Differentiated Instruction Level II Orbital Project: 1. Roles, Routines & Responsibilities 2. Habit of Mind ~ Persistence Jessica Barnum September 2009 R. Miles’ “Children” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv_jaeEbtvE What is an orbital study? “An orbital study is simply an independent course of study that participants design and complete based on criteria published by the instructor. Every orbital study should revolve around the unit’s essential understandings.” ~ Joyce Stone The purpose of this Orbital is to share my research by demonstrating creative avenues for empowering students in a positive community environment. I present strategies, activities, assessments and templates for teachers and houses to select from and hone to their liking as they design their classroom structures and philosophies. I hope that my research and ideas (many of which I gathered from listening to and observing my CMS colleagues) offer a foundation upon which teachers and houses can continue to build upon and share with each other. Remember, education is experientially experimental! DI Enduring Understandings • Key Understanding Ingredient for this orbital study: Brain research confirms that one-sizefits-all does not work for students, teachers, or schools. What does Homer’s brain say? Roles, Routines & Responsibilities An aspect of differentiated instruction is building community in the classroom. How do you craft a positive community when you have 25 unique individuals in one room? Objective ~ As intricate spokes responsible for propelling the “community wheel” forward, each student’s talents and intelligences will be recognized and celebrated. My orbital project will illustrate how the assignment and expectations of roles, routines and responsibilities for each student when performing daily classroom routines enhances social and academic success, boosts empowering self-confidence and builds a positive community. Philosophy: Why do we build community? It is in our nature to contribute with kindness. Simile: Our students have special talents and roles to contribute just like all the characters in Shrek’s Swamp Karaoke Party! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7czYEwagE6Y #1 Tip for Building Community 1st Day of School: “Students, this is your lucky day. We have been assigned to celebrate positive energy together. For the next 185 days, we get to persistently contribute our blossoming talents to create a spectacular community.” 2nd Day of School: “Students, this is your lucky day. We have been assigned to celebrate positive energy together. For the next 184 days, we get to persistently contribute our blossoming talents to create a spectacular community.” 185th Day of School: “Students, this is your lucky day. We have been assigned to celebrate positive energy together. For today and for the rest of our lives, we get to persistently contribute our blossoming talents to create spectacular communities. No matter where we are in the world, we will stick to this.” Teachers aim to foster and magnify kindness and the power of contribution in their students. Habit of Mind ~ Persistence Persistence is … * perseverance * determination * doggedness * diligence * “stick-to-it-tiveness” We are like bamboo trees ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ3C9SP8xRE When students understand the purpose of and perform their roles, routines and responsibilities, (like the bamboo tree knows to grow its roots first), persistence will drive their intention, focus and will be the foundation for their conviction brought to fruition as their limbs reach for the sun! The result? Successful implementation and achievement of their roles, routines and responsibilities as well as empowering selfconfidence that’s rooted in a positive community. Implement Portals for Persistence ~ TIPS FOR TEACHERS: http://ltn.themlc.org/sites/bc54ff14-a7d2-4a25-b839-1a392b6d24e4/uploads/Dialogue_-_Building_Community.doc The Research Says … 1. (Student empowerment + self confidence) x persistence = community Even on certain days when students don’t “feel like” following through with their roles, routines and responsibilities, there is a comfort in the predictability and familiarity of how a classroom is run. When students practice persistence, are empowered by being held accountable for their role in the community and encourage each other, the power of accomplishment speaks for itself and students grow the skills to “stick to it,” even when they feel unmotivated. One articulate and confident student from Dallas, TX eloquently says it all … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgrdvUD2H6k 2. Responsive Classroom & Developmental Designs http://www.responsiveclassroom.org/about/aboutrc.html This website outlines the principles and guiding practices for creating a responsive classroom. Based on extensive research, the development of a responsive classroom highlights social, emotional, and academic growth in an empowering school community. The overall goal is to tap into each students’ greatest potential. (The various principles and practices are referenced in upcoming slides). http://www.originsonline.org/dd_index.php Complimenting a responsive classroom approach as well as Colchester’s districtwide initiative to implement differentiated instruction, Developmental Designs is founded on developing the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs of middle school students. Strategies offer empowering opportunities for optimal learning. “The DDMS approach is based on our research-grounded belief that healthy, enjoyable relationships are the foundation for success in school. In order to establish and maintain those relationships, teachers must know their students; students must come to know and appreciate each other; clear parameters for acceptable behavior must be drawn and consistently maintained; and learning must be engaging, exploratory, relevant, and varied.” A Responsive Classroom! • Social learning is as important to success as academic learning. • We learn best by constructing our own understanding through exploration, discovery, application, and reflection • The greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interactions within a supportive community. • There is a set of personal/social skills that students need to learn and practice in order to be successful socially and academically: Cooperation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self-control. • Knowing the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs of the students is as important as knowing the content we teach. • Trust among adults is a fundamental necessity for academic and social success in a learning community. • Middle school students appreciate PREDICTABILITY and STRUCTURE peppered with opportunity for their input. Four Developmental Needs of the Middle School Species • Relationship: I want to connect with others. • Autonomy: I want to be independent. • Competence: I want to experience success in what I do and feel like a worthwhile, significant person. • Fun: I want to have a good time. Relationship: I want to connect with others. Just ask … • Jackie says, “Last year in math class all the students participated by sharing their thoughts about how to solve certain math problems. This helped others to have a better understanding of how to solve the type of problem.” Collaborate with students to create preventative strategies for solving problems and for developing self-control. *Refer to social / academic contracts (see slide #’s __ and __) *Train students to mediate peer conflicts *Role Play appropriate conflict diffusion tactics. *Choose from a variety of artistic stress-relieving activities (drawing, writing, stretching …) Morning Meeting (or Beginning of Class Meeting): Check in with students. Share news, stories, snack / water and stretch. Community-building Teacher Advisory! Create advisory structures for building community, social skills, and readiness for learning. CMS is doing this!!! TA Activities (CONCEPT-BASED) • Length: approx. 20 Minutes • Topic: COMMUNITY #1 What is Community? __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: In pairs, write 5 words that describe “community.” (2 min.) __Task #2: As a class, share and document on the board pairs’ words. (5 min.) __Task #3: Write on the board 3 types of community: Classroom, School and World. (1 min.) __Task #4: Break students into 3 groups. Each group is assigned a type of community. Students are to brainstorm 1-2 examples for their type of community. Ex. Classroom: Passing out paper to fellow students. (5 min.) __Reflective Closure: As a class, students share examples (3 min.) #2 Modeling Community as a Group __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: Ask that students listen to and engage in each of the following commands that you give them. (5 min.) a. “Please clap your hands like this.” b. b. “Please stand up beside your chair.” c. “Please stand up straight and look at me with good eye contact.” d. “Please turn to someone next to you and shake his/her hand with respect and conviction.” e. “Please compliment the person whose hand you just shook.” f. “Please sit down and place your hands folded together in front of you like this.” __Task #2: As a class, discuss the following questions: “Why did you participate? What emotions were connected to your actions? What did your actions just model?” (10 min.) __Reflective Closure: Have each student one at a time in silence come up to the board and write down ONE word that portrays what this activity modeled. Ex. respect, cooperation (3 min.) Tell students they will address these words in the next TA session. These will be referred to as community power words. #3 What is Confident Individuality? __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: As a class discuss with students what “confident individuality” is. Brainstorm examples of how people think and act like confident individuals. (5 min.) __Task #2: On board, review the community power words students wrote in the last TA session. Ex. respect, cooperation (1 min.) __Task #3: In pairs, brainstorm examples of how each community power word listed can be modeled by a confident individual. Ex. a dog-walker shows “respect” when he/she cleans up the dog poo in the dog park (10 min.) __Reflective Closure: As a class, share examples (3 min.) #4 Who are YOU as an Individual? __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: As a class have students share what makes them a unique confident individual (share a hobby, talent …) (5 min.) __Task #2: Address the community power words from the last TA session (ex. respect, cooperation …) and ask students to share how they model 1-2 of the community power words in class, in school and/or in the world as a confident individual. (10 min.) __Reflective Closure: Discuss how this class is a community simply by recognizing and sharing how we model confident individuality. (3 min.) #5 How Confident Individuality Can Positively Impact a Community __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: Have each student explain in his/her own words the importance of confident individuality in a community using 1-2 “If … then …” statements. Ex. “If a dog-walker picks up the dog poo in the park, then the park stays clean for the rest of the community of dogwalkers and dogs to enjoy.” (10 min.) __Task #2: As a class, go back to the list of community power words. Have students attach as many of the community power words to their “If … then…” statements as they can and share. (3 min.) __Reflective Closure: Have each student re-cap by explaining in their own words why it’s important that an individual contributes confidently to a community. (5 min.) #6 A Crack in the Foundation __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: In regards to confident individuality and community, brainstorm as a class what the metaphor “a crack in the foundation” could mean. (3 min.) __Task #2: In pairs, have students brainstorm examples of when individuals don’t adhere to the community power words and the community is negatively impacted. Bonus if they refer to historical events. (10 min.) __Reflective Closure: Have students share their examples (5 min.) #7 Make It Stick With a Motto & Logo (Individual) __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: Each student creates a motto & a logo to help remind him/her that he/she IS a confident individual who CAN positively impact a community. Have students work together as they toss around motto ideas and logo designs. (15 min.) __Reflective Closure: Share (3 min.) #8 Make It Stick With a Motto & Logo (Class / House Community) __Temperature Gage Check – In (2 min.) __Task #1: Combining individual mottos & logos have students work together to create a class motto & logo. (15 min.) __Reflective Closure: Discuss how the individual and class / house community mottos & logos represent a “contract,” a commitment to ______________. BONUS TA Ideas for Building Community in CMS Houses Plan a day when students work in groups to: ~ Create a house dance ~ Create a house song ~ Create a house handshake ~ Create a house banner / flag (being done at CMS) ~ Create house traditions • Like celebrating birthdays by posting students’ baby pictures on the Birthday Bulletin Board • Like all house members singing “Happy Birthday to the birthday student during lunch or recess • Like the birthday student wearing a tiara or hat for the day • Like the birthday students receiving a special certificate that says, “Happy Birthday! Congratulations on being born!” Introduce / remind students how to access classroom resources and supplies through “guided discovery.” For example, give students a list of items they can access in the classroom and have them scavenger hunt for the items. Then after they are seated again, give them an oral pop quiz: 1. Who can tell us where the extra computer paper is? 2. Who can tell us where to pass in work? Organize the classroom to encourage independence, cooperation, and productivity. Examples ~ ~ For Socratic Seminar discussions, sit students in a circle of chairs. ~ Have various desks in private corners for students who choose to work independently and quietly. ~ Sit students at tables for group work. ~ Have some clipboards available for students who want to access a space outside the classroom. ~ Organize the work supplies station for students to access independently. Model for students how parents, teachers and students are all working together to create a positive community! ~ Create communication avenues for parents. 1. Open House & Forums 2. Parent Conferences (with pre-conference forms mailed home for parents to fill out) 3. Class website and teacher emails provided 4. Invite parents to help plan house field trips Autonomy: I want to be independent. Just ask … • Sean says, “Last year on the Commonwealth team I was our team banker for the Commonwealth bank. We had a money system for our team. Every time we did something good we got money. This was good for us because we got a sense of how to use money and we learned responsibility.” Goals and Declarations: Students declare a personal stake (moral code) in school to anchor their learning in a meaningful commitment to growth. Example: “I, Samantha, will strive to earn 3 A’s on my report card this quarter. To accomplish this goal, I will complete my homework, I will communicate with my parents, teachers, and peers if I have questions, and I will persist through challenges.” Creatively respond to misbehaviors by facilitating questions vs. lecturing and scolding. “What do you need for yourself right in this moment?” “What does our community behavior / academic contract say? “How can I help you settle into a comfort zone so that our whole community benefits?” “Sometimes transferring our emotions to paper through our fingertips invites relaxation and offers our mind and heart space to breathe. Would you like to draw how you are feeling?” By facilitating questions, you ask the student to own their actions. This accountability strategy guarantees that dignity is not lost and integrity is gained. DI: Offer students differentiated academic choices on assignments to enhance their learning style skills. Reflective Looping: On-going assessments such as self-reflective journal writing encourages students to monitor their own growth. Exhibition: Continually display student work and require mini-presentations so all students have a chance to “strut their stuff.” This is great incentive for deep engagement in quality work and celebrates differentiation. Competence: I want to experience success in what I do and feel like a worthwhile, significant person. Just ask … • Jessie says, “Last year in Chorus I was one of the presidents in the classroom and I helped Mrs. Tozzi with students. She asked for my advice sometimes too. It let me have more confidence in the classroom.” • Sean says, “I would like to see more of us being able to come up to the whiteboard to share our ideas on the subject (being taught). Then everyone is involved.” Model (with a dash of humor) positive tones of voice, gestures and catchy praise phrases to enhance a positive community. Teacher says … * “Welcome to another day of blooming your brain with bundles of knowledge!” * “Why are we feeling fortunate today?” * “Joe, your offering to help Clara with her editing was a spectacular display of peer support. Well done!” * “It’s not about you when someone is speaking, it’s about the speaker. We all have our turn on stage, so be patient. You are all special and will all get your chance on stage. Someone who is a teacher AND a student in one (that’s you) knows how and when to perform on stage as well as how and when to be attentive as a member of an audience.” * Get mushy! “I love coming to school every day because I know we get to spend another day learning together!! … more catchy phrases and philosophies … * “Do you know what the Sloppy-Choppy Philosophy is? If you pass in work that is sloppy and has choppy responses (appears incomplete) and your name is at the top of the paper, what message are you sending?” I DON’T CARE ABOUT MYSELF. “But you do care, so pass in work that illustrates self-respect.” * “Repeat after me: This … This … classroom community … classroom community … wouldn’t … wouldn’t … be the same … be the same … without me … without me! Ladies and gentlemen, I am SO grateful that you recognize yourselves as intricate elements of our space here.” Note: Students love repeating back confidence boost phrases. Once you are in the routine of doing this, varying the call-back phrases of course, they always giggle and laugh. A great time to do this is as an introduction or conclusion of class. Brilliance Box Amidst a positive community where predictability and structure frame the daily flow, evolution is inevitable. Give students the opportunity to write their observations and suggestions for how to make the community even more positive. With slips of paper next to it, place the Brilliance Box somewhere in the classroom (OR for school-wide feedback the main office of the building). Students can write their name or remain anonymous. Just ask … • Sarah says, “It is important for students to share ideas about how a classroom is run because they may have unique suggestions that the teacher hadn’t thought of that makes everyone work together better.” Fun: I want to have a good time. Just ask ... • Jackie says, “I would like to see more hands-on activities on a classroom because it gets the students more involved in the class.” Play! (especially in the middle of a 90 minute block). Incorporate: ~ School-wide Petra Cliffs-style activities ~ Yoga stretches ~ Laugh Therapy ~ Call and response sound games ~ Songs and dance movements ~ Brainteaser riddles ~ Fun facts ~ Trivia questions ~ Mini-talent shows (Can YOU touch your tongue to your nose?) Goal: By taking courses in the next two years, I plan to be trained as a Brain Gym Instructor. As a member of the CMS TA Committee, I will incorporate Brain Gym activities in our planning and teaching so “intelligence through movement” becomes a school-wide practice. http://www.braingym.org Orbital Project KUD For Students and Teacher “Chew on this!” Concepts Essential Questions Roles, Routines & Responsibilities Habit of Mind ~ Persistence How does the assignment of roles, routines and responsibilities in the middle school classroom enhance social and academic success, empower self-confidence and build a positive community? Why is the habit of mind persistence necessary for students’ successful implementation and achievement of their roles, routines and responsibilities? K stands for Know! Students will know … •Roles, routines and responsibilities •Empowerment •Persistence •Social and academic success •Self-confidence •Positive community •Multiple Intelligences U stands for Understandings Students will understand … •How daily routines offer students a predictable and structured classroom environment •How the assignment and expectations of roles, routines and responsibilities in the middle school classroom enhance social and academic success, empower selfconfidence and build a positive community •How the habit of mind persistence is necessary for students’ successful implementation and achievement of their roles, routines and responsibilities •How consistently celebrating student’s talents and intelligences empowers the individual and fosters community • How engaging in roles, routines and responsibilities hones problem solving skills • Why all roles, routines and responsibilities are equally respected and practiced D for Do’s Students will be able to (do) … •Identify roles, routines and responsibilities •Brainstorm with students, practice and model language, action and cooperation (define empowerment, persistence, social success, academic success, selfconfidence and positive community) •Consistently practice and engage in roles, routines and responsibilities in multiple scenarios Brainstorm with Students! What are roles, responsibilities and routines in a positive classroom environment? Activity Use a blank Three R’s Grid (see next slide) and brainstorm with students a list of social and academic roles, routines and responsibilities that suits your classroom. Assessment Use the list to guide the creation of the social and academic contracts (see slide # Teachers and students alike will encourage and monitor that students engage in the Three R’s with perpetual practice. __ and __). Sample Three R’s Grid Roles Routines Responsibilities Students consistently persist to do their best to complete quality assignments. Students are to refer to the Sloppy-Choppy Philosophy as incentive to adhere to persisting. Throughout the persistence process, students will confidently seek help when needed. Use the fish net to collect work from students. All papers stacked neatly and then placed in class’ orange basket. Borrow and return the fish net to the same place. When one House teacher immediately needs to communicate something with another House teacher, the messenger delivers the message. Student gives teacher agenda to sign and then swiftly delivers message. (S) = Social (A) = Academic Persistence-Pursuer (A) Assignment Collector (S) Messenger (S) Modeling the Three R’s Who? Every classroom attendee. What? Roles, routines and responsibilities Where? Every step of your life Why? Enhance social and academic success, empower self-confidence and build a positive community When? Every breath of your life How? By striving for your full potential Brainstorm with Students! What is empowerment? Activity Assessment Refer to the Three R’s grid you created with students and brainstorm and role play a list of examples that show WHAT empowerment looks like and HOW it feels. Students will participate in role playing each example on the list so they can experience and practice how the Three R’s offers them empowerment opportunities to feel good about themselves in a positive community. Teachers and students alike will encourage and monitor that all community participants engage in the Three R’s with perpetual practice. Example: You are the Assignment Collector. (collect papers with the fish net) What is empowering about this role? How does it feel to be the one responsible for this role? Pursuit of Goals in Partnerships: Empowerment in Practice By Anna M. Sullivan Curtin University of Technology http://www.aare.edu.au/02pap/sul02098.htm “… the empowerment of an individual student is tied to the empowerment of all students in his or her class … empowerment is enabled by improving lives of a community and community members through dialogue and working collaboratively. Individuals can be empowered to take control over their lives and valued resources …” “Students who are empowered both intra-personally (by setting goals for self) and interpersonally (by working with peers) are capable of pursuing their agendas that are complementary to their peers' and the teacher's agendas. Thus, students are likely to realize their social and achievement goals and fulfill their needs for power and belonging … the extent to which students' needs are met greatly influences the level of student engagement … students who are empowered are more likely to be motivated to participate in learning activities and to achieve successfully at school.” Although the study took place in an elementary school, Anna Sullivan proves that students who are given opportunities to fulfill social and academic goals experience empowerment therefore higher achievement levels. She repeatedly describes an empowerment-oriented environment as fluid vs. static meaning the “practice of empowerment” conditions students to consistently “be” the role of responsible goal-setter. Brainstorm with Students! What is social success? Activity Assessment Refer to the Three R’s grid and the Social Contract (see below) you created with students and brainstorm and role play a list of examples that show WHAT social success looks like and HOW it feels. Students will participate in role playing each example on the list so they can experience and practice how the Three R’s offers them an opportunity to be socially successful in a positive community. Teachers and students alike will encourage and monitor that all community participants engage in the Three R’s with perpetual practice. Example: You are the Messenger. What does social success look like in this role? How does it feel to be a responsible messenger? Sample Contract for Social Behavior Criteria How will we get the attention we need? What tone of voice will we use in class discussion? How will we diffuse frustration that arises? How will we borrow and return supplies? How will we pass in completed work and receive graded work back? How will we enter / exit class? What is the pass system for the library, lab and bathroom? How will we ask to use the bathroom? What is the signal for silence? Description Brainstorm with Students! What is academic success? Activity Refer to the Three R’s grid and the Academic Contract (see below) you created with students and brainstorm and role play a list of examples that show WHAT academic success looks like and HOW it feels. Example: You are working independently, you get stuck on a problem and ask for help. What does academic success look like in this role? How does it feel to be a responsible problem solver? Assessment Students will participate in role playing each example on the list so they can experience and practice how the Three R’s offers them an opportunity to be academically successful in a positive community. Teachers and students alike will encourage and monitor that all community participants engage in the Three R’s with perpetual practice. Sample Contract for Academics Criteria How will we work independently? How will we work as a group member? How will we ask our teacher or a peer for assistance with an assignment? How will we ask questions and respond with answers? How will our highest quality of work look? How will we persist with challenging work? How will we organize our class materials? Description Brainstorm with Students! What is self-confidence? Activity Refer to the Three R’s grid you created with students and brainstorm and role play a list of examples that show WHAT selfconfidence looks like and HOW it feels. (Also, refer to TA slides above) Example: You are solving a math equation on the board in front of your class. What does self-confidence look like in this role? How does it feel to be a confident problem solver? Assessment Students will participate in role playing each example on the list so they can experience and practice how the Three R’s offers them an opportunity to be confident in a positive community. Teachers and students alike will encourage and monitor that all community participants engage in the Three R’s with perpetual practice. Exist with Conviction!!! ALL students can participate in ALL roles, routines and responsibilities. Students may prefer certain roles over others, but encourage students to hone their skills and broaden their empowerment spectrum by challenging them to tackle roles they’d otherwise avoid. Discuss with students that ALL people have talents AND challenges; no one is “off-the-charts-intelligent” in every capacity (which is why the world revolves with great balance and why school and life offer differentiation practices). EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE IS THE RIGHT TIME TO DISCOVER THE TALENTED AND CHALLENGING PARTS OF YOUR SELF. Who are YOU? Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Review the definitions of the Multiple Intelligences and have students determine their strongest and most challenging intelligences. • • Survey: http://surfaquarium.com/Mi/inventory.htm MI Descriptors: http://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html Review the Three R’s Grid and contracts you created with students. For example, if a student scores high Bodily-Kinesthetic, assign them a role of classroom note-taker (notes to be given to students who are absent). This role will challenge them to concentrate with stillness. Brainstorm with Students! What is a positive community? Activity Refer to the Three R’s grid you created with students and brainstorm and role play a list of examples that show WHAT a positive community looks like and HOW it feels to be a participant of a positive community. Suggestion: Have numerous students simultaneously role play roles to showcase the community vibration. Example: You are all empowered by your particular role. What does a positive community look like? How does it feel to be a participant of a positive community? Assessment Students will participate in role playing simultaneously so they can experience and practice how the Three R’s offers them an opportunity to “exist with conviction” in a positive community. Teachers and students alike will encourage and monitor that all community participants engage in the Three R’s with perpetual practice. Brainstorm with Students! What is a splintered community? Activity Refer to the role playing for the positive community activity. However, this time, PANCAKE their effort to do their job well, meaning they are to slack off, show no follow through and embody great distraction. Assessment Students will “poorly” participate in role playing simultaneously on the list so they can experience and practice how the Three R’s offers them an opportunity to “exist without conviction” in a splintered community. Teachers and students alike will encourage and monitor that Example: You are un-empowered by all community participants disengage your particular role and are portraying in their roles so they can witness lack of motivation and an “I don’t care” the absence of empowerment, attitude. What does a splintered persistence, success and selfcommunity look like? How does it feel confidence. to be a participant of a splintered community? What is absent here compared to the positive community activity? Unified Community vs. Splintered Community http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge4RM9LcTnE&feature=related vs. Preference? Which community fosters roles, routines and responsibilities with opportunities to empower yourself and others, persist, socially and academically succeed and boost your self-confidence? Check one: __ “Umph-powering” unified community __ “Slump-powering” splintered community If together teachers and students cultivate an “umph-powering” unified community vs. a “slump-powering” splintered community, perhaps Calvin wouldn’t feel this way: Brainstorm Templates for Teachers and Students Tip: Accommodate, tweak and/or pick and choose from the above and/or below templates. Consider how YOU think and how you choose to present your classroom / house structure. Design Your Own Three R’s Grid to Suit Your Classroom Roles Routines Responsibilities . Design a Contract for Social Behavior For Your Classroom Criteria Description Design a Contract for Academics For Your Classroom Criteria Description Classroom: Build a More Detailed Repertoire of the Three R’s (ACADEMIC) Roles Entrance / Beginning of Class During Class Exit / Ending of Class Routines Responsibilities Classroom: Build a More Detailed Repertoire of the Three R’s (SOCIAL) Roles Entrance / Beginning of Class During Class Exit / Ending of Class Routines Responsibilities House: Collaboratively Craft a Repertoire of the Three R’s (ACADEMIC) Roles Entrance / Beginning of Class During TA, SST, Extensions, UA’s, Core Classes Exit / Ending of Class Other … Routines Responsibilities House: Collaboratively Craft a Repertoire of the Three R’s (SOCIAL) Roles Entrance / Beginning of Class During TA, SST, Extensions, UA’s, Core Classes Exit / Ending of Class Recess Lunch Hallways Field Trips Other … Routines Responsibilities School: Collaboratively Craft a Repertoire of the Three R’s (ACADEMIC) Roles Field Trips Assemblies NECAPS / Gates / On Demand Portfolio Prompts Other … Routines Responsibilities School: Collaboratively Craft a Repertoire of the Three R’s (SOCIAL) Roles Entering Building Recess Lunch Hallways Exiting Building School Busses Field Trips Other … Routines Responsibilities Brainstorm with students! What does empowerment, persistence, success and self-confidence look like in positive communities OUTSIDE of the classroom? Empowerment Cafeteria School Bus Recess Sports Field Home Friend’s House Persistence Success SelfConfidence Credits Jessie Allen Sean Callahan Jackie Sortor Sierra Cummings Sarah Amour Peg Gillard Andy Simmons Bjorn Norstrom Joyce Stone Carolyn Dickinson Deb Kendrick Champlain housemates & students CMS colleagues Music: Robert Miles / Paul Oakenfold Mix “Children” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv_jaeEbtvE Self-Assessment Rubric for Ms. Barnum’s Three R’s and Persistence Orbital Criteria Sprinting Jogging Strolling Content Accuracy Your information includes intellectual knowledge that reflects your understanding of the research. Some of your information lacks detail but overall presents quality. Your information appears incomplete and is therefore confusing and disjointed. Persistence The presentation style of your information illustrates above and beyond learning. You are like the Little Train That Could, full steam ahead! Your information is presented with flare but some parts lack follow through or seem rushed. Choo-choo! Quality information is scarce which is a sign that you may have evaded the challenges faced during research. Chug … chug .. chug! Your project reflects an abundance of current research. Your project reflects some research. Your project reflects little research or out-dated information. Your information is valuable and implementationfriendly; it can be used by teachers of all subject areas. Your information is valuable and useful for most subject areas. Your information is not diversely valuable and only applies to some subject areas. Your Power Point slides include a vast variety of verbal and visual explanation that imaginatively enhances the conceptual understanding of this Orbital. Your Power Point slides include a variety of verbal and visual explanation to compliment the conceptual understanding of this Orbital. Frankly, this Power Point was boring. There was no evidence of imaginative differentiation in its delivery. Evidence of Research Usefulness to Self and Colleagues Creativity Work Timeline Monday – Wednesday, Aug. 10 – 12 ~ DI class time with colleagues and Joyce Stone (30 hrs.) Wednesday, Aug. 12 ~ set up frame of Power Point and wrote Orbital Three R’s KUD (3 hrs. after class) Thursday, Aug. 13 ~ crafted Persistence KUD (3 hrs.) Saturday, Aug. 15 ~ crafted Persistence KUD (3 hrs.) Monday, August 24 ~ crafted Three R’s KUD / researched online (2.5 hrs.) Tuesday, Aug. 25 ~ videoed /interviewed students and Peg Gillard (2.5 hrs.) Thursday, Aug. 27 ~ crafted Three R’s KUD / researched online (2 hrs.) Wednesday, Sept. 2 ~ crafted Three R’s KUD / researched online (2.5 hrs.) Friday, Sept. 4 ~ crafted Three R’s KUD / researched online (2 hrs.) Saturday, Sept. 5 ~ crafted Three R’s KUD / researched online (3 hrs.) Sunday, Sept. 6 ~ designed / organized PP (4 hrs.) Monday, Sept. 7 ~ researched; designed / organized PP (3.5 hrs.) Friday, Sept. 11 ~ designed / organized PP (1.5 hrs.) Saturday, Sept. 12 ~ designed / organized PP (4 hrs.) Sunday, Sept, 13 ~ designed / organized PP (4 hrs.) Tuesday, Sept. 15 ~ designed / organized PP (2hrs.) Thursday, Sept. 17 ~ designed / organized PP (1.5 hrs.) Saturday, Sept. 19 ~ final touches (2 hrs.) Sunday, Sept. 20 ~ final touches (3 hrs.) Monday, Sept. 21 ~ Uploaded video (1.5 hrs.) Total Hrs. ~ 80.5 hrs. Process of Three R’s Implementation 1. 2. 3. As a school-wide initiative, each house could implement 1+ templates and / or one strategy mentioned above. Have teachers & houses informally (eventually formally) share their crafted templates / strategies in folders posted on the bulletin board in the teacher’s room and on the CMS website. Send a pilot committee to a Developmental Designs workshop. Note: Developmental Designs parallels the Differentiated Instruction district initiative. Next? Think “Global Community,” CMS! www.freerice.com www.healthy-kids-go-green.com