
Orientation Workshop!
An orientation to your first quarter at De Anza College
Part 1: Slides 1-25 are integrated in the 2 hour (live) workshop with a
My Portal demonstration and a question & answer session.
Part 2: Slides 26-47 are designed for independent review
This presentation contains links to additional information.
Part 1
Welcome New Students!
Thank you for choosing De Anza College. The faculty, staff,
administration and student body are here to help you achieve your
personal, educational and career goals.
We have many programs and services to assist you on your college
journey and you will be introduced to a few of them in this
Getting Started
The purpose of this presentation is to help you
choose your first quarter classes at De Anza College.
The presentation is designed to be used in a workshop
with a counselor or advisor facilitator. It is available on
the Counseling website for review.
New requirements for priority registration go into
effect Fall 2014.
Today you will:
Learn about the basic functions in
Learn how to plan your first quarter classes
using Degree Works in
Learn how to register for your first quarter
classes in
There will be a few minutes after the presentation for
some quick questions and answers.
Detailed questions about certificates, degrees and
transfer requirements will be addressed in the
Orientation to College (COUN 200) course.
An overview of
Find the My Portal link on the De Anza website
Get your registration
See Placement Test
Look up Schedule of
Add or Drop Classes
Follow Waitlist Process
Add a Class with an
Add Code
Request P/NP grade
View Your Class
Update Personal
Degree Works
a) will be demonstrated later in this
b) view video tutorials under the
Student Tab in My Portal.
Three steps to a successful first quarter:
Step 1: Assessment (Take Placement Tests!)
Step 2: Abbreviated Ed Plan in Degree Works
Step 3: Register for classes in
registration date.
on your
STEP 1: Assessment
Students must take placement tests before they
register in the following courses:
MATH (Math)
 EWRT (English Writing)
 ESL (English as a Second Language)
There are several course levels within these subjects and we
want you to begin at the appropriate level.
Take Math and English courses as soon as possible!
Take Placement Tests Seriously!
Prepare! Prepare! Prepare!
1. Carefully review the Placement Test Checklist for
critical information including Retest policies.
2. Go to the Assessment Center website to make
your placement test appointments.
3. Take the appropriate placement tests! Tests have different
time limitations: EWRT, ESL and MATH
To check your placement test results:
Go to My Portal
Click on the Registration tab
Click on See My Placement Test Results
You’re almost ready to start your Education Plan!
Once you receive your Math, English (or ESL) placement results
your next step is to create a first quarter “Abbreviated”
Education Plan in Degree Works.
An Abbreviated Ed Plan is one of the things you need to qualify
for early registration.
Your Abbreviated Ed Plan should first include Math, English (or
ESL) courses. Next you can add General Education or Major
courses if there is room on your class schedule.
You are considered a full-time student when registered in 12 or
more units. Don’t take too many units your first quarter.
Degree Works
Degree Works is a software program that tracks your progress
towards a De Anza certificate or Associate Degree.
For example - If your goal is to obtain an Associate Degree in
Nursing, Degree Works shows all the courses you need to complete
(and those you have completed). You will never have to ask, “What
courses am I supposed to take?”
In Degree Works, you can plan your future courses and
check them off as you complete them.
Degree Works continued ...
All of De Anza’s certificates and degrees are listed in Degree
100% of the course requirements for these certificates and degrees
are listed.
Transfer students and Degree Works
Students who plan to transfer to UC or CSU can check
transfer progress in Degree Works for the following:
a) transfer General Education patterns
b) transferable unit counts
c) transferable GPA reports
These reports are to be used as a general guide only. Transfer
information changes on a frequent basis. Stay informed. Be
responsible. Visit the websites of your targeted universities for new and
changing information. Please visit the Counseling Department for
Transfer students and Degree Works continued ...
Warning: In most instances, Degree Works does not list the
courses a transfer student must complete in order to meet
their “college major” requirements. These courses are
UC and CSU transfer students will find these major
requirements at ASSIST.org
STEP 2: Abbreviated Ed Plan
Before you create your first quarter Education Plan in
Degree Works make sure your major is chosen
appropriately in
To change your major:
click on the Registration Tab
Click Update My Major/Educational Goal
Choose a specific major (not undecided) from the scroll down list.
College majors found in Degree Works
The majors found in Degree Works include all of De
Anza’s Certificates and Associate Degrees, as well as a few
transfer degrees.
If your goal is to obtain a certificate or Associate Degree
from De Anza College, then choose one of these options.
Certificates and Associate Degrees
Associate Degree in Liberal Arts
Since most transfer majors are not listed in Degree Works, we suggest
that transfer students choose the Liberal Arts Degree for their major.
During your COUN 200 course (or during your first quarter) a counselor or
advisor may advise you to change your major as we learn more about your
The Liberal Arts Degree has four areas of emphasis. Choose the area of
emphasis that closely matches your transfer major. For example, a transfer
student majoring in Psychology would choose the Social and Behavioral
Sciences emphasis.
Students who haven’t decided on a major are also advised to choose the
Liberal Arts Degree.
A tip about your first quarter Education Plan
Remember to plan your Math and English (or ESL) courses first!
Should these courses not be available you may register for other
needed courses such as General Education courses. These
courses will be seen on your Degree Works Planner Worksheet.
You may take these courses as long as you meet the course prerequisites.
Prerequisite vs Advisory
The course description lists prerequisites and advisories. This means
there may be other courses or requirements that you may need to
meet before you register for a course.
Prerequisite: Other courses or requirements must be met
before registering in the class. It is required.
Advisory: The faculty recommends that other courses or
requirements be completed before registering in the class.
It is recommended.
Co-requisite: Another course must be taken in conjunction
with the course. They are both taken at the same time.
The Degree Works Ed Plan Demonstrated
A live Education Plan demonstration is provided in the
workshop featuring Lady Gaga, our newest student.
Helpful Resources:
♦ Abbreviated Education Plan Guide: step by step
instructions for all students including transfer students.
♦ Degree Works Assistance and Video Tutorials.
STEP 3: Register for classes in
on your registration date!
Look up your registration date
Register for Classes (instructions)
You now know:
How to Plan your first quarter in
Degree Works as soon as you obtain
your placement results.
How to Register for courses in
on your registration date.
Part 2
The workshop ends at this point, but there are other
academic expectations new students need to know.
The remaining slides will touch on these topics:
• Paying fees and attending class
• Adding and dropping class deadlines
• Financial Aid
• Tutoring and Student Success Programs
• Transferring credit from other colleges
• The COUN 200 course
Pay Your Fees!
 Fees
are due at the time of registration
 You
may be dropped from your classes if
you do not pay on time
Attend Class!
You must attend the first class meeting on time
or you may be dropped from the class.
It is your responsibility to drop classes using
or you may receive an F grade.
There are several types of Drop Deadlines.
See the: Academic Calendar
Repeating courses!
Be careful about sub-standard grades: D, F, NP (No Pass)
and W (Withdraw).
Students may attempt a course no more than three
This includes courses that are taken at De Anza College
and/or Foothill College.
Study at least 2 hours per unit every week to do well in
your courses.
Example: HIST 17A (a 4 unit course)
You will attend class 4 hours per week
You should plan 8 hours of homework time
Academic and Progress Probation
Academic Probation: A student who has
attempted at least 18 quarter units and has a
cumulative GPA below 2.00
 Progress Probation: A student who has enrolled
in at least 18 quarter units and has not
completed at least 50% of classes
 Probation students will be subject to
completing a required intervention
 Students on probation for more than 2 quarters
will lose their priority registration
What about courses that I completed at other colleges?
New York University
West Valley College
Evergreen Valley College
University of Michigan
National Taiwan University
I took Elementary Algebra at West Valley,
may I take Intermediate Algebra at De Anza?
West Valley College
Elementary Algebra
De Anza College
Intermediate Algebra
To request a prerequisite clearance for courses
(based on courses completed at another college)
submit a Prerequisite Clearance Request.
Will De Anza give me credit for the courses that
I completed at other U.S. colleges?
U.S. transcript evaluation: Attach your official
transcripts to the Transcript Evaluation Request form
and submit to Admissions and Records.
Allow 3 months for the evaluation.
Will De Anza give me credit for the courses I
completed at colleges outside the U.S.?
Review the Foreign Transcript Evaluation
Information Sheet
A foreign transcript evaluation: Must first be
evaluated by an authorized evaluation agency such
as ECE.org. A Course by Course evaluation is needed.
Services and Resources!
Financial Aid including the BOG fee waiver
Financial aid is available to qualifying students. Federal and state
government guidelines apply. Make sure you understand your
responsibilities if you receive financial aid.
Student Success Center
Academic assistance to help you succeed.
Transfer Planning
Yes, we can help you transfer!
Counseling and Advising
Walk-in advising, counseling appointments, success classes, etc.
Services and Resources continued ...
Campus Virtual Tour
Frequently Asked Questions
Online Advisor
Career Services
Student Health Services
Veterans Services
Visit the Student Services link to see these services and more!
COUN 200 – Orientation to College
Course retitled to “Introduction to College” in Fall 14
Learn about:
You will learn how to create a
Comprehensive Education Plan!
How to obtain a Certificate, Associate Degree or how to Transfer to a four year
Different General Education Patterns for De Anza, CSU, and UC
Minimum GE requirements for high units majors
What are high unit majors? (Is your major one?)
COUN 200 continued ...
Major Requirements and where to find them
The difference between Associate’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, etc.
Transfer Admission Agreements (and Associate Degrees for transfer)
How to choose a major and career resources
Meet new students and begin making connections
COUN 200 continued ...
Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and Advisories
Course numbering (which courses transfer, which courses apply to a degree)
GPA requirements for degrees and transfer
Student government and student clubs
Take a campus tour and learn about important campus resources and
Once again, welcome to De Anza College!
7 review questions follow
Review Questions:
Q: Where do I get my date and time to register for
Q: Where do I add or drop classes?
Q: Where do I find my placement test results?
Q: Where do I make an online appointment to take my
MATH, EWRT or ESL placement tests?
A: Make an online appointment with the Assessment
Q: What courses should I take ASAP?
EWRT (English)
ESL (English as a Second Language)
MATH (Mathematics)
COUN 200 (Introduction to College)
Q: I took CHEM 1A at another college and now want to
enroll in CHEM 1B at De Anza, what form do I submit?
A: Submit the Pre-requisite Clearance form to the
Assessment Center.
Q: Will De Anza give me credit for courses taken at other
U.S. colleges?
A: Possibly. If they are equivalent. Submit a Transcript
Evaluation request form with your official transcripts to
Admissions and Records.
For transcripts outside the U.S. a course-by-course Foreign Transcript Evaluation
must be completed first. We suggest using ECE.org
The End
This Getting Started PowerPoint presentation
can be found on the De Anza Counseling