Week 4 Med Term List PREFIXES (location TERM (1 side of card) 20 new terms position time number color size) ENGLISH (other side of card) Examples using this term 1. auto self, own automatic, autonomic, autoimmune 2. leuko white leukemia, leukoplakia 3. erythro red erythrocyte, erythema 4. hetero different heterosexual, heterogenous 5. inter between intercellular, interstate many polygon, polynephrosis 6. poly ROOTS (organs TERM (1 side of card) structures parts) ENGLISH (other side of card) Examples using this term 7. hemo / hemato blood hemoglobin, hematocrit, hemorrhoid 8. bio life biology, biography 9. lipo fat lipoma, liposuction 10. dent/dont tooth, teeth dentist, orthodontist, dentures SUFFIXES (symptoms treatment TERM (1 side of card) surgery) ENGLISH (other side of card) Examples using this term 11. -esthesia sensation anesthesia, hyperesthesia 12. -megaly enlarged cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly 13. -meter, metry to measure, measurement perimeter, telemetry, spirometer 14. -rrhage / -rrhagia gushing, bursting hemorrhage, pyorrhagia 15. –otomy *** to cut into laparotomy, tracheotomy *** a TOME is a sharp cutting instrument, like a scalpel. Therefore, an –otomy is the use of such an instrument. USE CAUTION WITH –otomy & ostomy! Does this make sense to you: “An –otomy is used in creating an ‘-ostomy’. ABBREVIATIONS (shortcuts for common words/terms) 16. Fe iron Red meat is a good source of Fe. Low Fe > Low Hgb > anemia (most common reason for deferrals at blood drive) 17. Hgb hemoglobin (the Fe-containing pigment of RBC’s) Eating Fe builds Hgb, Hgb gives RBC’s their red color Most teens who are deferred at the blood drive have a low Hgb 18. BP blood pressure (the FORCE needed by the heart to pump blood thru arteries) “White coat syndrome” is when one’s BP goes up in a doctor’s office. High BP is also called “The Silent Killer.” When BP drops, you faint / pass out / lose consciousness. 19. VS vital signs (#s that indicate life) Mrs. Smithson’s VS are 98.8, 78, 16, 116/82 20. X2, X3, etc twice, 3 times, etc. Have pt walk down hallway x3. Oops. He took his insulin x2. PROCEDURE 1. Make flashcards. Keep your cards 3x5 or cut in half. NO SMALLER. MUST be on notecards (not paper!!!) 2. Study flashcards (new AND old) over the upcoming week. We will do a few practices in class as well. 3. Turn in flashcards – 30 point grade -- just prior to taking the quiz (Friday, 9/25). Flashcards are NEVER accepted after taking the quiz – for any reason. NOTE: All students can drop one grade at the end of the 9 weeks 4. Take quiz – 50 point grade (Friday, 9/25) 5. Flashcards to be returned to students the next day during class (Monday, 9/28.) Make a plan to store them somewhere safe! 6. Earn 5 WE points by making an “A” on Med Term Quizzes (but only if you turned in flashcards!) 7. NOTE: If you are absent on Friday 9/25, your 2 choices for making it up are AFTER SCHOOL Tuesday 9/29 OR Thursday 10/1. Keep your flashcards until you take the quiz. IMPORTANT NOTE; 75% of this week’s MT qz will come from these 20 terms; 25% will come from terms from the past 3 weeks.