• EPIM https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence - Cancer-causing nuclear mutations/epimutations—OncoSENS 1 For the purposes of SENS, the effect of mutations and epimutations that really matters is cancer, this is because if even one cell turns into a cancer cell it might spread and become deadly https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html DNA repair - Frequencies of epimutations in DNA repair genes 1 Deficiencies in DNA repair enzymes are occasionally caused by a newly arising somatic mutation in a DNA repair gene, but are much more frequently caused by epigenetic alterations that reduce or silence expression of DNA repair genes https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Heparin sulfate - Epimerisation and 2-O-sulfation 1 Epimerisation is catalysed by one enzyme, the GlcA C5 epimerase or heparosan-Nsulfate-glucuronate 5-epimerase (). This enzyme epimerises GlcA to iduronic acid (IdoA). Substrate recognition requires that the GlcN residue linked to the nonreducing side of a potential GlcA target be N-sulfated. Uronosyl-2-O-sulfotransferase (2OST) sulfates the resulting IdoA residues. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation 1 In biology, and specifically genetics, 'epigenetics' is the study of heritable changes in gene activity that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence; it also can be used to describe the study of stable, long-term alterations in the transcriptional potential of a cell that are not necessarily heritable https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation The term also refers to the changes themselves: functionally relevant changes to the genome that do not involve a change in the nucleotide sequence 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation 1 One example of an epigenetic change in eukaryotic biology is the process of cellular differentiation https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation In 2011, it was demonstrated that the methylation of messenger RNA|mRNA plays a critical role in human energy balance (biology)|energy homeostasis. The obesity-associated FTO gene is shown to be able to demethylate N6methyladenosine in RNA. This discovery launched the subfield of RNA epigenetics. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Mechanisms 1 Several types of epigenetic inheritance systems may play a role in what has become known as cell memory, note however that not all of these are universally accepted to be examples of epigenetics. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - MicroRNAs 1 MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are members of noncoding RNAs that range in size from 17 to 25 nucleotides https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - MicroRNAs It appears that about 60% of human protein coding genes are regulated by miRNAs.Friedman RC, Farh KK, Burge CB, Bartel DP (2009) 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - sRNAs 1 Bacterial small RNA|sRNAs are small (50-250 nucleotides), highlystructured, non-coding RNA fragments found in bacteria https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Prions Prions are Infection|infectious forms of proteins 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Prions 1 Fungal prions are considered by some to be epigenetic because the infectious phenotype caused by the prion can be inherited without modification of the genome https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Structural inheritance systems In ciliates such as Tetrahymena and Paramecium, genetically identical cells show heritable differences in the patterns of ciliary rows on their cell surface. Experimentally altered patterns can be transmitted to daughter cells. It seems existing structures act as templates for new structures. The mechanisms of such inheritance are unclear, but reasons exist to assume that multicellular organisms also use existing cell structures to assemble new ones. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Development 1 Somatic epigenetic inheritance through epigenetic modifications, particularly through DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling, is very important in the development of multicellular eukaryotic organisms https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Development Epigenetics can be divided into predetermined and probabilistic epigenesis. Predetermined epigenesis is a unidirectional movement from structural development in DNA to the functional maturation of the protein. Predetermined here means that development is scripted and predictable. Probabilistic epigenesis on the other hand is a bidirectional structure-function development with experiences and external molding development. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Medicine 1 Epigenetics has many and varied potential medical applications as it tends to be multidimensional in nature https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Evolution Epigenetics can impact evolution when epigenetic changes are heritable 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Evolution Two important ways in which epigenetic inheritance can be different from traditional genetic inheritance, with important consequences for evolution, are that rates of epimutation can be much faster than rates of mutation and the epimutations are more easily reversible 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Genomic imprinting and related disorders 1 Some human disorders are associated with genomic imprinting, a phenomenon in mammals where the father and mother contribute different epigenetic patterns for specific genomic loci in their germ cells https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Variant histones H2A in cancer 1 The histone variants of the H2A family are highly conserved in mammals, playing critical roles in regulating many nuclear processes by altering chromatin structure https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Cancer treatment Current research has shown that epigenetic pharmaceuticals could be a putative replacement or adjuvant therapy for currently accepted treatment methods such as radiation therapy|radiation and chemotherapy, or could enhance the effects of these current treatments 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Cancer treatment 1 Drug development has focused mainly on histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC), and has included the introduction to the market of the new pharmaceutical vorinostat, an HDAC inhibitor. HDAC has been shown to play an integral role in the progression of oral squamous cancer. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Cancer treatment 1 Current front-runner candidates for new drug targets are Histone methyltransferase|histone lysine methyltransferases (KMT) and protein arginine methyltransferases (PRMT). https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Twin studies 1 Recent studies involving both dizygotic and monozygotic twins have produced some evidence of epigenetic influence in humans. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Twin studies 1 Direct comparisons between identical twins constitute the ideal experimental model for testing environmental epigenetics, because DNA sequence differences that would be abundant in a singleton-based study do not interfere with the analysis https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Twin studies One of the first high-throughput studies of epigenetic differences between monozygotic twins focused in comparing global and locus-specific changes in DNA methylation and histone modifications in a sample of 40 monozygotic twin pairs.Fraga MF, Ballestar E, Paz MF et al (2005) Epigenetic differences arise during the lifetime of monozygotic twins 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimutation - Twin studies A more recent study, where 114 monozygotic twins and 80 dizygotic twins were analyzed for the DNA methylation status of around 6000 unique genomic regions, concluded that epigenetic similarity at the time of blastocyst splitting may also contribute to phenotypic similarities in monozygotic co-twins 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (mythology) 1 While Prometheus is characterized as ingenious and clever, Epimetheus is depicted as foolish. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (mythology) - Mythology 1 According to Plato's use of the old myth in his Protagoras (dialogue)|Protagoras (320d–322a), the twin Titans were entrusted with distributing the traits among the newly created animals. Epimetheus was responsible for giving a positive trait to every animal, but when it was time to give man a positive trait, lacking foresight he found that there was nothing left.Leo Strauss, Natural Right and History, p. 117. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (mythology) - Mythology 1 Prometheus decided that mankind's attributes would be the civilizing arts and fire, which he stole from Zeus. Prometheus later stood trial for his crime. In the context of Plato's dialogue, Epimetheus, the being in whom thought follows production, represents nature in the sense of materialism, according to which thought comes later than thoughtless bodies and their thoughtless motions.Leo Strauss, Natural Right https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (mythology) - Mythology 1 According to Hesiod, who related the tale twice (Theogony, 527ff; Works and Days 57ff), Epimetheus was the one who accepted the gift of Pandora from the gods. Their marriage may be inferred (and was by later authors), but it is not made explicit in either text. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (mythology) - Mythology 1 In later myths, the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora was Pyrrha, who married Deucalion and was one of the two who survived the Deluge (mythology)|deluge. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (mythology) - In modern culture 1 Carl Schmitt, in his book Ex captivitate salus describes himself as a Christian Epimetheus. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (mythology) - In modern culture 1 Les Amis, in his book Commemorating Epimetheus (2009), reinstates the value of Epimetheus https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Self-refuting idea - Epimenides paradox 1 The first notable self-refuting idea is the Epimenides paradox, a statement attributed to Epimenides, a Cretan philosopher, that All Cretans are liars. If interpreted as meaning no Cretan ever speaks the truth, this cannot be true if uttered by a Cretan. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Self-refuting idea - Epimenides paradox 1 A more common example is the selfrefuting statement I am lying (because the first statement allows the possibility some Cretans do not speak the truth, the speaker being one of them). The second statement has no third alternative—the speaker's statement is either true or false. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency 'Galactose epimerase deficiency', also known as 'GALE deficiency', 'Galactosemia III' and 'UDP-galactose-4epimerase deficiency', is a rare, autosome|autosomal dominance (genetics)|recessive form of galactosemia associated with a deficiency of the enzyme galactose epimerase. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Genetics 1 Galactose epimerase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder, which means the defective gene is located on an autosome, and two copies of the defective gene - one from each parent - are required to inherit the disorder. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive disorder both carry one copy of the defective gene, but usually do not experience any signs or symptoms of the disorder. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Genetic basis Various human GALE mutations resulting in Type III galactosemia have been identified. Functional analysis of these mutant GALE isoforms suggests that reduced catalytic efficiency and increased likelihood of proteolytic digestion act causatively in Type III galactosemia. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Biochemical basis GALE deficiency inhibits UDP-glucose regeneration, preventing the formation of glucose-1-phosphate and leading to the accumulation of galactose and galactose1-phosphate 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Biochemical basis Blockage of the Leloir pathway by GALE deficiency or dysfunction activates alternate pathways of glucose metabolism and leads to galactitol and galactonate formation 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Symptoms Symptoms of congenital Type III Galactosemia are apparent from birth, but vary in severity depending on whether the peripheral or generalized disease form is present. Symptoms may include: 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Symptoms 1 * Dysmorphic features https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Symptoms 1 * Sensorineural hearing loss https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Symptoms * Depletion of cerebellar Purkinje cells 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Symptoms 1 * Ovarian failure (POI) and hypertrophic hypergonadism https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Symptoms Studies of Type III galactosemia symptoms are mostly descriptive, and precise pathogenic mechanisms remain unknown. This is largely due to a lack of functional animal models of classic galactosemia. The recent development of a Drosophila melanogaster GALE mutant exhibiting galactosemic symptoms may yield a promising future animal model. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Galactose epimerase deficiency - Detection and treatment 1 Screening for elevated galactose levels may detect GALE deficiency or dysfunction in infants, and mutation studies for GALE are clinically available https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime 1 A 2007 meta-analysis suggested when data of trials were combined, Mortality rate|mortality was increased in patients treated with cefepime compared with other βlactam antibiotics https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime - Clinical use 1 Cefepime is usually reserved to treat moderate to severe nosocomial pneumonia, infections caused by multiple drug-resistant microorganisms (e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and empirical treatment of febrile neutropenia. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime - Clinical use Cefepime has good activity against important pathogens including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and multiple drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. A particular strength is its activity against Enterobacteriaceae. Whereas other cephalosporins are degraded by many plasmid- and chromosome-mediated beta-lactamases, cefepime is stable and is a front-line agent when infection with 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime - Spectrum of bacterial susceptibility Cefepime is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin antibiotic and has been used to treat bacteria responsible for causing pneumonia and infections of the skin and urinary tract. Some of these bacteria include Pseudomonas, Escherichia, and Streptoccus species. The following represents MIC susceptibility data for a few medically significant microorganisms. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime - Spectrum of bacterial susceptibility * Pseudomonas aeruginosa: 0.06 - 256 μg/ml 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime - Spectrum of bacterial susceptibility 1 * Streptococcus pneumoniae: ≤0.007 - 8 μg/ml https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime - Spectrum of bacterial susceptibility http://www.tokue.com/Assets/MIC/Cefepime.pdf 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cefepime - Chemistry 1 The combination of the syn-configuration of the methoxyimino Moiety (chemistry)|moiety and the aminothiazolyl moiety confers extra stability to beta lactamase|beta;-lactamase enzymes produced by many bacteria. The Nmethylpyrrolidine moiety increases penetration into Gram-negative bacteria. These factors increase the activity of cefepime against otherwise resistant organisms including Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides 1 Plutarch writes that Epimenides purified Athens after the pollution brought by the Alcmeonidae, and that the seer's expertise in sacrifices and reform of funeral practices were of great help to Solon in his reform of the Athenian state https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides 1 Epimenides was also said to have prophesied at Sparta on military matters. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides Epimenides is also reckoned with Melampus and Onomacritus as one of the founders of Orphism (religion)|Orphism. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Works 1 Several prose and poetic works, now lost, were attributed to Epimenides, including a theogony, an epic poem on the Argonauts|Argonautic expedition, prose works on purifications and sacrifices, a cosmogony, oracles, a work on the laws of Crete, and a treatise on Minos and Rhadymanthus. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Cretica 1 Epimenides' Cretica (Κρητικά) is quoted twice in the New Testament. Its only source is a 9th-century Syriac commentary by Isho'dad of Merv on the Acts of the Apostles, discovered, edited and translated (into Greek) by Prof. J. Rendel Harris in a series of articles in the Expositor (Oct. 1906, 305–17; [http://books.google.com/books?id=facQA AAAYAAJpg=PA336#v=onepageqf=false https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Cretica In the poem, Minos addresses Zeus thus: 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Cretica 1 The lie of the Cretans is that Zeus was mortal; Epimenides considered Zeus immortal. Cretans, always liars, with the same theological intent as Epimenides, also appears in the Hymn to Zeus of Callimachus. The fourth line is quoted (with a reference to one of your own poets) in Acts of the Apostles, s:Bible (King James)/Acts#17:28|chapter 17, verse https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Cretica The second line is quoted, with a veiled attribution (a prophet of their own), in the Epistle to Titus, s:Bible (King James)/Titus#1:12|chapter 1, verse 12, to warn Titus about the Cretans. The prophet in Titus 1:12 is identified by Clement of Alexandria as Epimenides (Stromata, [http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/02101.h tm i. 14]). In this passage, Clement mentions that some say Epimenides 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Cretica Chrysostom ([http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/23083. htm Homily 3 on Titus]) gives an alternative fragment: 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Cretica 1 :For even a tomb, King, of you https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Cretica 1 :They made, who never died, but ever shall be. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimenides - Epimenides paradox 1 In the Middle Ages, many forms of the liar paradox were studied under the heading of insolubilia, but these were not associated with Epimenides. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Planetary nomenclature - Epimetheus (moon)|Epimetheus 1 People from myth of Castor and Pollux (twins) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Isomerase - Racemases, epimerases 1 Isomerization at one chiral carbon of several yields epimers, which differ from one another in absolute configuration at just one chiral carbon https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Isomerase - Epimerization 1 An example of epimerization is found in the Calvin cycle when D-ribulose-5phosphate is converted into Dxylulose-5-phosphate by ribulosephosphate 3-epimerase https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Centipede - Anamorphy vs. epimorphy 1 Centipedes grow their legs at different points in their development https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Centipede - Anamorphy vs. epimorphy 1 The Craterostigmomorpha only have one phase of anamorphis, with embryos having 12 pairs, and moultees 15. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Centipede - Anamorphy vs. epimorphy 1 The clade Epimorpha, consisting of orders Geophilomorpha and Scolopendromorpha, exhibits epimorphy: all pairs of legs are developed in the embryonic stages, and offspring do not develop more legs between moults https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimer 1 In stereochemistry, 'epimer' refers to one of a pair of Stereoisomerism|stereoisomers. The two isomers differ in configuration at only one stereogenic center. All other stereocenters in the molecules, if any, are the same in each. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimer Doxorubicin and epirubicin are two closely related drugs and epimers. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimer - Examples 1 The two molecules pictured are both epimers and anomers (as indicated by the 'α'-glucose and 'β' designation). https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimer - Examples 1 These two molecules are epimers but, because not mirror images of each other, are also not enantiomers (enantiomers have the same name but differ in 'D' and 'L' classification) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimer - Examples Other closely related compounds are epiinositol and inositol and lipoxin and epilipoxin. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimer - Epimerisation 1 Epimerisation is a chemical process where an epimer is transformed into its chiral counterpart. It can happen in condensed tannins depolymerisation reactions. Epimerisation can be spontaneous (generally a slow process), or catalyzed by enzymes, e.g. the epimerization between the sugars N-acetylglucosamine and Nacetylmannosamine, which is catalyzed by RENBP|Renin-Binding Protein. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Lobry-de Bruyn-van Ekenstein transformation - Epimerization The carbon atom at which the initial deprotonation takes place is a stereocenter. If, for example, D-glucose (an Aldose) rearranges to D-fructose, the ketose, the stereochemical configuration is lost in the enol form. In the chemical reaction the enol can be protonated from two faces, resulting in the backformation of glucose or the formation of the epimer mannose|D-mannose. The final product is a mix of D-glucose, D-fructose and Dmannose. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Methylmalonyl CoA epimerase - Role in Fatty Acid Catabolism 1 Methylmalonyl CoA epimerase then catalyzes the rearrangement of (R)methylmalonyl-CoA to the (S) form in a reaction that uses a vitamin B12 cofactor (biochemistry)|cofactor and a resonance-stabilized carbanion Reactive intermediate|intermediate https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Methylmalonyl CoA epimerase - Reaction Mechanism Acting as a Enzyme catalysis|general base, the enzyme abstracts a proton from the β-carbon of (R)-methylmalonyl-CoA. This results in the formation of a carbanion intermediate in which the α-carbon is stabilized by resonance. The enzyme then acts as a general acid to protonate the β-carbon, resulting in the formation of (S)-methylmalonyl-CoA. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) 'Epimetheus' is an inner satellite of Saturn. It is also known as 'SaturnXI'. It is named after the mythological Epimetheus (mythology)|Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Discovery 1 Epimetheus occupies essentially the same orbit as the moon Janus (moon)|Janus. Astronomers assumed that there was only one body in that orbit, and accordingly had difficulty determining their orbital characteristics. Observations were photographic and spaced widely apart in time, so that while the presence of two objects was not obvious, the observations were difficult to reconcile with a https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Discovery Audouin Dollfus observed a moon on December 15, 1966, which he proposed to be named Janus. On December 18, Richard Walker (astronomer)|Richard Walker made a similar observation which is now credited as the discovery of Epimetheus. However, at the time, it was believed that there was only one moon, unofficially known as Janus, in the given orbit. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Discovery Twelve years later, in October 1978, Stephen M. Larson and John W. Fountain realised that the 1966 observations were best explained by two distinct objects (Janus and Epimetheus) sharing very similar orbits. This was confirmed in 1980 by Voyager 1, and so Larson and Fountain officially share the discovery of Epimetheus with Walker. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Discovery 1 Epimetheus received its name in 1983. The name Janus was approved by the International Astronomical Union|IAU at the same time, although the name had been used informally since Dollfus proposed it shortly after the 1966 discovery. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Orbital relationship between Epimetheus and Janus The exchange takes place about once every four years; the last close approaches occurred on January 21, 2006, and in 2010, when Janus's orbital radius increased by ~20km, while Epimetheus's decreased by ~80km; Janus's orbit is less affected because it is four times more massive than Epimetheus 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Orbital relationship between Epimetheus and Janus 1 The orbital relationship between Janus and Epimetheus can be understood in terms of the Three-body problem#Circular restricted three-body problem|circular restricted three-body problem, as a case in which the two moons (the third body being Saturn) are similar in size to each other. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Physical characteristics 1 From its very low density and relatively high albedo, it seems likely that Epimetheus is a very porous icy body https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Physical characteristics 1 The south pole shows what might be the remains of a large impact crater covering most of this face of the moon, and which could be responsible for the somewhat flattened shape of the southern part of Epimetheus. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Physical characteristics 1 There appear to be two terrain types: darker, smoother areas, and brighter, slightly more yellowish, fractured terrain. One interpretation is that the darker material evidently moves down slopes, and probably has a lower ice content than the brighter material, which appears more like bedrock. Nonetheless, materials in both terrains are likely to be rich in water https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epimetheus (moon) - Ring 1 A Rings of Saturn#Janus/Epimetheus Ring|faint dust ring is present around the region occupied by the orbits of Epimetheus and Janus, as revealed by images taken in forward-scattered light by the Cassini–Huygens|Cassini spacecraft in 2006. The ring has a radial extent of about 5000km. Its source are particles blasted off their surfaces by meteoroid impacts, which then form a diffuse ring around their orbital paths. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Epistle to Titus - Epimenides paradox 1 One of the secular peculiarities of the Epistle to Titus is the inclusion of text which has become known as the Epimenides paradox. According to the World English Bible translation, Titus 1:12–13 reads (in part) One of them, a prophet of their own, said, 'Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and idle gluttons.' This testimony is true. The statement by a member of a group that all members are liars is now a famous logic problem. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html For More Information, Visit: • https://store.theartofservice.co m/itil-2011-foundationcomplete-certification-kitfourth-edition-study-guideebook-and-online-course.html The Art of Service https://store.theartofservice.com