WRITING FRAME FOR AN ARTICLE ABOUT AMERICAN VALUES HOW CAN WE DESCRIBE TYPICAL AMERICAN VALUES? INTRODUCTION: The American people are a mixture of ethnic and cultural differences, but we can still talk about certain ideals and values that they all share. These are rooted in the country`s short history. In this article I will concentrate on three important American values: Freedom, individualism and “the American dream”. I will show how they are rooted in American history, and how they play an important role in American politics today. MAIN PART: Freedom is the most important American value. To Americans freedom means…… We can explain this historically…….. The value of freedom is at the bases of all political thinking….. Free enterprise….. a limited central government….much power on local and individual level…….. a relatively low tax level….. Individualism is closely linked to freedom……. American history shows why individualism has become so important in the minds of Americans…. Freedom and individualism can explain why so many Americans are afraid of President Obama`s health reform….. The American dream was the dream of the immigrants……… There are many success stories in the past……. This dream is still very much alive…………success stories of today… The Americans believe firmly in the system of free enterprise..... In reality this dream is not open to all……….. CONCLUSION: To sum up….. WRITING FRAME FOR A TEXT ABOUT THE AMERICAN DREAM “THE AMERICAN DREAM”- MYTH OR REALITY? INTRODUCTION: One of the most important values in American society is the belief in the American dream. In this article I will explain what this dream contains and the historical background for it. I will try to find out whether it is a myth or a reality in today`s America. Finally I will discuss whether the American dream can prevent solutions to common problems. MAIN PART: The American dream means……. (the “self-made man”, “from rags- to- riches stories”….) Historical background……. Historical examples of “self-made-men”….. How the dream is kept alive…. Examples of success stories in the news today……. Does the American society show that success is open to everyone? The number of poor people…… Living conditions…… Opportunities for success….. Does belief in the American dream prevent solutions to common problems? The American dream and health care…. The American dream and social security……. CONCLUSION: Sum up the answers to the questions in the introduction.