Vocabulary list #1

Welcome to English 10 Honors!
Monday, August 29
Objectives: To learn about each other, to learn about our course, and to begin thinking about our first unit’s
topic- the hero
Bellringer – on each piece of toilet paper you took, write one fact about yourself. Make them interesting! I
don’t really need you to tell me that you are 5’6” tall.
When completed with the toilet paper, create a name placard following my example and the instructions on
the chalkboard. Use the facts on your TP to help with your placard. We will use the TP for a couple of class
meetings, so be careful with it.
Small group introductions, conversations
Course PowerPoint
Journal – Define “Hero.” Who is (or was) your hero? Why was that person so important to you? Why do
you think heroes are important to our society?
Read aloud – “The Man in the Water” – Mrs. Donahue – can we refine our definition of a hero?
Classwork/Homework – read the hero scenarios, think and reflect. Be prepared to discuss what you read
and how you reacted to the scenarios either today if we have time or at our next class.
Wednesday, August 31
Bell-ringer: Reading survey – and then off to library for SSR selection
After lunch:
line yourselves up according to birthdays
In groups complete Venn Friend Task
Six Word Memoir – examples, hw – take a slip
Revisit Hero definition from Monday – “The Man in the Water” and scenarios – we will discuss 3
Free response – What is the difference between a hero and role model? Do you have a role model? If so, describe him/her and
explain why he/she is your role model.
Should public figures be expected to be role models?
Refine definition further – class definition?
CW/HW – read “Jack and the Bean Stalk” and make note of the characters and the plot points as you read – Do not write on
the copies - thanks
Friday, September 2
Six-word Memoirs – turn in and share; read and edit Mrs. Donahue’s
After lunch:
Vocabulary list #1
“Jack and the Beanstalk”
Hero’s Journey
Anglo-Saxon notes
1. Write your back story for your chosen Six-word memoir
2. Vocabulary practice – find 10 words used professionally. Copy and paste into a Word
document. Cite your source correctly.
Wednesday, September 7
1. Bell ringer –
a. Turn in homework assignments: vocabulary and six-word memoirs
b. On the little slip of paper you have, list the seven steps of the Hero’s journey. Put your
name on the slip and turn in.
Start SSR.
2. The Name game…
3. Anglo-Saxon notes
4. Begin Beowulf - Read pages 33-36 in book
5. HW: write original sentences using 10 of the words from your vocabulary list. Make the
sentences fun; entertain me ;)
Friday, September 9, 2011
 On the slip of scrap paper, write as many characteristics of the Epic as you can
 Take a file folder and write your name on it
 Get a computer and sign in
 Leave your HW (vocabulary sentences) out for me to check
 Begin SSR
Review Vocab with your sentences and TodaysMeet website
Review notes from Tuesday – Epic, Anglo-Saxons, Beowulf
Read Beowulf starting on page 33- with directed reading/notes activity
HW: find an article (newspaper, magazine, online) about heroes. There should be MANY with the
10 year anniversary of 9/11. Bring a hard copy of the article to class by Thursday, Sept. 15.
Wednesday, September 13, 2011
Vocabulary practice – handout (10 min)
AFTER finishing your vocabulary, create an image of what YOU think Grendel looks
like. (5 min)
SSR (15 min)
After lunch:
Review Beowulf from Friday’s class
Read: Battle With Grendel’s Mother, battle with the Dragon
HW: Study for vocabulary quiz; bring hero article; revise memoir – Due Monday,
September 19
Thursday, September 15
Vocabulary Quiz #1
When you finish your quiz, begin Silent Sustained Reading
Have homework article out to be checked
After lunch:
Hero’s Journey – complete for Beowulf’s first two battles
Read: “Beowulf’s Last Battle” on pages 52-55, “The Death of Beowulf” on pages 56-59
and “Mourning Beowulf” on page 60 and threads
Hero Checklist
HW: revise memoir; due Monday
Kenning Practice:
Write a compound metaphor for at least 5 of the following nouns:
Cell phone
Fast food
Be ready to share your kennings!
Monday, September 19
Turn in Six-Word Memoir Simple Sentence version – place in folder at front of the
Silent Sustained Reading
Vocabulary Quiz list #2 – go over words, pick quiz date – Monday, Oct. 3
Hero’s Journey – complete for Beowulf’s final battle (half sheet of paper – you
completed the first two on Thursday)
Epic characteristics - review
Practice alliteration and appositives; work on Threads – share if time
Due Wednesday = Complete charts for Modern Hero assignment and brainstorm
Due Friday = Parody – read “Grendel” excerpt and answer your assigned questions;
think about a class parody
Alliteration and Appositives
1. Create an alliterative sentence for your given letter of the alphabet.
2. Write a descriptive appositive for yourself.
3. Write two additional appositives for some of your favorite celebrities.
Ex. Xander went to the zoo, but he was zapped by an electric fence when he
tried to sneak into the pandas’ exhibit.
Ex: Tom Brady, the NFL’s passing leader, three for over 400 yards this
Ex. Mrs. Donahue, an avid photographer, took pictures for the team’s
Wednesday, September 21
Silent Sustained Reading
Vocabulary list #2 – complete questions on back of list
Practice Repetition – see next page
Due today = Completed charts for Modern Hero assignment and brainstorm exercise –
turn in
Work on Threads; meet with other students who have the same threads; create
Directions: Select the BEST 10 examples of your literary term, theme, or epic
characteristic. Create a clear and large label for your poster. Neatly list your evidence
with line numbers. Your classmates will use this with your Modern Hero paper.
Due Friday = Parody – read “Grendel” excerpt and answer your assigned questions;
think about a class parody
Friday, September 23
Warm-up = Practice Lit terms – worksheet – side one
Vocabulary list #2 – assign picture – unlined paper; vocab word is large, bold, easy to
read; simple, clear illustration of word’s meaning (8 points)
Silent Sustained Reading
Discuss Parody and Grendel, assigned questions, video; in groups, work on parody
Due today = Completed charts for Modern Hero assignment and brainstorm exercise –
assignment/rubric – due date for written response =
Tuesday, September 27
Complete assigned parody sections from Friday – try it together; assign props,
photos, video (we will practice next class after quiz, will film next week).
Vocabulary list #2 – present assigned pictures
Due from Friday = Completed charts for Modern Hero assignment and
brainstorm exercise – assignment/rubric –
due date for written response =
Review Beowulf, Anglo-Saxons for quiz on Thursday – chart, questions
HW: study!
Thursday, September 29
Parody editing, practice
Vocabulary practice – review questions, mnemonic devices, quiz questions
PSAT practice – pages 8-10, page 10-passage on page 12, pages 29-33
After lunch = Quiz on Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxons
SSR, Vocab assignment or PSAT practice when finished with your quiz
Vocabulary – finish classwork
PSAT – finish classwork
Bring props for parody filming
Monday, October 3
1. PSAT Practice – Practice Test #1 – page 5-9 – 25 minutes
2. Vocabulary – share mnemonic devices; turn in quiz
questions – quiz Wednesday
3. Journal (next page)
4. Notes re: 1984 and George Orwell
5. If time - Parody – one last time to edit; practice
Wednesday; film Friday
6. SSR
7. Reminder – Hero Relevance paper due Friday
Wednesday, October 5
1. Vocabulary –quiz - SSR when finished
2. Parody –practice Wednesday; film Friday (or next
Friday – pep rally day)
3. Journal
4. Advertising assignment – complete for homework
5. PSAT Practice – Practice Test – page 15-19; 25 minutes
6. Hero paper due Friday
Friday, October 7
Turn in work – hero paper, advertising assignment if not
finished on Wednesday.
PSAT Practice 30 minutes
1984 Journal – What is your fear? Describe your worst fear
and explain why it is that you fear that thing?
Notes on Middles Ages and Ballad – bring news article
Parody –practice Wednesday; film Friday (or next Friday – pep
rally day)
Have a great long weekend!
Spirit Week decorating on Monday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Pick up a textbook as you come in the room.
Ballads – what do you remember…
Journal – then SSR
Check/collect news article
Practice, plan filming of parody on Friday
4.Ballads  “Barbara Allan” page 193 – tragic love story
 “Sir Patrick Spens” page 194 – public tragedy
 “Get Up and Bar the Door” page 196 – comedy about domestic
6. Modern ballads – start today, if time, or Friday
1. List the freedoms you enjoy both in your
home and in your community.
2. List the freedoms you are denied.
3. In complete sentences answer the following:
What is the reason for the denials? Do you
accept the reasons? Why or why not?
Friday, October 14, 2011
1. Pick up a textbook as you come in the room.
2. Practice and film parody
3. Ballads – what do you remember…take 2
Ballads o “Barbara Allan” page 193 – tragic love story
o “Sir Patrick Spens” page 194 – public tragedy
o “Get Up and Bar the Door” page 196 – comedy about domestic
squabbling ~ Finish charts from Wednesday
5. Modern ballads – read news article and ballad
6. Write original ballads based on your newspaper
article – due October 24
7. 1984 Part I – reading check
Tuesday, October 18
1. Book order reminder – A Christmas Carol $1
2. Vocabulary list #3 – assigned highlighted word for
illustration (DUE: Monday, October 24) and find 5 words
in a professional publication (DUE: Wednesday, October
26). Include correct documentation of sources please.
Copy and paste into a Word Document. Okay to print
front and back. Quiz date: Tuesday, November 1
3. Go over 1984 Part I questions in small groups
4. Ballads – Modern ballads
Share in groups of three – read aloud, discuss;
complete worksheet independently for your ballad
Pick Quiz date for Ballads and/or Ballads and Romances:
October _____
5. SSR and/or Romance notes
Reminders - Write original ballads based on your newspaper
article – due October 24
Keep Reading 1984
Part II – possible reading check on Thursday
Part III – due 10/28
Thursday, October 20
1. Vocabulary list #3 –practice worksheet (on back of list)
2. 1984 Part II - check questions with a partner (be sure to have
1984 book on Monday)
3. SSR
4. Medieval Romance notes
5. Medieval Romances – define, Read “Gawain and the Green
Knight” in your textbook, pages 208-223 and complete
discussion questions
 Write original ballads based on your newspaper article – due Monday,
October 24
 Vocabulary Illustration due Monday, October 24
 Keep Reading 1984~ Part III - due 10/28
Monday, October 24
1. Vocabulary list #3 –present illustration
2. Original Ballads - Share in small groups, whole class (?)
and turn in
3. SSR
4. Review Medieval Romance notes
5. Medieval Romances – finish “Gawain and the Green
Knight” in your textbook, pages 218-223 and complete
discussion questions – pick Ballad and Romance quiz date
(Friday, October 28)
6. 1984 Part II Quotations – begin
7. The Canterbury Tales – intro, if time
6. Reminders
 Keep Reading 1984~ Part III - due 10/28
 find 5 words in a professional publication (DUE: Wednesday, October 26).
Include correct documentation of sources please. Copy and paste into a
Word Document. Okay to print front and back. Quiz date: Tuesday,
November 1
Wednesday, October 26
1. Vocabulary list #3 – share professional use of words
2. Review Medieval Romance and Ballad notes – short
quiz Friday
3. SSR
4. 1984 Part II Quotations
5. The Canterbury Tales – notes, read beginning of
 Keep Reading 1984~ Part III - due 10/28
 Vocabulary Quiz date: Tuesday, November 1
Friday, October 28
1. Vocabulary Practice – Quizlet; Canterbury
Cathedral Virtual Tour:
2. SSR
3. Quiz on Medieval Romance and Ballad
4. The Canterbury Tales – Pictures of CC; start
Prologue – page 113
5. HW: read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” for
Wednesday, November 9 – we will have a graded
seminar. Read page 154, page 155 = optional,
read again beginning on page 156. Bring a good
discussion question (written) to class based on
your reading.
Tuesday, November 1
1. Vocabulary quiz ~ SSR when you finish
2. After lunch ~ The Canterbury Tales –Monk and Friar –
HW: read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” for Wednesday,
November 9 – we will have a graded seminar. Read page
154, page 155 = optional, read again beginning on page
156. Bring a good discussion question (written) to class
based on your reading.
3. 1984 – Part III; setting and symbols
Thursday, November 3
1. The Canterbury Tales –– Oxford Student, Skipper,
Doctor, and Wife of Bath – lines 295-486
HW: read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale.” We will have a graded
seminar. Read page 154, page 155 = optional, read again
beginning on page 156. Bring a good discussion question
(written) to class based on your reading.
2. 1984 – Part III; finish symbols; work on setting/mood,
and themes (topics vs. theme statements); looks like
our quiz will be Friday, 11/11 (tentative); you will
complete an in-class essay on a later date.
Wednesday, November 9
Grab a purple textbook on your way in…
1. The Canterbury Tales –– Parson, Plowman, Miller,
Summoner, and Pardoner – (page 125-128; 130-136)
HW: read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” by November 17. We will have a graded
seminar. Read page 154, page 155 = optional, read again beginning on page
156. Bring a good discussion question (written) to class based on your reading.
2. 1984 – theme topics to theme statements (find worksheet
from last week)
3. 1984 and poetry assignment
4. CW/HW – write a one-page narrative about any
appropriate aspect of your life.
Friday, November 11
The Canterbury Tales –– “The Pardoner’s Tale” page 144
HW: read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” by November 17. We will have a graded
seminar. Read page 154, page 155 = optional, read again beginning on page
156. Bring a good discussion question (written) to class based on your reading.
1984 – theme statements (one-pager)
1984 and poetry assignment; review
Quiz Tuesday on 1984
What to study for your quiz…
 Section Questions (1,2, and 3)
 Worksheets/Notes – theme, setting, symbols
 Know book – e.g. characters, events, plot, setting
You will have a sub on Tuesday. Bring SSR materials for before
lunch. You will get a new vocabulary list. The Quiz will be after
lunch. See me Monday if you have questions before the quiz.