Some issues in NSDS design and implementation planning

Some issues in NSDS design
and implementation
Presentation by PARIS21 Secretariat
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
the design and implementation process
Where we want to be
Action Plans:
Where we are now
How to get there
Getting there, and staying there
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
Key implementation issues
Leadership and management
Going from strategies to action
Costing and funding
Managing Change
Monitoring and evaluation
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
From strategies to action plans
10-20+ years
3-5 years
1 year
The vision shapes
the strategy, which
in turn shapes the
plans that support
The time horizon
decreases as you
descend, with
plans typically
looking only one
year out.
generally increases
as time horizon
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
Action planning
• Medium and short-term objectives
• What is to be done, by whom and when?
• Guiding resource allocation
• Focussing activities on objectives, results and
• Reporting, monitoring and evaluation
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
Action areas
– Changes to regulatory and management
framework for NSO and other key agencies
– Human resource development
– Investment and improvements in physical and
statistical infrastructure
– Statistical production and management
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
• Investment and recurrent costs
• Expected burden on national budget and
external financing requirements
• How resources will be used: equipment, HR,
censuses, surveys, etc
• Cost effectiveness: alternative approaches and
comparison with costs in other countries
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
– Need commitment from government and
external partners
– Set implementation within time frame of policy
frameworks (e.g. PRS) and budgetary cycles
– Be realistic. Don’t frighten governments!
– Identify and attract potential development
– Some mechanisms….
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
External funding sources
Regional funding
Bilateral donors
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
• Multi-donor trust fund set up in 1999
• Closely coordinated with PARIS21
• Goal is to help reduce poverty by
strengthening the evidence-base for
decision making at all levels
• Small grants, maximum of $400,000
with a maximum implementation period
of three years
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
• A new WB lending instrument for statistical
capacity building
• Designed to be a simple & user-friendly
• Based on a Project Appraisal Document
• PAD will be based on a Statistical Master
Plan (SMP) for the country
• The SMP will cover the entire national
statistical system, even if the project is to
finance SCB in only one area
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
Change management
Important and difficult issue
Organisations, individuals and systems
Needs to be well planned and well managed
Change takes time - look for quick wins!
Few “people” problems can be solved quickly
Importance of:
– Leadership and management
– Engaging and motivating staff
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
Monitoring and evaluation
• Management and accountability framework
• Performance indicators and reporting
• Monitoring to track implementation progress
• Evaluation should assess significant constraints,
successes, achievements of NSDS
• Possible tools: NSDS ‘checklist’, peer reviews
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
To recap:
some implementation principles
• Strategic management is a continuous process
• Systems must remain flexible and respond to new
• A good strategy is one that is implemented and achieves
its goals on time and within budget
• Needs to be achievable, pragmatic and flexible
• Financing requirements need to respond to user needs
but be realistic
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006
• Thank you!
High-level forum on strategic planning, Ulaanbaatar, 9 -11 October 2006