-2 lecture HW: Begin review sheet, due Wed. Tuesday 11/4: Quiz! Lecture 9-2 Thursday 11/6: Sub TEST Ch. 9 HW: Ch.12 Vocabulary-all Friday 11/7: collect stamp sheet Review lab write-up 12-1 reader’s guide finish as HW Wednesday 11/5: Notes: Troy 50th IQ #2 Section assessment 9-2 #1-6 & Anniversary Saturday! pg. 239 #1-9 Finish Ch. 9 lecture, review for test! Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday11/10: stamp Lab questions? Lecture 12-1 Thursday 11/13: SUB Lecture 12-2 Begin review sheet HW: Work on Lab! Tuesday 11/11: VETERAN’S DAY NO SCHOOL Friday 11/14: Stamp Lecture 12-2 Lab DUE/DNA Lab due HW: 12-3 Book notes Wednesday 11/12: Notes: Lecture 12-1 DNA structure lab HW: Book notes 12-2/Finish lab questions Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday9/22: Stamp HW Lecture 12-2 & 12-3 HW: Review 12-3 book notes Thursday 9/25: IQ#4 Page 317 1-12 Review of protein synthesis Friday 9/26: TEST Ch. 12 Tuesday 9/23: IQ #2 12-2 Lecture 12-3 HW: 12-4 Book notes Wednesday 9/24: SUB Notes: IQ#3 12-3 Lecture notes Do review sheet and book review pg.315 1-10 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday 12/1:Welcome back! Go over test Lecture 10-1 HW: Vocab all chapter 10 &11-4 Tuesday 12/2: Lecture 10-1-10-2 HW: Section 10-1 book notes Wednesday 12/3: Quiz vocab Demonstration of Mitosis HW: Section 10-2 book notes Thursday 12/4: IQ#1: S.A. 10-1 all. Activity: Mitosis HW: Section 10-3 book notes & finish activity Friday 12/5: IQ#2: S.A. 10-2 all Lecture 10-3 HW: Book notes 11-4 and Ch.10 review p. 257 #1-10 Notes: TEST CH.10 Thursday December 11, 2014 Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday12/8: IQ#3 S.A. 10-3 Lecture 11-4: Meiosis HW: Finish page 257 #11-25 Tuesday 12/9: SUB IQ #4 S. A. 11-4 Finish lecture on meiosis Begin test review worksheet finish as HW. Thursday 12/11: TEST Ch. 10 and 11-4 No homework Friday 12/12: SUB Complete final exam cheat sheet (due on Monday, you will have time in class to complete!) Extra Credit: do all the online quizzes for each chapter and print results/pg.# for missed ?’s Wednesday 12/10: Review Meiosis and study for test HW: get parent signature study for test Notes: FINAL Exam Tuesday December 16, 2014(Ch. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-4, &12) Weekly Assignment Sheet Monday 12/15: Grade Seed Lab Finish and turn in your cheat sheet. Thursday 12/18: FINALS Periods 5 and 6 Tuesday 12/16: FINALS Periods 0, 1, and 6 Friday 12/19: NO School Semester Records Day Wednesday 12/17: FINALS Periods 2 and 3 Notes: