Michigan Partner E-Blast

May 9 - 22, 2013
Science Matters Network in Michigan eBlast
In this E-Blast
The Science Matters Network in Michigan
Another FREE Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Citizen Science
b. Who is David Bydlowski and What Does He Do?
Michigan Teachers Win National Awards
d. Michigan Teachers and Students Are Winners in the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge
Congratulations to the 2012-2013 eCYBERMISSION Michigan Winners
Michigan Department of Education
The Next Generation Science Standards Have Been Released
b. A Message from Rodger Epp on Interim Assessments and Assessment with the NGSS
Registration Now Open for NGSS Rollout
d. Upcoming Deadlines
Information for Students (and Parents too!)
Summer Solstice Snapshot
b. Earth Island Institute’s Brower Youth Award
Free Fishing Weekend this June
d. Upcoming Deadlines
Grants and Opportunities for K-12 Teachers
Potential Grants, Scholarships, and Awards Provided by Project WET
b. Apply for a MI Learning MACUL Grant
Supplement Your Stretched Budget
d. NASA Galileo Educator Network PD Opportunity
Action Research Project Grant for K-12 Teachers
g. Upcoming Deadlines
Information for K-12 Teachers
Thirteen-Item Quiz from Smithsonian and PEW Research: What do you know about science?
b. MSU Foundations of Science MOOC Registration Now Open
Reading for Science Literacy
d. Science Songs
Send Your Name to Mars
Be a Catalyst for Inspired Teaching
g. Fuel the Creative STEM Process
h. Reveal the Personal Side of Science
Learn STEM by Doing and SMILE
The Essential Principles and Concepts of Ocean Science
k. Tree Identification Guide
Upcoming Deadlines
Ideas from the Twitterverse
Information for High School Teachers
MIT MOOC Mechanics Review
b. High School Teachers Needed for Weather and Climate Assessment
Vernier Summer Workshop in Detroit
d. Upcoming Deadline
Information for Middle School and High School Teachers
Upcoming Deadlines
Information for Middle School Science Teachers
BSCS Recruiting MS Teachers to Field Test Allergies and Scientific Inquiry Materials
b. Middle School Chemistry
Upcoming Deadlines
Information for Elementary and Middle School Science Teachers
STEM Camp for Grades 5 - 8
Science Humor – Funny Science Sayings Found on T-Shirts
April Contest Winners
May Contest – Win a $10 iTunes Card
Here are your science education resources and announcements for May 9 - 22, 2013 provided by the Michigan
Science Matters Network. Please forward this eBlast on to other science educators in your school/district. If you
have questions or comments, please forward them to:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
David Bydlowski
Michigan Coordinator—Science Matters Network
Sue Campbell
MSTA Representative
Please Note: If you do not receive the full e-blast you can view it at:
or request a Word/pdf version by emailing: bydlowd@resa.net
----------------------------------------------------------------1. Leadership
“Building a great tradition is more rewarding than having one.”
J.R. Slaughter
Thank you to Herm Boatin, Science consultant and lecturer, University of Michigan-Dearborn, for contributing this
leadership quote.
----------------------------------------------------------------The Science Matters Network In Michigan
----------------------------------------------------------------2a. Another Free Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Citizen Science
I hope you will enjoy this free gift that you can access in the NSTA Learning Center. The gift is a set of resources
on the topic of “STEM Clubs.” To access just visit:
Enjoy the following free resources:
 Be a Citizen Scientist
 Collaboration with Community Partners
 Why Societal Issues Belong in Science Class
 Community-Based Inquiry Lessons
 Environmental Research Puts Science Into Action
 Measuring River Pollution
 Saving the Salmon
If you have not joined the NSTA Learning Center yet, just look at your invitation, emailed to you on April 22, 2013.
If you would like your invitation sent directly to you, just send an email to:
and an invitation will be sent directly to you.
----------------------------------------------------------------2b. Who is David Bydlowski and What Does He Do?
Over the past few years, I have been very happy to produce the Michigan Science Matters Network eBlast and be
the State Coordinator for the Michigan Science Matters Network, but many people have no idea who I am.
Recently, I presented a booth presentation for GLOBE at the NSTA Conference in San Antonio. GLOBE was nice
enough to video it and present it online. If you have a few minutes, you might like to check it out. Thank you for
being part of the Michigan Science Matters Network. It is a pleasure to be able to provide you with a
communication link to MSTA and NSTA.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
GLOBE Partner, David Bydlowski talks about a unique way of engaging students to learn about satellites and
remote sensing through the use of kites and GLOBE Atmosphere and Land Cover protocols. To view the video,
please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------2c. Michigan Teachers Win National Awards
The 2013 NSTA Teacher Awards Program honors K–12 teachers, principals, professors and other science education
professionals for their outstanding work and achievement in science education. NSTA presented its highest and most
prestigious award, the Robert H. Carleton Award, to former NSTA President Dr. John E. Penick, professor emeritus,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina. The Robert H. Carleton Award, sponsored by the Dow
Chemical Company, recognizes one individual who has made outstanding contributions to, and provided leadership
in, science education at the national level and to NSTA in particular. The awards were presented at a special banquet
and ceremony on Friday, April 12th, at NSTA’s National Conference on Science Education in San Antonio.
Another educator honored was June Teisan, Middle School Science Teacher at the Harper Woods Secondary School
in Harper Woods, MI. She received the PASCO STEM Middle Level Educator Award.
Gary Koppelman, Science Teacher from the Blissfield Community Schools in Blissfield, MI and Bridgette Sparks,
Science Teacher at Saline High School, in Ann Arbor, MI received the Shell Science Teaching Awards.
Congratulations to these great Michigan Science Teachers!
-------------------------------------------------------2d. Michigan Teachers and Students Are Winners in the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge
Congratulations to the grand prize winners of the fifth annual Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge, a
national environmental sustainability competition that provides K–12 students the tools and inspiration to improve
their schools, communities, and the world through project-based learning. This year's projects addressed a wide
variety of topics, ranging from optimizing solar cells for sustainable use to developing a district-wide paperrecycling plan to creating a mosquito reduction initiative to decrease the population of mosquitoes.
Under the guidance of a teacher or mentor, K–12 students were tasked with identifying an environmental issue in
their schools, communities or world and creating a replicable green solution using web-based curriculum tools. In
addition to several other prizes, the high school grand prize–winning team received $50,000 in scholarship money to
divide among team members and a chance to present their project at a prestigious venue. Each student on the middle
school grand prize–winning team received a $10,000 saving bond and a Discovery adventure trip to Costa Rica.
Elementary school winners received a Discovery Education assembly focusing on sustainability and a grant for their
High School Third Place National Winners are:
The DTEP Design Firm
Skyline High School, Ann Arbor, MI
Students – Andrew Burns, Densu Dixon, and Swagat Tripathy
Teacher/Mentor – Thomas Pachera
Description of Project -- The HydroPod is an innovative solar water distiller, which uses the heat and UV light from
the sun to create clean, fresh drinking water. Made of 100% recycled plastic, the HydroPod evaporates water while
collecting the condensed remnants, eliminating all deadly bacteria and viruses.
High School Finalists included:
The Honorable Mooses
Troy High School, Troy, MI
Teacher/Mentor – Roberta Zynda
Description of the Project -- In their project, they made multiple changes to their school’s lunches; they
implemented new programs for the recycling of bottles in the lunchroom, recycling brown paper bags, and also
providing plastic trays instead of foam plates. With these improvements, they were able to significantly reduce their
school's trash output and increase recycling output, ultimately reducing the amount of trash put into landfills.
Middle School Finalists included:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
St. John Fenton
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School, Fenton, MI
Teacher/Mentor – Jean King
Description of the Project -- Their project is broken into three parts; first the making of the compost material, second
a new urban composting program that is derived from the collection of compost material from the community and
incorporate it into their compost and in-earth process in large scale gardening/ farming, and third the main study
using the compost material to prove that composting can make a difference. They will also discuss the biology of
composting in the timeframe required to reach mature usable compost material for gardening.
Congratulations to all of the winners!!!!
-------------------------------------------------------2e. Congratulations to the 2012 – 2013 eCYBERMISSION Michigan Winners
Nearly 300 student teams from across the country were named state winners in the 11th annual eCYBERMISSION
competition, one of several science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) initiatives offered by the Army
Educational Outreach Program (AEOP). The competition drew 21,345 students this year, and state winners' projects
covered topics such as educational video games, garbage disposal, and improving safety at school. Here is a list of
the Michigan Winners:
6th Grade Winners
1st Place: Fierce 4, Parcells Middle, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Team Advisor: Chris Geerer
Team Members: Joseph Rheaume, Vivian Liagre, Rachel Sexton, Christopher Lorelli
2nd Place: TicTok BOOM, Parcells Middle, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Team Advisor: Chris Geerer
Team Members: Connor Albrecht, Katelyn Loporto, Alexander Brown Baker, Nicolas Volpe
8th Grade Winners
**1st Place: Allergenies, Chander, Canton, MI
Team Advisor: Bala Chander
Team Members: Harish Chander, Shrila Rajendran, Sameed Khan
2nd Place:Sour Patch Kidz, Saint Joseph School, Lake Orion, MI
Team Advisor: Sue Tyner
Team Members: Sarah Falkowski, Nicholas Marini, Olivia Packard, Ryan Tomaszewski
9th Grade Winners
**1st Place: BSN, Academic Center for Tech Sciences, Farmington Hills, MI
Team Advisor: Kumar Narayanan
Team Members: Ashwath Muruganand, Prakash Kumar, Joshen Patel
2nd Place: Virtual Villans, Macomb Math Science Tech Center, Warren, MI
Team Advisor: Mark Supal
Team Members: Brendan Maletski, Philip Gutzman, Mohammed Saquib
** Denotes a Regional Finalist Team
----------------------------------------------------------------Michigan Department of Education
----------------------------------------------------------------3a. The Next Generation Science Standards Have Been Released
After several rounds of public input, the first major overhaul of the national standards for science teaching in 15
years has just been released. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) call for sweeping changes in the way
science is taught in the United States, emphasizing hands-on learning and critical scrutiny of scientific evidence. The
standards are organized in three dimensions: key concepts, crosscutting concepts and practices. Key concepts are
broadly important and teachable over a series of years, such as the subject of climate change, which gets more
complex as students build on their knowledge. The second dimension is crosscutting concepts, ideas that span the
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
scientific disciplines such as energy and matter, cause and effect or systems. Lastly, students will be expected to
understand the practice of science, undertaking scientific inquiry and comparing the practices of science with those
of engineers. Learn more about the Next Generation Science Standards by reading the FAQ, watching a video
showing how to read the standards or checking out the document showing how content included in the standards
progresses from kindergarten through grade 12.
To view the website and download the standards, please visit:
To access the FAQ’s, please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------3b. A Message From Rodger Epp on Interim Assessments and Assessment and the NGSS
The following is a message from MDE's Rodger Epp:
"Should the State Board of Education adopt NGSS at its May 14th meeting (or after), that the upcoming Fall ’13
MEAP and Spring ’14 MME for science will remain aligned to the current science GLCEs and HSCEs. Full
implementation of NGSS into Michigan science assessment would take about 3 years after Board adoption.
Also by the May 18th meeting, MDE will be close to, if not done, with the Spring ’13 pilot run of grade level 3
through 7 and the high school course Interim Assessment (IA). We plan to carry out further IA piloting come Fall
among schools.
Lastly, the 30-day period for public comment regarding whether to adopt NGSS is currently running. The comment
period runs through May 8th. Input from the public made through the survey link below will be compiled and
provided to Board member before their meeting."
----------------------------------------------------------------3c. Registration Now Open for NGSS Rollout
Enroll Now and Spread the Word
May 28, 2013 7am-3pm
Kellogg Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing,MI
Register Now at:
Join science educators and leaders from throughout Michigan for this must-attend event! A day-long session will
introduce the proposed Next Generation Science Standards, which are currently pending adoption by the Michigan
State Board of Education in May. School administrators, teachers, teacher preparation/certification faculty, and
other educational leaders should plan to attend.
The agenda will include:
* An overview of Michigan’s Next Generation Science Standards
* Interactive breakouts by grade level
* Subject-specific sessions to gain a deeper understanding of the standards
* Special presentations by: Stephen Pruitt, Achieve Inc., Joseph Krajcik, CREATE for STEM, Michigan State
University, Mike Flanagan, Michigan Department of Education and other educational leaders.
CEUs will be available. For more information contact: Renee Bayer (rbayer@msu.edu) or Sue Codere
----------------------------------------------------------------3d. Upcoming Deadlines
May 28, 2013: Michigan NGSS Rollout at the Kellogg Center in East Lansing. Please visit:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Students (and Parents too!)
-------------------------------------------------------4a. Summer Solstice Snapshot
The 2nd Annual Summer Solstice Snapshot is just around the corner! Are your trees in full leaf? Wildflowers
blooming? As the summer solstice nears, join us in our campaign and use the extra daylight make and share
observations of plants in your area! For more information, visit Summer Solstice Snapshot
-------------------------------------------------------4b. Earth Island Institute’s Brower Youth Award
The Earth Island Institute’s Brower Youth Award recognizes youth aged 13–22 for their outstanding activism and
achievements in the fields of environmental and social justice advocacy. The institute is looking for individuals with
vision, motivation and leadership skills. The impact of their advocacy should be demonstrated by how their projects
benefited the environment and community in terms of measurable results (e.g., acres of wildlife habitat protected or
restored, number of people engaged in environmental issues because of the project, numbers of children no longer
exposed to toxins). Each of the six recipients of the Brower Youth Awards will receive a $3,000 cash prize, a trip to
California for the awards ceremony and a wilderness camping trip.
Deadline: May 13, 2013
Please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------4c. Free Fishing Weekend This June
Michigan offers numerous outdoor recreation opportunities during the summer months – with a popular one being
fishing. To encourage participation in this activity, they are gearing up for the annual Summer Free Fishing
Weekend, to be held Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9.
This annual tradition allows residents and out-of-state visitors to enjoy fishing on both inland and Great Lakes
waters for all species for FREE! With no fishing license required, what better time to get outdoors to create your
next fishing adventure? Please note all fishing regulations still apply during that time.
If you want to join a scheduled Free Fishing event, simply visit:
and click on the official event list link. Please note the event list is updated weekly.
----------------------------------------------------------------4d. Upcoming Deadlines
May 13, 2013: Deadline for students 13-22 to apply for the Earth Island Institute’s Brower Youth Award. Please
May 30, 2013: Deadline for K-12 Students to enter the Popular Science Science Fair. Please visit:
June 8 – 9, 2013: Michigan Free Fishing Weekend. Please visit:
June 10, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder Contest. Please visit:
June 22, 2013: Great American Backyard Campout. Please visit:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
June 25 – 27, 2013: Grandparents, Grandkids, Grand Valley Summer Camp at Grand Valley State University.
Please visit:
July 1, 2013: Deadline for high school students to apply for the Secretary of Transportation’s Recognizing Aviation
and Aerospace Innovation in Science and Engineering (RAISE) Award. Please visit:
July 31, 2013: Deadline to share a Summer Solstice Snapshot. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Grants and Opportunities For K-12 Teachers
-------------------------------------------------------5a. Potential Grants, Scholarships, and Awards Provided by Project WET
The following grants, scholarships, and awards may be of interest to you. Please be award that many have rapidly
approaching deadlines. This list is provided by Project WET. You can learn more about Project WET, by visiting:
Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) 2013-2014
WaterSMART: Cooperative Watershed Management Program Grants for FY 2013
NOAA's Restoration Center Great Lakes Restoration in the Manistique River Area of Concern
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program
Ocean Sciences Research Initiation Grants
WRP Wetland Restoration Assistance
-------------------------------------------------------5b. Apply for a MI Learning MACUL Grant
Are you ready to create new 24/7 learning resources for your students? Apply now for a $500 MACUL Grant for
creating 10 quality video or screencast learning resources for a new curriculum collection on MI Learning on iTunes
U. Applications will be accepted and reviewed in an ongoing basis through June 2013. The applicants who are
selected must post resources by August 15, 2013. Apply at www.macul.org/milearning/
-------------------------------------------------------5c. Supplement Your Stretched Budget
GetEdFunding is CDW-G’s new website to help educators and institutions find the funds they need to supplement
already stretched budgets. GetEdFunding is a free and fresh resource, which hosts a collection of more than 1,300
grants and other funding opportunities culled from federal, state, regional and community sources and available to
public and private, preK–12 educators, schools and districts, higher education institutions and nonprofit
organizations that work with them. The site offers customized searches by six criteria, including 41 areas of focus,
eight content areas and any of the 21st century themes and skills that support your curriculum. Once you are
registered on the site, you can save the grants of greatest interest and then return to read about them at any time.
Please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------5d. NASA Galileo Educator Network PD Opportunity
The NASA Galileo Educator Network (GEN), a professional development program in Astronomy and Space
Science, is accepting applications for a Professional Development Institute (PDI) this fall. Funded by a grant from
NASA, the Galileo Educator Network is developed and managed by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, and its
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
partners the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO), the National Earth Science Teachers Association
(NESTA), and the New Jersey Astronomy Center.
The PDI takes place on Saturday and Sunday, September 28-29, 2013 at the Orlando Science Center, Orlando,
Florida. This opportunity is FREE for accepted participants. The deadline to apply is June 24, 2013.
Geared towards teacher leaders, teacher educators, and PD providers, participants become NASA Galileo Educator
Fellows after completing the 15-hour PDI. This GEN PDI emphasizes the integration of science content, science
practices, and the nature of science as outlined in the national Framework for K–12 Science Education. Goals
include preparing participants to deliver their own GEN professional development to assist K–12 teachers with the
implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards, in the context of astronomy and space science.
PDI participants will explore:
• Classroom-tested, standards-based, and Galileo-themed astronomy investigations
• How students learn science
• Astronomy teaching resources
• NASA-developed and NASA-supported resources and science content
• How to adapt existing astronomy resources and activities to emphasize science practices and to include reflection
on the nature of science
Participants in this GEN PDI will receive (details on benefits and commitments for participants are posted at the
URL provided below):
• A $400 stipend, upon delivery of their own GEN professional development program for K-12 teachers in their
home region. GEN PD should cover a minimum of 15 contact hours for in-service and/or pre-service teachers, but
can be implemented in different ways, such as: (a) a 2-day weekend workshop, (b) a few afterschool PD sessions, or
(c) a 15-week, 1 hour-per-week course.
• Reimbursement of travel expenses for the GEN PDI in Orlando.
For more information and to apply to participate in this year’s PDI, check out the GEN web page at:
-------------------------------------------------------5e. Classwish
Let CITGO help Fuel Good in your classroom. Simply follow Step 1 at:
create a profile and your classroom supply wish list for a chance to win. More than 100 lucky classrooms among
eligible states will receive a $1,000 donation in supplies for the next school year. Registration ends July 7th, so sign
up now.
-------------------------------------------------------5f. Action Research Project Grant for K-12 Teachers
Hoenny Center Project Awards for Teachers
Purpose: Hoenny Center Project Awards are intended to promote and recognize preK-12 classroom (action) research
projects in the area of peer teaching.
Amount: A maximum of five awards will be given yearly—up to $500 per project.
1. Send an email to:
teachers@hoennycenter.org with information about your teaching position, contact information, and brief
description of your project idea.
2. If the project seems germane to their interests and is of sufficient scope,
3. They will email an outline and questionnaire for you to submit for your final project proposal, due July 1.
Deadline: July 1 is the deadline for receipt of final project proposals. Awards.
Go to http://www.hoennycenter.org/programs.html to get details about project expectations and sample projects
from previous years.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
---------------------------------------------------5g. Upcoming Deadlines
May 25, 2013: Deadline for K-12 teachers to apply for the ASM Materials Education Foundation Awards. Please
May 31, 2013: Deadline to enter the 2013 EE Week Photo Contest. Please visit:
June 1, 2013: Deadline for middle school educators to apply for the John H. Lounsbury Award. Please visit:
June 5, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Presidential Awards for Science, Math and Engineering Mentoring. Please
June 24, 2013: Deadline to apply for the NASA Galileo Educator PD Opportunity in Orlando, FL. Please visit:
June 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for a MI Learning MACUL Grant. Please visit:
July 1, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Action Research Project Grant from the Hoenny Center. Please send an
email to:
July 7, 2013: Deadline to enter the Classwish Grant Opportunity. Please visit:
July 19, 2013: Deadline for nominations for the Michigan Green Chemistry Awards. Please visit:
July 21 – 27, 2013: Great Lakes Education Workshop on Lake Erie. Please visit:
August 1, 2013: Deadline for 2nd through 5th year middle and high school science teachers to apply for the New
Science Teachers Academy. Please visit:
October 31, 2013: Build – A – Bear Foundation Grant. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for K-12 Science Teachers
-------------------------------------------------------6a. Thirteen-Item Quiz From Smithsonian and PEW Research: What do you know about science?
Take our 13-question quiz to test your knowledge of scientific concepts. Then see how you did in comparison with
the 1,006 randomly sampled adults asked the same questions in a national poll conducted by the Pew Research
Center and Smithsonian magazine. The analysis of the findings from the poll can be found in the full report. (No
peeking! If you are going to take the quiz, do it first before reading the analysis.)
Editors Note: I was nervous to try this test, but took it anyway. Final score – 13 out of 13  Hurrah!
-------------------------------------------------------6b. MSU Foundations of Science MOOC Registration Now Open
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Here is an exciting opportunity brought to you by Michigan State University. If you have ever wondered if aliens are
visiting the earth or if ESP or Astrology really work – then you will definitely want to check out The Foundations of
Science MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
The experience is completely online and it’s FREE and open to the general public. The course will begin on May
13th and run through June 27th.
 The course is focused not only on bolstering scientific knowledge, but enhancing critical thinking skills.
 Development team includes award-winning faculty and an experienced instructional design team to create
an exciting and rewarding learning experience.
 Development is supported by a generous grant from the Gates Foundation, aimed at making quality
educational opportunities accessible to anyone, and specifically underserved populations.
 Course content will be available through creative commons licensing, which means all participants will be
able to download all the course materials, use and re-purpose to suit their needs.
Registration is now open:
Still need more info? Check out their YouTube video at:
-------------------------------------------------------6c. Reading for Science Literacy
For more than 45 years, SB&F (Science Books & Films), AAAS’s online internationally recognized critical review
journal, has evaluated nearly 1,000 print and non-print science materials annually to find the best materials available
for all audiences from kindergarteners to college students, parents, teachers, and librarians. At this year’s AAAS
Annual Meeting in Boston, SB&F debuted its Best Books of 2012 issue featuring an editorial by Project 2061
Director Jo Ellen Roseman, a biochemist by training. Recalling the books that sparked her own early interest in
science, Roseman also notes that science has now become an important context for learning across the curriculum,
citing recommendations in the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts and in the National Research
Council’s A Framework for K-12 Science Education. “High-quality science books can not only inform, entertain
and engage young people,” writes Roseman, “they can also motivate and help young people to become better
readers, writers, and thinkers.” Read the full article Reading for Science Literacy at:
-------------------------------------------------------6d. Science Songs
Do you like science songs? If so, check out the following sites:
Have fun and sing loud!
-------------------------------------------------------6e. Send Your Name to Mars
The next NASA mission to Mars, MAVEN, is set for launch this November with arrival in Mars orbit during
September, 2014. Right now there is an opportunity to include your name, classroom name, pet name, whatever, on
a DVD that will fly to Mars orbit with the MAVEN orbiter. 60 days left before this opportunity ends. Once you
register and make your entry you will be able to print out a certificate. Please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------6f. Be a Catalyst for Inspired Teaching
The International Society for Teaching in Education (ISTE), the New Media Consortium (NMC) and HP have
created a free, online professional development initiative designed to help educators around the world teach STEMx
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
subjects. The HP Catalyst Academy will launch in June 2013 with 15 free online mini-courses taught by HP Catalyst
Fellows. The HP Catalyst Initiative coined the term “STEMx” to expand on the traditional definition of STEM
(science, technology, engineering and math) education. The “x” in STEMx refers to other disciplines, such as
computer science, nanoscience and biotech, as well as skills such as collaboration, creativity, communication,
problem solving, inquiry, computational thinking and global fluency, all of which the HP Catalyst Initiative
considers important for success in the high-tech world.
The first 15 online mini-courses available through the academy include Building a Framework for Digital
Fabrication; ClassroomSalon.org: Social Textbooks; Computational Thinking in Secondary Schools; Connecting
Students to Their World; Game Design for Learning; Geospatial Tech for STEMx Learning; Helping Students
Change Their World through App Design; InkSurvey: Graphical Response Tool for Real-Time Formative
Assessment; Multi/Interdisciplinary STEMx Teaching; Planning Enriching ICT-Mediated STEMx Experiences;
Polar Bears in a Changing Climate; Project-Based Learning with Real-World Problems; Remote Labs; Weaving
Social Media into STEM Teaching; and Strategies for Formative Assessment through e-Portfolios. Please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------6g. Fuel the Creative STEM Process
STEM-Works is an online resource for teachers, mentors, parents, STEM professionals, volunteers and everyone
else passionate about getting children eager to learn about science, technology, engineering and math. The site
provides STEM-related reading materials; links to museums, exhibits, things to do and places to visit in your area;
STEM-related subjects to explore (Crime Scene Investigations; Extreme Weather; Medical Innovations; Robotics;
Space; The Animal Kingdom; Video Games; Wind Energy) as well as cool careers that use STEM on a daily basis.
STEM-Works is a sister program to Kids Ahead, designed for middle school students.
To visit STEM-Works, please visit:
To visit Kids Ahead, please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------6h. Reveal the Personal Side of Science
The Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers is where the lab coats come off! This Emmy-nominated web series,
produced by PBS NOVA, invites students to watch videos and get to know dozens of scientists and engineers with
surprising secret lives. Presently there are 32 profiles, with many more in the seasons to come. The “Secret Life”
Teachers Guide offers ideas on how to use the “Secret Life” videos and blog posts to reveal a personal side of
science to which many students can relate. Also find tips on how to use “Secret Life” as a launching point for
discussion and further exploration. Please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------6i. Learn STEM by Doing – and SMILE
How to SMILE is an online community of educators who have vetted more than 3,400 engaging hands-on,
interactive STEM activities. (“SMILE” stands for Science and Math Informal Learning Educators.) SMILE has been
a major project at UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science and its partner institutions since 2008. How to SMILE is
a pathway (an audience-specific branch) of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL.org). With both desktop and
mobile capabilities, How to SMILE is full of activities that are both physical and virtual. Topics include Chemistry,
Mathematics, Ocean Literacy, Climate, Energy, Life Sciences, Cooking and Astronomy.
Please visit:
-------------------------------------------------------6j. The Essential Principles and Concepts of Ocean Science
The Ocean Literacy Campaign ad-hoc committee is pleased to announce the publication of a new version of “Ocean
Literacy: The Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts of Ocean Sciences for Learners of All Ages.” This
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
guide replaces the version first published in July 2005 as “Ocean Literacy: The Essential Principles and
Fundamental Concepts of Ocean Sciences K-12.”
Want a copy immediately? A version suitable for printing on letter-size paper is available online at:
Hard copies of guide, which include an 18”x 17” poster of the principles and concepts, can be requested by sending
an email to:
-------------------------------------------------------6k. Tree Identification Key
This site:
gives an advanced dichotomous key for many Eastern U.S. species trees.
----------------------------------------------------------------6l. Upcoming Deadlines
May 13, 2013: Deadline to register for the MOOC MSU Science Foundations Free Course. Please visit:
May 17, 2013: Endangered Species Day. Please visit:
May 29 – June 2, 2013: World Science Festival in New York City. Please visit:
September 1 – 6, 2013: World Water Week. Please visit:
October 4 – 5, 2013: MESTA/MAEOE Annual Conference on Belle Isle in Detroit, MI. Please visit:
October 21 – 25, 2013: Nuclear Science Week. Please visit:
November 16, 2013: MDSTA/DACTM Fall Conference at Woodhaven HS in Woodhaven, MI. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------7a. Ideas from the Twitterverse
NatSciTeachAssoc @NSTA
Congrats to the 2013 Toshiba/#NSTA #ExploraVision National Student Winners, Teachers and Mentors!
bit.ly/11Vtqjy #STEM #technology
Todd Bloch @blocht574
Why Grade? wp.me/p1Jl35-dd Grades are useless! #edchat
US Dept of Interior @Interior
Want to see the smallest #turtle in North America? Meet the bog turtle, found in certain parts of #NewJersey.
NOAA Research @NOAAResearch
Air Quality Awareness Week: Watch how #NOAA researchers solve an #ozone pollution mystery. Video at
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Daniel Rezac @drezac @EdReachUs: "Education should include detours and accidents." -Dr. Yong Zhao
http://chng.mk/909bd/tu #tltf13
Michigan Dept Edu @mieducation
Article: President Obama praises invention by MSU, Williamston students lansingstatejournal.com/article/201304…
NatSciTeachAssoc @NSTA
What's being discussed via twitter on the #NGSS? Ck out the #Storify on #NGSSchat for the latest:
storify.com/FredEnde/ngssc… #NSTA #SciChat #PD
David Bydlowski @k12science
#k12science fb.me/JwXUTVU2
Diana R. Johns @drjohns4msu
Making of Europe unlocked by DNA bbc.co.uk/news/science-e…
Ted Willard @Ted_NSTA
My favorite cartoon regarding #NGSS Implementation #ngsschat pic.twitter.com/cXUOn63aYB
NOAA Satellites @NOAASatellites
Read about this historical climate research tool: a bucket. fb.me/1VuMFQVqZ
----------------------------------------------Information for High School Science Teachers
----------------------------------------------------------------8a. MIT MOOC Mechanics ReView
So you think you know Newton? Test your understanding of classical mechanics this summer with Mechanics
ReView MOOC.
Are you one of the millions of OCW visitors who's enjoyed watching the amazing 8.01 Classical Mechanics videos
by Walter Lewin on their site? Maybe you've explored the materials from one of their other versions of this firstsemester physics course, including 8.01T—which uses the unique TEAL format—or 8.01SC, the unique self-paced
independent learning version. These courses have helped a generation of learners to appreciate the subtle beauty of
physics and see the range of ways that MIT teaches the subject.
But how well do you know mechanics, really? Do you feel confident you could actually solve classical mechanics
problems on your own? This summer, MITx presents a new opportunity to learn how to think like a physicist, how
to break problems down into manageable steps and focus on underlying principles rather than just formulas.
Mechanics ReView, a new physics MOOC that starts June 1, is designed to give you the problem-solving skills to
approach any classical mechanics problem.
Mechanics ReView was developed out of a three-week January review of classical mechanics offered to MIT
students who struggled in 8.01 Classical Mechanics, and is designed for learners with a previous exposure to
classical Newtonian mechanics. Students are taught a systematic approach to problem solving called SIM, for
System, Interaction, and Model. SIM tells students to plan a solution based on explicitly picking a System,
identifying the important Interactions, and selecting an appropriate core Model.
Don't miss this chance to take your understanding of classical mechanics to a new level. For high school physics
teachers, the course even offers continuing education credits though the American Association of Physics Teachers.
Register now. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------8b. High School Teachers Needed for Weather and Climate Assessment
Are you an earth sciences or meteorology teacher at the high school or undergraduate level? If so, Project 2061
needs your help. They are looking for teachers who are willing to have their students take a brief online test of what
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
they know about some key weather and climate concepts. To participate, students should be currently enrolled in a
high school earth sciences course (or equivalent) or an undergraduate meteorology course (or equivalent) in which
students have been taught how seasonal changes in the relationship between the earth and the sun affect hours of
daylight, maximum height of the sun in the sky, and the amount of energy a place on earth receives from the sun.
When your students take the online test, their responses will become part of a national dataset that will give a much
clearer picture of what students at different education levels understand about weather and climate and about the
prevalence and persistence of common misconceptions. The data will also help determine which assessment items
are most appropriate for students at each stage of their schooling.
The test is made up of 38 multiple choice assessment items that were originally developed by Project 2061 as part of
a study funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA). Most students are able to complete the test in less than 30 minutes. If you decide to
participate, they will send you a summary report for each group of students taking the test. Individual students will
not be identified. If you plan to offer an incentive, such as extra credit, to students for taking the test, they will be
able to print out a “receipt” to verify that they took the test once it has been completed.
How to participate. Simply go to the online registration site at:
to obtain a unique web address where your students can sign in and receive instructions on how to take the test.
That’s all there is to it! Although students can take the test at any time, it would be very helpful to have their tests
completed before the end of the current school year.
----------------------------------------------------------------8c. Vernier Summer Workshop in Detroit
School may be out for the summer, but the learning never stops at Vernier. Please join them this summer for a fullday exploration of the latest and greatest in probeware and data-collection technology.
You’ll get your hands dirty with dozens of hardware and software titles from Vernier’s award-winning line of
computer and handheld data-acquisition technology. One of their knowledgeable training specialists will work right
alongside you, providing guidance and inspiration as you explore classroom-ready labs and activities. You’ll leave
the workshop ready to excite your students’ learning with data collection.
The workshop will take place on July 26, 2013 in the Detroit area. For more information, please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------8d. Upcoming Deadlines
July 26, 2013: Vernier Workshop in the Metro Detroit Area. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle School and High School Science Teachers
----------------------------------------------------------------9a. Upcoming Deadlines
May 16 – 19, 2013: Lake Superior Youth Symposium for students in grades 8 – 12. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle School Science Teachers
----------------------------------------------------------------10a. BSCS Recruiting MS Teachers to Field Test – Allergies and Scientific Inquiry Materials
BSCS is developing a curriculum supplement titled Allergies and Scientific Inquiry for middle school students.
Supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the supplement will be composed of five
lessons focusing on food allergies, including their diagnosis and management. The lessons will be accessed through
a dedicated website.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Field–test teachers are critical in helping us design and improve programs like Allergies and Scientific Inquiry.
Teachers like you are key partners in the development process by helping us test what will benefit future teachers
and their students.
There are a limited number of field-test spaces available for the Allergies project. Prior to field-testing, selected
middle school life science teachers will participate in a webinar that describes the project and introduces teachers to
the five lessons. Teachers will receive a stipend after completing the field-test process.
The deadline for application submission is June 6, 2013. To apply, please visit:
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Mark Bloom
BSCS Science Educator
mbloom@bscs.org 719.219.4167
----------------------------------------------------------------10b. Middle School Chemistry
Investigate the world of atoms and molecules through hands-on inquiry-based activities and molecular model
animations. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------10c. Upcoming Deadlines
May 29, 2013: Deadline to register for the MEECS Climate Change Unit Training at GVSU’s Annis Water
Resources Institute in Muskegon. For more information on this workshop, contact the Regional Math and Science
Center at (616) 331.2267 or mthscctr@gvsu.edu
June 21, 2013: MEECS Climate Change Unit Training at Constitution Hall in Lansing, MI. Please visit:
June 6, 2013: Deadline to apply to be a BSCS Field Test Teacher for the Allergies Project. Please visit:
----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Elementary and Middle School Science Teachers
----------------------------------------------------------------11a. STEM Camp for Grades 5 - 8
As part of their commitment to effective STEM education for all students, Discovery Education is excited to
announce the launch of the Discovery Education STEM Camp - a dynamic series of standards-aligned curricula
available at no cost to schools, districts, non-profit organizations, and parents for use as part of summer camps,
after-school STEM programs or wherever support is needed.
Created in collaboration with leading educators, STEM Camp combines hands-on labs, engineering challenges,
digital investigations, interactive videos, and exposure to STEM careers to create compelling connections for
students between STEM learning and life. With support from partners like the Afterschool Alliance, STEM Camp is
designed to engage students outside of their classrooms and reach them both around the clock and around the world.
Their curriculum targets grades 5-8 and is designed to support the National Academy of Engineering's grand
challenges of engineering:
* Unique standards-aligned curricula built around STEM-related topics of water, urban infrastructure, and energy
* 5 full days of instruction per curriculum (40 hours)
* Designed for grades 5-8
* Each curriculum module includes: Discovery Education resources for development of content knowledge (e.g.,
videos, interactive glossary terms, explorations, and virtual labs), a series of thematic learning opportunities (handsDavid Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
on activities, engineering challenges, and digital investigations), career connections, facilitator materials, and a take
home newsletter for parents/guardians.
to access this engaging, free curricula for your STEM program and attend a webinar to learn more.
----------------------------------------------------------------Science Humor
----------------------------------------------------------------12. Funny Science Sayings Found on T-Shirts
I found this Humerous (with a humerous next to the statement).
Calculus: Yes, it is Rocket Science
Here’s Looking at Euclid!
Trust Me, I’m a Science Teacher
There are 2 kinds of science facts: 1. Those that support your point of view. 2. Those that are very hard to
I wear this shirt periodically (under the periodic table).
I enjoy Ba C O N Periodically.
Chemists Have All of the Solutions.
----------------------------------------------------------------13. April Contest Winners
In April, we gave away three $10 Panera gift cards. Here is a list of the winners:
Michael Hoekwater, Calvin Christian High School – Granville, MI
Carrie Wilkinson, Grayling Middle School – Grayling, MI
Kathleen O’Connor, University Preparatory Science and Math Middle School – Detroit, MI
If you didn’t win, try again this month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters
----------------------------------------------------------------14. May Contest – Win a $10 iTunes Card
This month we have three great prizes to give away. The prizes are 3 - $10 iTunes Gift Cards.
To win one of these prizes, send an email to:
David Bydlowski
State Coordinator for the Michigan Science Matters Network
You MUST INCLUDE your name AND mailing address AND your school name/district.
You may only enter once and only one entry per email address. Respondents 3, 13, and 23 will receive a prize. We
will post all of the winners in our next E-Blast. Good luck to you and thank you for being part of the Michigan
Science Matters Network.
If you don’t win, try again next month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters
----------------------------------------------------------------To subscribe to the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please visit:
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn
Click on Teachers, and then click on Become a Point of Contact.
To unsubscribe from the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please email David Bydlowski, Michigan
Coordinator for the Science Matters Network, at bydlowd@resa.net.
David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn