Learning a New Culture

Lesson Plan
By Lydia Bolls
Lesson: Learning a new culture; U.S. vs. Mexico
Length: 1 hour and a half
Age or Grade Level Intended: 1st grade
Academic Standard(s):
1.5.2-Writing- Write brief expository (informational) descriptions of a real object,
person, place, or event, using sensory details.
1.7.5-Comparison- Recognize celebrations and holidays of other cultures and compare
them to those of the learner's culture.
1.7.2- Comparison- Recognize similarities and differences in structural patterns of
Performance Objective(s):
1. Given a writers notebook each student will write a one page paper explaining their
favorite place to read. The students will explain why they chose this area as their favorite
place and what types of things are around. The students must state if this place is quiet,
loud, relaxing, etc. A completed credit is given to students if they state favorite place and
the reason.
2. The students will be given a compare and contrast worksheet after reading Book Fiesta.
The children will then compare and contrast the cultural differences between how they
celebrate certain holidays/celebrations in Mexico and how we celebrate holidays here in
the United States. Full credit given for correctly writing five differences.
3. Given a vocabulary worksheet with blank boxes to write out correct answer, each student
will correctly fill in 4 out of the 4 Spanish words coming out from Book Fiesta.
My assessment for the one page writing activity will be based on if the student listed their
favorite place to read and if they wrote an explanation as to why they chose the place. It would
be a complete/no complete grade. My assessment for the compare and contrast worksheet would
be to give one point for each difference listed from the book. Students must have at least five.
Given a copy of Book Fiesta students will write out the Spanish words that matches the English
words given on the vocabulary sheet and be given the full four out of four points if written with
100% accuracy.
Advance Preparation by Teacher:
Bring in enough copies of the bilingual picture book; Book Fiesta by Pat Mora for
the entire class
Make enough worksheet copies for each student: Vocabulary worksheet and
compare/contrast worksheet
Bring in writing journals for the children to write their one page paper about their
favorite place to read
Have a complete/no complete grade sheet and checklist
1. I will introduce the lesson by saying “Ok class, remember how were talking about
how there are cultures that are different than our own? Who can give me a culture that
is different from some of the ones that we have here in the U.S.? Well today we are
going to continue to learn about other different cultures but we’re going to focus on a
specific one. “Today we are going to talk about Mexico”! I will ask the students
“have any of you ever been to Mexico? Do any of you know anything about Mexico
or know any Spanish words? Well we’re also going to be learning some neat words in
Spanish! Don’t you think it’ll be so cool to go home and say mom/dad today I learned
how to speak Spanish!”
(Gardner: Intrapersonal, Verbal/ Linguistic) (Bloom: knowledge)
2. I will then go on to introduce the hardback Book Fiesta, and the author which is Pat
Mora. I will ask the class if any of them have ever read the book before. Ask the
students if they can predict what the book is about just by looking at the cover of it.
(Gardner: Intrapersonal)
Step-by-Step Plan:
1. I will pass out a book to each student and have them come and sit on the reading blanket.
2. Once each student is sitting on the reading blanket with a book. I will show them the
front cover of Book Fiesta and ask them if they know what the word bilingual means.
3. Explain what the word bilingual means and tell them that the book is in 2 languages.
4. I will then have them open up their copies of Book Fiesta to the first page.
5. I will read the first page out loud to the students as they follow along in their books.
6. Explain to the students that “el día de los niños” which is on page 2 translates into
“children’s day” and that “el día de los libros” translates into “book day”.
7. We will go over the two phrases about five times or more depending on if they
comprehend the phrases quickly or slowly.
8. As I read out loud through the rest of the book, I will stop on the pages that contain the
vocabulary words that will be used for the vocabulary assignment.
9. We will discuss each of the words and their meanings.
10. Students will repeat each word (out loud) studied.
11. We will then spell out words (out loud) that are studied.
12. At the end of the book I will read the special note that the author wrote for readers to
13. Explain to students that in Mexico they celebrate El día del niño which means (The Day
of the child)
14. The day is celebrated on April 30th
15. We will then review the Spanish words/phrases learned by orally saying them and
spelling them;
a. Books
b. Planes
c. Trains
d. Cars
e. The day of the child
16. Students will go back to their desks quietly and take out a pencil
17. Give each student a writing journal
18. Explain to the class that they will be given 15 minutes to write about their favorite place
to sit and read.
19. Refer back to the book and remind students of some of the places that the children in
Mexico had listed as their favorite reading place. Ex. in the library, in a hot air balloon, or
on a train.
20. Explain to students that the assignment must be one full page and also talk about why
they chose this as their favorite place
21. As the students begin to write, walk around the classroom to see if any students have
questions or need help
22. As it gets towards the end of the time, warn students that they only have five minutes left
to finish the writing assignment.
23. Once time is up, if any student would like to volunteer to read their paper they can and if
not then they all turn in their writer’s notebooks.
24. Students will quietly return to their desk
25. The first handout will be given and directions will be read by teacher; compare and
contrast worksheet
26. Teacher will explain what comparing and contrasting is and provide the students with an
example from the book
27. Teacher will ask the class if anyone else can give another example
28. Have students work on assignment for about 20 minutes
29. As students are finishing up, the teacher will go around and put check marks on papers
that are correct and completed
30. As everyone finishes up, we will once again go over the Spanish words learned from
Book Fiesta
31. Students will then be given the next worksheet which would be the vocabulary worksheet
32. Directions will be read aloud by teacher
33. Students will work independently to write out all five words correctly
34. While students are working on assignment, teacher will read/grade the rest of the journals
done earlier
35. As it comes closer to the ending time, once again, the teacher will go around and check to
see if students are writing and spelling the words correctly
36. Teacher will mark on students worksheets that have finished the assignment and done it
1. Class will once again review “what it means to compare and contrast?”
(Bloom: analysis)
2. Students will orally give examples of some from the book; differences in the cultures;
U.S. and Mexico
(Garner: Verbal/Linguistic)
3. We will review the list of five words are and their meanings and what bilingual means
(Bloom: knowledge)
4. Teacher will wrap up the lesson by telling students to try to keep in mind that there are
many different cultures and that’s its very interesting to learn about other ones other than
our own. Let students know that we will reviewing in a couple days to see if they can
remember some of the Spanish words and that we will comparing and contrasting more
things throughout the week.
5. Teacher will ask students “if they were new to a different culture and did not understand
how things were done there, how would they react or deal with the situation?
(Bloom: synthesis)
6. Teacher will ask students “what is the date of the day that the people in Mexico celebrate
the day of children?”
(Bloom: knowledge)
7. Have children turn to a buddy and see if they can say each vocabulary word
(Gardner: Interpersonal)
8. I will get the students excited by asking if any of them could remember all of the cool
Spanish words to teach to their parents or friends when they leave school that day.
9. I will ask students if they liked the idea of learning Spanish or if it was too hard
(Bloom; evaluation)
1. Student with Learning disability in reading comprehension:
 If the student has a learning disability in reading comprehension, I will give this
student extra time on his/her assignments. I will make sure that student gets extra
help either from the teacher or one of the top readers in the class. If the student
needs for me to work one-on-one with the reading then I will
2. Student with ADHD:
 The teacher will have additional activities for the students that finish and need
more to do. The students can write a poem or rhyme about their favorite place to
read and why.
3. Student with Gifts and Talents in Creativity:
Since this student will probably finish early, the students can draw a picture of
their favorite place to read. They can also give the place a creative name.
4. Student with Autism:
 I will repeat everything for this student and make sure to ask if the assignment
directions are understood.
 Teacher will provide the student with pictures of each vocabulary word
 Use encouraging words to help students do better
Write out the questions that you will use to evaluate yourself.
 What could I change about this lesson to make it more interesting and make the students
want to be more engaged?
 Were the Spanish words too hard for these level students?
 Should I have given the students more time for each worksheet since it was another
language that they were learning?
 Did most of the students understand the lesson on compare and contrast?
 Should I have had students work with a buddy?
Directions: Write the word that is listed in the Spanish language.
The day of the child
El día del niño
Compare and Contrast
Date _______________
Directions: Compare and contrast how we do things here in the U.S. with how things are
done in Mexico
United States
Ex. Children read in English, Spanish,
Chinese and Navajo