Business experiment Process tool Nils Erkamp – M +31651881549 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Why we do business experiments • New value innovations starts through (local) cooperation of stakeholders (supply <> demand) • Scale-up on European scale – other parties and countries can learn – Product / service improvement – Better, faster process INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Idea generation • A collaborative business project starts with 3 things come together: – An opportunity in the market to create value – An idea on how to deliver that value – And people that are willing to commit time and money to realize the idea and harvest the opportunity INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 A collaborative process • Bringing the people together to realise the idea follows a number of logical steps, designed to get things done as effective as possible • New business creation seldom goes as planned: – Learn, be flexible to adjust the plan, problems are often a blessing in disguise that demand a better solution – Each partner has its own interest and at some moment in time you need to come to an agreement that is winwin – You may need a few iterations before getting there INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 High rewards • It’s not easy and initially slower than when you do things on your own • That changes when partners use each parties competences in the best way • But, if you succeed … – You create a business that would never have been possible without collaboration (1 + 1 > 2) – You create a business that is hard to copy INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 The templates • The following slides first describe the high-level process • Then for each step templates are available with the key questions that need to be answered INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Business experiment process • Process steps Analysis of WP2 and WP3 Brainstorm at clusters WS1: define product & value Ideas Product, service, value and value chain WS2: business model WS3: financial model • Results Opportunities 6 Business model Financial model; commitment to project plan INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 PROJECT Tools • Process steps Analysis of WP2 and WP3 Brainstorm at clusters WS1: define product & value WS2: business model WS3: financial model PROJECT • Tools (topics see next slide) T1 7 T2 T3-6 T7-9 T10-11 TK2,4,5 TK5,6,7 TK1,2,4,7 TK4,8,9 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 TK3,10 Open innovation toolkit 1. Relationships and cohesion 2. Open communication and dialogues 3. Commitment 4. Trust and safety 5. Climate for innovation and creativity 6. Clear strategy and goals for collaboration 7. Selection of relevant and appropriate partners 8. Structure and governance for collaboration 9. Contractual arrangements 10. Evaluation of process and results INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Contracts – a point of attention • Contracts, like a Non-Disclosure Agreement, have pro’s and con’s – More certainty on commitment: people with the right authority need to sign so it can not be an individual employees enthusiasm, but the organization needs to buy in – Although it is very difficult to exercise the rights legally, peer/social pressure (esp. in a multi-party agreement) can work well – Legal processes can cost a lot of time/energy; it can change the atmosphere from co-operation to adversaries. Always use mutual agreements (same rules apply to all) to avoid this INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Part 1 • Shaping the idea Opportunities 10 Ideas Product, service, value and value chain Business model Financial model; commitment to project plan INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 1: OPPORTUNITIES Idea name Describe the opportunity ? How will it bring value ? Where would it be applied ? What’s the alternative today ? 11 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 2: BUSINESS IDEA Idea name What is the product / service ? Who is the customer / buyer ? What is the value to this customer / buyer ? Which value chain parties are interested (+ indicate business scope) 12 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 3: Customer description 4 3 2 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 1 Template 4: Product, service and value 3 2 1 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 5: ENRICHED IDEA Idea name Describe the product or (+ add features in template 5) service What is the value (+ add main points in template 5) proposition ? What is a customer willing to pay ? What is the market & In quantities and value segment size ? What are competitors or alternatives ? 15 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 6: value chain – market description 1) Specification & sales process 2) Production, physical distribution, installation phase 3) Operational & usage phase P1 P2 P3 Customer P1 P2 P3 Customer P1 P2 Customer User Complementing products & services INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Part 2 • Business model: a description how we are going to achieve our goals – Revenues – What competencies are needed; who does what – Costs and investments Opportunities 17 Ideas Product, service, value and value chain Business model Financial model; commitment to project plan INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 7: Business Model Canvas 4 2 6 5 3 7 1 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 8: BM consortium conclusions Type What core competence do we not have in the team ? Complementary partners Potential partner IN consortium OUTSIDE consortium (includes current consortium partners that do not have a crucial role) Are there tasks that more than 1 party can do ? 19 Decide who does what asap ! INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 9: Project leadership Idea name Who is in the team ? Who takes the lead ? What are the open questions ? What are the key risks ? Next actions 20 e.g. -Each partner to agree results within his own organization -Answer open questions -Address key risks -Get right partners to join INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Part 3: Financials & next steps • Financials: how is money going to be invested, spend and earned. How will risks and rewards be shared ? – Prepare open book estimation by all partners – Bring together and discuss – Agree on joint approach Opportunities 21 Ideas Product, service, value and value chain Business model Financial model; commitment to project plan INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 10: Financial discussion • Each partner prepares partner finances • The consortium discusses and agrees on project 22 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Sanity check • Customer perspective: is it also for the buyer a good deal ? – Cost of ownership – Value of ownership • So far by means of a subjective value bonus 23 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Cost-of-ownership Collect inputs on each of the parameters below on the new proposition and on the existing alternative. Then calculate through with the TCO model Parameters Result Installation design Number of units Installation cost Unit price Investment Energy Burning hours kWh price Average power Power consumption / unit Energy/CO2 cost Maintenance Replacement cycle Cleaning / checking cycle End-of-life time Value creation Re-usage value Societal value (% or €) Maintenance cost To be prepared by the partner who is in closest contact with the end customers INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 Template 11: NEXT STEPS Topic Check agreements with home organization Consortium and other contractual agreements Create steering team Who Agree project team and project manager Assemble team and plan project kick-off meeting Steering team 25 Each partner Project manager INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549 INFO: N. Erkamp \ +31651881549