Content Introduction Stratigraphic succession Description of Lithology Correlation Environments of Deposition Structures Fossils Economic importance Introduction Vindhyan Super Group is the largest Proterozoic basin of india. Sickle shape, ENE trending Basement- Bundelkhand Craton Concealed area- 1,62,000 km², Exposed- 62,000km² Covered by Indo- Gangetic plain & Deccan traps. Son-Narmada fault bounds the basin in the south & by the Great Boundary Fault in the NW. Age –Meso Proterozoic to Neo Proterozoic. The Vindhyan strata are exposed in three sectors: 1. Rajasthan sector 2. Bundelkhand sector and 3. Son valley sector Geological Map of Vindhyan basin G.B.F N.S.L. DECCAN TRAPS Bhander Group-Maihar Sandstone Sirbu Shale Bundi Hill Sandstone (1300-1500 m) Lakheri Limestone Ganurgarh Formation Rewa Group- Govindgarh Sandstone . Drummondganj Sandstone (100-300 m) Jhiri Shale Asan Sandstone Panna Shale Kaimur Group -Dhandraul Sandstone . Mangeswar Formation Bijaigarth Shale Markundi Sandstone (400 m) Ghurma Shale Sasaram Sandstone Semri Group - Suket shale Rohtas Formation Chorhat Sandstone Bargawan limestone Kheinjua shale (3000-4000 m) Chopan porcellanite Kajrahat limestone Arangi Shale Deoland Sandstone B.K.G , Supra Crystals , Bijawar Group Disconformity/gradational conttact Conformity/facies change…. Unconformity/Normal contact Non-conformity/ Angular uncon. Lithostratigraphy of the Vindhyan Supergroup (Son valley). SEMRI GROUP:This is the bottom-most Group of Vindhyan Super Group Its name derives from the Semri River near Bijawar. Semri Group rest over Bundelkhand Granite nonconformable while has an angular unconformity with Bijawar Group. The basal Formation is Deoland Sandstone consists of conglomerate, crossbedded ferruginous sandstone and shale ,exposed mainly in Rajasthan. Kajrahat formation contains mainly limestone with few interbeds of volcaniclastics and siliciclastics Kajrahat limestone contain Stromatolites. Kajrahat limestone . Sandstones with and without mud partings and layers in Chorhat Formation. The Semri stratigraphic succession indicates the events of transgression. By-C. Chakraborty KAIMUR GROUP Its named derived after the kaimur scarp. This group has conformable contact with Semri Group in Son valley in Chittorgarh while it has angular unconformable contact at kalinjar fort. This group contain mainly sandstone & shales. Basal Formation is Sasaram sandstone Ghurma shale is a succession of finely laminated & silicified siltstone & shales. Markundi sandstone is arkosic in nature & indicate shore face environment. The Bijaigarh Shales is pyritiferous in nature & also contain gypsum. REWA GROUP This group is characterised by frequent lateral facies change. This group has conformable contact with underlain Kaimur Group. Basal Panna shale, without any basal conglomarate, indicates continuity of deposition from Kaimur Group. Red shale, limestone, barytes & glauconitic siltstone( Panna Shale & Asan Sandstone) indicate lagoonal environment. The coarsening upward sandstone with mudcracks suggested periodical exposure. Panna Shale & Asan Sandstone separated by a diamondiferous conglomarate at Panna. Drummondganj Sandstone & Govindgarh Sandstone are almost arenitic & ferrogenous in nature indicate fluviodaltaic or near shore muddy tidal flat environment. BHANDER GROUP •This Group lies conformably over Rewa Group but elsewhere shows an grdatinonal contact with Rewa Group. • The Ganurgarh chocolate shale with stromatolitic limestone and sandstone interbeds that contain intraformational breccia , halite casts, and scour and fill structures, are indicative of shoreline-lagoon-tidal flat complex •Lakheri Limestone with algal mats and stromatolites, desiccation structure, gypsum layers and rare ooids suggests an evaporitic environment. Elsewhere, the limestone has formed In the tidal flat-lagoon environment. (By- C.Chakraborty) Correlation Kurnool System & The Raipur-Baster basin of M.P. Malani Volcanics ,Bhima Series, Sullavai Series. Cambrian formation of the Salt-Range(Purple Sandstone) is equivalent to Upper Vindhyan. Unfossiliferous sediments of the Lesser Himalaya (Krol Formation),the Nagthat Series (Jaunsar Series) are equivalents of Vindhyan. The green and purple sandstone exposed on the Southwestern flanks of the Mussoorie syncline have a good resemblance to the Vindhyan Sandstone of the peninsula. Along the Jodh there are Fluvial-Deltaic rocks overlying the Haimantas & having a resemblage to the Vindhyans and the Nagthats. Structures:Lamination, Bedding plain, Ripple marks, Cross-bedding, Current bedding, Rainprint, Gradded bedding, Current-cresent Structure, Trough, Slumping Joints Faults Molar-thooth herringbone 3 set joint Cross Bedding Parallel Lamination Graded Bedding Molar-Tooth Str. Fossils:- Stromatolite Stromatolites Trace Fossils Chuaria Tawuia Microbial mat Feature By- S. Kumar Stromatolite Trace Fossil Microbial Mat Feature gChuaria circularis Tawuia gChuaria Circularis By-S. Kumar Economic Importance:o Diamonds-The Panna diamond field of M.P. in Rewa rock formation. Limestone-The important deposit of limestone occurs in the Son valley region of Bihar and U.P., Rewa and Jabalpur areas of M.P., and Bhima valley region of Andhra Pradesh Pyrite:- The Bijaigarh shales of the Kaimur group contain a bed of pyrite. This bed outcrops at several places near Aajmor in Shahabad district of Bihar. Building stone:- The Vindhyan sandstone and limestones yield excellent building stone. Glass Sand:- Near Allahabad Vindhyan sands are being mined for this purpose. Summery Vindhyans are mainly sedimentry rocks (sandstone, shale,limestone), of both fluival and marine environments. Vindhyans are mainly tectonicaly undeform and unmetamorphose in central region while in marginal area they are deformed. They are mainly unfossiliferous, but a few formation have some fossil records. Vindhyans are more economic due to presence of diamonds, limestone, pyrite, building stone etc.