Lesson Planning Document 2014 / 15 The East Durham Learning Cycle Teacher: S. COLLPITTS Lesson Number/Date/SOW: Subject/Lesson Title: CHANGING MINDSETS SESSION 1 Course: GROWTH MINDSETS Length of lesson: 1 HOUR Course Code: Type of Support: Support Teacher(s): Content from your scheme of work: (from SOW/CMR – can use codes e.g. LO1(a )as this is what you will be covering) Measurable learning outcomes – The learner will be able to: Compare and contrast the differences between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset Complete three practical growth mindset activities Demonstrate a growth mindset approach to thinking 10 Starter/Bell Activity: connect the learning register, badge check TASK 1: Teacher asks the learners what personal characteristics the three people share (possible answers: resilience, perseverance, selfmotivation) 10 Big Picture: Share learning outcomes, link previous learning and review challenge/target grades. practical strategies to identify a growth mindset to improve confidence, resilience and motivation Share What are you doing? Identify the strategies you will use Connect Timin g Provide growth mindset feedback, including a justified response to the team What learners are doing CSP Make note of assessment Resources Lesson notes AR strategies Photos of Equality & J.K. Diversity TASK 1: Peer pair share Rowling, (E&D) task. Carl highlighted Learners identify the Brasher, within the common personal Oprah characteristi characteristics of the Winfrey cs of the three people. Peer famous assessment. people What do learners know? Copy of the The differences between a full Power growth mindset and a Point fixed mindset. How to accept and give growth mindset orientated feedback. How to identify their own growth mindset approaches. 'The Traineeship Staff Support Programme has been commissioned and funded by The Education and Training Foundation and managed by AELP and their strategic partners‘ Lesson Planning Document 2014 / 15 15 10 Introduce session content TASK 2: teacher presents the ‘Suki’ case study. asks each learner for their response to ‘Suki’ and facilitates discussion to identify answer 5 as the correct response Reflection Activity / assessment TASK 2: encourages the learners to create an alternative response based on answer 5. 15 Carol Dweck video; Power Point presentatio n Links to various uses of a growth mindset approach TASK 3: Learners think of a skill/experience that demonstrates a growth mindset then share it with different partners, then the class. Peer assessment. What have they learned? / Apply new knowledge TASK 2: Learners share a different response to demonstrate a growth mindset approach. Demonstrate HOTS (Higher order thinking skills) and selfassessment. TASK 3: Learners share an experience of a growth mindset approach to a problem, skill or life experience, and learn from their mistakes. Self and peer-assessment of responses. Learners answer individual directed questions based on the slides and the video. Recall Review Recap, conclusion & Preview next session TEACHER PRESENTS THE GROWTH AND FIXED MINDSET SLIDES AND THE carol dweck video teacher asks HIGHER-ORDER THINKING QUESTIONS BASED on assessment of responses. Reading skills developed. Presenting and sharing ideas highlighted Apply TASK 3: teacher facilitates feedback from the task and asks the following questions (directed at individuals): 1: HOW did it feel when you were successful? 2: WHAT strategies did you use to overcome problems/obstacles to success? 3: WHAT advice would you give someone who was ready to give up? ‘Suki’ case study and answers Power Point slides Present Task 3: teacher asks the learners when they have demonstrated a growth mindset. (could you tell your partner about a time when you didn’t think you could ever achieve or complete something, but you finally managed to succeed) teacher reinforces: Practice for Perfection and PRACTICE GROWS TALENT What do I want learners to know? Learners select a response to feedback to ‘the Suki case study’ and justify their answer to their partner, then the group. Self and peer assessment. 'The Traineeship Staff Support Programme has been commissioned and funded by The Education and Training Foundation and managed by AELP and their strategic partners‘ Lesson Planning Document 2014 / 15 Bloom’s Taxonomy Identify Health & Safety (H&S), Equality & Diversity (E&D) and Functional Skills (FS) opportunities: HOTS Speaking, listening and reading skills developed through activities. E&D embedded in starter activity and through responses to individual tasks. Element and associated learner task Knowledge – recall information Comprehensive – demonstrate understanding Apply – use to create, solve a problem, etc. Analyse – compare and contrast, offer reasons why Synthesise – draw upon more than one area of understanding Evaluate – assess, judge in relational terms, design criteria Useful associated verbs Count, describe, identify, label, list Demonstrate, discuss, explain, review, tell Change, choose, prepare, produce Examine, compare, contrast, classify Compose, construct, invent, plan, produce Argue, assess, choose, justify, rank, rate, select Lesson evaluation: What progress did all learners make relative to their starting point? Notes: Identify any homework set, learning support or specialist assistance 'The Traineeship Staff Support Programme has been commissioned and funded by The Education and Training Foundation and managed by AELP and their strategic partners‘ Lesson Planning Document 2014 / 15 Differentiation will be demonstrated through: (please tick) 1. Type of questioning / 8. 2. Variety of resources 9. 10 3. Variety and level of challenge / 4. 5. 6. 7. 11 Extension activities Student choice of task or order of completion Variety of group size (pair, small, whole class) Variety of assessment Variety of task completion times Variety of teaching strategies Variety of time allowed to complete . tasks . 12 . / 13 . Type of task, e.g. theory/practical Resource choice by learner Variety of task outcomes Differentiated task identification table Initials of Differentiated activities description (if not in lesson notes) learner 'The Traineeship Staff Support Programme has been commissioned and funded by The Education and Training Foundation and managed by AELP and their strategic partners‘