www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Amenities toilets, showers rest areas refreshments security at the Control Centre registering in and out ID numbers and badges evacuation First Aid Officers / First Aid Kits www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Site Entry Advice personal details emergency contacts medical questionnaire dietary requirements First Aid qualifications vaccinations contact with animals declaration skills questionnaire – licences to be sighted www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Update of operation Nature of the outbreak and progress of the eradication/control campaign The effect of the exotic disease on human health www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Control Centres NCC National Coordination Centre • Established by DAFF (Dept of Agric, Fisheries & Forestry) • Coordination on a National level SDCHQ State Disease Control Headquarters • The emergency operations centre that directs the disease control operations across the State LDCC • • • • • • FCP Local Disease Control Centre Determine the source Define the extent Eradicate outbreaks Control the spread Record & value animals, property & money spent Report back to SDCHQ Forward Command Post • Subsidiary of the LDCC established in remote areas www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Sections SDCHQ Operations - Red ID badges Planning - Yellow ID badges Logistics - Blue ID badges LDCC VI Veterinary Investigations ) IPOPS Infected Premises Operations ) - Red ID badges RAMS Restricted Area Movement & Security ) Planning - Yellow ID badges Logistics - Blue ID badges www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Terms SP - Suspect Premises • Contains suspect animals • Subject to quarantine & surveillance IP - Infected Premises • Where disease exists or is believed to exist • Subject to control & control procedures RA - Restricted Area • An area around an infected premises subject to surveillance & movement controls CA - Control Area • A declared area in which defined conditions apply (a bigger area than the RA & usually of a lesser intensity than the restricted area) www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Section Training specific job training detailed OH&S risk assessments to be acknowledged personal protective equipment (PPE) will be issued and explained biosecurity and how to decontaminate SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) to be adopted to maintain consistency (our business rules) structured hand-overs identify right person for the right job skills matrix www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Standard Operating Procedures SOP’s to be adopted An SOP is a set of instructions - our business rules Why we need SOP’s To maintain consistency with the job Improve effectiveness Improve efficiency Manage risks and improve safety An SOP details What we need to do - Application/Scope What we require to do it - Resources Risks involved - Warnings How we will do it - Procedure Additional information - other SOP’s, policies, procedures etc to refer to - References www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Communication Messages are recorded in writing and forwarded quickly – Record of Conversation form Fax cover sheet Register of Incoming/Outgoing Faxes Event Log Task Request form Situation Reports (SITREP) Hyperlink to Record of Conversation: http://wwwi.agric.nsw.gov.au/extranet/eadforms/logistics-message- conversatio.doc?MIvalObj=26604&doctype=document&MItypeObj=appli cation/doc&name=/logistics-message-conversatio.doc www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Task Request Form request a resource or a task be specific what how many when where how much authorised numbered and recorded in the Task Request register Hyperlink to Task Request form: http://wwwi.agric.nsw.gov.au/extranet/eadforms/logistics-taskrequest.xls?MIvalObj=26606&doctype=document&MItypeObj=applicat ion/xls&name=/logistics-task-request.xls www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Conditions of Employment Department Staff ‘Exotic Disease Award’ – on old Agriculture intranet http://wwwi.agric.nsw.gov.au/intranet/emplycond/exotic1.htm Emergency Management worksheet: for work & travel commence from when you leave home until when you arrive home Flex sheet: suspended enter 7 hours each day manually load LIL onto flex sheet www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Conditions of Employment Department Staff Standard hours: 35 hpw staff - 8:30am to 4:00pm (30 min lunch) 38 hpw staff - 7:30am to 4:00pm (30 min lunch) + 1 RDO every 4 wks Overtime: must be directed & approved calculated at OT rates Travel time: claim as single time (regardless of weekend or PH) taken as LIL only (not paid) max claim 8 hrs per day www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Timesheet / Worksheet everyone must complete a record of attendance complete on a daily basis signed by supervisor every day approved by delegated officer when completed hand in after period of work or when worksheet is full keep a copy to transfer LIL to flex sheet http://intranet.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/file/20143/exotic_disease_worksheet.xls www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Travel to and from LDCC Department Staff Code approval P R I O R to travel - from Controller, Director, Logistics Manager or Administration Officer actual expenses claimed (no sustenance) retain receipts for accommodation, meals, taxi or train fares etc incidental expense allowance – to cover phone calls home, laundry, toiletries etc www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Restrictions not be affected by alcohol whilst on duty no illegal drugs smoke free zone refer media to Director or designated officer use only dedicated phone for calls home www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Code of Conduct respect integrity ethical efficiency discrimination fairness and equity www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Confidentiality Protect confidential information Official information must not be used for personal benefit May cause harm or give an improper advantage Can undermine the integrity and credibility of the operation www.dpi.nsw.gov.au The Media Media and PR staff at the Control Centre Normally by invitation of the Director, Operations Manager or Media Liaison Unit Do not answer any questions - refer them to the delegated officer Treat media courteously www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Taking Breaks Breaks during shift every 5 hours during work hours Breaks between shifts 8 or 10 hours between shifts Breaks between rosters rest time covered by recreation, flex, extended leave (leave application required) www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Welfare Critical incident stress NORMAL reaction by a NORMAL person to an ABNORMAL situation Look after – self , fellow worker, property owner and family, community Refer concerns to – supervisor personnel staff Chaplain counsellor www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Reactions to stress change in sleep pattern fatigue hyperactivity / underactivity changes in health - appetite/headaches/digestion difficulty concentrating / solving problems / making decisions memory disturbance repetitive thoughts about an incident flashbacks www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Occupational Health & Safety all workers come under WorkCover NSW legislation safety policy for the prevention of work place accidents and illness must not be breached - NO EXCEPTIONS who is responsible? everybody – • management, workers, visitors, contractors OH&S officer www.dpi.nsw.gov.au OH&S SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES – if it doesn’t appear safe “DON’T DO IT”! take reasonable care of the health & safety of yourself and other persons at the workplace use and care for equipment provided for health and safety - including personal protective equipment report all work related accidents, illnesses, dangerous near-misses, unsafe working practices or conditions to your supervisor obey instructions in relation to OH&S comply with OH&S policies www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Accidents / Injury Work related accidents, injuries and illnesses must be reported IMMEDIATELY to your supervisor Report of Injury book must be completed Forms are in triplicate: 1. Report of Injury Form (white) - goes to Logistics for all injuries 2. 48 Hour Notification form (blue) – goes to Logistics for an injury or illness treated by a Doctor or time is lost 3. Report of Injury Form (yellow) – remains in the book Workers Compensation claim form – only when requested by Dept or insurer www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Staying Informed DEBRIEFINGS at least once a day, start and end of each shift • • • • current situation what has to be done who how INFORMATION DISPLAYS continually updated • rosters, maps, newsletters, accommodation, meals, etc www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Getting to and from work transport provided from accommodation to work Department car, hire car, bus, taxi no cost to staff request receipt www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Motor vehicles current drivers licence NSW road rules apply only persons involved in the operation no smoking in vehicles complete Motor Vehicle Running Sheet fuel cards what to do in an accident vehicle is under warranty www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Accommodation Organised & paid for by Control Centre Private phone calls and mini bar expenses at own expense - pay directly to motel A dedicated phone is available at the Centre for staff to make regular phone calls home contractors pay for ALL phone calls www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Meals Morning/afternoon tea and lunch is provided advise special dietary requirements sign on sheets for each meal www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Non attendance notify supervisor if you are unable to attend work for any reason Department staff: must be covered by leave application recreation leave application at least 1 shift before taking Supervisor recommends, Director approves www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Cessation of Exercise Site Departure Advice completed by everyone available from Supervisor/Logistics exit interview with supervisor - return assets & completed worksheet adequate recovery break before recommencing normal duties Department staff - LIL or recreation leave is used to cover absence Hyperlink to Site Departure Advice form: http://wwwi.agric.nsw.gov.au/extranet/eadforms/eadp-site-departadvice.xls?MIvalObj=27633&doctype=document&MItypeObj=application/xls&name=/eadp -site-depart-advice.xls www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Golden Rules make sure you have the authority write it down date and time ( DTG ) if you start a task - finish it www.dpi.nsw.gov.au