Strat Plan Minutes 2014 - Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network

#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
Strategic Planning Minutes
February 4, 2014
McDaniel Manor
Miranda Zetsen, Roxanna Clermont, Fay Wilson, Stephanie Alexandre, Chelsea Warner, Tracey Verbonac, Lisa
Rogozinsky, Gail Finley, Julie Strome, Tammy Woroschuk, Denise Plesuk, Leah Brown, Gloria Polowy, Carol Tabone,
Paul Pringle, Sissy Thiessen, Nicole Pike, Dianne Petersen, Brittany Durant, Tara Sliwkanich, Mark St. Germaine,
Corrine Gowers, Terry R., Kelsey Bradburn, Barb Tymchak Olafson, Bernie Mallon, Nadine Meikle, Laurie Escott,
Kealsey Dube, Colleen Clarke, Bernadette Starr, Leona Jeannotte, Sandra Cardinal, Lasha Robert, Emily Brandon,
Kathy McKinnon, Fayanne Perry
Barrier Reduction Fund Applications
Laura Telford, Justice and Solicitor General - $350 for individual to attend a school trip to Calgary Zoo and to go
snowboarding with school while in Calgary. Voted on and Approved
Tara Sliwkanich, Elizabeth Fry - $843 for Young Women’s Leadership Forum. Of that, $200 would be for art, writing
and drawing supplies to be used at the forum and $643 would be used to supply lunch for all attendees. Voted on and
Leona Jeannotte, Coaching Families - $180 for obedience classes for individual’s dog. The individual has been
attending pet assisted therapy and obedience training would help the dog move a step forward to becoming a therapy
dog for the individual. Voted on and Approved
Linda Daykin, McDaniel Youth - $2000 for tuition fees for 3 courses of grade 10 subjects distance learning. Voted on
and Approved
Nichole Thio, First Steps - $1750 in order to pay off EPCOR debt so as not to be evicted from residence. Voted on
and Approved
Sharon Schultz, Step by Step - $2844 to create Caregiver Kits to be given to individuals enrolled in workshop
presented in partnership with Glenrose FASD Clinic and CSS. There is only approximately $837 left in the fund.
Whatever is left will go towards this project. Voted on and Passed
Donna, Child and Family Services - $600 for a phone plan to be used for safety and communication purposes for an
individual. Motion by Denise – to approve the application only if it is determined that there is additional funds left over
after all receipts are handed in. Seconded by Corrine. Amended by Bernie to approve the application only if it is
determined that there is additional funds left over after all receipts are handed in and the Caregiver Kits application
has been fulfilled completely. Seconded by Brittney. Voted on and Approved
Ground Rules
Reviewed rules
#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
Why Strategic Planning
Helps us to get our ducks in a row and continue to do a great job because our energy, resources and time are focused
in the same direction!
We want to determine where we are going over the next year and how we are going to get there.
Strategic Planning involves strategic analyses, which are our SWOT, Environmental Scan and Needs Assessment: so
we will review and revise as necessary.
Strategic Planning involves setting the strategic direction, which involves reviewing and updating out Network
Strategic Planning involves action planning, what are some concrete goals we hope to accomplish in the upcoming
year and how are we going to do it?
What Did We Accomplish Over the Past Year
Agency Level
 Regular Parent Group
 Presentations to CALM Classes
 Annual Diaper Drive
Kids Kottage
 Elves partnership
 Work with moms with FASD
 Camps, outings
 New position
 Resource staff has received FASD training
 Waitlist supports
 Overnight shelter
 Homeless to Homes has doubled
 Attended major functions
 Partnership with housing initiatives
 Presentations including tertiary issues
 Frontline meetings are growing
Inner City
 Outreach worker position
 Weekly rec. programming
 Youth Christmas party successful
 Renovations
 Obtained accreditation through CAC
#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
Serve more adults
School program
More community youth vs. in-care
Supports: 16 -25 years transition out of care
Mentor project with adult clinic
3C project published book
Glenrose Adult Clinic
 First 3 years completed
 Evaluation
 CAN FASD revision of diagnostic guidelines
 Development of online training
Metis Nation
 Brochure and Tools for Community Booklets
 Linking data bases with Alberta Health re health issues
Robin Hood
 50th Anniversary
Glenrose Pediatric Clinic
 Partnership with CSS
 Increase capacity
Skills Society Outreach
 Obstacle is housing
 Focus on residential supports
 Opened referral process
Youth Probation
 Increased education of court players around FASD
 FASD seen as mitigating factor by courts
 Decrease conditions
 Increased request of court ordered FASD assessments
 Physical environmental changes
 Staff changes way interacting with clients
Elves Respite
 Workshops for families / caregivers
 High attendance of workshops
 11-5 on Saturday respite well used
 Partnerships
 Flexibility
#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
Lots of transition
Collaboration with community
Job fair event across 3 regions
Strengthen partnership with CEASE
Provide meeting space to Network
Aboriginal Youth Cultural Program
Applied for funding for Employment program for people with FASD
 Access Barrier Reduction Fund – successful client story
 Able to identify barriers for people with FASD
 Invited to talk to lawyers, psychologists about program
 Good job retention for clients
Elizabeth Fry
 Expanded GES
 Contract for Remand Visitation Centre
 Support group for family of incarcerated individuals
FCSS Leduc
 Fully staffed
 Clients stay connected
 FASD education
 Clients share gaps in programming
 Increase education
 Increase employment supports
Network Level
 Barrier Reduction Fund
 Steady Attendance
 Society Status
 Meeting organization
 FASD Day – having the mayor and minister there and the breakfast was successful
 Social media is growing – Facebook, Twitter (699 followers), Pinterest
 Funding received to continue adult clinic
 Increased blog use – December 3 was busiest with the Christmas tip sheet
 Collaboration with others
 Network with other agencies
 2500 network brochures
Provincial Level
 Let’s Talk Campaign
 7 year evaluation participation
 Discussion of pregnancy tests in bars
#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
Premier’s commitment to FASD
Poster campaign – was controversial
PCAP trainers in Alberta
Legal drinking limit 0.05
IHE Conferences – Prevention, Legal
EARS in provincial
What Was Frustrating
ORS System
Lack of sustained funding
Restricted Grants
Time spent with provincial initiatives
Wages and Technology – lack of tools
Lack of services and resources
Government withdrawing supports
Funding problems – Non-profits needing sustainability
New Minister
Had working groups but now we don’t have them. How will we do projects?
Support groups are lacking
The “squeaky wheel gets the grease” – and there are consequences to saying “No” to the government.
7 year evaluation process
Everyone is focused on the numbers as opposed to the work/process
Disconnect between Ministry and Network and what “success” looks like
More work than staff allocations – staffing issues / funding
Continue to grow without growth in funds / agency capacity
Not networking as well as we can due to trying to meet our own goals
Groups / Agencies still not aware of services available
Doing the work of CMC / Government
Lack of funding and time for training
Lack of education – barriers in training in working with Aboriginal People
Government priorities change
Become very specialized as opposed to just dealing with the person as a whole
Society Bylaw Review
Society Bylaws were reviewed by Directors and Members
Prevention Conversation
Reviewed what the Prevention Conversation was all about. We reviewed some statistics and then discussed the Core
Messages that it is hoped everyone will take and discuss with staff, clients, family and friends:
 Drinking can be harmful at any point during pregnancy and can result in lifelong disabilities.
 If you drink alcohol and are sexually active, make sure you use effective contraception.
 If you’re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant, consider talking to your healthcare provider or asking for
help to learn more about support and services in your community.
#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
Friends, partners and family members can support a pregnant woman by asking how they can help her make
healthy choices and healthy babies.
Some women need support, care and treatment to help them stop drinking during pregnancy. Research points
to the effectiveness of intervention. Engage them in The Prevention Conversation.
SWOT Analysis Review and Revision
 Strong presence at Provincial Councils
 Involvement in research – Locally, Provincially and Nationally
 “Lack of services in rural areas” is mentioned twice in the SWOT Analysis document
 Rural communities have less access to technology than urban areas
 Adult programs should be funded more by government
 There is a lack of staff – high turn-over rate makes it difficult for networking
 Interventions should be based on in the individual’s reality
 There is an inability to create “Experts” in the field. The same people play multiple roles.
 Changes in Government agendas
 Restrictive funding is recorded twice in the SWOT Analysis document
Environmental Scan Review and Revision
Provincial Influences – Government services don’t communicate with each other or work well together
No longer experiencing economic downturn
Gaps – Corrections has lack of funding. It seems to go towards training.
- Dual Diagnosis can often cause funding issues
- More education is needed at the Government level
Needs Assessment Review and Revision
Targeted and Indicated Prevention
 Remove Bosco Homes PCAP
 Gaps – Addiction Treatment for all ages
- PCAP Rural
Assessment and Diagnosis Services
 Long wait-lists for pediatric assessments
 Mentorship for adult assessments
 16+ (what clinic should they use)
 Centerpoint – Assessment services for youth ages 12 – 17 whose offence was committed prior to age 18…
Supports for Individuals and Caregivers
 Lack of adult mentors
#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
Government department resources
Day programs
Resources for non-diagnosed individuals
16-24 years of age programs
Supports for caregivers of adult children
Housing, mental health
Children 9-12
Respite for older children
Staff education – Group home staff
Semi-independent living
Client understanding of FASD
Share stories (i.e. Website)
Parent supports
Take out time limit for services
LGBTQ and Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training
Lack of staffing; lower education levels
Appropriate mental health services
Recreational Supports
Sustainable wage increases
Elizabeth Fry correction: Provides support and mentorship to girls 12 – 17…
CSS – McDaniel correction: remove last point – Provides support to youth who are…
Bissell Centre correction : add PCAP
CSS McDaniel Youth S.G.P correction: Remove last point – Provides support to youth who are…
Add Alberta Education – Try Project info
CASA correction – name change to FAS Tracs
Goals and Projects
 Become a charitable organization
 Film and Re-Tweets with facts we can re-tweet or put on Facebook page, Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat
 The cost to the mother of having a child with FASD. You are going to have a tougher time parenting this child.
Don’t have the blaming / shaming message – how can we do it without blaming / shaming?
 Message at theatre
 Messages / ads when you log on to view YouTube
 The message, “They can’t – not they won’t”
 Messages on condoms, at liquor stores
 Have mocktails available at bars – reduced price
 Continue with Prevention Conversation
 FASD toolkit with a prevention focused (provide resources as well as FASD basic facts)
 Some sort of male and community focused education making it ‘not just a woman’s issue’
 Create a poster displaying the changes in the views about drinking while pregnant during last few decades
(how was it viewed in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, etc.)
#2, 9137 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 3T2
Phone: 780.940.7108
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Soc iety
If we have unlimited funds goals:
 More community educators like Leca
 More programs in schools about FASD starting at a younger age, implement it in the curriculum
 Interactive learning such as a poster contest with prizes either cash or a classroom pizza party idea
 Having information on alcohol bottles as well as facts about FASD
 A way to ensure that basic needs are being met because why would someone stop drinking, if that is their way
of coping, if they do not have a place to live or food to eat
 Peer mentoring through story sharing
 Include individuals with FASD in program planning and implementation
 More drop-in like services that are less regulated
 Some way of getting information out to the public about what a lifelong disability looks like (potentially use
statistics such as such…and such a percentage of youth who graduate, never maintain steady employment,
 Awareness and education to public to make it ok for people to admit that they drank while pregnant
 Education / preparation for the Conversation Piece
 Identify what needs are – create a standard
 Consistency
 Let Network know of needed services – allow for networking
 Case consultation to assist individuals
 Agency updates – need more information as to what each agency does
 Education training and targeting – lunch and learn, video conferencing etc.
 Resources can be put on blog
 Pump up blog and social media – have agencies put a link to the blog on their websites
 Caregiver involvement – educate everyone
 Link with other learning opportunities such as: Foster Parent Conference, Learning and Literacy Day
Conference, Aboriginal Awareness conferences